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Everything posted by Annael
Somewhere else..... Sitting quietly at her desk, seemingly hard at work, Annael looks around the office to see where one of her butteflies were hiding. Noticing one sitting on a leaf of a nearby plant, she wrinkles her nose. The butterfly flies lazily over to the frazzeled angel and sits on her ear. Mumbling to herself, Annael moves her hair a little bit so that the little bit of colour was hidden and starts to speak softly. Giving her ear a little nuzzle, the butterfly lets her know that it understands and flies off to do her bidding. The Keep....... Gryphon was sitting in the library of the keep, minding his own business when a buttefly lands on his book. Blinking in surprise, Gyrphon looks around, see's no open windows or doors from which the buttefly could've come through, then back down at the little insect. "Hey, wait a minute. Doesn't Annael always travel with you guys? Where is she? Haven't seen the Angel around the keep lately." Drifting up from the page to land on his nose, Gryphon crosses his eyes to stare at the little one. "You know, it's really hard to see you when you're sitting there. How bout...OUCH!" Jerking his head away so that the buttefly was moved from it's perch, Gryphon rubs his nose. "Wyvern was right, you guys do have sharp teeth!" Suddenly, a soft voice filled his head. Looking around the room, Gryphon couldn't see who was talking, but it sure did sound like Annael. "Sorry 'bout the little nibble. It was the only way I could get him to agree to carry my message. Usually they're not so violent, but how much damage could one little butterfly do? Anywho, yeah, I want a mission. Gimme a mission!" Gryphon gave a little laugh as the voice faded from his head. He could just picture the Annael bouncing around asking for a mission. "She wants a mission does she? Hmm......" OCC. That's right, give me a mission. Need something to do at work. hehe.
legalize marijuana and magic mushrooms. The world will be in a perpetual state of happiness and gun violence would become minimal. lol, if only it were that simple.
"Dawns a new day" literally.
I see no logic. Just dudes.
An Open Letter to Whoever is in Charge
Annael replied to Falcon2001's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
*raises an eyebrow, reaches into the waste basket under her desk, and removes the first letter. Mumbling to herself, she painstakingly decrinkles the letters. Grabbing the "Open" stamp from the right of her desk, she stomps the stamp on a bright red ink pad before slaming said stamp onto the letter. Looking at her work, she takes the letter and adds it to the already overflowing In Basket on her desk.* Dear Mr.Falcon. Sorry to have disappointed you, but, that is what we, (the World) does best. So yeah, I have ammended your letter, and added it back to the pile of other POP (peeved off people.) When we, (the World) deem that we have the time to look into your complaint, we will do so. Until that time, we, (the World) figure that you had better accept what we throw at you and just, what is the term....roll with the punches. Hey, it can't be that bad. Your here to actually write us, (the World) a letter of complaint aren't you? Signed, The World *motions to the pidgeon. Rolling the scroll up into a little roll, she slides said roll into the little tube around the pidgeon's next and points to the window.* -
what dragon? what am I missing? I've got lots of dudes running around building stuff. no dragon though. *raises an eyebrow*
A cloud of butteflies float into the room and cirlce around Kandara. Frowing, he swats at them a little, then stops when he sees a woman staring at him. "Don't like butterflies? Well, if you're going to be around here, you should get used to them." Crossing the room to sit on the corner of Wyvie's desk, Annael smiles. "I liked that. Well written. Just keep the little kitty away from my butterflies, and all will be good. Thought it was something else, something darker, more sinister, nice surprise there at the end. I guess that it did turn out to only be a little cat, or well, Wyvie might not have been able to handle anything scarier then that. You know, for an almost-dragon, he's got the backbone of a chicken." Giggling to herself, Annael winks, then gets up and leaves the room, the butteflies trailing along behind the fallen angel.
...a horde of butterflies swarmed the figure which started to scream with a.....
Feeling something brushing against her nose, Annael cocked an eye open and squinted at the little red and yellow butterfly on her nose. "I'm sleeping here you know. Shoe." Blowing at the little bugger, Annael closed her eye, yawned and rolled over, right off her branch. Giving a little squeak of alarm, she opened her eyes as she rushed towards the ground. Grumbling about pain and she braced herself for the impact when she was caught up in a pair of arms. Staring up into a pair of blue eyes, Annael blinked in surprise. "Where did you come from?" "I was just going to ask you the same thing. It's not every day an angel falls into my arms." Giving a little wink, Jirah set Annael on her feet. Blushing, Annael straightened her skirt and turned to look up at the branch that she had been sleeping on. The little butterfly fluttered in the air for a bit taughtingly, then flew off to join it's brethern. Shaking her head, Annael was about to turn around when Jirah brushed his fingers over the scar running from shoulderblade to shoulderblade. "Your wings...what happened?" "I...they just....well, they shattered. I don't know what happened." "Your wings shattered? I've never heard of that before." Shruging as if it didn't mean anything to her, Annael turned and gave Jirah a bright smile. "Oh well, they were just wings. Where were you on your way to when I fell into your way, quite literally." Jirah tilted his head to the side and looked down at Annael. He took in the fake smile, the sudden change of topic and the almost broken look in her eyes. "I was looking for you." Raising an eyebrow in surprise, Annael rested a hand on her hip and just stared at him. "Really? Why don't I believe that?" "No really, I was. You see, you owe me a date." "What? I do not....oh goodness, I do don't I?" "Indeed Miss Angel, you do. You haven't been around much, well in truth, at all. But I remembered the auction and that I had bid on you. So I'm here to claim my date." "I didn't tell anyone that I was back at the Pen though. How did you know?" "Well, the sudden appearance of butterflies might have had something to do with it...." Trying to hid a grin, Jirah looked up as three of the mentioned little buggers flew past them. "Oh. Yes, well. Um...sure. Right. So yeah....I've never done the dating thing before. I have no idea what you want to do here." "Then just let me lead the way." Bowing before her, Jirah held out his arm and smiled, his blue eyes twinkling. Giving a grin and a giggle, Annael took his arm and they started off. Walking along the grounds of the keep, the pair talked and laughed. Noticing that Annael tended to give a little hop every now and then, Jirah looked down and noticed that she was bare foot. "Ah, now I understand the little jumps. Avoiding stones are we?" "Yup. I can't stand to wear shoes. I love being able to wiggle my toes on the fresh grass and in water and sand. You should try it." Giving a snort, Jirah shook his head. "No way. I am not taking off my boots. You can just enjoy the experience enough for the both of us." "Oh come on. It's not like anyone is going to notice. Do it." Poking Jirah in the ribs, Annael egged him on. "It's to die for. The grass is really soft!" To prove her point, Annael grinned, then did a quick side step and tripped Jirah. "What the..?" Jirah swore in surprise and grabbed Annael's arm on the way down. Annael landed on top of Jirah with a grunt and a giggle. "See? I told you it was soft." Laughing at Jirah as he mumbled to himself, Annael tried to untangle her arms and legs from Jirah's when she heard someone clearing their throat. Looking up she saw Peredhil standing above them. Covering Jirah's mouth with her hand to stop the swearing, Annael grinned up at Pered. "Hiya P. Howya doing?" Jirah stopped trying to bite Annaels' hand and looked up at Peredhil. "I'm doing fine thank you Annael. I'd ask you the same question, but it seems that you're having fun. It's good to see you laugh." Annael grinned. "Its all thanks to this one here." Annael said and poked Jirah in the ribs again. "You know, for an Angel, you're a pain in the..." Jirah stopped, looked at Pered and mumbled "toe." Peredhil gave a little nod. "Yes, she's a pain in the toe sometimes. But she's our pain in the toe. Take care of our Angel, Jirah. I wouldn't want to see anything happen to her." And with that, Peredhil walked away, leaving the pair on the ground to stare after him. Glancing at Annael out of the corner of his eye, Jirah gave a little grin and got to his feet, bringing Annael up with him. "Your quick for a girl." Annael gasped and looked at him. "Why you little..." And gave chase as Jirah ran from her. Lifting her skirts up to around her knees, Annael flew across the grass, her bare feet barely touching the ground. Quickly passing Jirah, she laughed and looked over her shoulder at him. "Okay, okay. You win." Jirah laughingly called out as he stopped running. Annael let out a whoop of elation, jumped up into the air, somersaulted and landed on her feet. "Tada! Quick for a girl. I'll have you know that I was running messages from one corner of the world to the other before you were even a twinkle in the eye of God! Pffft...quick for a girl." Shaking her head, Annael grinned at Jirah. "The nerve of the young pups these days." "Yeah yeah. Let's go get a drink. I'm thirsty." Laughing and nodding her agreement, they linked arms and started off for the keep. "So is this what a date is?" "Well, it is for us. You calling it to an end?" "No, I was just wondering. Rolling around on the grass isn't usually considered a date to most women." "Well, it would for some women, but that's different. And you're not most women. You're Annael." Winking, Jirah lifted her off her feet to avoid a patch of mud. "I'm glad that I bid on you. You're fun, and it gave me the opportunity to get to know you." Smiling up at Jirah, Annael nodded. "And you. Now how 'bout that drink you mentioned?"
Okey doke, well it looks like I will be the first person to respond to this thread. Now, don't take offence to no one replying as it is the long weekend, and well, some people are reluctant to take on a topic such as this. I, well, I'm waiting to run out to play poker (yes, it's a vice I wish that I didn't have,) and I figured that it is time for Ann to make a return. And what better way to start then to get into this conversation. How do we want to look at this? From the religious aspect which I am, or philosophical which I've studied, or a non-believer, which a lot of people are starting to become if they already aren't one already. Religious: There is evil in the world because, well, God and the Devil come hand in hand. Lucifer is God's most favoured angel after all. One cannot experience peace, beauty and true goodness without having first experienced the opposit. There is chaos, and ugliness and everyday life all around us. A lot of the time yes, the evil that is around us is caused by free will. And that is a choice that He presented us with. But in the end, we cannot blame Him for it is us that ultimately makes the decision in the end. Philosophy: Nietsche said that God is dead. Why? Because unlike the good ol' days when man turned to God for everything, man has now turned to science. We pray to the doctors to save us, not for God's hand to intervene. We have turned from the One that meant everything to us at one point. (Somewhere amongst the Hold 'Em, I lost my train of thought. This one is now done. Sorry.) Non-Believers: Pardon the language, but sh*t happens. *shrugs* They can't really blame it on anyone, now can they. I like your point on Bad things happening so that we can experience and grow spiritually. But I can't help but think that there is something more to it then just that. I am sorry that if at points my thoughts seemed jumbled. I really should know better then to try and take on a topic like this while playing online poker.
well...ummm....yeah.... guess I was the only one that didn't like it?
Happy birthday, Dear One. Blessing be upon you.
The Mighty Pen's First Invitational Poker Tourney
Annael replied to YanYanGanaffi's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
I'm guessing I'm too late to play??? Sighs, takes her sunglasses off and puts away her WPT cards That sucks....I guess I'll just wait around for some side tables to open up. -
wow, I've seen my name on here a few times, (Rachel) which is odd cause my name isn't a very popular one. Well, my brother just had a baby girl, and they named her Trinity Robin. I'm kinda partial to that Names that I've always loved: Dawn Alexia Alessandra Sasha Jade That's it for girls. Now, if you ask for boys names, I'll send you an email with the entire list
A butterfly suddenly shoots out of the dark and lands on Daryl's ear. Hooking it's little toes into his fur, you could tell that it was in for a long ride. Laughing, Gyr shakes his head. "Guess that means that Annael and the butterflies are in too."
Annael walks slowly out of the shadows and approaches Zariah. Smoothing the form fitting black dress along her hips, she reached a hand back and ran her fingertips along the odd scar the crossed her shoulderblades where her wings once were. "I'm sorry that I missed the ball Zariah, I truely am. I was....detained." Dropping her hand back to her side and straightening her shoulders, Annael gave a small smile. "Life does that to you sometimes, as I'm sure you already know." Nodding and dropping an elegant curtsy, Annael stood and turned, making her way to the door. "Oh, if you happen to see Jonathan, could you please give him this?" Holding her hand out, a black feather materalized on her palm. Butterflies surrounded it and lifted it off her palm and floated it across the room to Zariah. Taking the feather from the butterflies, Zariah realised that it was one from Annael's wings, except that it was sharpened to a point. "I've always loved Jon's poetry. I've admired the spirit and the emotion that I always feel in his work. I thought that maybe he'd like to have this to write with." Smiling and nodding once again to Zariah, Annael turned and walked out of the room. Running her finger over the new quill for Jonathan, Zariah shook her head and looked around at the room that hosted her successfull ball.
But then you are assuming that the average ninja doesn't know how to swim, and that's a no no. Sooo..ninja's rule, and pirates drool. The end
Happy birthday darling girl. Sorry I'm late, but well wishes are never late, nor are they early. They just are. Blessing.
Annael, chewing on her nail, looked up at Tamaranis then around the table. "Well, do you think that we're in danger of being attacked again? Or is this just precautionary measures?"
If there is someone that I know that is deserving of such as these things, it's you. You give of yourself unconditionally and deserve the same in turn. There's not much more that I can or need to say. You already know how I feel. *gives a kiss and a hug*
Annael signs up too.
Opening her eyes slowly, Annael let out a sigh of relief to see that she was back in one piece, so to speek, in the Pen Keep. Not knowing how long she would last before she was sucked back into nothingness, Annael hiked her skirt up around her knees and took off at a dead run, the little blue butterfly clutched tightly to her ear as her curls bounced crazily around her head. Soon, two other little butterflies had found her and were following her as fast as they could. A surprised Tanny blinked as Annael sprinted past. "Hey, I found Annael! Wait, she's gone again...what the heck?" Tanny scratched her head as Annael disappeared around a corner. Annael skidded to a stop before a door and took a deep breath before slowly opening it and sneaking inside. Pausing with one foot in the air, Annael let her eyes adjust to the darkness before venturing forth into the room. Sneaking over to the bed, Annael cupped one of the two floating butterflies in her hand and placed it on the pillow. Blowing softly on its wings, Annael smiled as the little butterfly started to glow. "There now, Falcon won't squish you when he comes in to sleep. Treat him well little one." Quickly sliding out of the room, she stopped to hold onto the wall as things started to blur before her eyes. Not yet she thought. I still have one more butterfly to deliver! Concentrating as hard as she could to stay in the Keep, Annael ran as quickly as she could to the Banquet room, hoping to find the last recipient of a butterfly there. Pushing open the door to the room, people stopped their conversation to stare at Annael who was literally flickering in and out. Seeing Gyrfalcon sitting down with Daryl, Annael pushed her way towards them. Holding out her hand with a brownish-red butterfly on her palm, she reached towards Daryl and faded right before their eyes. The butterfly hovered in the air infront of Daryl before drifting over to land on his head. Looking at Gyrfalcon with a question in his eyes, he gestured at the butterfly. "That's her way of saying Merry Christmas. You've got you're own little pet now Daryl." Gyrfalcon said with a laugh. "What's a werefox supposed to do with a butterfly??" Daryl asked and gave a little laugh as it crawled down his forehead to rest on his nose. Crossing his eyes to stare at it where it sat, then blinking to uncross his eyes, he sighed. "Merry Christmas Annael."
where did you get your info Vigil??
Peredhil blinks as a vision of Annael, curls flying behind her, tattered dress flying high above her knees to reveal black tights with little coloured butterflies all over them go whizzing past him. Twisting and twirling, jumping and swirling, laughter spilling about her, she was the Annael of old. Then in a moment, she was gone, her laughter still dancing in the air as life stole her away again.
*claps her hands* well done love!