Degenero Angelus
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Everything posted by Degenero Angelus
Markus sits on his hourse, trailing the wagons slightly, looking ahead to everyone. Wow, what a week it's been. Amanda... the murders... .. The murder. Who could have done them? He could almost believe Amanda's lawyer could, with his temper, but not two of them, never two. He sighs, looking off into the distance. Maybe it was that little cajun girl, Charlotte. Everyone knows cajun's got 'emselves some kinda mean temper, and there's gotta be a reason she's out here and not back home where she belongs. OOC: No vote, as of yet.
Markus sits on the side of his wagon, his feet dangling over the ground, watching the children play. He holds a cigarette in one hand, and a sandwich in the other, which he's eating very slowly. Looking out over the campsite he sees the children playing happily with themselves. He leans back, resting against the wagon and exhales a plume of smoke, taking a bite out of his sandwich. A murderer running around, and Amanda's got my damned senses all mixed up. It could be anyone, for sure. Little white girl raised by indians..... but she's just a kid... It could even be Amanda, if I didn't know her well enough to know she'd never kill anyone.... that lawyer of hers is awfully odd, though. Didn't think she'd ever marry someone like him. But, that Smith guy. He strikes me as someone who would kill, and not even need a high price to do it. He allows himself to slide slowly off of the edge of the wagon, bringing himself to a standing position. He takes the last bite of his sandwich and swallows it, putting his cigarrette to his lips and holding it there. "Getting pretty late, best get these kids off to their parents." Markus says quietly to himself, then proceeds to round up the children and take each one to his or her parent's wagon to wash up for dinner and bed. OOC: Eyremon - Eric Smith
Markus pulls a cigarette out of his pocket, putting it in his mouth and lighting it, walking around the camp. Amanda Tanisson The name echoed inside of his head. It'd been years. Five years. He'd loved her, when he was younger. Now she was with this lawyer of hers. Well, she's here, and I've got to deal with that. Just reminds me of how much I've missed her these past years. He exhales deeply, blowing smoke out of his mouth in one big puff, he comes to where everyone else is standing. "So, are we going to find who did this?
"Well, damn. I don't quite think I'm ready to die." Markus says, leaning against one of the wagons. He's around six and a half feet tall, but skinny, so he doesn't look imposing. He has on a wide brimmed hat to keep the sun from burning him. Otherwise he's dressed in a near completely black outfit, matching his name nicely. His black pants are worn, and slightly frayed at the bottom, and his black shirt is dusty. The black coat he wears over the shirt is, in contrast, immaculately clean, and his black boots are likewise polished to perfection. No matter where I go I can't get away from death. If it isn't one thing, it's another. If it isn't crime lords, it's Indians. If it isn't Indians, it's thieves. If it aint thieves, well, then it's stupid people with too many handkerchiefs. He spits to his side, cleaning his mouth of dust. "I reckon we better find these guys, before they find us."
Well, if it isn't too late a certain absent Deg would like to get in on the game? I've got a character idea made up. Markus Black, lone drifter from the city. Coming out west trying to get away from some of the more notorious people he's had dealings with in his random driftings. Kind of a bad boy.
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Degenero Angelus replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
Anyone who cares that much deserves to be listened to at least a bit, and I'm in no mood to care. OOC: Yeah, Jamia -
I didn't even think of that. I could host a zip file...
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Degenero Angelus replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
"Heinrich? You think?.... . . .... whatever." OOC: Vote for... Heinrich -
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Degenero Angelus replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
Zach sits in the dark, thinking to himself about all of the events that have transpired. OOC: Abstain -
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Degenero Angelus replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
Zach sits in his room, tears trailing down his face. His hair's a mess, and his clothes are wrinkled. His pillow is soaked through from tears. OOC: Abstain -
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Degenero Angelus replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
"I am Timmy.... I'm a terrible person." Zach says, tears rolling down his face. He turns and walks off into his room, locking the door behind him. -
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Degenero Angelus replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
Zach wakes up quickly with the two crying girls in his bedroom. He looks from Terri to Kerri, and back again. He sees Terri looking at him while holding Kerri, practically begging him to help. He thinks for a moment then gets out of bed, not bothering to get more dressed than he is, and walks over to where the two girls are sitting. He wraps his arms around them both and pulls them to him. "I'm sorry, Kerri. I know you really liked him. We'll get revenge." He says, sure of himself as he always is. As she's crying into his chest he kisses Terri softly over her head, then just holds them both. OOC: Ozy -
Shouldn't I be the one wearing that shirt? Happy birthday, Tanny. Hope it's great
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Degenero Angelus replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
"Wow. I really don't have words to say how sorry I am." Zach says, very ashamed. He looks at Terri with tears in his eyes, but can't bear to look for too long. He turns and walks into his little room and closes the door behind him. -
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Degenero Angelus replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
"Whoa, kid. Calm down." Zach says and backs up a few steps. "You criticize me for making baseless accusations, and then you make one yourself? Who here other than Greta has any motive to kill anyone? I mean, I tease Albert a lot, but I don't hate him," he stops in mid sentence. "Maybe you're right, and it's not Greta. No one knows right now, Kid. And for someone your size, you've got a lot of guts. Maybe you've got something hidden to back it up? That's as good a reason to accuse someone as any we've got, and I don't want anymore dead than have to be. Don't you think *maybe*, just MAYbe, we should try working together?" Zach pleads with everyone. He finishes talking to Aidan and walks slowly over to Albert, Timmy, and Kerri. "I'm sorry, all of you. There's absolutely no excuse for the way I acted, just a lot of stress floating around." He pats Albert on the shoulder with a sad smile, he looks at Timmy, who's looking at him with a very scared look on his face, and sighs sadly. Finally his eyes come to rest on Kerri. He steps forward and hugs her softly, then steps back. "I am sorry." Zach turns away from the entire group and walks off towards his room. -
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Degenero Angelus replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
Figuring it's time to join the rest of the group, Zach and Terri come out of Terri's room in the bunker. Terri's hair is messed up, but Zach's looks absolutely perfect as always, and both of them are smiling happily and holding hands. Zach hears Kerri accuse the German lady as he wanted, but then she changes her mind again, back to her original mindset. Gods she frustrates me. She never could make up her mind.... "Hey Ter, let's go talk to your sister, see what's going on there, okay?" Zach asks and Terri nods without saying anything. They walk over to the place where Kerri, Albert, and Timmy are standing. When they stop where the other group is standing, Zach lets go of Terri's hand and puts it around her waist, pulling her next to him. "So you still think it's the actor guy? Ehh, I dunno he seems pretty innocent too me, and we all know he can't act that well." Zach says to Kerri and Albert, looking sad, with his best cute face on. "Albert! I don't suspect her because she speaks German," Zach says, since he overheard Albert telling Kerri not to hate because of that, "but because she's FROM Germany! The war just got over a few years back, you can't trust them yet! They tried to KILL us! All of us!" By this time he's a bit frustrated, so he takes a bit to calm down. Come on Zach, don't let this get to you. You left her, and you got the better one. Just because she won't agree with you doesn't mean anything. It's all that geek's fault. I swear, she's just with him trying to make me jealous. And of course it won't work, I mean, c'mon. I'm Zach Evans, man. Well, let her think it's the actor. Me and Terri KNOW it's the German lady. All Germans are freaks. After a few deep breaths Zach resumes his speech. "I can't believe you can't see it! I mean, she even LOOKS like a freak. Come on guys, we all need to stand as one, or we'll all be killed." -
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Degenero Angelus replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
"NO! Terri! ....Kerri, I'll be back, I gotta deal with this. Think about what I said." Zach says quickly, then runs off after Terri. He enters her room where she's laying on the bed crying, and he sits down next to her. "Ter?" Zach asks quietly, using one of his pet names and his softest voice. "GO AWAY! I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU!" Terri screams back at him. "Now babe... You know I love you and not Kerri... I don't know why you get so mad when I talk to her sometimes." "YOU WERE TOUCHING HER ARM!" "It was just her arm, though, nothing important. We need her help to get that geek she's with now. We need to be united so none of us die.." Terri sniffles and wipes away tears. "You really don't love her?" "No, I love you and only you." "Well... I guess...." Zach kisses her softly on her forehead and sits next to her, holding her hand. "I just don't want these freaks to kill anyone else." -
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Degenero Angelus replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
Zach sighs unhappily, looking at Albert and Kerri standing near each other, and Timmy with them. Oh God I hope this works.. Terri's gonna be soo pissed. But, if it gets rid of the freaks, it's worth it. He looks at Terri, gives her a quick kiss, then walks over to the other group. He puts on his best cute boy face, and bats his eyelashes at Kerri. "Now I knoow you don't want to be here with these freaks any longer," Zach states, moving next to Kerri and putting a hand on her shoulder, "but you can't actually think it was Mr. Pavlov with that German lady right there..." He slides his hand down her upper arm just a little and looks at her beginingly. "I'm sure this ge- your new friend here can see the reason behind this, even Timmy can see..." Well, this should work. I mean, I know she's guilty. She's German! "Well....?" -
Not eating Veggies? Hmmm............... This would be a good time to use antithesis Thankfully, my memory is horrid. I do have a few dirty secrets, but, unfortunately, they're staying that way.
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Degenero Angelus replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
Ugh! He's such a GEEK. What's she doing talking to him? God, she's really gone downhill since I left her. Zach looks at Terri clinging to his arm. I knew I picked the right one. So, we've got mutant alien freaks running around, eh? Well, I'm glad I'M not a freak. That guy Kerri's talking to is a freak... Ah! Back on task, Zachary. I've gotta find this guy. I'm way too cute to die. IT might be that German lady... My pa said Germans are all bad people.... Or! Maybe it's that freak Kerri's talking too. Or maybe it's Kerri! Man, I'm glad neither me or Terri are radioactive monster freaks. Can't imagine what Terri's parents would say. And Timmy, of that kid would have a field day. Timmy! He'd be a perfect radioactive mon.... And, at that very second, a sudden realization dawned on Zach. "Well, the ones who got mutated are likely the ones who sabotaged it in the first place, and the scientists were the first ones here. Everyone knows Germans are terrible people." Zach smoothes his hair against his head and repositions him and Terri away from, and he's firmly convinced, the radioactive freak evil German scientist lady. OOC: A vote for Lady Celes Crusader/Greta Von Richter. And yes, Zachary is quite convinced it was sabotaged. -
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Degenero Angelus replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
"Stranded. In the desert. With all these people?" Zach sighs and finds Terri. He grabs her hand and smiles at her. "At least we're here together." She smiles back and agrees happily. "Well, since we're stuck here, and it's raining, I guess there isn't much point in staying outside. Wouldn't want to catch your death or anything out here in this cold rain," Zach says to the whole group, "We can stay in the bunkers, they have space for us." -
1) A Nonsense Word - Spooty 2) Adjective - Geriatric 3) Plural Noun - Elephants 4) A Verb ending in "ing" - Jumping 5) Adjective - Amazing 6) Plural Noun -Grapes 7) Verb - Run A Location - Jupiter 9) Name of a Pen Member - *rolls a die* Big Pointy One 10) A style or font of writing. - Times New Roman, 36 point, underlined, bold, and scored. 11) Plural Noun - More Grapes 12) Something Red - Wine 13) Something White - Snow 14) A Color - Perriwinkle 15) Adjective - Idiotic 16) A State of Mind- Rebelious 17) A Rank - General 18) Plural Noun - Cups 19) Adverb - Superly 20) A Proverb - Man who live in glass house should change in basement
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Degenero Angelus replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
Zach pulls the suitcases out of the trunk of the car with an audible sigh. "Could you have packed much more? These things are *heavy*!" Under his breath he adds, "I guess that's how girls are." Walking forward, he comes in line next to Terri. They stand there for a moment, looking at nothing really, then he begins walking. "Well, we ought'a get to our hotel, don't ya think?" -
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Degenero Angelus replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
Startled out of a new sleep by all the action, Zach just sighs. He moves Terri over and looks at Timmy. "That's a nice bunch of animals ya got there, kiddo. But maybe you should keep 'em away from your sisters." He looks at Kerri briefly, then settles back against the seat putting one arm around Terri and the other in his lap. "Will this ride ever end?" -
Who would be Tara, and who would be Kara, though?