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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. Darkness falls, life begins. Quiet rustling all around, In the Dark, life's abound. The beast arises from his slumber, Then come more, in swarms they number, Through the night, creatures lumber. Copyright 2004 Vlad
  2. *Walks by, winking at Rune*Whispers The fun stuff comes later* On a more serious note... (Why do I feel that quoting Wyvern is a bad thing) Peredhil, very well written. I agree with what everyone says... Not much I can add.
  3. Oh the password thing eh... Umm... I recently went through computer troubles so my normal e-mail won't work... could you send it to... I don't have another e-mail... : -->:"> Oh* I need to update my sig now... I know exactly what to put too. Tralla, would you mind hosting this one too? You can delete the initiate if you need room... Edit: Just made one: TheMadVamp@yahoo.com Edited by: Vlad the Imploder at: 12/30/02 7:38:44 pm
  4. OOC: I hope I can find time for this one too... I've already stopped reading other threads... IC: A dark colored booth was nustled away between a weapons shop, and a fruit stand. The sweet smell of insence emminated from the small stand. Various trinkets were hanging in and around the shop, many of which had slight magical qualities. A dozen different brews bubbled from their vials. These items were meant to amuse and entertain, nne of them had real power. Save one, a thin vial, with a steaming red goop was a draught of kings. It would heal all of your wounds, replenish your magical stores, vitalize your energy, cure you of many conditions, even give you heightened senses for some time. But this all came at a terrible price. After the potion wore off, you would drained of life, on the brink of death, until you had another potion that is. One evil creature had become quite succesful off of these potions. He would make them, then sell them to the local citizens of a town, moving on after a few weeks. That man was a vampire. Vlad was that vampire. He stood behind his booth, using subtle magics to lure people in. He studied all of his potential customers, and settled on an elf. He manipulated the scents aromating away from the various potions, awaiting for his next victim to approach.
  5. John tumbled in the dirt, from where he fell off of Katzaniels' back. His face and clothes were covered in a layer of dirt, and his mouth and nose were filled to the brim. Coughing and sneezing, he unclooged his face as he slowly lifted himself off the ground. While falling, John hit his head, and consequentaly saw doubble. He saw two merchant caravans and head toward the one on the left. While on the path he managed to hit a tree, and started seeing doubles of the doubles. Keepin it consistent, John once again headed to the left-most one. He might have been walking in circles, because he saw a large indentation on the ground and remarked that a fall like that must've hurt... As John wobbled back in the direction of the caravan he came face t oface with a familiar figure. "Why hello, you're the guy who wrapped up my hand." John lifted his arm to demonstrate. "You should try to keep your horse under control." John started off to the caravan again, getting an icy look in his back.
  6. I meant writers work in general.... not just peredhils... ===Vlad the rage-aholic=== I can't live without rage-ahol! "Me is smart. Dur." -Stick
  7. YAY!!! What is copnsidered more prestigious? Ancient or Elder? I've understood it as Ancients are people who used to be Elders except they just got really old (and tired/lazy). If that is the case wouldn't lumpenproletariot's (sp?) promotion be a demotion? Please help allevieate this confusion. ===Vlad the rage-aholic=== I can't live without rage-ahol! "Me is smart. Dur." -Stick
  8. I'm Jewish but I LOVE all of your people's Christian holidays. Why? Three words... After Christmas Sale!!! Edited by: Vlad the Imploder at: 12/26/02 8:01:33 pm
  9. Clever!!
  10. Peredhil, you know we all love you. You are a good writer, and I read most of your stuff (there is so much). Thinks for a moment, then give Peredhil a hug Carolyn, thats okay, I was like that until I finally worked up the courage to apply. Now I am a respected member of The Pen is Mightier than the Sword. I hope. ===Vlad the rage-aholic=== I can't live without rage-ahol! "Me is smart. Dur." -Stick
  11. Vlad stared intently at the thing in his hands. He brought it to his mouth, trying to get some blood, but it tasted like... booze? No. Vlad tried to get another sip, but a putrid stnch was escaping from the bite marks on it's neck. Well, as close to a neck as you could call it. Vlad tossed it over his left shoulder with a grain of salt, and went on his merry way. Not ten paces farther did he see a sign about a reward for capturing a liver. One that escaped most likely due to alcoholism. Vlad turned around, but didn't see any small little things running around. He shrugged, and continued his search of blood. A man was busy loading a caravan not too far away, and Vlad came up to the gentleman. He distracted him long enough to get a meal, or a drink, which ever you prefer to call it, and wandered off in a random direction. This man wasn't going anywhere for a long while.
  12. *walks past musing about how he is illiterate* (#2) Very well written. I see a poet in the making. One thing to criticize on: Don't advertise that you can contribute to this community. That is one of our standards. We can see for ourselves that you have talent, and Wyv will prol'y accept, if you don't insistently beg. He is kinda slow in replying. ===Vlad the rage-aholic=== I can't live without rage-ahol! "Me is smart. Dur." -Stick
  13. I would join, if I wasn't already supposed to be in five threads.
  14. Its Hannukah, and Kwanza. anyhoo... Hannukah, 8 days of cash. I get rich for being lazy, Screw your ghosts of chistmas, It pays to be a scrooge.
  15. 1 moose 2 moose 1 elk 2 elk 1 deer 2 deer The entire family of animals is named that way (I think)... just my two cents worth!
  16. Don't remember where I found some these... Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. BE EVIL! It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt... Then it's hillarious! If the blind lead the blind, they'll fall into a ditch. - J. Christ (yes, I'm sure, read the bible) Do or do not. There is no try. - Yoda Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and you will be surprised by their ingenuity. - General George Patton Jr. It pays to be obvious. Especially if you have a reputation for subtlety. - Isaac Asimov ===Vlad the rage-aholic=== I can't live without rage-ahol! "Me is smart. Dur." -Stick
  17. As night fell, a vampire began to wander the streets in search of his midnight snack. Vlad was just out the door when a small animal, or so it seemed, ran by. He chased after it and when he reached it lifted it off of the ground. The animal squirmed, but Vlad had a firm grip.
  18. OoC: Can Vincent fly? iC: As the bat created distance between himself and Vincent, he felt as if being watched. He shrugged off that feeling and gained more height. When Vlad became level with the clouds, he felt relatively safe. He hovered for a moment, trying to come up with a plan, when an idea hit him like an idea hitting a vampire over the head. Vlad went into a steep dive, making wide circles, and descending upon his foe at a suicidal rate. When he was a few meters above Vincent's head, Vlad made a sharp turn. Vincent swung his blade, but Vlad managed to slip under it. He tried to transform back to vampire form as quickly as he could, but was hit over the head with the handle of Vincent's sword. Obviously the transfromation took his opponent by surprise and threw off his aim. Vlad shrugged off this blow, and tried to slip his dagger between Vincent's ribs, but only tore the winged man's cape (if he isn't wearing one, then shirt). Vincent jumped back, trying to utilize the reach of his sword, just as Vlad jumped to the left in a diving-roll. The two stared at each other, niether daring to make a move yet.
  19. It is well written with descriptive language and stuff..., but I don't think Wyvern will take it. The works need to be an original piece specifically created for the purpose of joining this fine stablishment. As I understand it these aren't originally for that purpose. Sorry. ===Vlad the rage-aholic=== I can't live without rage-ahol! "Me is smart. Dur." -Stick
  20. OOC: If you don't like it, get the moderators (Gyr) to delete this post. IC: As Vincent approached the figure, there was no reaction. As Vincent got closer still, he could see that this was not a warrior, but a cluster of men. "This seems like a good place. Obstacles, a crazy local, yes it's perfect. This is where the Burning Fist Battles will take place." The other men murmured in agreement, and two large portals opened in the sky. The group of dark clothed men went through one and it promptly closed. Through the other a full-grown vampire flew through. He was not flying under his own power, rather he seemed to be guided to the ground. Upon reaching the ground, Vlad immediately regained self-awareness. He transformed into a bat, and tried to fly back through the portal from which he came but strong winds held him back. Vlad descended back to the ground, and became bipedal again. He turned to face a raging Vincent, and unsheathed his dagger.
  21. OOC: Kas, very nicely written... IC: As the fool ate like a starved half-dead gerbil, he thought (#3) that he should have some manners about him, or he might not get food in the future. These seemingly nice creatures, and men, were beeing rather nice, but he knew niceness wasn't a permanent trait. "Gee, Mr. Kassamannyder, thanks for the meal. What is it? Tastes like chicken." Kasmandre, who had been blissfully walking away, thinking the situation had resolved itself stopped dead in his tracks. The love of his life gets captured, he almost gets assassinated, guards chase him through the city, and to top it all off, someone gave a gibbering fool - who was dressed the part - his last piece of chicken. He slowly turned to face John, and tried to keep his voice quiet and level. "First of all, it's Kas-man-dre. Not Kassy-whatever you said. Second, you just ate my last piece of chicken. I like chicken. Third, you are filthy. There is a small stream a bit of a ways back. It's clean enough to wash yourself with, but not clean enough to drink." As an afterthought he mumbled maybe you'll get eaten by something. John said his thanks, and wandered off in the direction Kasmandre was pointing. As John started off on his way, Kasmandre got his first good look at the smudge on the back of John's costume. He didn't know it at the time, but this was the same emblem that Jerry wore. The smudge was not accidentaly shaped that way. It was one of the ways the evil wizard who captured Cassandra could tell who were his followers, and who were not. Seeing the emblem, Kasmandre had a strange feeling of worry overcome him, but it was Katzaniel, not he, who voiced this concern. "No, stop. I don't trust you alone. There is something... different about you. Stay here, you will remain as you are. Doubtlessly we will all get dirty at some point in this travel." Hearing such a commanding tone, John stopped, lied down next to the fire, and drifted off into a deep sleep. During the night he would turn only once, and it would wipe away the smudge on his back.
  22. John was lying like a brick encased in cement at the bottom of a pond when he was jabbed, rather nastily, with a big stick. The small group was starting to gather closer around him, and they began to wonder what was wrong with him. As if in answer to their thoughts, John's breathing broke its regularity. Only the animals noticed it, and they all became that much more attentive. John slowly rolled over from his back, to his stomach, revealing an oddly familiar looking shaped smudge on the back of his costume. In the process of turning over though, John managed to shove his hand into the blazing campfire. He did not wake from the pain, but raher from the sickly-sweet smell of cooking flesh. He stood up like a dart, and immediately inquiered as to what smelled so divine. Nobody ventured forth an answer, so John looked from face to face, and could have sworn that a tiger was licking it's lips. Realizing (that's two for today) that it was indeed him who was the special, albeit uninvited, dinner guest, he ran off, but ran dead on into the charming fox with barred teeth. He bounced back, and landed on his rear, everyone still eyeing him suspiciously.
  23. I'll join this later, when I have time... Just want to reserve a spot...
  24. This seems like a country-western song. Need I say more? ===Vlad the rage-aholic=== I can't live without rage-ahol! "Me is smart. Dur." -Stick
  25. Is this girl insanely hot? If she is and you give that to her I think it would be real smooth... ===Vlad the rage-aholic=== I can't live without rage-ahol! "Me is smart. Dur." -Stick
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