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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Annael

  1. Annael approaches the tent quietly, 5 butterflies flying low, each one carrying 1 geld in their tiny feet. Seeing that someone was getting a reading done, she waits off to the side, laughing at the butterflies as they tried to do air acrobatics while being weighted down.
  2. Annael stared up at the moon, one lone butterfly hovering over her head. She gave a slight shiver as a cool wind blew by, but she noted that it seemed only to touch her. "You feel it too, don't you? Something isn't quite right around here." Anyone standing nearby and hearing the fallen angel speak, would've thought that she was speaking to herself. It was doubtful that even the keen eyes of a ranger would've picked up the dark figure perched in the branches above her. "But then you're here, so you know something isn't right. So what are we going to do?" The figure above her reached down to lightly touch her hair, his hand lightly playing with a curl. "Easy for you to say...." Stopping, Annael looked out into the woods. "Gyrfalcon is coming. I think that you should," sighing, she knew that she didn't have to finish her thought, he was already gone. Hugging herself, Annael quietly left the shelter of the tree, a black feather laying at the base, the only testament that she was there.
  3. My understanding of the judgement of mankind is that it would be done by the Son, Jesus Christ, not by God Himself. And it's judgement of our lives, and the sins that we have committed. Not a chance for us to convince God that we are worthy of paradise. Annael shrugs It was well written, I have to give the author that credit. Other then that, I believe that it was posted to invite controversy and arguement. But I could be wrong. Who knows, lol.
  4. Umm...though I'm not in Wave One, just wanted to say that if ya need me, I'm here. This is a cool idea. Good one
  5. O_o seems like I'm not missing too much by not being on IRC. lol.
  6. Lost, definetly lost. When I'm overwhelmed I at least have a inkling that things are going to get better. But lost, dang, I know that things can only get worse until I find my way back. I just haven't been able to find my trail of breadcrumbs for the past oh, I dunno, 3 months or so? I think that the scary part is that I'm getting used to the feeling of being lost. That is scary isn't it?
  7. Seeing the lineup to get into the Conservatory, Annael sighs and decides to head outside. Quickly climbing a tree, she hops onto a window ledge, looks around for some guards and pops it open. Sitting down she peers down at the guests and smiles, brushing a butterfly out of her eye. Complete with dragons, frogs, pieces of a spaceship and koolaid, this was definetly one of Wyv's parties. Not able to see the host of the gathering, Annael waves a handful of butterflies in to make her greeting to Wyv. Swinging her legs and wiggling her bare toes, she tries to smother her giggles as she watches a very hyper Kaitlyn drag Jirah along as she rushes past him. Ahhh, I'm finally home....it's been awhile but I'm glad to see that nothing's changed Annael says quietly. Her butterflies dance around her head in agreement.
  8. I like this poem for the simple reason that if reflects what everyone goes through at some point in their life. No matter what happens to us, we will grow from it and in a weird sort of way, be reborn from it. I myself have been going through some really rough times, and I know that at the end of this all, I will find life again. Well done Appy.
  9. Annael brushes a butterfly out of her eyes as she peeps out of the branches of a very old oak hidden off in the forest. She motions to the throng of butterflies as she leaps down to the ground and starts to make her way back to the keep. Seems like a few of us are finding our way back home.
  10. Annael blushes and brushes the ground with her bare toe Thanks guys!!! You don't know how much this means especially when my own family forgot my birthday And any gift from Daryl is welcome Gyr I have special cuddles just for him.
  11. Lady Annael peaked around the corner of the Keep and spotted a group of unsuspecting Pennites standing in the courtyard. Smiling with a little twinkle in her eyes, Annael cocked her halo rakishly off to the side and cracked her knuckles. Wiggle her fingers at her faithful swarm of butterflies, she gave a little laugh as they flittered gayly through the air and descended on the group. "Holy Butterflies! They're everywhere!!! Annael! Call them off!!!" The fallen angel ignored the cries for help and skipped off into the night, whistling a jaunty little tune, her eyes looking for her next victim..... On a side note, just wanted to say hi to everyone and that I miss you all!!!! Hope the world is finding you well.
  12. Annael winks and flutters her wings in greeting
  13. Annael quietly makes her way through the courtyard of the keep, trying to stay to the shadows. She pauses as she hears voices, moving backwards into the bushes more, tucking her white skirts close against her so that she wouldn't be noticed. After the Pennites pass, she makes her way quickly to her tree. Stopping and looking up into the brances, the moonlight shines on her face. To anyone that knew her, they would've seen the bruised look in the fallen angel's eyes. Taking a deep breath, Annael climbs up high into the tree and curls up on a branch. Bringing her ragged wings close around her, she takes a deep breath and tries to bring a semblance of peace to herself.
  14. Hon, you can get away with the spelling easily. Like this: every country has a different dialect! And they spell the same words differently!! Trust me, I've run across this enough. Besides, I've got friends that are Spanish Mother Tongue speakers that can't spell worth beans! hehe. Muchas Gracias para eso Querido. Tus palabras estan esperanza.
  15. Well my family here at the Pen, I need to say farewell, of a sort. I'm moving in 10 days.....which means that I'm going to be incredibly busy trying to get packed up and out of my parents house and into my new place. Once there, I've gotta do the usuals....then find a job.....and the list goes on and on. I won't be able to spend much time on the net due to the move. I can't even honestly say when I'll be back online. Just know that I'm thinking of you all and wishing you good times, especially with the holidays fast approaching. Annael flutters her wings and winks Just cause I'm not here doesn't mean that my butterflies won't be. So behave. Blowing a kiss, Annael disappears off into the fog, her colourful butterflies fluttering aimlessly in the courtyard
  16. Annael lightly stroked the snake still clasped around her upper arm as she looked around the room. She smiled as she saw DoomGaze and Zariah dancing. Smothering a yawn, Annael started to wander around the ballroom.
  17. Very cool I see the beginning of something very great here. You should continue this thread for us and see more of your talent. Annael sends one of her butterflies in greeting
  18. Annael giggled as she watched Celes' snake dance and Doomy's embarassed expression. Feeling something brush against her foot, she looked down at the snake that was gently tasting her skin. "Hey there little buddy," Annael said quietly, the little snake flicked it's tongue at her in reply. Wiggling her bare toe in response, Annael and the snake introduced themselves. Leaning down, Annael picked the little snake up in her palm. Giving a little hiss of pleasure, it slithered along her palm, and up her arm. Coming to rest on her bicep, it curled itself securly there and settled in to stay. Seeing the bartender giving her a weird look, Annael ruffled her feathers. "What, you got something against snakes? I happen to like them." The bartender hissed at her. Annael rolled her eyes and turned back to the ballroom, watching the frantic actions of the Pennites as the little snake on her arm gave her a little lick.
  19. yay, welcome back!
  20. huzzah!!!!!!!!
  21. very touching
  22. So I guess I failed highschool? I slept through it
  23. Annael looked up as something dripped onto her face. She blinked in surprise as she saw Wyv hanging from WrenWind's dress, high above the dance floor, carried higher and higher by a big purple balloon. "What in the high Heavens??" Annael asked as they started to fall to the floor. Doomy looked up at the falling couple to see their fall slow down, and then Wyv, kissing the ballroom floor. "Interesting things always follow Wyvern around, don't they." He asked as he helped to wipe the blood off Annael's face. "I don't think they follow him around so much as he creates them." Annael said with a wink. "Hmm...not quite sure what the DJ's playing now, but I can say that I'm not a fan of this. Let's go to the bar and get a drink. Lady Celes is there by herself, let's go over and join her." Doomy nodded, and taking Annael's arm escorted her over to the bar.
  24. from one angel to another *hugs* I know what you mean
  25. Welcome back!!!
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