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Everything posted by Annael
Hopping a little to keep up with Richard's long strides, Annael held the toadstool tight as they made their way through the trees. As they progressed deeper into the forest, it was if they had entered night. The canopy of the trees blocked out all light, making it difficult to see. Tripping on exposed roots on the path, Annael mumbled and hopped along on one foot, her bare foot throbbing. Feeling something grab onto her hair and yank, Annael tumbled back, landing on her bottom. Hearing her little "ommph", Richard stopped and turned around. "Why are you on the ground?" "Well, you know, I figured that it was a good time to stop and have a picnic. What do you say?" "Why is there a tree branch attached to your head?" "It's the newest fashion. I was thinking about bringing it back to the keep and introducing it to all the women." Blinking and not saying anything, Richard just stared at Annael. Sighing, Annael put the toadstool in her lap and tried to remove the branch from her hair. "The tree kinda reached out and grabbed me. I don't think that they really want us here." As Annael struggled with the branch and her curls, roots of the tree came up from the ground and wrapped around her, starting to pull her back towards one of the biggest trees. "Hey now, what...eekk!" The toadstool tumbled from her lap and rolled to rest at Richards feet. Richard watched as Annael was sucked into the tree and disappeared. "Hmm...this is not good." Stooping to pick up Cambio, he looked at it. "Any ideas?" Turning to look at the once more solid tree, Richard wondered where Annael was.
Annael blinked, raised an eyebrow. "Ah, Cambio, change...I think I get it now...." Looking at Richard who just shrugged, Annael looked back at the dragon and sighed. "I just knew this wasn't going to be easy. What's every easy anymore." Taking a few steps forward, Annael looked at the dragon and gave a little smile. "Yes, Greetings my friend. I have the feeling that we stumbled in during the middle of your sleep. Please, assure yourself, we're not here seeking a tooth, or a claw of yours. We're just visitors, and we mean you no harm." Brushing a butterfly off her nose, Annael again smiled at the beast. The butterfly, not fearing for its saftey, drifted casually over to the dragon, fluttered around it and settled on top of its head. The dragon gave a blink, a very slow, long blink, then let its eyes slowly drift up towards where the butterfly sat. Turning back to look at Annael, it gave a snort, a puff of smoke coming from its nostrils. "Yes, well, hmm...," Turning to look back at her companions, Annael shurgged and try to think of what to do. The dragon didn't seem very forthcoming with any information. A sudden noise made Annael turn towards the dragon as it took a few steps forward, forcing the group back. Cambio gave another little squeal and move to stand behind Richard, who was still without expression. Annael moved over to stand next to the others and leaned in towards Richard. "Do you have any experience with dragons? This is a little out of my realm."
awww, dang! Happy belated dear!!! *butterflies swosh around*
"ok, now guys, really. Be nice to him! It is his birthday after all. NO BITING!" and with that warning, Annael sent her little messangers off, each with a gold piece clutched in their tiny feet. Flying through the keep, the hundreds of butterflies were a sight to see. Flying a little off-kelter because of the added weight of the gold pieces, they flutter all around, weaving and dancing as if they were drunk. Pennites stopped to watch their progress, pointing and laughing at the sight. Ignoring the laughing people, the little butterflies flew faithfully towards their intending victim. Finding Wyv smiling at Gyrfalcon and clutching the geld in his claws, the butteflies started to let their gifts fall on the two below them. Cringing as the geld started to land on their heads, they dove for cover. When Wyv realised what was happening, he yelled and ran out into the open, ignoring the geld falling on his head and leaving welts, he tried to collect as much as he could. "The heaven's are raining gold!!!" Dancing and laughing in the shower of geld, Wyvie was delighted in his winfall. Happy birthday dear one!!
Saw two movies this weekend. Brokeback Mountain: In my opionion, one of the best movies that I have seen in a long time. Not only was the movie beautifully directed by Ang Lee (and filmed in my lovely Canada ) and wonderfully written, I thought that all the actors did an amazing job. When Jake Gillenhall's (I know, spelt wrong) character Jack would see Heath Ledger, Ennis, his face would just light up. You could see the love that they shared for each other. The fact that it had such amazing reviews is not surprising. What I do find surprising is the reaction that the population had towards it. In this day in age when the view on homosexuality is so liberal, I find it appaling the slack that the actors got for portraying the characters, and the lack of appreciation for Ang Lee's vision in directing such a controversial, beautiful movie. Failure to Launch: Yeah yeah, it's a chick flick, but it's good. Matthew is just yummy and Sarah Jessica Parker is cute. A cute movie all over, with some laughs. Recommend it if you need a light evening.
Hey, the butterflies gave me your message. Soooo.....here I be, reporting for duty! *snaps her heels together and saluts. The effect is ruined when a curl drops into her eye and a butterfly lands on her nose, causing it to twitch.*
Twisted turtles tell torrid tales triumphing turbulent, torment, trivial trials.
Quintessential querky quacks quake quickly, queasy queen quietly quits Qu-bert.
Happy birthday Z!!! *butterflies harald the special day with a riot of colour through the sky*
ID in Canada doesn't actually show an age on it. Just a date of birth. And it shows that I'm born on the 29th of February, 1980. So you have to do the math up here. Rather funny when you see some people start counting on their fingers. hehe. The best though was when I was in the states last summer. I went to a gas station to buy cigarettes. The girl behind the counter asked me how old I was. Told her 25. She made me walk back up to the resort to get my ID to prove it. Come back with my license and she said that I lied and that I was 18. O_o. K, someone help me with the math here. 2005 - 1980. 25 right? Not too sure how she got 18.....maybe she converted it into imperial or something.....
Frantically fighting fevers, fireflies fretfully flutter, faithfully following faceless fellows.
Yup If I never accomplish another thing in life, I got someone fired from the DMV lol. I will go down in history as the only one!!
Never for anything like that. But when I went to get my license when I turned 16, the woman behind the counter argued with me for 30 mins, telling me that I couldn't drive because I was four. Well, it got to the point where people in the line behind me were screaming at her. Then the manager of the DMV walked up, asked what was going on, told her she was stupid, FIRED her, and then gave me my license. LOL. Other than that, I sometimes get the price for child admissions to the movies and get to choose a meal off the kiddie menu in restaurants (not too often mind you.) The rest of the time, I'm my real age.
oh right, I'll dig. Soo....I've never played. Need a Noob? lol.
Angelic antelopes ambeled aimlessly around another angry American amassing amusing antedotes. (O_o. All right, that one was weird. Angelic antelopes? *giggles and runs away*)
Awww, thanks guys! My family did remember, sorta. My dad did the, hey wait, isn't it your birthday? thing yesterday. Lol. I find it funny. Thank you for all the hugs and well wishes. *accepts the crystal ball from Wyvie and pockets it* This will look great on my....ermm....branch in the tree. Yes, thankies
Happy birthday to me.... Happy birthday to me.... Happy birthday dear Annn-nnnnnnn...... Happy birthday to me.... You know, being born on the leap year sucks when it's not actually a leap year. My own family has forgotten that it's my birthday. LOL. Oh well, at least the butterflies remembered! *points to the butterflies assembled like ballons all over the keep* Just don't try to pop them, ermm....just ask Wyvie, they've got some sharp little teeth! *goes back to work....* P.S. Yes, this is a very selfish way to get people to wish me a happy bday, I'm awful aren't I sigh. K, don't wish me a happy bday. I don't deserve it. Bad RaeRae!
Kingly Kiwi knights knowingly knife koalas keeping khaki kites.
*notices Mr. P. and runs to give a quick huggle*
I don't hide it, though few of my friends have actually read any of my work. That's mainly because those that have read it keep hasselling me to finish one of the books that I've started! Don't know how much longer I can hold them off....lol
Its official. I never know any of the bands the Wyvie talks about, lol. Yesterday was a good day for music with me. Suburban Tribe and Charon. Two great bands out of Finland. and Latefallen. Home grown talent (Toronto) that one of my friends is in. Just got into work so it will take me awhile to get my top # of 2005 out. Much thinking needs to be done on this one, that's for sure. There was some really good, and some really crap music released last year. Cheerio!
lol, Wyvie, I didn't say that anyone from here stole it. I was just venting on here. Now who's quick to jump the gun? If it sounded as though I was blaming someone on here, my apologises, that's not what I intended at all.
Wistfully dabbing at a bit of mustard on myself
Annael replied to Ozymandias's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Merry Christmas to you Ozy!! Glad to have you back, dear! -
removed content cause I wanted to, and I don't know how to delete this msg, heh.