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Rezure Page Posts: 10 (9/10/01 9:32:44 pm) Reply Re: Terran Biology -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instalment #3 (**Out of Lecture Context** (not OOC because, I assure you, I play no C)) Now, in writing this third instalment, I by no means intend to offend nurses (or other unionized employees for that matter). It may seem that by juxtaposing their real demands to the admittedly flakey fake demands of trained elephants (the focus of this instalment) I wish to somehow belittle them or give accross some sort of social message. I assure you, this is not my intention (I try to avoid social messages if at all possible). Simply, nurses were the subject of the first article that I deemed suitable for the "alterations" which need to be made (**end OOLC**) *Ahem* Today, we're going to present for you a hot current event topic that is raising a stir in the Terran world. I am speaking, of course, about the recent CTE (Certified Trained Elephants) walkout, stemming from their dispute with their employer, Swords for Hire, Inc. But before you form your own opinions on the matter, I strongly encourage you to read this clip from Forbes.com which can be found at www.forbes.com/newswire/2...79583.html for additional resources, please see St. Louis (that's from a different planet) Business Journal at stlouis.bcentral.com And Here is the news-clip: 2001, 09, 11 BLACK MARKET, TERRA (Inpress) - A Controversial result from the vote late yesterday by the CTEU (Certified Trained Elephants Union) is splitting the Trained Elephant community, and could wreak further havoc with the situation of the already weak Swords for Hire, Inc. The CTEU Local 11 vote resulted in the slimmest of majorities (51.1% to 48.8%) of union employees voting in favour of a full strike, to begin in one week, while still in the midst of negotiations with SfH. According to union representative Mark Tuskman Jr., the CTEU's demands include signing bonuses on par with those of lower-level heroes, a higher salary, better benefits, but most importantly, respect. "It is unreasonable for us to accept the lack of respect we receive, and our salary, which does not account for inflation, especially in these times where other segments of the Black Market economy are experiencing a significant boom" Tuskman was quoted as saying. "The Trained Elephants' demands would cost the Sword for Hire and the average Archmage over 130 Billion geld per annum," Arachripepha Pipha, retired Bard and current SfH VP, Operations counters. "When you consider that Sword for Hire only makes roughly 45 Billion Geld yearly, I am sure you understand why a settlement has not been reached." The trained elephant community has been split virtually down the middle by these events. Professor Aristotle de St. Germain, dean of the school of Labour Relations at Esua University, believes that most trained elephants are "strongly attached both to their union and their employer," which would explain the evenly split vote, but also, St. Germain noted "means this crisis must be resolved with the utmost expediency, as the trained elephant workers are taking this altercation very hard." The two sides are still talking, however, and, says Pipha, there is a "slight possibility" an agreement can be reached prior to the strike deadline of September 18th.
Rezure Page Posts: 9 (9/10/01 8:20:50 pm) Reply Re: Terran Biology -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wow, Wyv! That's the funniest thing ever =) Archmagically speaking, at least...
Wyvern00 Elder Posts: 106 (9/10/01 4:14:41 pm) Reply Re: Terran Biology -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imposter, Excellent posts. I hope there's more to come. Cheye, Would you be referring to this? Posted by Talsien September 23, 2000 01:32 PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Severan tells me that there is no age limit drinking laws here in Terra. Is this true? If so, one might wonder what the age of consent is....." All ages in Terran years. the following are the legal ages of consent in Terran high law. Archmages-22 General population-17 Falcon-2 Iron Golem-N/A Sheep-1.5 Squirell-0.8 trained elephant-3 Frog-1 Warhound-1.3 Dwarf-32 Giant-112 Chimera-48.3 Lizard man-9 Hell hound-11.7 Hydra-18 Ogre-34 Red Dragon-412 Salamander-56 Troglodyte-213 (To be changed 13th november: 22) Sirene-3 Sylph-2.79 Sprite-1.6 Shadow monster-N/A Ice elemental-76 Water elemental-78.9 Mind ripper-114 Air elemental-Disputed Troll-35.6 Magician/druid-23.1 Devil-17 Fallen Angel/Fallen Archangel-57.8 Fallen Dominion-82.1 Gargoyle-14.8 Imp-12 Ghoul (unpracticed) Skeleton-N/A Orc-18 Lich-28.7 Succubus-3 (strong dispute) Zombie (Generally unpractised, isolated pockets-14.7) Vampire-43 Wolf raider-13 (wolf-4) wraith-47 dryad-13 elf-34 Faerie dragon-6 Gorilla-6.6 Nymph-2.11 Swanmay-17 Treant-87 werebear-15 pheonix-116 knight-18 Angel, Archangel, Dominion, High Priest, Preacher-prohibited Paladin/Crusader-18 Pegasus/Unicorn-36.7 Breach of legal age of consent is highly frowned upon in most juristictions, though some mages country's have a more liberal view, to note; Archaan the black, burnt at the stake under supervision of the high council due to lack of law enforcement. I hope that has been of some help. A very bored Talsien ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cheye69 Page Posts: 28 (9/10/01 3:43:23 pm) Reply Re: Terran Biology -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- very good! Reminds me of the age of consent laws for Terra thread. I will go see if I can dig it up...
Zool47 Elder Posts: 70 (9/6/01 6:48:54 am) Reply Re: Terran Biology -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is wonderful! Great job on both. The AE one is almost mythical. I thought the HH one came off stunningly authoritative. I would recomend a link to this on the AM UBB conservatory... ~Zool~ Elder of Elders, The Pen is Mightier than the Sword. Bard of Terra, Patron Saint of Aspiring Bards. Elder than dirt, more foolish than a jester, able to trip over the smallest logic in a single step. It's... Oh, you know.
Rezure Page Posts: 8 (9/5/01 6:50:12 pm) Reply Re: Terran Biology -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I thought maybe some in this class feel the subject of biological classification is too terse and dry. Nothing could be further from the truth. To demonstrate this fact, tonight's lecture, on the Air Elemental, will be a story read aloud. What story? A Rudyard Kipling story, of course! Here is "How the Air Elemental got his disproportionately high Power Ranking" - a little-known last minute addition to the "Just So Stories" - available online at www.boop.org/jan/justso/ In the High and Far-Off Times, O Best Beloved, when Terra was still shining and new, there lived a little Air 'lemental, all shining and sheeny. But he was 'sceptionally similar to all the air around him, and could never be distinguished or told apart. He could not do anything, this air 'lemental, he just floated around with all the rest of the air and did nothing Then came the time when all the 'lementals of Terra began to work for Terran Mage. The water 'lemental made sure he had plenty to drink. The fire 'lemental kept him warm in the evenings, and the ice 'lemental let him keep his food for as long as he liked. Only poor Air 'lemental was useless. He wanted to work for Terran Mage, o yes he did, but there was nothing he could do, remember, Best Beloved? This did not suit the plucky 'lemental, o no, Best Beloved! So he went to Terran Mage's home on the banks of the great Landudu River to ask for employment. He did go to Terran Mage, and he heezed meezily, snirling and sniffering, but could not speak. But though to the other 'lementals there seemed to be no sound, Terran Mage understood (this was magic). And Terran Mage told Air 'lemental "I'd employ you, but right now you are no more useful to me than a shovel to a hippopotamus. Go away, you are not needed!" The Air 'lemental felt really dejected, and the other elementals started to mock him. Furious, he went to see the all-powerful Chunga Changa to ask it for some powers. The Chunga Changa heard the poor lemental, and asked "What Powers do you want?" I want to scare Terran Mage's enemies, heezed the 'lemental, "I want thunder, and lightning, and wind, and most 'specially thunderclouds." But really, the little 'lemental only wanted to get back at Terran Mage and the other 'lementals. The all-powerful Chunga Changa knew this, but he also felt sorry for the 'lemental. So he made the Air 'lemental seem very powerful (so that he wouldn't be hurt or mocked by the others), but not be powerful enough to seriously hurt Terran Mage. And since that day, all 'lementals had very high Power Rankings, O Best Beloved, even the ones you see today, except of course that you rarely ever see any. sadly I could not find the poem that went with this one. If I find it, I will post it, if anybody else finds it, they are encouraged to post it for the learning of all.
peredhil31 Elder of Lists and Manners Posts: 133 (9/4/01 4:35:46 am) Reply OoC Feedback -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wonderful! More! More! Peredhil applauds.
Rezure Page Posts: 6 (9/3/01 6:58:57 pm) Reply Terran Biology -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *ahem* It has come to my attention that the mages of Terra have really little to no knowledge of the creatures they command. Therefore, I have taken it upon myself to scour the internet for various tidbits of information on all terra's creatures, great and small. If it goes well, maybe I'll take requests... Alright, so your first instalment is on the ubiquitous yet obscure Hell Hound - taken directly from the American Kennel Club page on the breed - www.akc.org/breeds/recbreeds/hellhnd.cfm (or go to www.akc.org choose"By Name" from the breeds menu at the top, and then browse the alphabetical listing for Hellhound). HELL HOUND Hound Group Breed Standard General Appearance The Hell Hound, one of the oldest recorded dog breeds, is a strong, agile, well muscled animal, menacing, yet perky and full of life. The dog is longer than it is tall and has a proud and distinguished carriage. The head is not broad and yet not narrow. The ears are low-set, and the eyes are diamond shaped, preferably red colored. The coat is full and the skin is somewhat loose, while being quite hot and fiery to the touch. The Hell Hound is especially characterized by an long otter tail with a burning patch at the tip Did you know? The first Hell Hound club was founded on May 3, 1894 by the German Captain Georg von Kerlegger, and was known as the Verein fur Teufelhunde (TV) The National Hellhound Club was founded in 1901 in New Delft, NY, a town which tragically burnt down in 1908 during a Hell Hound enthusiasts convention. So you want to own a Hell Hound? The Hell Hound is known the world over for its amazing abilities as guard and attack dog. If security is your number one priority, the Hell Hound may be your best bet. The Hell Hound is not for everyone. If you live in an apartment or a town setting, for example, the Hell Hound is not a viable option, as it must be kept outdoors at all times as pertaining to the US Fire Hazard Code. Companionship offered by the Hell Hound is minimal and it does not take well to leashes - which is ideal for people with busy lifestyles. Height & Weight The desired hight for dogs is 28 to 30 in; for bitches 27 to 29 in. The Hellhound is longer than tall, with the preferred proportions being 27 to 22.3 (the length is measured from the point of the prosternum or breastbone to the rear edge of the pelvis, the ischial tuberosity). The weight is 70-90 pounds for both dogs and bitches. Head The Hell Hound's head must appear poised, distinguished, yet sufficiently evil and the expression aggressive, yet composed. Eyes of medium size, lozenge shaped. The fiery orange color is preferred, although anywhere from yellow through red to dark brown is acceptable. Ears are low set yet not droopy, glowing and with a blaze emanating from them. A dog with charred, extinguished or non-existent ears must be disqualified. The nose must be black, and the jaws must have a slight overbite. Teeth - must appear vicious, and no fewer than 38 in number. White color is preferred, though blood-drenched is also appropriate. Body and Legs Body - abdomen is firmly held and not paunchy. Back straight, full count of ribs. Legs - any amount other than four is undesirable. Claws sharp, metallic and smeared with tabasco sauce-like poison. Tail - the tail is long and tapering, neither bushy nor ringed. The most important characteristic of the tail is that it is naturally "flambe". Any dogs which do not meet this requirement must be disqualfied. Color The colors are and tan, liver, tan, brown, gray and red. Any Hell Hound that has any part singed black must be disqualifeid as must all white-colored dogs, as this reduces their evil appearance. DISQUALIFICATIONS: As Above Attempting to bite, breathe fire upon, scratch, or otherwise hurt or maim the judge Approved: January 27, 1935 Modified: October 3, 1998
peredhil31 Elder of Lists and Manners Posts: 339 (10/29/01 12:43:21 pm) Reply Errata -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For anyone interested, here are the AD&D equivalents of the characters from my starting notes. Scores were generated by rolling: 4 numbers (3D6), 1 number (4D6 (discard lowest)), 1 number (4D6 (discard highest)) arrange as desired. Cromwell Kithe: Great Grandson of The Kithe. Age: 16. Black Hair, grey eyes, high sharp cheekbones, long sharp nose, slender sinewy build. Int: 17, Wis: 15, Str: 17, Const.: 17, Dex: 18, Char: 14 Long Bow (+3 Kithe bonus) Short Sword Knife +2 Hand-to-hand +2. ~~ Kendall 'Kid' Cotton: Age 14. Brown hair, eyes, stoutly built farm boy. One of the crowd even when alone. The kinda kid you'd leave holding your horse while you went into the store if you were a stranger in town. Int: 12, Wis: 10, Str. 13, Const.: 14, Dex: 6, Char: 10 Staff Knife ~~ Jenny Tanner: Age 15. Curly blond hair, black eyes. Curveous. Simple earthy and open, likes boys and such in a sweet tomboyish way. Natural worshipper of Yrranna, Dianite (Maiden phase) acolyte. Int: 8, Wis: 18, Str: 15, Const.:13, Dex: 14, Char: 13; Inate power: Throw (thrown stones +1). Club +1 ~~ Jeremy Tanner: Age 14. Curly blond hair, black eyes. Short slender build, always has a slight sniffle (allergies). Very sharp cutting quick tongue but can switch to charming in a heartbeat. Resents his sister's health, vitality and strength. Always the watcher and commentator in events because he tires so quickly he'd rather not try. Uses poor health for sympathy. Int: 15, Wis: 9, Str: 8, Const.: 6, Dex: 15, Char.: 13 Power: 3/Slots:2 Spells: (power cost/slots used; * == Memorized) **Flame Dart (1/1) Sleep (1/1) Start Fire (1/1) Mend (1/1) Soften Leather (2/1) ~~ Bobby Cooper: Age 13. black curly hair, black eyes. Lil' bitty kid with a too big sense of humor. Practical joker. The only one weaker and smaller than Jeremy. Bobby is apparently bothered by nothing but boredom, and is always in trouble. Indifferently trying to be a mage. Int: 12, Wis: 13, Str: 3, Const. 10, Dex: 10, Char. 14 Power: 5/Slots 1 Spells: Spark (1/0.5) Yawn (1/0.5) * Sneeze (1/0.5) * Spider Climb (1/1) Edited for spelling and grammar (always the bane of quick posts.) Edited by: peredhil31 at: 11/1/01 11:21:39 am
peredhil31 Elder of Lists and Manners Posts: 337 (10/28/01 9:12:04 pm) Reply Day Twenty-four -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asmenfarmod!!! We paid our coppers and crossed the river into home. Jenny and I both made our Adulthood! The Tanners and Coopers are really sad about the loss of Jeremy and Bobby. Cromwell’s big brother, Anduras, is back. He left eleven years ago. This means Anduras will be the next Kithe and not Cromwell. Cromwell has left and gone hunting. I think he’s upset about not being the next head of the Kithe Family. There's so many Cottons, I've never had to worry about it. Mid-Atlantic Riff is now the High Druid of Tas! Can you imagine that one? After all those years he spent running around crazy! I don't think I'll ever understand how gods decide things. Jenny and I are supposed to get together tonight at the Gold Dragon Inn for a date! She says now that we’re adults, she can thank me properly for saving her life. She makes me nervous. Uncle Mordecai says he’ll help me build a little house if I’ll help him in the fields. Sounds good to me – I don’t ever want to go adventuring again.
peredhil31 Elder of Lists and Manners Posts: 336 (10/28/01 9:08:13 pm) Reply Day Twenty-Three -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Came on four Kobolds fighting a Giant Serpent. Jenny got sick watching the snake eat a Kobold whole, but we didn’t interfere. We worked our way around and continued on. Cromwell says we should reach Asmenfarmod late tonight or early tomorrow! – evening. My watch. I thought I saw Mom’s pet bird, Malice. If it wasn’t him, it was some other black oversized raven.
peredhil31 Elder of Lists and Manners Posts: 335 (10/28/01 9:06:44 pm) Reply Day Twenty-two -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slow progress today. When we woke up, we had no boots! It happened on Cromwell’s watch – he must have fallen asleep. Cromwell’s bow, my sword, and Jenny’s club had all been moved to point the same direction. We are out of water, so we’ve decided to try that way. We’re moving carefully because of sore feet and possible ambush. – later. We broke through some dense underbrush and found the Overland Trail by the river! Cromwell says he knows where we are now. We are going to camp along the river. Water! Praise Tanar Lady of Waters! – night. When CK woke me for my watch, I noticed a dark spot on his leg. It was a leech! Yuck. Jenny had one too. They didn’t even feel them, the bites are numb. When we cut them off, the bleeding didn’t stop for a long time. Since when do leeches leave the water?
peredhil31 Elder of Lists and Manners Posts: 334 (10/28/01 9:04:27 pm) Reply Days Twenty and Twenty-one -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kinda behind on writing, sorry. Yesterday was the same stuff. Saw a giant wolf print, big as my hand, while gathering fallen wood. If that is the werewolf, I hope he’s lost too! Today Cromwell killed a deer. Lucky shot through the trees. It was gaunt and has little meat. We're almost out of water and I can't stop thinking about it. It's hot under these stupid old trees. Jenny has one bag of water left.
peredhil31 Elder of Lists and Manners Posts: 333 (10/28/01 9:01:39 pm) Reply Day Nineteen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nothing but these over-grown trees. Can’t even see the Hellers through the overgrowth. Cromwell thought he saw the setting sun and marked the direction. Will try for the river again in the morning. Jenny and I spent most the night talking. She says if I don’t tell anyone the Goddess Name I heard I’ll be just fine. She wanted to know all sorts of things about how I felt. She says most men can’t even hear Her Names when spoken in front of them. After I while, I was so lost in her eyes, I don’t even know what we were talking about. I hope she never reads this!
peredhil31 Elder of Lists and Manners Posts: 332 (10/28/01 8:59:59 pm) Reply Day Eighteen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lost in heavy woods, very large trunks, tall, old trees. We haven’t seen anything but birds for hours. – later. Found a spring next to a rock outcropping. Water seeps into the ground within a few yards. Mosquitoes and gnats heavy around here. – later. Camping now. The woods remain heavy and it’s hot under the trees. We found a skeleton. Cromwell thinks it might have been a Vile. The skull was pinned to a tree, about seven feet off the ground, by a short sword through the nose hole. Jenny and I both screamed when we first saw it grinning out of the gloom. When I turned to run, I smacked my head on a branch. Through the stars and water in my eyes, I thought I saw a grey wolf. We are camped a little off from the skull. By unspoken agreement we are leaving the short sword. Speaking of short swords, I cannot understand what evil spirit convinced me in the storage room to choose an edged weapon. There were available clubs there. I’ll just have to be extra careful. – later. Jenny killed something on her watch. Cromwell says he thinks it’s a Kobold. They are short as a Gnome, and very ugly with wof-like fangs. This one died easily. Jenny says it just wandered into camp and seemed too weak to flee. It has no food, water or money. I hope we find the river soon.
peredhil31 Elder of Lists and Manners Posts: 331 (10/28/01 8:56:32 pm) Reply Day Seventeen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We are lost and my head aches badly. The woods are loud and bright, with obscenely cheerful birds casting their maliciously raucous cries inconsiderately back and forth. I feel sick and drained. Something tastes like it crawled in my mouth and died. Jenny feels badly too, but Cromwell remains silent except to say we need to save the healing potion. I think we might have been poisoned by the well. It is starting to rain a thin drizzling dropping. I’ll write more when I feel better. - later. We all fell asleep during the rain, under several close fir trees which kept us warm and relatively dry. When I awoke, the woods were quiet and the sky overcast. Standing outside our clump of trees peering around, was a lean weather-beaten man. He had gaunt cheeks, one smoldering eye, and was dressed in an enormous wolf-skin. His hair was dark and lank, falling in irregular lengths around his head and shoulders. I’d been awakened by his loud sniffing! He stepped closer and closer and I shifted carefully to keep him in sight. When I moved, my knee came down on a twig I hadn’t seen, which snapped. Quick as a flash of light, the man whirled and leapt into the dense trees. I woke the others and described what had happened. Cromwell says that sounds like a were-wolf his grandfather had mentioned. According to his grandfather, the wolf man eats children who stray from their parents in the woods. My hair truly stood on end. We’ve decided to head north until we meet the river, keeping the Hellers at our right, and hope to hit the trail or the river that runs by Asmenfarmod. What a miserable day.
peredhil31 Elder of Lists and Manners Posts: 330 (10/28/01 8:52:45 pm) Reply Day Sixteen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cromwell made some torches out of the Troll Pines. Had to wrap the handles in cloth stripes after peeling the bark. Removing the well cover was easy after we dug it out. There were step-like holes in the brick lining so even CK with his bad chest could go. So we did. I went first. My idea – If I fell, I wouldn’t knock anyone else off. Then Jenny, followed by Cromwell. We wound down about fifteen feet; The walls were cold and slimed. I found a narrow passage heading off at an angle to the well. Since our hands were numb and slippery, we took the passage to rest within. The well continues down at least ten more feet and we could see the reflection of the torches off dark still water. The passage went straight about twenty-five feet, very narrow and rough, and ended in a wooden plank wall with a simple rusty latch. We rested there for a while, putting out all but one torch because the heavy smoke was making Crom cough. While we rested, I found an old stub of a tallow candle. We lit the candle and put out the last torch. I’m keeping mine to use as a makeshift club. When we’d rested a while, and eaten a little, we opened the door. I managed to cut my hand on the latch, but that is typical. It wasn’t really a door! It turned out to be the back of a set of shelves which swung out on hinges. The long room beyond was walled with more shelves with a slanted door set at the far end. There was a trap door in the ceiling above us. It looked like one of the rooms we used on the Other Side, in the Bright Star Training and Proving Grounds the town lived in during the Bad Winter. But our cellars weren’t ever filled with treasures! Along the walls on the shelves were rude chests made of rough wood, filled with copper, silver, and even some gold. Along the other wall were folded cloaks, robes, rope, lanterns, food packs, string, boots, weapons, and clay pots marked with runes indicating Jelly and Jam. There were flasks marked FO’C, which really made Cromwell excited. He said they were made by a famous priest of Smyrnov, who’d lived in Asmenfarmod a long time ago. It was a potion named Irish Whiskey that was supposed to have marvelous curative powers. When I asked why Smyrnov had lived in Asmenfarmod, he said it was the priest, not the God who’d lived there. I felt like an idiot. After lighting a lantern, we examined the potion. It was clear as water. When I drank some, it burned like fire and I could feel my eyes bulge and water. I coughed, wheezed, and strange shivers ran from my bottom up over my head, like the tingles of a foot falling asleep. My face and ears soon felt hot and my fingers thawed. My ears rang and the world spun. But soon everything came back into a sharp, almost tunnel-like focus and the second swallow of the potion didn’t hurt so much. I was warming up quickly and losing all fear for the first time in a long time. My tongue felt glazed and slightly swollen and when I moved, I flowed confidently. Perhaps this was a potion of agility too? I looked at Jenny and she was sputtering and had watering eyes too. Cromwell took the flask and downed a long swallow. He coughed once, blinked hard, and said “Prime. Liquid gold. Year of the Burn if not older.” It sounded so funny coming from Mr. Sober-sides, Jenny and I laughed until we had to sit down. I felt better than I had in quite some time. Definitely a potion of healing. When we closed the shelf we’d entered through, it was the most wonderful of all. On it were beautiful jewelry, unset gems, a couple of beautiful swords set in sheaths worked with golden traceries that glittered in the lantern light. There was a kettle, a short piece of string, an ornate Chalice, and other wonders. There were even some books and pictures in small silver boxes. Jenny tried on some earrings and a bracelet and looked so beautiful I nearly cried out loud. I tried to tell her how lovely she looked, but my tongue seemed too thick. The silver and black pieces complemented her golden hair so well. Cromwell carefully took another of the magic Irish potions and the Chalice, while I took some rope and some copper for the Ferry. I also took a short sword to replace my lost weapons. I didn’t feel right about taking one of the fancy ones, so I took a plain one off the long wall. Jenny carefully took off the jewelry and put it back. We were wondering who owned all this, when we heard a loud commotion outside, like fighting. Still full of valor from the potion, we rushed in a most direct line to the door, and after several tries, worked the latch. In our excitement, we didn’t even notice until later all our wounds had completely disappeared. Dashing through the door, Cromwell and I stuck against each other for a moment, then burst out and up some steps. Through an open door, set level with the ground, were the remains of a courtyard, surrounded by ruined burnt walls. Fighting with his back to us was an enormous Troll wielding a huge two-handed sword. Facing the Troll was a tall man dressed in simple tunic and pants, long black hair bound back with a leather thong, also wielding a two-handed sword. When the man saw us, his eyes went wide and he faltered just long enough to be knocked senseless by a great blow from the Troll. I immediately charged, potion filled with grace and vigor, and cleaved the Troll’s head from its neck with a single blow! The Troll fell like a tree, blood hissing and steaming black, and I tripped and fell with him. Jenny and Cromwell grabbed the fallen man and we all quickly fled the scene. I paused long enough to grab the man’s Great Sword. I was amazed at the vitality of trolls, which must be kin to snakes. When I glanced back, the Troll was still jerking its arms around in its death throws. We went as quickly as we could, which was slower than normal. The forest seemed alive against us as we tripped and lurched into everything, and the weight of the Man was heavy – we dropped him regrettably and frequently as we bounced through the forest. We ran and stumbled until we were gasping and out of breath. When we stopped to rest, we put the man down and were almost immediately attacked by a stout badger. I avoided the attack by falling over sideways when I tried to draw my new sword. It was stuck in the sheath! I was suddenly terrified that I had a magically cursed sword, but it turned out later that the troll blood on the blade had acted like glue in the scabbard. Cromwell shot several times at the badger, but unaccountably missed and Jenny ran screaming into the woods. As I rolled continually to stay away from the enormous scarlet tongued, ivory fanged monster, Cromwell finally hit it with an arrow. It went berserk! The arrow stood quivering in the hump of muscle ridging its back, and the badger lunged snarling at Cromwell. We were forced to flee from the ravening savage beast. When we finally quit running, we search for and found Jenny. Then we realized we’d forgotten the man. After searching with loud cries for a while, we discovered we had no idea how to find our way back. We camped where we were for the night, and sipped some more of the wonderful elixir to heal our bruises and stave off the chill. I’m tired, but volunteered for the first watch as the ground spins and moves magically when I lie down.
peredhil31 Elder of Lists and Manners Posts: 329 (10/28/01 8:44:31 pm) Reply Day Fifteen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We shot an Orc but he ran away. He was sniffing at the blood where we’d killed the Whappers. – later. The Orc came back – with four more! They shot at us with arrows. Jenny was hit in the arm as we ran away. I lost my staff and club when I tripped over a fallen log. My head still hurts. Crom is coughing blood, but since he doesn’t complain, I’m not going to whine. We fled until we lost them in a corpse of Troll Pine. The needles drew blood, but at least the Orcs stopped their pursuit. We now cower and rest. I can tell that Cromwell would have done better by himself. Here in the center of the Troll Pines is an old well, covered by a cracked lid. It was well hidden under dirt and pine needles, but I found it when I put my foot through the cover. Thank goodness for sturdy high boots! Jenny thinks we should leave it alone, but Crom and I agree we should at least see if it has good water. Our wounds are such that we must rest a few days. We’ll try to open it tomorrow.
peredhil31 Elder of Lists and Manners Posts: 328 (10/28/01 8:37:55 pm) Reply Day Fourteen – real late. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s almost morning. I can’t sleep, I have a bad headache. An hour ago, I heard something big hissing down by the dead men. Neither moon was in the sky and it was DARK under the trees. Some starlight glimmered off of something. Scales?!? Do lizards grow that big? The bodies (all six!) are gone now. I looked and found only some blood, a club, and a coin pouch. I buried the club and pouch.
peredhil31 Elder of Lists and Manners Posts: 327 (10/28/01 8:35:35 pm) Reply Day Fourteen - later -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We ambushed six Whappers! Not too smart, but we was still mad at all of that ilk. The badgers left and we was waiting to make sure it was safe to come down and heard them coming. After a tough battle, we killed them all. I killed two, and didn’t hurt myself or drop my staff. Jenny killed three with her club, calling Jeremy’s name like a battle cry. Cromwell killed the leader in a sword combat. I did end up unconscious from a Whapper’s dying blow, but Jenny killed him. We are camped several hundred yards away. Cromwell says we should rob the bodies as just reward, but Jenny and I voted no. We don't want nothing from them.
peredhil31 Elder of Lists and Manners Posts: 326 (10/28/01 8:33:16 pm) Reply Day Fourteen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We traveled back toward the trail today. We could only travel until noon as Jenny still tires easily. I’m looking at her, dirty and smelly as the rest of us, hair still matted with blood on one side, and all I can see is how she looked last night. I’ll never call her a dumb bunny again. We had to climb trees right before nightfall. Two badgers decided to fight over the clearing we'd camped in. Cromwell says nobody in their right mind messes with a badger.
peredhil31 Elder of Lists and Manners Posts: 325 (10/28/01 8:30:35 pm) Reply Day Thirteen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last night about midnight, when the little moon was setting, two rotting corpses of Orcs stumbled into camp and attacked. The sheer horror of it made them hard to fight. Cromwell’s hair was up on end, and his teeth showed in a grimace all through the fight. Arrows just stuck and I thought we were dead for sure. Suddenly Jenny was standing in the dying moonlight and called on The Mother’s Name. The moon was caught in her curls and her eyes were enormous as they flashed angrily. She was so beautiful I forgot to be afraid. She was holding up that silver thing that I can never quite see (its always down in her cleavage, but worth looking for) and the ground suddenly split open and swallowed the Orcs up! I screamed and wet my britches and Jenny passed out. The ground just sucked them down like muddy mouths. I ain't never seen anything like that. I couldn’t sleep the rest of the night. Neither could Cromwell. He told me not to worry about wetting myself – he said he was too terrified to do the same. I didn’t believe him, but it made me feel better anyway. We spent the rest of the night whispering about the worshippers of the Women’s Goddess. We’re going to move camp when Jenny wakes up.
peredhil31 Elder of Lists and Manners Posts: 324 (10/28/01 8:28:17 pm) Reply Day Twelve -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All my silver is gone! I know right where I had it and it’s no longer there. I still have my copper chain and copper pieces. Cromwell says both his silver tipped arrows are gone too. I told him about the Gnome/rabbit, and he said some Gnomes are thieves. It has something to do with their Manhood quests. I guess I didn’t watch well enough. Jenny is much better. May travel tomorrow.
peredhil31 Elder of Lists and Manners Posts: 323 (10/28/01 8:26:20 pm) Reply Day Eleven -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Gnome left this morning. We gave him some venison. He gave me a copper chain and told to me to come visit him at ‘The Low Mountain’. When I said I’d never heard of it, he said it was south of here, and then left before I could ask any more questions. Cromwell made me search all our stuff to make sure nothing was missing. He's so suspicious, I mean, the Gnome helped Jenny didn't he? I’m feeling fine, except a stitch in my side when I breathe deeply. Jenny is already much better. She’s so silly – when she woke up, the first thing she asked was “who punched me in the breast?” I couldn’t believe it. She cried when I told her that Jeremy was dead, but then spent the rest of the day praying to Dien the Maiden. I tried not to listen. I don’t know if I’m in trouble now that I know the Maiden’s Aspect name. I try to stay nice with all the gods, but I don't want to get too mixed up in them! I moved off (with my staff!) to the spring and practiced being still. (A hunting lesson from Cromwell.) A rabbit almost fed from my fingers! – later. Cromwell says not to feed the rabbits as some will eat fingers. - night. On my guard shift, I thought I saw the Gnome in the moonlight. Turned out to have been a rabbit. I didn't feed it. Moonlight will play tricks on your eyes I guess.
peredhil31 Elder of Lists and Manners Posts: 322 (10/28/01 8:23:10 pm) Reply Day Ten -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My hand is sore, but I can use it again. CK’s gone off to explore around us. While he was gone, a little short man dressed in leathers and a badger skin cloak (with the head still on it!) came by the pool. I kept really quiet, but he heard Jenny when she coughed. He started over and I sprang up and beaned him on the head with Jenny’s club. His eyes crossed, then rolled up to the whites, then he fell down. I tied him up and took off his sword. It’s so short it looks funny, but it was sharp enough to cut my finger to the bone when I slipped while testing the edge. About ten minutes later, he started moaning and came back awake. He tried to sit up, and felt the ropes, so he rolled over instead. When he saw me, he puffed up his cheeks and stuck out his beard all bristly and his eyes got big. He looked so fierce, I hopped back a foot. When I jumped back, I tripped and sat down fast. Well, he started laughing so hard, he turned red and so did I. He says to me, “Come on lad, untie me quick and give me my things. I’m a hard foe and my curse is on robbers and thieves.” I said, “I don’t have anything of yours but your sword, and a sharp one it is. I’m no thief or murderer. But I’m not going to untie you until my friend comes back. I’ve a hurt companion to guard.” “Who’s hurt?” he asks, looking around. When his eyes saw Jenny, they went big. He grinned a grin and said “I can promise I won’t hurt that one!” The way he said it reminded me of some of my own thoughts on the person in question, and I started blushing again. He gives me a sly look and says not a word, but when our eyes meet, he starts to chuckle and winks, and I blushed harder and then we both start to laugh – him low and wicked-like, and me embarrassed. “She’s hurt bad,” I tells him, “so none of that talk.” He just laughs that low laugh, that sounds so funny from such a little man, and bobs his head so that the badger hood appears to wink. “No fear, lad”, he replied, “I’m not a lowland Gnome to couple with just any man or beast. I’m for my own kind and she’s not for me.” He moans a bit, piteously, and asks to be set up sitting. I set him up and give him some water to drink, accidentally pouring some down his beard. He snorts and looks at me like Pa always does – fierce but not really mad. After a talking a while, I got tired of waiting for Cromwell (who’d gotten lost! Can you believe it?!) and cut the Gnome loose to eat dinner. Next thing I know, I’m lying on the ground with stars and tears floating in my eyes. When the bells in my ears quiet down, I saw him standing there with drawn sword. “Are you going to kill me, Sir?” I quavered. He growls all low and mean, and I nearly wet myself. He laughed and said “Blow for a blow. Mountain Gnomes return fair measure, good or ill.” Then he walked over to Jenny and stretched out his hand toward her. I lunged to my feet and tripped over my staff. He glanced at my bloodied face and turned back to Jenny. As he reached again, an arrow appeared between his fingers. Cromwell was back! To save ink, I’ll shorten this. Under the watchful eye of Cromwell and I, the Gnome did something to Jenny’s head to loosen where a piece of bone was pushing in. I think she's breathing better already. Cromwell said we could trust this Gnome, but told me privately to keep an eye on him. The Gnome stayed the night with us and told some wonderful stories of mining.