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Zool47 Elder Posts: 60 (8/15/01 4:33:12 am) Reply Re: The Bar is now OPEN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wyvern finally wiggled free of the barmaid's grasp, and took off at a run. He was stopped suddenly, however, when Mongo caught him by the tail. "OooF!" Looking behind him, Wyv was relieved to see the tail still attached. "Phew!" Then he looked up to see Mongo's snarling countenance. Brandishing the bottle of Ole' Peculiar, Mongo pulled on Wyv's tail and took a step closer. Given the turn of events, Cheye thought it best to intervene. She stepped out of the shadows and struck a pose. "Hey Mongo. Over here." Cheyenne's sweet voice took a moment to penetrate Mongo's thick skull. But when it did, his head turned as though on a rusty pinion ("Squueeeeeaaaak!") until his eyes rested on the lithe form of Cheyenne. Mongo's eyes went into total Ah-oo-ga mode. "Oooh, purdy..." he rumbled, and taking a step towards Cheyenne let go of Wyv's tail. That's all Wyvern needed. He quickly swung his tail around and smacked his tail stinger square on the massive bottle of Ole' Peculiar. It exploded in a shower of glass and green foam. Mongo was a huge ogre of a troll, but wasn't too bright upstairs. For this reason, his massive strength was more suited for moving large boulders or holding up buildings - he had narrowly missed a career as a pillar, but then this job had come up. He froze when the bottle exploded, too much happening all at once. Once the glass had settled and the foam had sloshed into it's hissing rest, he took a look around and surmised the situation. Sinking to his knees, Mongo began to cry. "My.. Ole' Pec-ul-iar iar iar..." Syllables came joltingly between sobs. "The floor!" screamed the barmaids, as the hissing green liquid began to quickly corrode the wood planks. They scrambled for the asbestos mops and glass buckets kept on hand for just such an occasion. Cheyenne grabbed Wyvern's hand and they ran to the bar across the street. "Phew!" Wyvern went to wipe the sweat from his brow, but then remembered that lizards don't sweat. "Thanks a mil, doll. That was close!" He looked around idly for a cool rock to lay on. Cheyenne crossed her arms and tapped her foot. "You know, when I walked in, it looked an awful lot like you were being real friendly with those barmaids..." "Hey Wyvern!" yelled a gruff woman's voice, "I want to talk to you about your bar tab!" Cheyenne and Wyvern turned to see an elderly hag holding up a stack of IOUs. "Why Hilda, how ravishing you look today..." started Wyv. "Don't give me that! I've fallen for it too many times! If you don't pay me right now, you gonna have to answer to my bouncer, Grunt!" As she spoke she snapped her fingers, and out walked a MAMMOTH Cyclopse. He was so big, he forced the doorframe in EVERY direction as he squeazed through it. Huge muscles rippled between shining armour plates. Lamp light reflected like stars from the polished metal armour and the highly polished black leather. He didn't seem to carry a weapon, but then he didn't look like he needed one. "I say, Hildy my dear, what seems to be the problem?" The cyclopse's eye quickly took in Wyvern's presence. "Oh, Wyvern, I was hoping it wouldn't come to this. Ah well." The giant then made a fist and began to crack his knuckles, the loud popping and snapping echoing even in the large crowded room. As one, Cheye and Wyv gulped. ~Zool~ Elder of Elders, The Pen is Mightier than the Sword. Bard of Terra, Patron Saint of Aspiring Bards. Elder than dirt, more foolish than a jester, able to trip over the smallest logic in a single step. It's... Oh, you know. Edited by: Zool47 at: 8/15/01 4:33:54 am
Wyvern00 Elder Posts: 52 (8/10/01 4:01:17 pm) Reply Re: The Bar is now OPEN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The two floozies, which Cheyenne had thought were tempting Wyvern, were actualy demanding that the overgrown lizard pay his bar tab... "Listen lizard..." growls one of the waitresses "...trying to pick us up is useless, we wouldn't go out with you if you were the last dateable reptile in the universe!" "But..." starts Wyv. "Pay up..." interrupts the second floozy "...or meet the bouncer: 'Mongo'" "Ummmm... Can't we come to some sort of understanding?" squeaks Wyvern, now quite nervous. An enormous grunt comes from the far corner of the room, and Wyvern tries to get up and flee. Unfortunatly, the two waitresses hold him down before he can make his move... *eep!* squeals Wyvern, watching as an enormous troll exits out of the back door, weilding a huge bottle of Ol' Peculiar... ------------------------------ Almost a Dragon... "I'll put it in lamer terms: If you came to learn how to make fire, COME I'LL MAKE YOU BURN!" -Big Pun, R.I.P Owner of the Decanter of Endless Booze.
Cheye69 Initiate Posts: 10 (8/10/01 11:12:23 am) Reply Re: The Bar is now OPEN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walking with a light and bouncing step, Cheyenne is almost trembling with delight as she nears the Tavern. It had been too long since she had seen her one true Love Wyvern. 'Most likely he would be sipping from the Decanter, pining away for me like all good and faithful beings' Mussed Cheye. Thowing open the doors she steps thru the opening and starts to open her mouth to yell out to Wyv as she sees him immediatly. "Hey, Wy......" The words die on her lips as she sees not just one floozy but TWO drapped over his powerful torso, hand feeding him grapes, with a look on his face that could only be described as 'Lust Crazed'. Stepping back out of the doorway, she ducks into the shadows to watch for a minute or so, when this activity doesn't stop but escalates with the taking off of sheer tops (that didn't cover much anyhow) she decides to match him at his game. ***Zool, I need you to come in here and post....we have to show Wyv up and you are just the man to do it! ( sorry, can't contain the evil grin now...)***
Gyrfalcon25 Bard Posts: 4 (7/9/01 7:52:59 pm) Reply Re: The Bar is now OPEN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *The young, Zadown-ish mage scurries away with his free beer, only to lurch onto the stage after consuming half of it.* *Meanwhile, Gyrfalcon wonders if he had just served a beer to a minor... then shrugs and decides that since that was one of the many of Zadown, their average age probably made him an adult.*
Gyrfalcon25 Bard Posts: 3 (7/9/01 7:51:35 pm) Reply Re: The Bar is now OPEN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wyvern: "That's right folks! And remember, free alcohol for all members officialy Quill Bearers and above, couertsy of Brute's famous endless Decanter!" Wyvern walks up to the bar doors disguised as a human. After he's passed the security, he ditches the costume and makes his way to a table located on the left-hand side of the stage. (Note: the reason for Wyvern's disguise at the gates is because he's been banned from all bars in Terra. Just ask Brute ...) After Wyvern has seated himself and started sipping from his Decanter, he lustfully eyes two serving maids that are serving drinks... Peredhil: Peredhil comes in talking quietly to his Giant Guinea Pig Guards. His sons, Elladan and Elrohir, are no where in sight. "...So we will be complete by the end of the week." The Pigs nod their understanding. Taking a table, the three begins talking in low voices. Suddenly one of the suit-clad Pigs bursts out in a loud voice, "Wot? Da Bartender's name is Guido too?!" With a large toothy grin, Guido heads over to welcome his newest 'Brother-in-name'. "Yo, if'n you ever needs someone removed, youse let Nuncio and me know, capise?" Zadown: From the orderly troop of mages-whose-name-begins-with-Z, a young mageling silently sneaks away. He is not as tall as most of the others, but he still has the same face. Seeing the bar kept by Gyrfalcon, his already bright eyes light up. "A BARR!1 FFREEEE POISON!" The mage runs towards the bar, stop suddenly to stare at the giant guinea pigs, then rushes again to the bar. He tugs Gyrfalcon's sleeve and asks simply: "BEEER?!"
Gyrfalcon25 Bard Posts: 2 (7/9/01 7:48:42 pm) Reply The Bar is now OPEN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Gyrfalcon works industriously by the stage, aided by several golems and one large creature that you can't quite identify. Quickly, a bar forms before your eyes, and the golems begin to stock it with the neccessary equipment- cups, mugs, shot glasses, rags, chips, bowls, and most of all, alcohol. Gyrfalcon supervises the work while the creature leans against the bar, causing it to creak alarmingly. It looks at the various mages gathered around with disinterest in it's eyes. Finally, the bar is complete, and Gyrfalcon stands behind the counter, ready to take orders. The golems line up by the casks and shut down until needed later, and the creature straightens up into an alert stance.* "Come in, sit back and relax. Have a drink and listen to the stories from the stage. Oh yes, and if you try to damage the bar or myself, Guido-" Gyrfalcon waves to an imposing creature, who you suddenly recognize as a Goon, "-will be forced to take you outside and splat you." "As a special treat for the opening of the bar, your first drink is free, so pick your poison!" Gyrfalcon gestures to the racks of bottles on the back wall, along with the kegs of ale, beer and other spirits. "Finally, anyone currently performing on the stage gets free drinks, though they will be banned from the more intoxicating liquids so their performance does not suffer." "Enjoy!" With this final word, Gyrfalcon sits back and waits for orders to come in... OOC: splating: Guido is a splatter. This is like a bouncer, except it hurts more. reasons for the bar: lumpen: "Quill Bearer: New members who are awaiting placement. They should have to do things here on the homepage. Do jobs around the Tavern such as bartender, waitress and other fun things." So there is now an open bar. Lord GeldrinHor, any tips for running a bar? =)
Gyrfalcon25 Bard Posts: 78 (10/21/01 5:00:44 pm) Reply Re: A really short story -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Gyr applauds a story with no violence, trauma, anguish... just peace...*
Balladore Visitor Posts: 3 (10/21/01 4:26:05 pm) Reply Re: A really short story -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No... Its completely made up in my mind. Thank you all for your comments.
Ozymandias the Elder The Founder Posts: 66 (10/21/01 2:49:41 pm) Reply Re: A really short story -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Very...soothing. There's little enough out there that is these days. I thank you, too. Was this based at all on fact?
peredhil31 Elder of Lists and Manners Posts: 278 (10/21/01 1:47:51 pm) Reply Re: A really short story -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I like it! A well-described scene of domestic tranquility. A pleasant interlude for all the tragedies of late. Thank you.
Balladore Visitor Posts: 2 (10/21/01 1:21:50 pm) Reply A really short story -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pro~ This is a reallllllly short story that I came up with a while ago and am deciding to put down on paper right now... Its basically about how much people take, and how much they really need. Comments welcome, of any sort. Without further ado, here we go: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ?The Lighthouse? Near my home, up on a cliff, there is a lighthouse. It is very old, and badly needing a coat of paint... I can imagine that it has been there forever, since the begining of time... The grass still green, the water still eroding the cliff below, slowly but surely... But long, long ago, when it was still in use, and the walls were freshly whitewashed, 3 children played up on the cliff. The ran to and fro, engaged in a game of "tag". A loving mother watches form the doorway. As she decides it's time to come in, she calls to the children "Come wash up, you rascalls, supper's ready!", and the three abandon their game immediately at the mention of victuals. They run past their mother into the tiny kitchen, to see their father running down the stairs to beat them to the faucett. He cries his triump, washes, and rustles each boy's hair as he passes. Finally, when they're all finished, they take their seats at the table and pray thanking god for what they have, for though it is a meager supper, they are greatful for it all the same. After dinner, the table is pushed back into the kitchen and the room becomes a parlor. The boys play with their only toy, a small train set, while the father smokes his pipe and reads his paper, and their mother quilts in the corner. Soon the clock chimes nine, and the boys are ordered up to bed... only for their parents to hear little feet scurrying around on the floor above for half an hour. Silently, the mother and father exchange a smile and creep up the stairs to the single bedroom for the boys, and rap sharply on the door with their knuckles. After the scurry of feet to the bed has gone, they enter and kiss each child on both cheeks, then walk downstairs to the main room again. Out of the wall, they pull their bed on its rusty springs, and dress before crawling in together. The mother rests her eyes as he listens to the beat of her husband's heart, and the rain that has begun to fall. Quietly, the man says to his wife "I love you." Equally quietly, she replies "I know... I love you to," and they fall asleep, into a deep slumber, for they are blissfully happy together. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Balladore Visitor Posts: 6 (10/22/01 11:05:46 pm) Reply Re: Untitled story/novel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The three walked inside to the all-purpose room of the cottage, finding it empty. Out back, though, Queen Aurora stood over a cooking fire, and her son Horace continually stocked it with wood he gathered from the trees concealing the cottage. They were obviously preparing the noontide meal, and by the smell of it, were almost done. The three sat down to wait, and Sonalf got something for the weary herald to drink. He took the cup from the archmage, and thanked him gratefully. "So, Herald, what is this news you bring from Capitol?" The herald paused for a moment, hesitating... "I'd rather wait until the Queen and her son were here, as it regards them mainly." "What?! I'll have you know I was the King's main millitary advisor, before I was sent off to guard the Queen and her son!" "Hush, Cardisk! Wait for luncheon, and Queen Aurora," which was to come sooner than they thought... a moment later, the two (Horace and his mother Aurora) came inside and served a pot of soup, and fetched a loaf of bread from a cupboard. Her eyes were bright, as she expected the news to be good, and her long chestnut hair fell well below her shoulders, falling into her eyes and face from time to time. Her son had the same eyes and hair, but definately the chiselled features of his father. He was a bit more wary of the traveler, and assumed that the news was bad due to his expression. They ate in awkward, scattered conversation, as if they couldn't find anything to talk about, but it seemed to be agreed that the news wouldn't be given until after the meal. Finally, they finished, and the herald decided that he had waited long enough. "Your majesties Queen Aurora, Prince Horace, I come with a message directly addressed to you from Capitol, which was besieged 2 days ago by Marlaunt and his troops. Unfortunately, I regret to tell you that Capitol has fallen, and King Synchron has been taken captive to their brutal forces..." his voice trailed off at the end at the looks given him all around the table. Aurora was heartbroken, and began to cry, whilst her son tried to console her even though he was near tears himself. Cardisk looked to be in shock, and Sonalf hid his expression well, the diplomat that he was. "Well, I assume you need to get back to capitol to help the force re-group," Cardisk said distractedly. "Yes, sir, I will... and I bid you all goo-" He cut himself off here, realising too late that it wasn't a very good day at all.
Balladore Visitor Posts: 5 (10/21/01 10:47:31 pm) Reply Re: Untitled story/novel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pro~ Ah, but the herald becomes unimportant soon, as you will see... just a conveyor of my story for the moment... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "You move again and my next dagger will be aimed for your heart" came a gruff voice from the shadows of the cottage, accompanied by a man stepping out into the light. The sun glinted off his armor- the finest made by the King's dwarven smiths, the herald recognized it, so obviously this man was friend. "Peace... I come from Capitol, I'm a herald carrying important news-" and stopped speaking as the knight flicked his wrist to throw his knife. The herald screamed as he saw it flying through the air, quickly... drawing nearer to his face at lightning speed... until it was destroyed in a shower of sparks a few inches from his face. "Cardisk! Stand down, he's wearing his marker, can't you see that?! I'd think you have rocks in that head of yours rather than brains!" came a voice from the other side of the cottage... and another mysterious man stepped out, with his eyes flashing menacingly. He wore long flowing robes of a midnight blue, and carried a staff. Now, this person he recognized; it was the King's personal sorcerer, Sonalf. At the mage's appearance, Cardisk stalked off, grumbling as he went, his armor clinking oddly all the time. "Pay him no heed. Come inside and deliver your message, the lady Aurora will be anxious to hear from you, I'm sure. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Well, I'm tired, so I'll write more tomorrow, but I'm done for now.
Gyrfalcon25 Bard Posts: 80 (10/21/01 10:29:42 pm) Reply Re: Untitled story/novel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, so the herald is going from the capital to a cottage where the Queen and her son are? Hmmm... now was the dagger hurled by the Queen or someone allied with her, or is the rest of the royal family dead? Say more! As a note, you might want to flesh out the herald more in the next sections- what he looks like, who he is, his past, why he is where he is... =)
Balladore Visitor Posts: 4 (10/21/01 9:31:56 pm) Reply Untitled story/novel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pro~ I'm really hoping that this will draw out into a long story or a novel, but I have no idea where its going... I just started it tonight, and I'll only write a little bit of my ideas... Once again, Comments welcome of any sort. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The thunder of his horses hooves was steady, always drumming. He rode on at a gallop... he had to get there as soon as he could... He had to deliver the bad news to the queen and her son. As he rode, he couldn't help but feel a pity for this land... scorched as if the entire countryside had been thrown into hell... Well... if Marlaunt succeeded, this land and hell could very well be synonymous. Farms lay abandoned, still smoking from the batallion that had marched through here to Capitol only 2 days ago... the same batallion that now held King Synchron captive. Focus, focus... he had to get there. The map he had gotten from the herald-dispatcher had proven utterly useless, showing only landmarks (all of which had been burned) and the road, which was straight until a bend in the road... but he could see that bend up ahead. He was almost to the cottage, and he prayed to Sun that it hadn't been seen and captured on that day... There! there it was, he could see smoke coming from the chiminey. So they were alive... at least one of them was. He spurred his horse for the final drive. The sooner he gave the Royals his news, the sooner he could return to Capitol and help the main force. As he reached the cottage, he reigned in his horse and dismounted. He looked around the small thatch-roof cottage, but saw no one. Suddenly, a dagger flew through the air and burried itself into tough leather saddle, and the herald screamed in fright. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I wanted to end at a suspenseful point, so there ya go :-)! (plus, I need to decide where to go from there :-))
Rezure Quill-Bearer Posts: 22 (10/23/01 11:54:25 pm) Reply Re: Terran Biology -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Ahem* Midterms have not yet been marked, the TA's are working on it, but it will probably be done by next lecture. Now, as you are of course aware, many creatures are showcased in sporting events throughout terra. And although the practice is terribly brutal, I personally support it because of its' high entertainment value and the excitement it brings to the general populace. In the next two lectures, I hope to present both sides of the story. Today, to show you the animal-sport based industry point of view, The Terran Battling League (www.tbl.com) review of just one animal battle. Monday Night's Game between the Zoolandia Gorillas and Impostristan Lizardmen: (taken from www.tbl.com/onthefly/scor...ecap.html) "Impostristan (Ticker) - Lizardmen rookie Theorgh Fleurgh dazzled the Impostristan National Stadium audience with his skill and tenacity, but most fans undoubtedly came away disappointed with the match result. Fleurgh, who started the season at the Lizardmen front lines, almost tailwhipped up a comeback for Impostristan, who came up just short in today's tilt against Zoolandia. "We're really excited about what we're seeing so far from Fleurgh" said Lizzies' commander Glebugh Sathhhhhhhhhhhnga "he obviously still has a lot to learn, but he's got immense amounts of talent. We just have to hope he survives his rookie season." Fleurgh was part of the Impostristan line that took out 25 Gorilla in the dying seconds of the match. He himself had 7 kills and 13 assists, definitely impressive numbers for a rookie. However, it was all for nought as league-leading Zoolandia won the match 372-344, as Impostristan fell to 3-4-2 in the standings, despite having among the highest payrolls in the league. Gorillas' leader Ungungu was instrumental in their early surge to the lead, assisting on 11 take outs in the first minutes of the match. "My job is defense," Ungungu said "so it was really nice to be up on the rush. It's a great feeling." With the Lizardmen down by up to 107 in the early going after brilliant full-team stomping maneouvers by the Gorillas, it was an uphill climb for Zoolandia all the way. "Maybe we can take some positives from finishing strong" Sathhhhhhhhhhhnga said "but right now, it's all about winning." With an under .500 record midway through the season, the Lizrdmen are in tough to make the playoffs, which means next week's match against United Orlania is crucial. Zoolandia, already guaranteed a spot in the post-season with a perfect 8-0-0 record, cannot get complacent, commander Auga said. "We're playing good enough to win right now, but there are areas we need to work on. For instance, our team is very easily distracted by peaches, that is a definite area that needs improvement." Don't forget, next time - a statement from the Terran Society for the Protection of Animals on why creaturebattling must be stopped
Falcon2001 Initiate Posts: 42 (10/13/01 1:19:11 pm) Reply Re: Terran Biology -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once again, no graphics. 2. If the red dragon population were destroyed, then, in addition to everything Gyrfalcon said, the eradication mages of terra would lose some of their omnipotent in-battle power, and would subsequently be set upon by landgrabbers and vengeance-mongers, eventually leading to them hiding in caves with their hordes of salamanders. 3. I would rather fight an Air elemental, if for the simple reason that none of my creatures has a weakness to lightning, and I'd wear a rubber suit. After I had defeated it, I would use as an addition to my air conditioning in the Library of the Keep, which can get hot in the summer. 4. How long was the elephant trained? And by whom? What does the elephant's diet consist of? Finally, when was the last time the elephant in question had a bowel movement? Once again, the question cannot be answered without sufficient datum. 5. The Red Dragons, though they may like the idea of being a protected species, are ruled by their stomach and flame-gland, so they eat everything in sight, thus conserving themselves. 6. The Meaning of life is: Read a good book, laugh, and sleep a lot. 7. I should get a higher score than the highest scoring student in the class. Man, I'm glad I'm not in college yet. CiodenDarkeye Initiate of The Pen Hopeful Patron Saint of Impatience
Gyrfalcon25 Bard Posts: 65 (10/13/01 11:47:47 am) Reply Re: Mid-Terms... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- answers to the ones that don't require graphics: 2) They eat things, burn things, and hoard gold. If they weren't around, knights would have longer lifespans, and farmers wouldn't have their flocks carried away and homes burned down. Oh yes, and princesses would live longer. 3) An Air Elemental. After defeating it and gaining its services, I intend to use it as a fan in the summer, blowing a gentle breeze through my house. 4) Is the Trained Elephant of African or Asian stock? What are its demensions? How high is the water? This question cannot be answered without additional information. 5) The Red Dragons eat the conservationalists, along with the opposition. Thus, the conservationalists either are dead or have switched to opposition. 6) The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything is 42. 7) I should get an A.
Falcon2001 Initiate Posts: 40 (10/13/01 12:25:06 am) Reply Re: Mid-Terms... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Falcon sits staring vacuously at the NAME line, which has him quite stumped, as his name isn't appearing, and the paper's name isn't either, so he doesn't know what to call it. Also, the pencil he has is built upside down, so he couldn't write with it if he wanted to, as the point is at the top. CiodenDarkeye Initiate of The Pen Hopeful Patron Saint of Impatience
Rezure Page Posts: 15 (10/6/01 11:21:45 pm) Reply Re: Mid-Terms... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instructions: You have 50 minutes to complete the test (try to answer all the questions) Use INK only You must present your ID at the end of the examination period NO Graphing Calculators or other memory-enabled devices allowed. Good Luck! [20] 1. Draw the diagram of an AKC-standard hellhound. Label all the parts that you can. [8] 2. Discuss the role of the Red Dragon in our ecosystem. What would be the effect of destroying Red Dragon populations? [12] 3. Would you rather be attacked by an Air Elemental or a Red Dragon? Explain your answer. [12] 4. A Trained Elephant is moving in a stream of water that has viscosity 0.3*10^-3 Poise and velocity 5 m/s. The mass of the trained elephant is 17 metric tonnes, and its density is 727 kgm^-3. What is the Pressure force acting on the trained elephant? (density of water=1000kgm^-3) [7] 5. Explain why efforts on Red Dragon conservation are often met with stern opposition. Cite your sources where appropriate. [1] 6. Briefly explain the Meaning of Life 7. What mark do you think you should get on this midterm?
peredhil31 Elder of Lists and Manners Posts: 192 (10/2/01 4:11:02 am) Reply Mid-Terms... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peredhil steps out of character to try to remember Mid-Terms... Hmm, The first college, I studied for Mid-Terms by playing AD&D and giving back rubs all the previous night, both semesters... Second University was the fraternity. Played FARS for the two previous nights all three times... Third college. Moved the Role Playing Games to AFTER the Mid-Terms and Finals. Raised grades from 'D's to 'A's. (Note, this coincides with the time I started paying for my own education.) Studying usually consisted of rereading the material once or twice, then holding a study group and making a game out of the material. On one occasion, we took turns asking the rest of the group questions from the text, like a game show, and gave an M&M as a reward. Silly, but effective. Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh Colleges/Universities - Study first, Gaming after... Currently on a break (again) recharging finances, 12 Semester Hours from my degree. 170 credits and 23 years into my four-year degree... It is worth noting that every time you transfer, you can only transfer in 90 credits, and must take 30 with the current University to establish Residency - a warning to all you traveling butterflies out there! Peredhil steps back into character, adjusts his cuffs, and strolls away
Rezure Page Posts: 13 (9/21/01 8:35:02 pm) Reply Re: Terran Biology -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You know what? It's midterm season, and I can't say I've been doing too well on mine, so I think I have to give you one. Now I believe in fair warning, so, consider yourselves fairly warned!! Think back to your university days (for most of you it's back, I think, for some forward, for some it doesn't take much thinking at all, and for yet a fourth group of you... but I digress) and study hard (ri-ight! when you think about university you're going to remember studying??)
Gyrfalcon25 Bard Posts: 42 (9/19/01 8:45:44 pm) Reply Re: Terran Biology -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Gyr writes a few notes and doodles a Red Dragon in the margins*
gwaihir1 Quill-Bearer Posts: 11 (9/19/01 5:49:27 am) Reply Re: Terran Biology -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *sits listening to the lectures avidly*
Rezure Page Posts: 12 (9/18/01 4:39:01 pm) Reply Re: Terran Biology -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our topic today is the King of Terra - the Red Dragon. Legends of the Red Dragon abound (lord.doa.org, for example) so it's especially important that you know to separate fact from fiction. This insightful and concise article was taken from the University of Michigan's Animal Diversity Web - a place you should all visit here: animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/ Draco Gigas (Red Dragon) Classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Reptilia Subclass: Archosauria Order: Dracoptera Family: Draconidae Genus: Draco Species: Draco Gigas Geographic Range: Neoeradicant Mountainous: The Red Dragon ( draco gigas) has the most widespread range of any ultimate creature. It can be found in or near any red kingdom, but usually prefers mountainous terrain (Fimble, 3rd Reset) Physical Characteristics: Adult Red Dragons generally do not exceed 20 metres in length (excluding tail of no more than 12 metres) with an average wingspan of 40-50 metres. Individuals as large as 35 metres in length have been found, but are uncommon. Males are generally larger than females, but take longer to mature. The Red Dragon, like all species of dragon, has a long, sharp snout, strong jaw musculature and a high bony ridge behind the eyes. Large overlapping scales cover the entire body, cream for the young, dark red to crimson with a black tail for the adults. The adult Dragon's underbelly retains the cream color. The wings' flight surface is covered with skin and supported by four digits. (ibid., Lorreymare, 2nd Ager Reset) Natural History Food Habits: The Red Dragon is carnivorous, its prey ranging from deer and antelope to elephants and smaller dragon species. It is also known to frequently attack humans and other terran races (Fimble & de Gagliano, 1st AR). The Red Dragon hunts by night, using all of visual auditory and olfactory perception to locate its prey. The prey is usually not charred by the Red Dragon, although it does have fire-breathing capabilities. Reproduction: Information on the reproductive habits of D. gigas is scant. Polygyny seems to be the prevalent mating strategy among all populations. Females will typically lay 1-3 hard-shelled, elliptical eggs which are hatched after an incubation period of about one month. Unlike other large reptiles, no parental care is exhibited by the Red Dragon. Behavior: Red Dragons are typically solitary animals. They are quite territorial, and mark their territory by scratches left on wood or stone. They rarely fight amongst each other, but rare fights are seen amongst males for dominance, especially during mating periods. Fights usually involve biting, scratching and charring, but the combatants are rarely seriously hurt (Op. Cit.) Some members of the species hibernate, while others estivate, largely depending on the climate of their habitat. Red Dragons also exhibit a strong tendency to collect and hoard shiny objects. Habitat: Red Dragons are known to be very selective of locations for their roost. Estivating Red Dragons are usually found in warmer to moderate climates, where humidity and temperature are relatively high. Hibernating Red Dragons usually live either very high in the mountains or in temperate and sub-arctic regions. Both usually choose a cave or a remote mountain location for the roost (Fimble). Economic Importance for Archmagi Positive: The Red Dragon is economically irreplaceable for Archmagi, especially those of the Eradication School. Although the Archmagi have some means of control over the creatures, the term "domestication" is inappropriate. The primary importance of the Red Dragon species is in the armies of Archmagi. They are also known to have been used for personal protection, mass transport, home heating and food preparation, as well as the young of the species being prized for its meat. As the biggest predator in Terra, he is also a keystone species in the ecosystems he inhabits. Therefore, destruction of the Red Dragon population would cause disruption in the entire ecosystem, including the fates of other species on which Archmagi depend for sustenance, raw materials and protection (Rufus, 5th Blitz Reset). Negative: There have been claims that Red Dragons consume vast amounts of livestock. However, analysis of stomach contents show that only small amounts of livestock are consumed by any dragon at any one time. This does not support the farmers' claims. The same studies indicate that the intelligent species of terra form a large part of the Dragon's diet. This is largely due to the fact that Red Dragons' habitat has been encroached upon and roosts are often broken into and looted by adventurers. If not for these factors, intelligent creatures would form only a very small portion of the Red Dragon's diet. The Red Dragon will, on occasion raze small villages, but, again, this is largely the product of intelligent species, especially humans and dwarves, encroaching on its natural habitat. Red Dragons have a natural tendency to acquire and store lustrous objects, but claims that this is seriously undermining terran economy is unbased (Fimble, 3rd R). Conservation: While it was once extremely common throughout its range, the archmage's use of the animal in combat has severely depleted wild Red Dragon populations. It is estimated that the populations of wild Red Dragons has been reduced by 77% in the last 3 resets alone (although populations of 'domestic' Red Dragons increased by roughly 32%). There is estimated to be no more than 12000 Red Dragons in the wild. Illegal poaching for its meat and the leather from its' scales, and the destruction of much of its habitat has served to exacerbate the problem. In addition, the Red Dragon is strongly disliked and feared by the general terran population, so conservation efforts have not been well met (Rufus, 5th BR) Populations remain quite strong in Northern Terra, however, so the species is not in danger of immediate extinction. There is a hope that when populations of Red Dragons recover sufficiently, controlled expeditions into their roosts can be reintroduced, which will be a great boon for the economy and for tourism. It is hoped that this consideration will encourage conservation of the species. References: Fimble, Omicron R., 3rd Reset. "The Hunt for Red Dragon". Frogmort Press, New Rhode Island, Impostorland Fimble, Omicron & Sympatico de Gagliano, 1st Ager Reset. "Principles of Herpetology". Univercity Press, Univercity, Neutral Terran Territory Lorreymare, Axel, 2nd Ager Reset. "Observations on the Dragons of Terra". Tricorn Publishing, Capital City, Peredhilia Rufus, Jonathan, 5th Blitz Reset. "The Economics of Dragon Ecology Today". Scientific Terran Journal, v. 185, Issue 11: pp 372-418 Edited by: Rezure at: 9/18/01 4:41:00 pm