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Everything posted by Annael
I stand back and take a look A slight narrowing of the eye The colours reading before me like a book And a decision, yet not knowing why. A held breath and anticipation A slight touch here and there With a smile at such an occassion Adding a little brightness to the pair. I put the paint brush down And smile at my creation Hoping that the creatures would turn the frown Of an upset brother into a cheer of ovation. You're not much for words Or outwards displays of affection So I honor you in a way That will still draw attention. We will hang together on your wall The brother and sister wolf The male standing straight and tall The female close but yet a little aloof. Slight and not the focus key For it will need a little detecting The observer will see That the younger sister this time, is doing the protecting. You've always been my strength from childhood to now, if I ever had any doubt as to why God put me on this Earth, I know now it is to watch over and protect the brother that I hold so dear.
K, I'm going to have to step in here and wish a very happy birthday to Gyrfalcon. I know that Peredhil does all this, but I couldn't resist. You see, I have a special gift for Gyr....and it goes something like this..... Annael motions her butterflies to bring a package over to Gyrfalcon and watches as they lightly lower the little box into Gyr's open palm. Gyrfalcon opens it slowly and watches a tiny little blue and purple butterfly flutter up and out of the box, circle his head and land softly on his left shoulder. You braved my butterflies more then once, and you always take such good care of my wings. I thought that the perfect gift would be to give you wings of your own. I can't give you wings such as mine, for those are not something within my power to give, but I promise you that this butterfly will never leave your side. It will also remind you of how beautiful life is when times get a little dark....soo....I'm just going to stop jabbering now and let the rest of the Pen family give you their wishes Happy Birthday, my friend.
happy happy birthday!!
Annael smiled as she fluttered her wings a little. "I know that my wings are always safe in your caring hands. Thank you again." Gryfalcon smiled in return and sketched a small bow. "Anytime mi'lady." Annael giggled at the title and performed a curtsy in return. Annael looked at the door to the sparring room as it opened with a soft sound to reveal a servant carrying two letters. Straightening from her curtsy, Annael shrugged her shoulders softly at the questioning look that Gyrfalcon gave her. "Lady Annael, Gryfalcon, my lord Tamaranis bade me give you these missives." Bowing before Gryfalcon and Annael, the servant clicked his heels, spun around to the door and left with quick strides the way he came. "Did that servant just click his heels?" Daryl asked as he and Ozymandias walked over to where Annael and Gyrfalcon stood near the wall. Annael nodded as she opened the letter addressed to her. Lady Annael I write this for fear of the small chance that you are unaware of the fact the unpleasant dream you had last night was not of natural origin. I too experienced the dream in which you, Gyrfalcon, Daryl, and myself attacked Salinye. I am currently attempting to determine the nature of the force responsible, as of yet I can tell you nothing other than it seems to be capable of slipping through my most elaborate wards. I feel this implies a dangerous entity, I think you can conclude for yourself that it seems hostile as well. Regrettably I have little else to offer, but I felt it best to ensure those involved are aware of what little knowledge I have acquired on the matter. "Well," Annael said as she looked at the men around her. "I think that we have a serious problem on our hands here."
Hey Canid, it's your birthday, we're gonna party like it's your birthday, we're gonna sip bicardi like it's your birthday, and you know that we don't give a ....... sorry, I couldn't resist! Happy birthday May your hunting me especially blessed today
can I have s'more please?
Why am I here? It's the only place I feel at home Why do I write? It's the only way I feel free.
A friend of mine loves to write. The only problem is, she doesn't do it well. At all. It's all over dramatic, doesn't make sense. Words are all jumbled here and there. It's the most frustrating thing for her. Her ideas are great, but she just can't seem to get them into writing the way that they should be. She asked me to help her. I told her that I couldn't teach her how to write, what I could teach her is how to edit. She still sends me stuff that she writes and asks me to work on it for her. I think it's cute. She submits her work to fanfic sites with a note saying that I've edited and changed things for her. I do think that it is vital for a person to love writing to do it well. It's like anything in life. You can do something, but if you love to do it, you will do it better.
electric pickle????
hehehe. sounds like my friend and I right about now. It's 3:35am and we're in a law office, trying to fix 5 computers. I've been contracted for work this evening for my friends company. It's good pay and good company, not to mention that it's compy's and they're usually my friend. Until I got this one that I'm working on. 5 hours later, I finally get what needs to be done done, only to shut it down to reboot and it doesn't restart. Fun. So, I shout, not too loudly mind you, to my friend that's working on just the other side of the partition from me, that the stupid thing won't start. Her answer? "Kick it." heheh. I did. And it works. So now here I am, taking a break and reading some wonderful works. But as Lorena starts to curse, I wonder is she left her machete at home, or if the head lawyer is going to come back to find his desk in shreds Thanks for providing some great writing for a much needed distraction Aardvark. Cheers *flutters her wings and goes off to fix more computers...if only her brain would remember how to turn a computer on.....*
erm, I'm not sure that I get it? Maybe cause it's like 3:30am, but how's this work? I just say challenge? or do I have to write something first? Cause if I go and write something, then it's so easy to just pick the item that beats mine and write about it. Bah...need caffiene....
I have to agree with sal (occ: haven't seen you in a bit hon, *hugs*). I enjoy reading this thread! Reminds me when I used to freestyle against the guys at lunch time in the cafe at high school. I used to win *flutters her wings* Keep it up guys *hops up into her tree to wait for the next rapper to show their stuff*
erm....this was OLD hon. lol, where'd you dig this one up from?
The point was to write a story that would be edited by your peers. Final term paper. Worth 45% of your final mark. *shrugs* My proffessor is a published author. Maybe he just wanted us to go through what he does sometimes when he's coming up with ideas for new stories or something. I don't think that any of us actually asked what the whole point of the process was. We just knew that we had to do it to pass. Heh. Everyone's story ended up changing to some extent. Some more then others cause my classmates were baffons. hehe.
my birthday is listed!! heheh it's alright honey, really
isn't Morpheus Lawrence Fishburne? Winks and flutters her wings cute and well written
Well, I've noticed time and time again that you've posted birthday wishes for members of the Pen here in the Cabaret Room, Perehil. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for remembering everyone's birthday!!! Annael starts to clap her hands then stops when one of her butterflies hovers near her ear What? He forgot my birthday? What do you mean?? Peredhil, my fellow hug-giver, forgot my birthday? No!! He wouldn't do something like that, you must be mistaken. More butterflies flit up to the Lady Annael's ears and she blinks in disbelief It's true. He did forget my birthday! But, but...it's okay. I understand. The Lady Annael flutters out of the Cabaret Room with her dejected butterflies dancing drunkingly through the air behind her OCC: No really, thank you SO MUCH for being considerate and remembering your neighbours Peredhil. You are ever our loving Polite Ancient. Even if you did forget me. Hehe. *bestows endless huggles on you*
Flutters her wings with some distress how the heck do I pronounce my name??? I haven't the foggiest clue. I think that's why half the people on here just use Ann or Rae Rae. hehe. Okay, let's give this a try. Annael = Ann-E-L (please stay away from the anal, PLEASE) Rae Rae = Ray Ray Simple enough I say....but then, who knows. I've found that after 23 years I still hear different pronounciations of my real name. Half of them come from my father
"The only reason that man was created was to provide amusement for the gods." --RaeRae (that's me!) Cause you know that They're up their laughing at our stupidity
three cheers for Cyril! congrats
The Mighty Pen, first writing exchange program
Annael replied to Valdar and Astralis's topic in Library
am I too late to play??? dangit! -
Lady Annael flutters in and smiles in greeting Hello there. Welcome to the Pen. I enjoyed "Shopping Cart" and hope to see more of it. And don't pay Wyvern any mind. He's always looking for one of those get rich quick schemes. The Lady Annael winks, flutters her wings and leaves in a cloud of little butterflies
I love the imagery in this. VERY well written. Keep posting, and keep smiling.
I like it. And I understand huggle as well. I often use the term