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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Degenero Angelus

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Everything posted by Degenero Angelus

  1. Honestly, I'm speechless. If my suffering helped you in anyway, and it seems like it did, then I'm more than happy to suffer. No single person need comfort more than any other. Trust me on this. I needed help, and I got it. All you have to do is ask. We're lucky, you and I, to be a part of the Pen. I've never even seen a collection of better people in my life. There're people here I wouldn't be alive without. Lawrence up there is one of them. He's been one of the most helpful people in my life, and The Pen has been one of the most helpful place in my life. Some of the people are just here to share their gift of writing, and that's a great thing. Other are here for more, though. Some of us are here for companionship and commaradare. We're here to help people, and to be helped when we need it. My psychiatrist helps me through less of my problems than the people here do. No matter what's wrong, there's someone here that's been through it, or something similar, and they can empathize. You've got friends, Mike, and I'm one of them. If you ever need to talk, I'm here. Especially since I'm in the same boat you are. *hugs*
  2. I agree with Vlad on the Communist Manifesto. It's simply one of the most inspiring pieces of literature ever. I'd also have to go with A Road Less Traveled By by Robert Frost, and The Black Cat by Poe. Road Less Traveled By Two roads diverged in a yellow wood And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth Then took the other as just as fair And having perhaps the better claim Because it was grassy and wanted wear Though as for that, the passing there Had worn them really about the same And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet, knowing how way leads onto way I doubted if I should ever come back I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence Two roads diverged in a wood And I took the one less traveled by And that has made all the difference The Black cat is far too long to be posted here, so... http://eserver.org/books/poe/black_cat.html go there and enjoy.
  3. This is a pretty good idea, but I dont like the way you proposed to run it particularly. It'd work better if it were ust the elders who got to pick, since they'd be most fair probably. They're really busy. Now, I'd say a committee of volunteers shoud do it. About 5 or 6 should do it. They'd get together sometime, and pick out who's been most actively writing, or who is showing the most promise or even, if someone needs a boost. It'd be better that way, since not everyone who deserved to win would go in the running. I myself wouldn't, thought I don't deserve to win . A great idea, though. A good way to encourage initiates and people who're feeling down to post more.
  4. You know, I've felt like this before, and with the same people. If you need to talk, then talk. I'll listen, at least. I need people to talk to right now, and I'll take anyone I can get. You just gotta be around more...
  5. I guess I see where it's going, though I honestly can't relate. It's beautifully written, and I thank you for being the catalyst.
  6. Yeah! That way, I'll actually be able to learn how to RP. One vote for Good idea.
  7. Erm, no one here is exactly like any other. Actually, I can't think of a single place with many other polar opposites. As long as you write, RP, whatever, you're welcome here. And I'll be the second (darned Tralla) to welcome you. Make yourself at home, and, if you need anything, feel free to ask.
  8. The person above me uses the person above her is nice an aweful lot. (Also, Vlad, I'm a vegetarian, we don't tend to eat chicken much )
  9. The person above me is also one of the many AM players, though she was wrong when she said I am, because I *was*
  10. The person above me is the oldest friend I have, being 42(I think?)
  11. The person above me likes Nirvana a bit... too... much
  12. The person above me is simply the nicest person on earth
  13. Absolutely beautiful. Welcome to the Pen
  14. Nightshade - Close. I'm a fag Tyrion - Still under those delusions? Elvida - You expected any less? Deg - Shut up.
  15. Only way you can learn is to find people in your area who play. It's a ton of fun, if it's your kinda thing, but it takes a bit to get into if you don't have an experienced person in your playgroup. Have fun
  16. The person above me is, as far as I'm concerned, right. *Waves back to Kaiyny(?)*
  17. That's so not true. I don't like beer.
  18. The person above me should get to know me better if the person above me can't think of anything else to say. (Then again, everyone should get to know me better, since I'm so nice and everything)
  19. Truthfully, it sounds like something AFI would write. AFI is kinda punkish. It's very good, anyways.
  20. The person above me is named after a good tasting, but deadly plant
  21. This is different, I like it, and I can relate.
  22. Sorry about that Thinas... I was aiming for Rog
  23. "Is it the BLUE wire, or the RED wire"?
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