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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. The cost of typing can be, Limited only by those like me, I don't charge too much, But I will do this as such: A dollar for a balnk page, More with little words, Especially if they be sage, But don't listen to the birds. I'll even sell you some ink, For how much you inquire, Well I need a moment to think, As much as a sword for hire. You want some meaning with that? Sure, I'll give it all to you, I'll give it away at the drop of a hat, Just, please, buy stuff from this Jew.
  2. This is actually fragments of an IM conversation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stop it! You're not stupid. Glasses and braces, Pshaw... They don't mean anything. People can see who you are, The apparati don't change at all. So you don't get the math test, When will you need it anyways? You don't get the Shakespeare either? Just get a different book and read then, The pages will open themselves. Ugly, what the **** are you thinking, Cute, and smart, with a personality too! Oh? *He* says it's not so? Just listen... No, not to him, to yourself. You're better. Life has it's ups and downs, this is just a pit. Fly, go, run! Take life and do something with it!
  3. This is too funny! Don't want to clutter up your thread, but do write on! Maybe move it to the assembly room though?
  4. hehe... You know we love you, Elwen. Enjoy your special day.
  5. I'd say split that into 2 lines. Otherwise, it flows well, giving off an almost sadistic feel. The second one I don't get, but that 's just my fault.-
  6. This... is deep, Thinas.
  7. For once, I agree with everything everybody before me posted.. Don't have anything too add though, except that it's good insight. I like how the stanzas are seperate ideas...
  8. Very interesting using parallel phrasing. I'm left to wonder who it is...
  9. ... This is overflowing with emotion. I don't even know how to approach it, except to say, "well done".
  10. Hehe, this made me chuckle, and made a good day have a great end!
  11. This is a good poem, and I can't believe I missed it earlier... The format threw me off, haveing two clauses in each line. Definetly works well with the content.
  12. Cut off from the rest of life, Being blind by your lonesome, Can't really call yourself alive, But not wishing you were dead, The blind man is the only one, Who can look out at the lands, And speak truly from his heart, "I am the master of all that I see." Creeping into the darkness, hiding. Hiding through shadows between light, Lighting up faces around the planet, our home. Humming a tune to make days brighter, From your own little prison, in your own little mind.
  13. The blood pours, as tears. From what I have lost- And what shouldn't be found. Secrets lie in wait, disasters, Life waiting to happen, Death waiting to end. Existence is too brutal, Without those who know, Those who understand best, Often times have never felt it. Pain - deep in my heart. Bulges, screaming to be let out! The terrible horrors I hide... Alas, what have I done to deserve? A fate such as this - telling of loss. Don't waste your life, young ones.
  14. ... Powerful.
  15. This is not something I have really thought about, and as such my response is worth less than... well, something, I'm sure. This is really cute!!!
  16. Blazing fury sweeps the skies, Drowning terrors 'neath the waves, Revolting lands shake and quake, Searing touches light a flame, Deep within each one lies it: True power waiting to explode, Not to benefit, but rather kill, Kill instinct, kill yourself. But nature, she is not that nice. Fists flying, metal thrashing, Spirits dueling, blades clashing, The true horrors lash out at me, Unleashing blood for bloody sea, Pauses only let the agony sink in, Eating out, more flesh for every sin, Ripping, tearing away from pure life, Roll the last of your few final dice. Just let me free from this world, Hold me in no longer, Punishing those swifter, higher, stronger.
  17. A whole, torn open by a hole, Gaping, emptiness escaping, I knew you, but I didn't know- Who you are, or what you be, You came into my life and saw, That I care about kindness. But you conquered through, The night being your shield, My heart a poor country. The hostile borders are few, I will keep them far between. My soul is my haven, my land- Rotted deep in ways of old, Traditional nightfire burning. Those who choose to come, Will suffer unendurable pain.
  18. I don't know what to say Deggy... We'll talk about it, I'm sure, but best of luck. Just a little side note: There is definetly an issue here that needs to be worked out by the members...
  19. I hate to do it, but... awwwwwwwwwwwwww how cute!
  20. Fear is like cheesecake. Good in small quantities, but will kill you from a heart attack in large.
  21. it's supposed to be, but I bend the rules a little...
  22. I was borne of the far black basalt tomb, From where I erupted through the slight mists. Gliding across waves with shadows hidden. Lost in my though and completely unarmed, To the streaks of my life and odd perils, Death following high on the heels of all- When I dodge like a master of the arts, Through distant lands I may have seen in time. Ahhh... In that the true mystery shall lie, For I have seen only with a naked eye, Nearer draws the curtain under which I, Will tell the tale by which we die.
  23. Although I haven't read anything you've written, I'm sure it's all good. Happy Birthday! *wanders away before he digs himself too deep of a hole*
  24. give it some time... Wyv may be slow but he's all we got.
  25. Actually, for everyone that is initiate or higher, there is a special place to put your bio. Just another perk you get for applying...
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