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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Annael

  1. You know the saying, "there are more fish in the sea?" Well, some poor bloke actually did the math. Turns out that there are potentially 50 000 "soul mates" for every person. Knowing my luck, they're prolly all on the other side of the world from me, but like you, I know that my dreams can come true.
  2. The LORD replied:"My son, My precious child, I love you and I would never leave you, During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you." - Footsteps in the sand, Author Unknown Annael flutters her wings and huggles Falcon Remember my darling child, the Lord never lets you fall. He cradles you gently in His arms until your feet find firm ground again.
  3. Ah yes, the ice storm. Gaah, that was horrible!
  4. K, that was SO NOT FUN!!!!!!! Big BBQ at my house. All the meat that defrosted is now being bbq'd! I've got steak, pork chops, fish, chicken, hamburgers, roast...the list just keeps on going and going! hehe. So if you're in the area, and you're hungry, just stop on in. We're doing so much cooking though, that we're not making anything BUT meat. So bring your own side dishes etc.
  5. Happy Happy B-day!!
  6. sends her butterflies with huggles upon huggles Thank you too Vincent
  7. Happy Bday
  8. so yeah....I'll just shuddup now....
  9. tsk tsk Gyr, there are more. I can't believe that you forgot Brownies!! Oh wait, where did you get your definitions from? Maybe that's why....
  10. Zool: LMAO!
  11. one word : Understanding
  12. Depression is giving up and sinking into the black pit that is your life, the endless void that you can't claw your way out of.
  13. A rush of adrenaline is like a breath of new life, turning a dying ember into a roaring flame.
  14. so yeah, this is gonna be cool....
  15. blinks repeatedly oh dear, um...... hands over some Imodium for future problems
  16. heh, let's see. If I could spend the evening alone with anyone alive it would be with John Gray, the author of such amazing (note the sarcasm) books such as Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus. I would like to actually sit down with the man and ask him what makes him think that he's such an expert on relationships? Considering that he's been divorced like what, seven times, I think that he'd be best at breaking up relationships instead of making them work. Naaa...he's just one of the pet peeves that I have. flutters her wings and pushes a curl behind her ear For real though, if I could spend the evening with anyone, it would be with my friend Dave. Just to let him know that though I'm not around too much, I still cherish our friendship. BONUS: If I could spend the time with anyone that's dead, I would have to say Jesus. That was an easy one for me. I would like to spend time with someone and know some peace. If anyone could help me with that, I think that it would be him. wanders out to her tree, butterflies dancing crazily around her head
  17. Dévotion Les mains douces Ce guide moi Je ne sais pas comment pour remercier te Autre puis pour Vous offrir mon éloge ____________________________________ Devotion The gentle hands That guide me so I know not how to thank Thee Other then to offer You my praise
  18. Yes, a fanfic of sorts. Created a new character but using some favorites from Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman's Dragonlance Trilogy. Hope you enjoy. Torana breathed a sigh of relief as the trees parted to show a beautiful valley. She sat on a rock and pulled her hood back, sighing as the sun beat on her face. She ran her fingers through her long black hair, closing her eyes to enjoy the heat on her face, even if it was for just a moment. With resignation, Torana stood, drawing her hood close around her face again and continued on to the town in the distance. Her sharp elven eyes picked out a rabbit running through the grass. Being half-elven was a curse and a blessing. She loved the added senses that her elven half gave her, but hated not being truly accepted by her elven kindred or by her fathers people, humans. Her mother was raped by a human. Her family devastated, her mother's parents arranged for her to be married to the Speaker of the Stars. By this marriage, Torana was an elven princess. What Torana's mother didn't know, was that the man who raped her, was a prince. So Torana had a split life. An elven princess and a human princess. Needless to say, someone was always watching Torana. Walking through town, Torana was greeted by most of the people that she happened upon. Noting that the town was a friendly one, she decided that she was going to go to the inn and try and have a break before she continued her journey. She climbed a long flight of stairs before she found a door. Opening the door cautiously, Torana saw a cozy little room with a fire crackling cheerfully against the far wall. People were seated at tables around the room, talking and laughing. Torana decided to head to a table in the corner, away from most of the crowd. Passing a table in the shadows, she felt a weight slide from the top of her boot. She grabbed the small kender by the shoulder beside her. A big man started to rise and draw his sword, but another held out his hand. Bending her head down, she whispered to the kender. "Give back my dagger, please." The kender handed back her jeweled dagger with a sheepish smile. Straightening slowly, she pushed back her long cape to reveal her sword as she pushed the dagger back into its sheath in her boot and continued on to her table. Pulling her hood lower over her face, she listened to an old man telling stories to children seated around him in front of the fire. He finished telling a story about Paladine and started to answer any questions the children had. Torana smiled as she listened to the children's awe inspired questions. A shadow fell across Torana's face that caused her to look up. The kender that had tried to lift her dagger was before her. "May I sit down?" "Only if you're not planning on taking any more of my possessions," Torana answered with a smile. The kender sat down with a laugh. "My name is Tasselhoff Burrfoot, but you can call me Tas." "Torana." Tas looked at her with his head tilted slightly to the side. "You're not from around here are you? You don't look familiar." Torana stared at the fire with a distant look in her green eyes. "You could say that." The old man that was with the children turned to her with a smile. "Did I hear the young kender say that you're not from around here? Maybe you have a story that you can share with the children." "I don't know any stories, but I do know a song." One of the children shyly offered her the harp that he was holding. Torana plucked a few strings before softly starting to sing. She sang of a girl that was a dragon, but had the magic ability to take human form. Those she was singing softly, soon the entire inn was listening raptly to her tale. She was about half way through the song when she was dragged to her feet. Tas jumped up and drew his dagger in her defence, but Torana stopped him by touching him lightly on his back. "The Queen sent me to find you. Let's go." The man started to pull her to the door but Tas grabbed her arm, jerking her to a stop. The motion caused her hood to fall back, her black hair glowing silver in the firelight. The big man turned but Torana held up her hand. "Lucias, go home." "I'm sorry princess, but I've orders to take you home." Torana laughed, a shocking scornful sound coming from her delicate frame. "I have no home. My mother's husband threw me out." "Your father says no such thing. I'm to stop your nonsense and bring you back. If I have to take you by force, I will." Lucias approached her, his hands at the ready. Two men suddenly stepped in front of Torana. "My lady says to go home, sir. I would do what she says." The red haired man said, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. Lucias drew his own sword, ready to fulfill his orders and return the princess to her mother. He started forward when a voice called out sharply from behind him. "Halt! I'll get her to come home. There is no need for violence." A tall slender elf-lord walked from the open doorway of the inn. Upon seeing him, Torana let out a soft groan. "You're here too. What did my mother do, send out the Royal Guard?" "Yes, she did. If I'm to marry you, I can't have you running all over the country, no can I? It's not becoming of my future bride." "I'm to marry another, which you seem to forget," Torana said as she held up her left hand, the band on her forth finger reflecting the light. "Yes, well, you mother says differently. Now come along like a good girl." Seeing that Torana wasn't going to abide him, he lifted his hands and started to softly chant. Swearing, Torana stepped in front of the two men protecting her and pulled a charm on a chain out from under her tunic and said the word "Illyria." Holding her hands out to Lucias and the elf lord, she repeated the word again. "Illyria." The two men turned and left the inn, everyone staring in shock. Pulling her dagger from her boot, she threw it at the doorframe and said, "Axana." There was a flash from outside the door. Running to look at the courtyard below, Torana saw that no one remained. "Who are you?" The old man by the fire said, standing and pulling the children close around him. With a sad look in her eyes, Torana removed her dagger from the doorframe and placed it on the floor. Turning it to each of the four directions of the wind before pointing it at the fire, she breathed another word softly. Suddenly, the Inn was awash in the happy chatter that had filled it before. Standing, Torana replaced the dagger in her boot and turned to leave. "Wait! Torana, where are you going?" Tas asked as he ran up. "I'm sorry Tasslehoff, but I must go." "Why? Will I see you again?" "The winds will tell." Turning, she quickly left the end, the door shutting behind her, blocking out the sounds of merriment from within. To be continued...perhaps.
  19. Having watched the arrival of Madame Quixotic and the Delicious Duo from her seat in the tree, Annael fluttered her wings with a little laugh. Wondering if it would be a waste of her time to see the fortune teller, for what could be told of the future of a fallen angel, Annael hopped lightly to the ground and started to make her way to the keep. Her butterflies flying close to her, kept flying in front of her nose and pulling lightly at her curly brown hair and black wings. "What already?" Waving her hands infront of her nose, Annael sneezed and narrowed her eyes in frustration. "Obviously you want to tell me something, so out with it." The colourful mass of butterflies swarmed together, hovering in the air for a moment before creating a sign in the sky. Annael raised an eyebrow at her pets and put her hands on her hips. "What harm could there be in it? Maybe this will give us a sense of purpose, yes? Don't worry, I won't let anyone pull off your wings or anything. I just want to see what she could possibly have to say to me." The butterflies made another pattern in the air before Annael, causing her to laugh. "The Delicious Duo have nothing to do with it. Pfft, besides, aren't I allowed to look??" Shaking her head, Annael turned and continued on her way to the keep. Her black wings folded close behind her, her brown curls bouncing with her steps, it was easy to see that Annael had a purpose. Entering the keep, Annael nodded at Gyrfalcon and Daryl, leaning down to scratch the werefox behind his left ear. Gyrfalcon smiled and motioned with his head to the crowd behind him. "Signing up for a reading, Annael?" "I didn't want to be left out of all the fun." With a wink, Annael continued towards the group to add her name to the list. Members turned and smiled, a little shocked to see Annael inside the keep. Realizing that it was her turn to sign up, Annael reached for the quill only to have it plucked out of her hand by some of her butterflies and lifted high above her head, tauntingly out of reach. "Looks as though your butterflies don't want you to sign up," Orlan said with a grin. "Yes, so they've been trying to tell me the entire journey here." With a sigh, Annael reached behind her and plucked one of her own black feathers. Grimacing a little at the discomfort, Annael dipped the her feather in the ink well and signed her name with a graceful hand. "Let us see what the great Madam Quixotic has to say about me. Guess it's a good thing that she tells the future, and not the past." Leaving Orlan puzzling over her words, Annael turned and walked from the room, her butterflies hurrying to keep up. Seeing something flutter to the floor, Orlan leaned down to pick up the feather that Annael had signed her name with. Wiping off the ink, Orlan looked from the feather, to the doors where the fallen angel had left through.
  20. that is one of my favourite poems. Reminds me of something that one of my teachers said once. "Death be not proud, cause death itself must die." Which is pretty much what the poem is saying....so yeah.....
  21. I used to write fanfiction when I was twelve. At the time, I didn't even know that it WAS fanfiction. I just knew that I didn't like the way that a story ended, so I would continue to use the characters and so forth. Know those notebooks that they use in elementary school? I've got tonnes of them filled with fanfics. Heh. It would be fun to post them on here, but the problem is, I don't remember who half of the original work was done by!! Heh. If I can find the authors, maybe I'll post some....
  22. Well done hon
  23. Happy Birthday! Remember, keep your back to the sun and your wings slightly spread (it's a penguin thing....)
  24. Written by Elton John and Tim Rice and performed by Sting. Called, "In the Darkness"
  25. Annael hops out of her tree and makes her way towards the Keep, wanting to see what all the cheering was about. Colourful butterflies hovering overhead, Annael slowly walks into the room to see Wyvern make the end of his speech. Realising that it is once again the time for promotions, Annael makes her way towards Wyvern in hopes of getting the list of names of the lucky ones who were promoted so she could congratulate them. With a little smirk, Wyvern hands the list to Annael. "Wyv, there's a mistake. I think that this is my name under those being promoted to Quill Bearer." "Yup," Pointing to the name on the list, Wyvern smiles. "A-N-N-A-E-L. That's you. Spelt it right, didn't we?" "Umm..yeah, it's spelt correctly...but...but..." Annael hands the list back to Wyvern. "Ahhh...I get it. You guys got tired of hearing me bitch about never being promoted. I need to make a mental note to myself, bitching works." With a giggle, Annael turns and quietly makes her way out of the Keep and retreats to the saftey of her tree. The only sign that she had been there was a lonely butterfly fluttering lost amongst the merrymakers.
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