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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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  1. peredhil31: Yah! Peredhil runs in small circles yapping like an excited dog. Some one gets it! Actually, I have to give credit to Zadown for Spirals even continuing - I'd quit writing on it, when a chance comment of his told me someone was reading it - and wanted to see more! So I started up again. This style is different for me. Instead of plotting it out and then writing, I've been trying to put myself in the main character's mind, fill my senses with his, and then just write what he perceives. The plot has surprised me once or twice with things I hadn't foreseen. Peredhil
  2. Small and intense, perfect for a lazy reader like me. Every part keeps the suspence up, feels like there is much more around the corner ... like a spiral slowly unwinding.
  3. Ozymandias the Elder: My pleasure, Sir.
  4. Jechum: Jechum floats in... How does one teach patience? Jechum floats out
  5. Falcon2001: Ozy, I actually am a songwriter. If you were reading the UBB a few months ago, I have a bunch of songs I wrote...if it's not freeform, I always think of a poem with a song playing through my head. Music is life, life is music. Thank you again Ozy, it means so much to me to be able to hear people appreciate anything I write. Cioden Darkeye Page of The Mighty Pem Owner of the Reply Raven - Enemy to all those who never post responses Ashaman - WoT - Blitz II Council - The Hunters - Blitz II Leisure Officer - SFV Ultima - Beta
  6. Ozymandias the Elder: "Raging" I liked this a lot. I'm always more impressed by poets who can convey anger by beat and word choice rather than relying only on cursing and graphic violence. The former can help the reader understand what you're saying better than the the latter *because* focusing more on rhyme scheme and proper wording leaves more room for interpretation than the latter, which can just get the reader lost in the pictures in the poet's head rather than coherent thoughts and feelings. But I was wondering- are you a songwriter? I also thought Raging flowed more like a song than a poem. Not that that's a bad thing. "Happy Birthday...for my greatest enemy" Graphic, but with a purpose. I like and respect the introspection it built up to. "Wait...then Break" (A quick note- I started this reply after I'd read "Happy Birthday" and "Raging", and THEN read "Wait") Again, you show yourself to be atypical of 'dark poets' who write out their rage, depression, sadness and seem to feel little else. This one really presented me with someone who was/is angry, sad, resentful, etc., but is looking for solutions and actually uses them. In short, it showcases strength in a very empathetic, visceral, and subtle way. Bravo. Edited by: Ozymandias the Elder at: 10/21/01 3:58:16 pm
  7. peredhil31: I really have to leave this sort of Poetry to one of the others; I'm sorry, but I'm not impartial enough. I've had and have to many suicidal people in my life to stay emotionally distanced from your subject material to evaluated it as well as Wyvern just did. (Great job Wyvern!) I do recognize your brilliance - one reason I was so happy to vote for you to be a Page so quickly. I hope you can find healing and unedged humor. Peredhil hugs Falcon. Strangely enough, I'm originally from Idaho too... -Peredhil
  8. Gyrfalcon25: I replied over in the Conservatory, so don't sic the Raven on me. =)
  9. Falcon2001: Thanks Wyv! You have the special privelage of not having the Reply Raven after you...right now it's hunting down the other members of the Pen, even as we speak... *Through the thick stone walls of the Critic's corner a muffled scream can be heard followed by swearing that sounded suspiciously like Zool being attacked by a bird* Some more thoughts. Raging - When I wrote this, I had been listening to Korn for well over two hours, so it came out sounding like, well... Korn. Or a bad version of Limp Bizkit...I tried to convey all the emotion into that so I wouldn't actually take a louisville slugger to his face...okay, back to the subject... Happy Birthday, etc - This one has been rated one of my best by a few people, including Andrea...this and Run. I specifically chose the crystal part so show how close I was to shattering on the thick floor of reality. Wait then break - I love music, what can I say. My entire day revolves around going home and playing guitar to unwind. And if I can't play guitar, I start blasting my stereo. We had an assembly today and Third From the Left played (Local HARD rock band), and I got Godsmack stuck in my head after that and couldn't shake it...then came home and started smashing out Rammstein and RATM on my guitar. Seriously, I can't think of a better way for me to unwind than coming home, cranking up the amp until the sound starts crackling and then hammer out anything that comes to mind...jumping around and yelling along to Korn helps too...but that's just me. Once again Wyvern, you truly are a saint...(if a boozing, womanizing, party-throwing one) WYVERN RULES! To everyone else: Please reply to these, or the reply raven might just decide to peck off something important. Cioden Darkeye Page of The Mighty Pem Owner of the Reply Raven - Enemy to all those who never post responses Ashaman - WoT - Blitz II Council - The Hunters - Blitz II Leisure Officer - SFV Ultima - Beta
  10. Wyvern00: I enjoyed all three poems. Although they are certainly depressing, your talent shines brightly through. Let's take them one at a time... "Raging" The first thing that came to my mind while reading this, interestingly enough, was your fondness for music. The verses of the poem could very well be sung to a musical background, I think (a sort of punk rock type song). The most striking thing about this poem, of course, is it's imagery. Excellent, although blatantly horrendous, depictions of physical violence. Probably written while you were one of those darker moods, yes? The writing quality is certainly there... A decent poem. "Happy Birthday... for my greatest enemy" My personal favorite of the three. This is, quite frankly, superb. It's obvious that a number of your real emotions went into it's creation, and that, I believe, is part of it's brilliance. It's a shame those feelings are so depressing... but they're there never the less. And with a great deal of strength at that. Everything about this poem had me captivated. From it's structure and use of contrasting images ("perfect"-"flawed", "crystal"-"darkness", happiness-sadness) to it's blatantly heart-wrenching ending. I applaud you. Not only for writing a poem of a quality that I could never reach, but also for being brave and translating your feelings to words on a page. I sincerely hope that you'll get over you're self-loathing and forgive yourself for past mistakes. Once again, bravo. "Wait... then break" Another very heart-felt poem which demonstrates your passion for music and the deep affect it's had on your life. I particularly liked your use of structure change in the last stanza. It certainly catches the readers attention. Several well-placed similies have been riddled throughout... whether it be the comparison of the classroom to a coffin or the flow of the guitar to a backrub. These emphasize your feelings very well. Another good poem. I enjoyed it, but was not quite as touched as I was by "Happy Birthday... for my greatest enemy". There you have it. In summary: keep up the good work. On a side-note, you should put 'Owner of the REPLY raven' somewhere in your sig...
  11. Okay, I'd REALLY like to know what you guys think...I'm not really happy with always writing in free-form, but I've produced a few good works. Here's my prognosis on my three new ones: Happy Birthday...for my greatest enemy: My obsession(Andrea)'s boyfriends birthday was thursday, so I was pretty depressed and I wrote that. Free-form, not my best...but good, nonetheless. Raging: Not a tribute to RagingGoat ( ), but instead a very out of character poem for me. NOT my best work. I was really ticked at Matt that day so I wrote that...better writing than acting out. Wait...then break: this pretty much describes a normal day for me. I wake up, go to school, stay blank and calm, then go home, and let it all break out with my guitar. I'd say it was a mediocre at best poem. Remember, post your opinion or I'll send the REPLY raven after you. For those of you who don't know, the REPLY raven is a bird specically trained to fly after people and scream REPLY at the top of it's aviary little lungs. *The REPLY Raven starts circling over Falcon's head, looking for a target* CiodenDarkeye Page of The Mighty Pen
  12. peredhil31: I wanted to take a moment to tell you how vibrant your work is. You really should score the music for some of these and see if you can find a grunge band to play it. Promise me if you become the next Kurt Cobain that you'll not end up a suicide like him though! -Peredhil
  13. *Looks sheepish* Okay, sorry everyone...please tell me what you think about any of the 5097257439574390579342 poems I posted in the banquet hall. Cioden Darkeye Page of The Mighty Pen Owner of the Reply Raven - Enemy to all those who never post responses Ashaman - WoT - Blitz II Council - The Hunters - Blitz II Leisure Officer - SFV Ultima - Beta
  14. Ohhh.... mini-Peredhil in training! =) Speaking from four years down the road from you, all I got to say is hang on and enjoy the ride. As a note, I think this is an excellent piece of work for someone of your age (not speaking down to you at all, I surely could not write anything nearly as well formed as this when I was 13. =) )
  15. Gyrfalcon25: *Gyr applauds Dragcor's poetic skill* Sorry man, but you keep on slipping through the cracks.... Well, at least you got another reply.
  16. Dragcor Warwick: Oh cradle of an ancient people The earth beneath you rocks. Your belly spits up fiends Flying on opiate wings. Insatiable their thirst. Blood! Blood! And blood! Your halcyon a faience, shattered In bullet-rain. Grotesque your children lay Their blood drip down Blackened burnt bricks, Monuments to their rage. Your leaders imbued with hatred Heuristic bats, blinded And deaf! Deaf to the wailing of your women. Childless! Widowed! They dance with the rumblings of the 'shakabula' In attire they splattered with red. Oh ancient people, See how your cradle rocks. Still the baby sleeps? When will this fratricide cease?
  17. Cradle of Humanity? Cradle of Insanity? Looking at the Real World in which we live, this poem struck sparks from the walls in which I work. Ouch! But a good read... It's nice to see someone posting Non-Archmage stuff here at the Pen. It might encourage others to feel freer in their scope of postings too. -Peredhil
  18. Amazing. I rarely read poetry, because so much of it ends up seeming very self-centered, repetetive, or painfully dry. Passion in a poem and passion with *hope* has been very rare. I don't know whether to applaud or salute.
  19. peredhil31: Peredhil shakes his head. Gwaihir, you're a very talented poet, in a sort of Adam's Family sort-of-way. I like that...
  20. gwaihir1: I guess so, and it really was one of the most beautiful places. I wanted to write about it, but I couldn't write a straight beauty poem, because I don't know how to give such a poem depth. I twisted.
  21. Very well done Gwaihir! Honestly the most surpirising poem I've read recently... I really didn't see the end coming. I'm guessing that one of the themes is that beauty can be found even in death...? ------------------------------ Almost a Dragon... "My life is like one big crime: I try to scheme through it." -Common, "The 6th Sense" Owner of the Decanter of Endless Booze.
  22. gwaihir1: *grins* I in no way mind!
  23. peredhil31: Lyrical and evocative. It seems that way sometimes - we give gifts that aren't special in and of themselves, but special because of what they represent to the Giver or the Recipient. If you don't mind, I'd like to send a copy of that poem to one of my family members. -Peredhil
  24. Perhaps because it is relevant to my current situation, I liked it. There is a northern autumn just behind my door, red, yellow and dark... ... but, alas, I can't really say more precisely than that why I liked it. Pretty.
  25. Yui Temae: The familiar shadow form wavers into existence in the center of the room, the ravages of distance and duty making her voice echo strangely upong itself. "In a rare show of free online time, I've read your story, Isachar, and I'm struck with the usual pleasure I find in your work. Excellent job and my thanks for the mention. "Under normal circumstances, the Huntress would be loathe to let the squirrels go on a mission without a ... taller friend along, however I think you'd be disappointed in my own participation if I were to join you. Since you do such a good job of it, I extend you free reign to take the Huntress with your squirrels. After all, we cannot have our favorite Legion Newbie lost to the ages, can we?" She smiles. "I look forward to the next installment... and the time to read it. Until another time... " With a parting glance around the room, her eyes bid good day to everyone assembled, and she bows slightly, the illusion fading back to nothing.
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