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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Blondemoon

  1. Might be wrong era, but....the Munsters and the Addams Family were always two of my personal favorites.
  2. Well said Peredhil.. *hugs* all words and actions have their consequences, be they good or ill..
  3. I can relate to it too....I remember life before cable television, and even after, watching all those great reruns that my parents liked, and that I grew to like too. Well...most of them...could never stand Leave it to Beaver. Yeah, life was better in black and white the way you described it Peredhil...and it makes me think I was born in the wrong decade. (Well I was....used to think I would have made a good hippie in the 60s )
  4. I like this...*but still eyes it warily*
  5. This is great Falcon! I'm casting my vote with the others on this one, even though I'm not a hater of love.
  6. *dies of shock* In all my years playing AM as WhiteShark (or whatever nick I was using at the time), or putting around on IRC being bored mindless, I don't think I've ever come across someone else from Northern Indiana. That aside, welcome!
  7. Out of the choices you have given, I would say, it's all of the above. I must admit, I thought at first you were being sarcastic and whatnot about it Peredhil. Given the things I know, and the fact that you know the guy. Your idea for writing something about why lying is just wrong is a good one (although I could swear there's sarcasm there...that's 4 hours of very uneasy sleep talking), although at this point, I would be writing it for that specific person, and the entire point of it would be lost on him, since he didn't believe that just omitting such a major fact from someone he considered one of his best friends fell into the category of a lie. The entire point would be lost on him, because he would just do it again...like some other very important personal details that he flat out denied when I asked him, but his wife confirmed to be true when I talked to her. The entire point would be lost because if he'll lie to the woman he married, and to the woman that he knew was still in love with him, and tried to be his friend anyway...he'll do it again. And from what I gathered last night when I confronted him about it, he was just trying to save his own ass by not telling me. Keeping all the women in his life separate, or trying to, like he did before. Ahem. Sorry for the diatribe, but as you said, the pain is immediate, and nearly unbearable when faced with a veritable minefield of I told you so's.
  8. thanks Arch. really bad day inspired, and it was two events, but it was the last one that kinda topped it off. discovering that one of your best friends has been lying to you for four months (a BIG lie, not some dinky little one), doing stuff that would involve cheating on the wife you didn't know he had until today, including stuff that involves you, (well, yesterday now)
  9. listening to my cousins snores reading my best friends words seeing cold reality laid out holds no comfort bad day becomes worse phone rings with harass on the other end ruined the day tears flow heavy and hard but only for a short time then something else is found a stranger finds me i learn news, old news, news that should have been told long ago news that makes my heart stop my blood run cold and makes me want to die. tears flow heavy again sobs rack my frame my body aches with the pain you have caused me. i pick myself up get cleaned up razor cuts hurt when made by safety razors -------------------------------- later i'm numb walking in a fog still hoping to die not knowing what's true then i talk to you and pain explodes magnified a thousand times by a promise you made the same promise broken into shards the same day it was made by the lie you told to make it now i sit, old and new wounds open, raw, and bleeding the truth like salt poured in now i sit, wondering how could you lie to a friend like it was nothing and now i sit, staring at five pills mind finally made up after all i've endured. game over
  10. The person above me is, as far as I'm concerned, a sweetie. *waves hello to Deggy*
  11. I know what you mean about the mother line. I wasn't quite sure what to put in there, plus it was an attempt, albeit a small one, to lighten it up a little. Plus it's telling the truth...that is something that I do wonder about, since one of my friends that lives out of state, and didn't even DO anything to anger her...well, she can't stand him. *shrugs and throws her hands up in the air* It must be a mother thing...not liking the friends that your children have. But on your suggestion, I'll go ahead and try and edit it this weekend while I've got some time, see if I can come up with something that would fit better in that stanza. I hope I'll be able to, but I've got doubts, something about not being in the same mood that I was in when I originally wrote it kinda throws me off.
  12. The person above me has an Evil Dead quote in his sig!
  13. wow Thanks for the feedback (what you have so far) Cyril. I'm using literary devices (or would it be poetry devices ) that I didn't even know existed. (if I did...it was way back, in the dim dim past of high school honors english) Considering how long it actually took me to write that, I'm amazed at what you were able to find structurally. The only thing I was consciously thinking about when writing this one was after I wrote the first few lines (I don't have my notebook handy, so bear with me) was that I wanted to stick with the pattern that I had started out with. The first few flowed really easily, but there came a point when I got stuck. I think that might be where you cut off, Cyril. I'd have to look at my notebook to be sure, but I think that's where I started having difficulties, and the words weren't flowing as easily.
  14. the person above me has a tilted halo
  15. "Oops!"
  16. Tassle is right...depression...it just sucks...no matter what the cause, it's never, ever something to be taken lightly. it's like a struggle, every step feels like you're moving through water, you feel like you're weighted down, kinda like something (besides gravity) is pushing down on you. It's very weird.
  17. Nice Vlad...echoes my own sentiments pretty closely. Especially after a bad day.
  18. Mmmmm...I like! I'm not exactly sure what I was thinking the Beast was at the very beginning, but I think the title Dragon might fit it better. And I love the descriptive imagery. *shivers* *likes dragons....pretty*
  19. Good point Peredhil... *gives out her own set of hugs*
  20. *nods in silent contemplation and understanding of both Justin's and reverie's poems* I like yours Justin. I've seen what people can turn into when they partake of alocohol in particular. (haven't known any people who have done drugs...I'm sure I will at some point or another further down the road) Saying that I totally agree with it...would be pretty much calling myself a hypocrite, since I have been known to drink on occasion. Rahsash, I know what you mean. (Yes, I know I said I drink....but as a friend I tend to worry when I know a friend is drinking a hell of a lot of liquor. )Reverie: I'm not sure if fragment is the title of that little poem, or if that's what it was, a fragment of a poem, but I like it. I'll use the abbreviation for what I want to say here: ICrC.
  21. This was inspired by both an article/site I read yesterday and today, about a man that killed himself while chatting on IRC (I'm sure some of you have heard of it by now, it's been all over the place), and by my own little foray into the not so lovely world of depression. Ok, not little foray, big foray...but hey, give me a break here, at least I've gotten to where I'm writing again. if I were to die would anyone even know? would they realize, without really knowing, that I had ceased to exist? if I were to die, by mine own hand, who would know? of course there would be some that care but who would know, until after it's done? how long would it take before all my friends knew? would they know right away? or not be told until long after? all because they pissed off my mother. if I were to die by any form who would know? and why would anyone care? Edit: Eep...just realized this morning, in a state of half awakeness, that this might be offensive to some. I apologize if I offended anyone.
  22. Oh yes, I've seen the movie. I've loved it since I was a little kid!
  23. not quite on topic, but maybe it is, since there be unicorns in the poem (which I like! Two pengies up as Tassle would say), but is that quote beneath your sig picture from Legend...that movie with a really young Tom Cruise in it? Cause it reminds me of that cool goblin, Blix....
  24. May I say, wow. Of all the ones you've posted as of yet, I like this one the most. Probably because it's not quite as harsh as a couple of others. *coughs politely* The last part, caught my eye as being particularly true. Depending on which emotion you're dealing with, of course. But for example, if you're dealing with love, as your poems thus far seem to have, once you're hurt that badly, is it possible that you're "poisoned" for the next person that comes along?But along the same lines, if you're that poisoned, there has to be a way that you can be cleansed of it. Meh. More of me overthinking....I think. Btw, I like that sig.
  25. The person above me is a named after a bloodthirsty 13th century Romanian prince. (might be wrong on the century and country ) Edit: Yep, after looking it up, it was the 15th century, and Wallachia. I'm such a stickler.
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