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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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About meglamus

  • Birthday 09/14/1994

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  • Location
    10 computer chair, computer chair land, Staples
  • Interests
    I adore writing<br />I would love to be a police officer<br />I adore my friends<br />I love my family :)

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  1. authorwannabe smiled at the portrait of zool. "I thought I heard someone telling me to come here" she giggled, whilst navigating her way around, trying to find a duster. "it isnt too dusty here, but I will give it a clean for the laugh of it" she grinned. hmmmm right, ok. im gonna go have a ponder around then better make an application for a character.... do we do that? im not sure. haha
  2. thankyou and thankyou hmmm geekIEST... and the geek. no wait, The Geek lol.
  3. heloooooo I'm Meg 14 as my name suggests, an "authorwannabe" I enjoy writing poetry, and usually start some books (never really finish... *sniffle*) thats about it meg x
  4. meglamus

    Poem I made

    edit: shoot, I put poemS.... not supposed to be plural, sorry [mod edit] No worries about that =) As you seemed a bit upset by the mistyping, I took the liberty of editing the title for you. Also, there's a comment thread for your poem at the Critic's Corner. Welcome to the Pen! ~Tanny Hiya, n00b here lol. I did write a book.... but alot of people said it was like twilight, so I'm taking a break well, I got really upset. stressed with life etc..... WELL. I wrote a poem The song of Mr Flight The beeping softly sings me to sleep Mother at my side, please, don’t weep Soon it will be over, I promise, dear All too soon, I can not hear. Where am I now? The walls are sheet white, A name tag by my bed, deeming me Mr Flight. A song from the distance, edging nearer and nearer, All too soon, getting clearer and clearer. Heaven and earth seem so distant now, Floating in between death and life’s row. The singing angels are in my sight, Turning the day into a slow night. Goodnight sooo whatcha think?
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