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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Degenero Angelus

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Everything posted by Degenero Angelus

  1. Just one little problem with that last post, Gryph You don't train against slaves, really, you train against captured republic soldiers
  2. Bzzzzzzzzzziou, bzew! Lightsabres crack together and apart, back and forth between Palu and Jethay. Palu runs backwards a few steps, then lunges towards Jethay, his lightsabre going right by Jethay's defense into his chest. He falls to the groud dead, and all the students gather around him. “Well, that finishes that,” says Palu, “now, i'll take my kill to the headmaster, and we'll see about that promotion.” Palu proceeds to do just that. The headmaster turns and looks at Palu enters his private study. “What is it?” He asks. “I bought you the head of the Jedi, Lord.” “A good murder, apprentice, but not the murder of a Jedi Knight. I still feel the disturbance I felt before. Find them, or don't come back to me.” OOC: Jethay/Mynx was as innocent as a Sith Apprentice can get, better luck next time. Wolves, Baner, and Seer, need your PMs. You have 24 hours.
  3. Umm, I've seen at least that many, once upon a time
  4. "Students," sounded the loudspeaker, "you're all to report directly to the meeting room." The students, of course, had no choice but to obey their headmaster. Once they were all assembled in the great hall, he began to speak. "We have a very serious situation here. One of the instructors, Yazak Ent, has been killed. Now, normally this does not warrant any kind of special regard, however we have reason to believe there are Jedi responsible. I'm putting it in your hands to hunt them down, and kill them. Whoever brings me their heads will have their promotion." OOC: Alright, guys. First day phase. You show them Jedi how we do it.
  5. *everyone* there is aarogant, ambitious, and evil It's in the job description. The first day phase will begin with the NPC kill, at 5 PM, EST, on Friday, February 25th
  6. Welcome, one and all. You know the rules, here are the players. There shall be 2 wolves, a baner, and a seer. Phases are 24 hours. Absolutely no exceptions will be made. If you don't revieve a PM, you're just a vvillager Celes Crusader – Que-essa Damon Tanuchan – Mira Raiglan Gryphon – Reaver Malice Mynx - Jethay Akallabeth - Zarek Thraus Knight - Palu Sweetcherrie - Rukmini Kasmandre - Fxz'et Ozymandias - Klen The morning wake up alarm sounds, it echoes through the hall of the stone temple of the Sith Lords that the Sith Academy resides in. As the students wake from a night of slumber they progress slowly to the cafeteria for breakfast. Each student can't help but hear the walls speak to them, personally, promising power unimaginable if they continue on their path. The students gather in the cafeteria and begin eating when they hear an announcement from Darth Salakin, the headmaster. “Students, today will be a very special day. I shall be promoting one of you to a member of the Sith Order today. The one who shows the most promise shall be chosen, and will accompany our Lord, Darth Revan, on a very important mission. That is all.”
  7. No PM alliances allowed. Other than that, nope, nothing
  8. Game will start Thursday, February 24th, at 5 pm, EST. Each phase will be 24 hours, and there will be no extensions for any reason.
  9. You could try another Galaxynet server, such as any of the ones in the drop down menu on the side of Galaxtnet, instead of using irc.galaxynet.org
  10. Any race can be a Force Sensitive. Paul, you can play a Wookie, Mynx, you can play an Ewok Keep the signups coming
  11. You need characters, guys, you know that
  12. Welcome, one and all, to the first (to my knowledge) Sci-Fi WW game. In case you missed my post, we'll be playing in a Star Wars setting, as students at the Sith Academy on the planet Korriban. It will be set during the Old Sith Wars era – same as the game Knights of the Old Republic. Here's some links to help you get your bearings. Star Wars The Jedi The Sith The Force We'll be using the standard rules. The wolves will be Jedi Knights sent to infiltrate the academy, the baner and seer are Sith that have secret, unknown powers. Game will start sometime after Monday Let the signing up begin!
  13. Top 10 of 2004? This should actually be hard. #1 Thursday "War All the Time" Absolutely brilliant album by an absolutely brilliant band. Everything I look for in an album, and I lot I didn't know I liked. Between the harder songs like "Division Street" and the almost tear jerking title track, it's just absolutely amazing. Best song - "For the Workforce, Drowning" #2 Bad Religion - "The Empire Strikes First" Another excellent album from one of the best punk rock bands ever. Not as good as some of their other albums, but still definitely worth listening too. Generally directed towards our dear President and his administration. Best song - "Let them Eat War (ft. Sage Francis)" #3 Voltaire - "Then and Again" Not too many people have heard of this musician. He fits nicely in the gothic folk category, usually with a dark sense of humor. The first really serious album from him is also his best, I urge EVERYONE to get this, under any circumstances. Best song - "Crusader" #4 Descendants - "Cool to be You" The super fast punk band from socal slows it down just a little bit for their first album in a long, long time. It also happens to be one of the best they've ever released. Every song on it is excellent, and it was real hard to pick a favorite. Best song - " 'Merican" #5 Tub Ring - "Zoo Hypothesis" Just plain weird rock music. Tub Ring's 5th album that no one has heard of. If you like rock music with a twist you owe it to yourself to pick this album up. They've gotten better and better with every album, and I don't see any way they could possibly top this masterpiece. Best song - "Vehicle" #6 Mindless Self Indulgence - "Despierta Los Ninos" Absolutely indescribable, and absolutely amazing. Doesn't top 2000's "Frankenstein Girls Will Seem Strangely Sexy", but is nevertheless and excellent album. MSI mixes punk, hip hop, electronica, and everything else into one big hobo stew. Best song - "Joke" #7 Darkest Hour - "Hidden Hands of a Sadist Nation" Absolutely the hardest, harshest, and just plain best metal album. Ever. I was completely blown away by it's raw power. I've always liked Darkest Hour, but this album is the one that turned me into a die hard fan. Best song - "Sadist Nation" Phew. I only made it to 7, but you'll have to deal with that. [As an afterthough, Falcon, "Give Up" was released in '03]
  14. Avast, me Hearties.
  15. Yeah, exactly what I meant
  16. I've done Tae Kwon Do, Aikido, and Jujitsu over my life. In a lot of martial arts, if you don't have you Gi you don't have a rank. You're below even the lowest ranked member of the class, as long as they have their Gi. I don't know if that has any impact on Sal wanting one, or if it's any other reason. As far as I know, they don't really expect pregnant women to be actively training, so they probably don't make them in maternity sizes.
  17. Don't cast CoS if you don't know how. It's dangerous Wines add 10% of your current population, and books steal about 5k.
  18. Not being argumentative, just observant. Isn't it funny how all conservatives say there's a liberal tint to the media, and all liberals say there's a conservative tint?
  19. A lot like Mira. It's 1:50 EST All that's left is praying for Ohio
  20. I think South Park did it best. "I'm forced to choose between a giant douche and a turd sandwich." Excuse the language, but it fits perfectly. Bush is a moron. Plain, simple. He's dumb, and his policies suck. Kerry is almost as dumb. He tries far too hard to be a "cool" guy, completely ignoring his duties as an actual president. For me, it came down to a battle of vice presidents. Dick Cheney = Evil Incarnate John Edwards... Seems nice. Regardless of that. I vote Green.
  21. Oooh, me. I'll be playing Transe, the KindaVampire. I've only played him once or twice before, so you may not know him. He's tall and pale. Her has no lower jaw, so he has learned to feed on the souls of victims. He's a very cheesy, old horror movie style vampire. Blaah!
  22. Degenero walks in, his head drooping slightly. Still got room?
  23. And one more participant you have
  24. "Dear, dear lady. Everything I do, I do by the grace of God in heaven. I live my life as any man should, and I spend my days working to put food on the table for me and my wife. You wonder why I don't get upset because she's being held for possible murder? It's because she's killed before. Truthfully, I wouldn't be surprised if she had again." Markus stands up, taking his hat off and setting it in front of him, pulling a cigarette from his pocket and lights it. "I, however, have never even harmed another human being. Not killed one, not bruised one, nothing. I can stand before God on the day of judgement with a clean soul, and nothing to hide. You people, on the other hand, have already sentenced one innocent man to his death. Does your soul remain clean? Can you sleep at night, or look at yourself in the morning? If you wish to kill another innocent man, then you may. I will face my maker and live in heaven while you burn in Hell. Throwing accusations around is one of the best ways to distract people from you own guilt. Do you have something to hide, dear Shana? I know I don't." OOC: Shana/Ayshela
  25. They think my wife is a murderer? No.. no. She hasn't killed anyone since the wagon train.... There's no way she could have done it. "I don't know why you insist on holding my wife captive, but I guess she won't get out until we've solved these murders." Markus takes his hat off and sets it on the table, lighting a cigarette and leaning back in his chair, thinking to himself. Too calm. She was just too calm. OOC: Elisabeth Christie - Lady Celes
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