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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Degenero Angelus

Honored Guest
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Everything posted by Degenero Angelus

  1. The person above me starts little dances for me to join in on
  2. Hmm... wonder what this could be about.. Good stuff, at any rate.
  3. The person above me played Neverwinter Nights a lot.
  4. The person above me doesn't know how I got that title. (Probably)
  5. Rats are cool. I've got a few, and I love 'em. They don't do much of anything though.
  6. The person above me thinks he's pork.
  7. The person above me has an odd bloody quote in her signature block.
  8. The person above me hates St. Valentine's Holiday. The person above that says I like Gummis when I don't, just 'cuz she likes Gummies. But, that's okay, 'cuz I like melting them and drinking the melt.
  9. The person above me just healed from a hand injury
  10. Gwaihir is a male. The person that plays Gwaihir, is a female. It took me a bit to figure out, too
  11. "Oh it's nothing to worry about, they wouldn't put a landmine HERE."
  12. The person above me has the innate ability to talk about nothing more than any other one person I know.
  13. The person above me replies to every bloody peice of writing she reads.
  14. The person above me quotes Mr. Bunny far too much.
  15. I've always like pear. It's nice and sweet for a week or so, then it rots and turns disgusting.
  16. The person above me has always asked me what's the matter when I'm down, even though she barely knows who I am
  17. Actually there are too meanies. *points to lumpen*
  18. Not bad stuff. Is this the one you were trying to show me at lunch? Totally not your style, but good nonetheless.
  19. There are arrows, but no bows, There is darkness, but no night, There is a moon, but no sun, There is caffiene, but no drink. (Makes me not wanna be there...) All in the Land of the Doubles.
  20. Congratulations on being accepted
  21. LOL That's good, Aardvark. Funny stuffs.
  22. Lots better language. I like this, though it's kinda.... abnormal. Good stuff.
  23. Umm...... harsh.
  24. I love improvs. Especially good ones like this. Fuzzy wuzzy had no hair.
  25. Yes. Spelling errors are terrible. Yes.
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