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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. Vlad


    Standing so tall- Gracious Elf. Who could you be- Other than yourself? Magic so strong- Sorceress Elf. Could it be her? There is no-one else. Feelings so kind- Caring one. Helping all creatures- Under the sun. Hiding from fame- Humble one. Hiding your strength- Never overdone. She is always there- At the end of the day- She who is there- Is Salinye. Copyright 2004 Vlad
  2. I like it, but I can't quite figure out why. I think it's the form of it.
  3. You promised me more after I gave you details for the writing exchange! You promised! *puppy-dog eyes*
  4. I read it, and I think it's very good. Although the writing style changed a bit, but that's understandable. And I'm not doing this to humor you.
  5. ...after some behavior some of you definetly wouldn't aprove of. --------------- Brittle forces arising fromthe dungeon walls Feeble means of controlling one man's destiny Frail thoughts will forever wander through such halls Madness - conquering many minds so easily Entrance blocked by deep recesses in the soul Exit stolen with such force that even time knows naught Curses flaring and shattering by body whole Old men singing demon's praises Burning flesh surrounds each victim Searching through endless mental mazes Playing a game no one can win Always trapped as a prisoner Ceaseless pain brought upon yourself Things never again will be like they were The changing fates never give dead men help Evil is still very alive Eternally locked inside you More agony it can conive No matter the hell you go through Dwells in my mind Torturing me Every second Of every day Blood rushes in Then it sprays out Into the forsaken world Because it is all in my mind Edit: thanks Chanz
  6. *wakes up* *walks in* *blinks* I'm a week late for my own promotion, one which I didn't even expect to get because of my recent absence, and ... Well, it's a time I'm truly lost for words. (Oh yeah, this means I'm officially back)
  7. Wow. This stirred mixed feelings in me. Not sure what I'm thinking about it, but it's powerful writing. Descriptive enough to matter and vague enough to let everyone relate. Not sure what inspired this (hope you're not being abused) but it's good.
  8. I like the parallel lining of "If I would die tomorrow" Very thought provoking, and definetly NOT dribble.
  9. do you mean wound? This poem is deep, I really like it. I often ask my self the same question, but can never find a satisfactory answer. Keep it up, Vince.
  10. This brought a smile to my face. I find this poem relatively amusing and light-hearted, while at the same time I feel that there is a message embedded in it. Still have to figure out what the message is though. Heh.
  11. Apart A moment Seems to last Forever Every hour Drags on Endlessly This day Will never End If I'm apart from you Wanting to see Your Sapphire eyes. Longing for Your hand in mine. It's so hard to be apart When I love one, Like I love you.
  12. Mirror I would travel to the ends of the world for you- But it's all worthwhile, because you would too. I would die to see that smile your lips make, But in death, that smile would keep me alive. I want nothing more than to be with you, And believe that is something I can do. It doesn't matter where I am, I don't care who will ever hear, Me say that "I love you"- Without knowing That you do too.
  13. Moirai are the Greek Fates - one weaves the thread of life, one holds it, and the third cuts it. The three sisters who hold each man's life in their hands. Klothos, Lachies, Atrophos. (I bet I spelled them wrong) As for names? I have no clue. =)
  14. Wow, I like the symmetry of this poem. how the second half is basically the opposite of the first. This is really good. if you want to center stuff you use the tag < center > and < /center > (without the spaces though) like so
  15. A torrent in the seas, Winds blowing life away- The maelstrom of love... What happened so fast? What was it yesterday? Why does time fly by- When I'm with you...? Getting lost in the dungeons, Trapped in the catacombs. Strangled by the darkness, Of far corners never looked into. The deep recesses of my lonely heart. I see hope at the end, You are standing there forever- Looking at me with those eyes. Running in the mist, Chasing distant dreams- The ground gives way... I fall eternally. With your memory at my side.
  16. Hope it's a good one.
  17. You can be taught to double how well you write. Or some other quadratic system applies - think parabola (y = x^2 + 1; where y is how well you write, and x is how much you can improve) Basically - a person who is mediocre can be taght more than one who is horrible, but not quite as much as a Samuel Clemens. [editted because i wrote the equation wrong]
  18. the 150s - 170s are rather interesting. and rather amusing.
  19. ... Wow. This is *really* good. I can't think of any criticism. At all. This is excellent.
  20. The sweet wisps of lost nights, The dawning of a new day's sun, Like the wind that chills- I will be gone, but not forgotten. A shadow looming over, The haunting of the past, Like lost children's toys- My memory fades away. _______________________ First thing I've tried to write in a while, trying to get over my block.
  21. "Happy happy happy hannukah!" Hm.. that doesn't sound right... The vampire wanders off scratching his head wondering what today is... OOC: Happy birthday Cioden, Falcon, and all the rest of you.
  22. Vlad comes up to a marvelous oil painting, looks around and whisper's to Zool "I gots the goods right here" motioning to the inside of his coat. Looking around a few more times, the vampire reaches into his coat. An anxious Zool makes a few nervous glances around "Hurry up! Nobody's here." Vlad quickly pulls out the mystery item and tosses it into the painting before running away. Zool looks to see that there is something in his hand. An electric pickle.
  23. hmm... everybody who posted voted for pen, or not at all, yet keyboard is winning curious
  24. Vlad watches what happened with slight amusement, making a mental note to remember that button. The red one. Could be useful for when he runs out of things to do. After seeing Kasmandre get healed in a makeshift sort-of-way, he tosses the body to Damon. "Take him somewhere, and meet me... wherever I am in thirty minutes. You can do that teleport thing again." With a smirk, Vlad goes off to find Peredhil. After some fruitless labor, Vlad begins to give up, when he sees Damon again. "Hey, can that teleporting thing work on more than one person?" The demon seems to hesitate, then responds with a slow nod. "Excellent! Can you bring Peredhil over here? I'd ask you take me to him... but I don't like to travel more than I need to." Giant guinea pigs are animals... right?
  25. I wished you one on IRC, may as well do it here. Happy birthday, and may your cheesecake never run out.
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