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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Annael

  1. isn't it frustrating when in all the world someone has the power to make you do what you do not? to not want to hurt yet you hurt to not want to be hurt and yet you bleed and yet the world has a way of making things seem like everything will be alright when a friend smiles and holds out their hand well written Moon and if I had a voting say in the matter, it would be a resounding AYE!!!! *smiles, flutters her wings and adjusts the halo* wink wink nudge nudge to the ppl that have a say in the matter. Moon has shown great talent, let her in There's always room for more talent in our home.
  2. Annael


    *lifts a drink in praise* well done Moon. Lots of emotions, makes you feel it deep within your bones. I think you'd be a welcome addition to the Pen family.
  3. *smiles and claps her hands for the those promoted* but alas, I was passed up again. *sniff sniff* it's alright, me and my tree are comfy, I guess... just playing, once again, congrats!!
  4. with every death there is rebirth. well done
  5. everyone feels this way. heck, everytime I hit post I'm scared poopless (hehe) that I'm gonna get a bad response. But I've learned over my all so many years (yeah right) that criticism is something that we need, if it's good or bad. It don't matter. We grow and continue. It's the way of life.
  6. oh you *blushes*
  7. How do I say that I miss you In a way that you know is true It's been said time and time again I love you and you repeat Miles and miles away Cannot take my love from you And make it any less Then it's always been. Was it so long ago that I held your hand and laughed? Waited for the bus and was held close. The sadness is closing in then I look at your picture. It reminds me that though you're not here with me right now I hold you in my heart and I am in yours. Safe and secure in the knowledge That though I feel so far away I'm in the only home I know.
  8. Being aware of who we are And what it is we do Is pricelss for all When believing in the new The new is what we deem Of what we choose Wether it is new life Of a new pair of shoes The chance to make the choice Of saying yes or no Gives us the freedom To follow where we go No matter what happens In this life or the next We must just remember To cherish what is best
  9. The air is crisp The wind blowing life to an end Warning of harsher things to come I walk, bundled up The Toronto skyline bright In the chilly morning I stop Tilt my head back And take a deep breath Voices of the past Reach out to me In the fingers of the air Brushing my face Telling of horrors And loves past Reminding that with the winter And the telling of death There is hope Hope for the new The beginning The light The spring will come And the winter blahs Will fade away The buds will burst The birdies chirp The children play I spread my arms And fall forward Into the arms of the air The air rushes thru my hair The tears pushed from my eyes My cheeks becoming chapped Submurged Engulfed by the water My clothes heavy I sink Looking up I see The tower that says much The dreams of man The triumphs And the failures I gasp Water rushing in My eyes starting to blur How much harsher Could it be?
  10. wow is right. and honey, there is no cure for love.
  11. *smiles* I have a friend like that...
  12. heheh...wasn't asking you to step in and pass judgement. Meh, I don't even remember what I was trying to get at though. It's all good.
  13. *raises an eyebrow and looks at Pered* would you like to step in? you being the polite bard and all.
  14. a very dear woman passed away on tuesday and her service was today. Her journey here is ended, but it has just begun in the service of our Lord. She has a lovely job though, watching out for her son and grandchildren. I was lucky to have had such a loving and caring woman in my life, even if it was for such a short amount of time. hehe...when I graduated from college I talked to her on the phone, she said thank you for taking my granddaugther by the hand and leading her through college with a level head, and that she loved me as one of her own. God Bless Dorothy Dunlop, and rest in peace and in love. I'll watch out for them too, from down here. Edited by: Annael at: 11/9/02 10:16:32 pm
  15. RUN! The words are shouted from out of the darkness. You do so, never knowing where to go Where to turn What will happening next. STOP! And your feet halt. You look around, trying to see what's commanding you All that is there Is the darkness COME! Your feet start again Leading you you know not where But you can't stop It keeps calling you. KNEEL! Your legs buckle Knees hitting the dirt Unable to stop the commands from taking over Your body bowing down LOOK! Your head tilts up And you gaze at awe at what you see before you A smile starts and you raise to your feet You arms out stretched WELCOME! The warmth embraces you The arms holding you close And you know that you're safe at the end of your journey In the arms of your Lord
  16. oh...to have such memories... *thinks about it* I don't have much memories of my parents come to think about it. I'm happy that you've had such an enjoyable life with your parents. It's a precious thing to have.
  17. one sits all alone and dreams of tomorrow never having thought that it would bring only sorrow plans and desires all thrown away because of harmful things that one had to say trust that was had is now all gone and this time it cannot be cured with a song the long lonely road is all that is seen as thoughts fly by of what could have been
  18. *waits for Elder Gwai to respond to the post*
  19. thank you all. And Pered, I got my weenie award off by making a post already. It's in the roll call thread. I roasted my weenie hehehe
  20. In the palm of your hand you hold a small yet priceless thing my trust. The trust of someone you love is something that you don't want to waste it is the foundation of things to come. In the palm of your hand you hold a small yet priceless thing my hope. The hope of a lover represents all the dreams and wishes that you can share together. In the palm of your hand you hold a small yet priceless thing my heart. The heart of another is something that should be cherished cause you have unimaginable power with it. In the palm of your hand you hold a small yet priceless thing my soul. I have given all these things to you without knowing it, but with no regrets will you guard, protect and cherish them? Or will I just fade away, as a memory that was in the palm of your hand.
  21. oohhhhhh.... hurrah!! I'm a page!! Hrm....does that mean that I have to fetch coffee and such? lol /me flutters her wings in thanks
  22. just eat it. I did. Hehehe...hey, does this mean that I'm no longer an initiate?
  23. Annael sits on her fluffly cloud and turns the weenie over on it spit and watches the activity below. She smiles occassionally, gives a laugh at other times and wonders if she's in some weird sort of dream or a JRR Tolkien, Orson Scott Card, The Pen Guild type of story making. Annael flutters her wings a little and takes a bite of the weeine and summons some butterflies to interest the kitties into causing more mischif and settles back to watch with a little smirk.
  24. my fault? it's always my fault? look within yourself to see who's to blame you toss words and accusations without a care at who they hit. my fault? i think not. you're the one at fault this time with your uncaring words and your unkind gestures my fault? couldn't be more wrong you brought me to this and now you wonder why i'm so indifferent my fault? you're @#%$ right it's my fault. you pushed and I pushed back i'm tired of being walked on and used now it's my turn
  25. if the comment about work is directed at me, I'm not doing it for the money. I'm doing it so that I can get my college degree. I'm temping at my internship company Being the receptionist is cutting my hours down by tonnes. hehe
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