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Stale AOD Initiate Posts: 6 (10/2/01 1:35:25 pm) Reply Re: Welcome back noble warrior -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stale, the sleeping warrior arrives in the land of Nod Whirlpool, red, shining ligth... flickering, brigther, white, blinding white... He rides his horse hard, or is it a horse. Horse, the word has such a familiar ring to it, still it seems to mean nothing to him. The pink beast sure does take him fast to... wait, where is he going. The little goblin, tries to think scratching his beard... Ah, it was to the king I was going so fast this merry morning he says to the beast, which nods. That is correct master, to the king you said when we started this journey 2 weeks ago. Ah, yes, I remember now, say, did I mention what kind of errand we had with the king? The beast turns its long neck and looks at the goblin, shaking his head Gretchin master, do you truly not remember? Well, I hope you come to your sense soon, as we will arrive in less than a day. Perhaps some of yer companions can help you? The beast nods his heads towards the others...
peredhil31 Elder of Lists and Manners Posts: 191 (10/1/01 6:38:17 pm) Reply Welcome back noble warrior -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guido comes in and removes his fedora Politely. It is noticeable that the crewcut blond wig that had been glued to his head is finally gone. His normal dark hair still has slight discolorations. Scanning for his namesake bartender friend, Guildo, his eyes alight on the sleeping one. Moving with a lightness surprising in a such a large muscled Guinea Pig, he crosses to the table, snagging a clean tablecloth on the way. Carefully he removes the pipe and tabac from the sleeping hands, so scarred and calloused, and places them neatly on the table. Rolling the table cloth, he gently tucks it behind the lolling neck so he won't awaken stiff and aching. This done, he smiles and twitches his whiskers, then continues onto the bar with a casual wave to the Painting of Zool to talk in low tones to Guido.
Stale AOD Initiate Posts: 5 (10/1/01 2:53:50 pm) Reply Serenity -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The battle scared and tired mage enters his new sanctuary, sits down and enjoys the silence. No bickering, no arguments, no clashing of metal against metal. Silence, complete silence Stale sits down, pulls out his pipe and tabac, as though he was about to have a puff or two, but instead just sits there, listening to the stories of the bards, not their words, but the rhythm, their energy. With a content smile, pipe and tabac in hand, the old mage falls asleep... ZZZ!
Falcon2001 Honored Guest Posts: 13 (10/7/01 12:08:09 am) Reply First day! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Falcon, laden with a heavy bag and a slip of paper, walked up to the secretary who had so pointedly thrown him out before and showed her the signed piece of paper, stating that he was accepted into the Pen. With a scowl on her face, she opened the door into Pen Keep, slamming it shut after he was gone. Continuing to walk down the hall, he passed into the dormitories section. At first he walked through the halls of the elders, with rooms of silk and tile. Next he came to the bards and poets and storytellers, who lived in rooms of wood and paintings and art. Finally he came to the staff and janitors, who lived in rooms of white walls and floors. After that, he came to a strange door with 'Initiates' carved on it in big sweeping letters. Pushing the door open, he walked into the long hall of initiates. After a few hundred feet of brick walls, he finally came to a room with a crude falcon carved into it, one wing appearing to be broken while the talons where the size of swords. Frowning at the icon, he pushed the door open and walked into his new room. The walls were carved stone, but it had apparently been carved by an insane dwarf with a dull spoon and a lot of time. The furniture was warped, the product of a freshman woodshop artist, and the candles in the corners resembled puddles of syrup with a wick in the center. Sighing, he walked over to the window and opened it. Once the musty air was out, he threw out the furniture and candles, totally emptying the room. Turning, he opened the sack and started pulling out black robes and books. Waving a hand, he summoned an ebon desk and a chair. Pulling out a quill and an inkwell, he sat down, and wrote the story of his first day. OOC: HEY EVERYBODY! I finally got approved...so now you have to deal with me. Cioden Darkeye Poet born, Poet made Hopeful revered poet of Terra Hopeful Patron Saint of Impatience. Hopeful friend to all, and counsel to the needy.
Falcon2001 Honored Guest Posts: 16 (10/7/01 3:50:58 pm) Reply Gem Tomb (RP thread, please join) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, this is undoubtedly the best summary of my schoolwork ever, so I decided to post it...I found this just recently and wondered at how I had done so well. I had to do four paragraphs for english about ghosts, so I did the following: Narrative: I approached the altar cautiously, watching for the first sign of danger. As I crept closer, the age and antiquity of the room was thrust upon me like an oppresive weight, making me feel small and insignificant next to this chamber, which had survived eons uncounted. "If these walls could talk," I thought, smirking, "I would die before I heard all they had to say." I grimaced slightly, then straightened up. Walking forward to the altar I placed my sword on it, unsheathing the crimson gem. Suddenly, I gasped. A piercing blade of moonlight shone through a crack in the ceiling, setting the ruby aflame with contesting crimson and white colors, swirling and seething like the dragons of myth. I steeled myself, stepped forward, and began to chant in a low voice that swelled with power as I continued. "Ailan, Kitra, Jegon, Roght!" I chanted, invoking the sacred names of the founders, feeling the power within me burst and flow outward in a ravenous, gushing stream of energy. I saw - no. I FELT the power burst from my chest in an azure beam that sped directly toward the gem as if shot from an arrow from an arrow. When the blue connected with the crimson and argent it began to pulse, the colors swirling faster and faster, melting into a whirling mass of all colors and none. A gaseous cloud began to emerge from the whirling gemstone slowly coalescing into a warrior, clad in leather and iron. The shade opened his mouth and began to speak. OOC: I just realized that this could very well be a RP thread, so I changed it and didn't put the rest of my paragraphs.
peredhil31 Elder of Lists and Manners Posts: 223 (10/14/01 6:24:25 am) Reply Re: Notice Me -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peredhil finds mirrors lie too easily. He prefers the seeing himself reflected in the hearts of others. They're always so much more forgiving of him than either he or his mirror.
Yui Temae Herald Posts: 101 (10/14/01 12:45:00 am) Reply Re: Notice Me -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A quiet shadow hears echoes of understanding and touches of emotions, silently applauding Isachar's work.
Isachar HC Initiate Posts: 9 (10/13/01 1:46:12 am) Reply Notice Me -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I peer quietly at him. He returns the stare, his gaze sweeping over me. They feel like daggers through my skin. My gaze drops, and I can almost feel his smirk dismissing me silently. My lips curl into a snarl. What right do you have to judge me! It’s still quiet when I raise my head once more. He’s still there, staring at me, mocking me, deluding himself into thinking he knows the whole of me simply by a glance. And he does this, day in and day out, while I accept his abuse silently. But inside I rage. How can you decide what I am simply by what you see! How can you pass your verdict on my life simply by a flick of your eyes and a furrow of your brow! He says nothing, he never has. Not so much as a word. His eyes narrow, and I can almost feel the indifference in his gaze. He simply stares at me, stares right past me, reducing me to nothing. But I am not nothing. I am still here. Why do you refuse to see me! Why do you dismiss my value simply on the basis of what your eyes tell you! But I am nothing to him. Not worth his time. Not worth his effort. And that is why I clutch my fist tightly, because I know just how wrong he is. But I could never make him see that, could never bring myself to show him. Until now. I draw my fist back, and I can feel the excitement starting to pour into me. Finally, I can show him. Show him that I exist. Show him that he was wrong. His eyes never change; he still stares dispassionately at me. I scream, and I swing. My fist strikes him squarely, and then he is gone, a loud crash the only reminder that he was ever there at all. I draw my fist back in pain, whimpering as I feel the first shards of glass embedded in my hand. I peer quietly at where he had been. His gaze is gone now. But he still doesn’t see me.
peredhil31 Elder of Lists and Manners Posts: 248 (10/17/01 11:14:52 am) Reply Looping Threads intertwine... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guido comes loping in, scanning the room from top to bottom. Youse guys seen da squirrels? He peers at the Grim Squeaker in hesitation for a moment. Naw, couldn't be. Not seeing them, he continues on through to the kitchen.
peredhil31 Elder of Lists and Manners Posts: 222 (10/14/01 6:22:05 am) Reply An OoC Comment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Grim Squeaker?! At the Pen?! Although absent in body, Peredhil's heart is bouncing in happiness!!! He hopes TGS does the drum solo to In the Garden of Eden...
The Grim Squeaker Visitor Posts: 1 (10/13/01 5:27:17 pm) Reply Re: On stage... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, the somewhat bemused summoned drummer has watched all the action with some interest (it's always hard to tell one's exact shown interest when one has no flesh on one's face). Perhaps it's more accurate to say it grinned widely at the magepile at the bar. Shrugging a tiny shrug, it turned back to the crowd, just in time to see some grumblings begin, and a few annoyed faces. SQUEAK. No musician likes an angry crowd. Twirling the oversized drumsticks it needed to reach the drums once, twice, thrice, it then brought them down sharply on the dried deerskins with a resounding BOOM! From there, it launched into such a beautiful tribute to the music of Bruce Sprinsteen and the E-Street band, that the performance sent karmic shockwaves rippling through the entire mutliverse. In New York, New York, U.S.A., Earth, the year 2001, at precisley 9:26 PM, Max Weinberg shed a tear without knowing why.
Scarlett OHarpy Quill-Bearer Posts: 18 (10/13/01 3:17:51 am) Reply Re: On stage... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scarlett rotates her head to the right in reaction to the shoulder-tap. The space behind her is filled by a jovial, wing-flapping duck. Terrified it is about to tell a truly appalling joke, she threatens it cruelly with a wedge of orange fished out of her cocktail, smacks her lips meaningfully, then returns to face the bar once more, only to feel the determined hand of the barman latch onto her glass. "No cash, no splash lady." Scarlett narrows her gaze into a Medusa #4. "I believe you're mistaken, honey. I paid for this drink with that piece of geld you see right there before you on the - OH!" Several things happen at once. Harpy's brain computes WYVERN in any episode of sudden and inexplicable monetary loss. This drain of energy from the rest of her organs necessary to power a thought, renders her totally paralyzed momentarily. Unblinking, she registers the approach of the aforementioned lizard. He does not look happy. He does not look happy at all. Simultaneously, an irate musician crashes toward them both. Dragging herself free of inertia, she leaps up quickly, but is unable to prevent a collision. In the shambles that ensues, the gold coin, separated from all its owners, spins aloft once again, before being grabbed by the musician who bears it away, polymorphs and retreats. "Well thanks sooooo much" Harpy spits at Wyvern. "I found that coin fair and square, well square at least", she demures, recalling Peredhil flipping it over as a tip. "If you hadn't come powering over in your customary gold-lust, I'd still have my drink." Harpy wonders whether to rev it up to a Medusa #6 for this special outpouring of venom, but resolves that since Wyv is almost a dragon, he may be able to almost fly after Falcon, and retrieve her money. Better to keep him sweet. Wyvern shifts, looks guilty, shifts again, looks wounded, hops on one foot, then remembers that he was a geld piece short - even before Harpy snaffled the intended tip. His expression reverts to accusatory covetousness once more. "Wait just one second", he jibes, jabbing a claw towards Harpy for emphasis. "If Cheyenne were here, she'd unwrangle all this, but in the meantime, we gotta think clearly." Scarlett and Wyvern exhale deeply. Wyvern pauses, then resumes. "Let's take this in reverse order - Falcon has the money, he got it from you. You got it from Peredhil. Peredhil got it from (unknown) I have one gold piece missing." Harpy's eyes open wide. Wyvern's jaw gapes. "No!" They both shriek in unison. "Not the half-elf? He wouldn't!" Somewhere in a dim corner, the feathery one is regaling Carp. "Nah you see, it's all in the telling, listen up, I'll go through it again. This duck walks into a bar, see, an' he says to the bartender - 'Ya got any bread?' Carp yawns widely, and spits another mouthful into Rydia's glass.
Minta Rose Bard Posts: 11 (10/12/01 9:01:23 pm) Reply Re: On stage... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rydia watches the wonderful spinning shiny with awe, her drink neglected, her eyes anime-wide. Carp hovers in midair above the bar, bobbing down sometimes to refresh himself in a goldfish bowl of Ol' Peculiar. Discreetly he took a mouthful of Ol' Peculiar and spit it into Rydia's much less powerful drink.
Falcon2001 Initiate Posts: 32 (10/12/01 11:35:56 am) Reply On stage... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cioden and Falcon finally figured out what was going on, and then summoned up a drummer to play backup, and were just about to start playing 'What it's like', by Everlast, when Cioden heard Peredhil leaving, with a large geld tip to the barkeep. Seeing the wonderful shining piece of golden goodness flipping through the air, he dropped his guitar and lunged at it from on stage. Unfortunately, the stage was a good hundred feet away from the bar, and he succeeded only in tangling himself in a chair. Breaking off one of the legs, he went straight for the woman in the red dress who was about to pay for a cocktail with his pay! Right as he reached her though, She, He, and a large winged lizard all slammed into one another. The coin, now free of the confines of Scarlett's hand, arced across the bar, where it landed in Falcon's hand. Bewieldered, he looked up just in time to see three greed-crazed poets rushing at him brandishing chair legs, maces, sword, squirrels, and anything else handy. Deciding this would be a good time to exit, he headed for the backdoor, and was out it and back into his Falcon form within seconds. CiodenDarkeye Initiate of The Pen Hopeful Patron Saint of Impatience
Wyvern00 Elder Posts: 192 (10/12/01 7:13:16 am) Reply At a Seperate Table... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wyvern lolls back in his bar chair and takes yet another greedy sip from his Endless Decanter. Looking towards the tavern's clock and noticing that it would probably still be a while before Cheyenne arrived for their date, he decides that now would probably be a good time to start counting back over his geld. He had only done it 20 times this morning, and wanted to make sure of the exact estimate. Besides, he liked the way the gold coins twinkled faintly in the dim light of the tavern... Upon touching his pouch of geld, Wyvern's face immediatly freezes and goes pale. Something was wrong... it didn't feel the same. Wyvern franticaly opens the pouch and quickly sorts through and counts all of his geld. Sure enough, horror of horrors, one geld piece was missing. Desperatly trying to blame it on the notion that he must have made a miscalculation in his rapid accounting of the money, he goes over it again. The same result. There was still one piece missing. He was certain he had had one more geld piece when counting this morning. Wyvern begins to panic. What could have happened to that one perfectly beautifull piece of precious metal? How could he have possibly misplaced it?! He must have been a mistake in counting... Wyvern counts through his geld yet again. No! It couldn't be! One was still missing!!! Would he ever be able to forgive himself for this tragedy?!! Franticaly looking around his table searching for the lost geld piece, Wyvern's attention is diverted to an ever faint glimmer of gold coming from a bar table at the far end of the room (Wyvern's eyes had become adjusted to noticing geld pieces from long distances ). A geld piece! Wyvern quickly grabs his pouch, jumps from his bar stool, and rushes towards the geld, unaware that Harpy is about to pay for her drink with it...
Scarlett OHarpy Quill-Bearer Posts: 17 (10/11/01 11:40:15 pm) Reply Large geld tip -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scarlett dives through the entrance in time to see something golden and shiny spinning through the air. As able to control her reflexes as a Mind Ripper at a MENSA convention, she hurtles after its mesmerising glint. Tantalisingly, the coin spins a lazy parabola, before resuming its downward path. With a lightning arm-thrust any South Paw would envy, Harpy executes a mid-air pirouette and snatch, culminating in the satisfactory grasp of the geld within her greedy fist. Chuckling to herself, she wanders to the bar, perches atop a stool and orders an unpronouncable cocktail from the 'Specials' chalkboard. Three sips - and one slight accident with an ornamental umbrella - later, she is finally beginning to relax into the heady pulse of music, when there is a sharp tap on her shoulder... S O'H
peredhil31 Elder of Lists and Manners Posts: 204 (10/10/01 6:36:12 am) Reply Chords -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the dissonance of confusion permeates the music, Peredhil sighs. Taking it as a sign that he should assume his responsibilities, he exits to see where in the Ager his family has landed. On the way out, he tosses a large geld tip to the Bartender, to be given to the musicians when the set is over.
Falcon2001 Initiate Posts: 26 (10/9/01 9:45:18 am) Reply Music -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once they were done warming up, Cioden turned the distortion on, hit the boost, and started pulling some power chords, wilst dodging assorted vegatables and drinks. Falcon, having not been told of the change in tempo, looked confusedly at Cioden.
peredhil31 Elder of Lists and Manners Posts: 199 (10/9/01 7:48:19 am) Reply A pleasant Interlude -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peredhil enjoys the music as he muses on the nature of Mankind. Elrohir enters the bar, and politely waits for the current song to end before crossing to his father. Dad, Ager Guild is back again. I think it will stay this time. Peredhil smiles and raises an eyebrow. Elladan? Elrohir asks, then immediately continues, He stayed to begin consolidating enough land to attract peasants. Are you going to Guild again? Peredhil nods, and then gestures for El' to sit for a moment as the band begins another song. Nuncio crosses to the bar to get Elrohir's drink
Gyrfalcon25 Bard Posts: 59 (10/8/01 4:17:41 pm) Reply Re: Performance = Alcohol -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gyrfalcon nods to the music and smiles... apperantly, it had been a good investment, so far. How well they played with a couple drinks in them was debatable, but he would soon find out, it seems. Until then, he smiled as a few more people drift in and pay for drinks as they listen to the music.
Falcon2001 Honored Guest Posts: 21 (10/8/01 9:48:14 am) Reply Re: Performance = Alcohol -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cioden smiled weakly and tore Falcon, who was still staring at his Idol, away from the two hostile guards. Bringing him up on stage, they summoned in two amplifiers, and began to play a few rather quiet songs.
Gyrfalcon25 Bard Posts: 56 (10/7/01 9:49:39 pm) Reply Re: Performance = Alcohol -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gyr sighs and waved to Guido and Peredhil's other guard "Try not to hurt them, alright? They're supposed to play music... or whatever passes for music." Gyrfalcon sits back and starts stocking the bar with three types of bottled water for the non-drinkers among the crowd as he watches the two carefully... he had seen the kind of trouble they could get themselves in...
Falcon2001 Honored Guest Posts: 19 (10/7/01 6:32:23 pm) Reply Performance = Alcohol -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cioden wanders in, flanked by the often skitterish Falcon. Cioden's robes rustled slightly as he walked up to the bar. "Gyrfalcon, my old friend, buddy, pal, compadre, comrade, companion, amigo, aquainta-" he was cut off as the barkeep turned to look at him. "Cioden, the only reason I'm letting you in is that all you're IOU's were burned when Wyvern set fire to the last bar. Now beat it. There's no free drinks for you here." Cioden opened his mouth, but Gyr raised a hand, with the index finger up. "One..." "Can't we come to some sort of an agreement?" A second finger came up. "Two." "We can pay later?" The third started to come up, when Falcon burst out: "We play songs!" The finger wavered in it's upward course. "You do what?" Asked Gyrfalcon, suspicious. "I play bass, and Cioden sings and plays electric." Falcon showed Gyr the two guitar cases he was carrying. "One drink per preformance per person. That's all, Cioden. Now get up there before I decide to throw you and your skinny little friend out of here on their heads." He pointed at the stage, and Falcon pulled Cioden off towards it. Half-way there, Falcon saw a certain polite mage sitting at a table drinking water with his two giant Guinea Pig guards. Upon seeing his idol in the flesh, his eyes assumed the size of dinner plates and he ran towards him. Seeing a mage running at their boss with two guitar cases, Guido and his partner immediately step between the moon-struck mage and his target, clotheslining him. Once he was on his back, they looked down at him, their furry faces frowning. "Wat is dis dat youse appears to be doin', huh?" Said Guido. Now there aren't a lot of things scarier than opening your eyes and seeing two fairly angry giant Guinea Pigs staring back at you, other than sobering up and realizing you're stuck in one of Wyvern's parties. Falcon let out a fairly shrill scream and scrambled to his feet. Behind him, Cioden sighed and came over. When the Guinea Guards saw Cioden, their expression went from suspicous to a glare. "To whom do I owe this extreme displeasure, Cioden, and why are all of your extremities still attached?" "Ya. Is you needin' sum operashuns, friend?" Cioden smiled weakly and backed off to the stage, leaving Falcon to deal with the guards. OOC: A BAR! COOL! Anyway, Cioden and Falcon are what would happen if you took me and split me in half. Cioden is my egotistical, brash, overbearing, and dangerous, risk-taking side. Falcon is the shy, smart, funny, kind, naive, and overall harmless side.
Wyvern00 Elder Posts: 107 (9/10/01 5:36:58 pm) Reply Escape from Hilda's Bar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wyvern's eyelids slowly slide open and a very blurry image of Zool begins to focus. As the sun shines down on Wyvern's face, the overgrown lizards eye sight grows better and soon he can see again... "Zool..." mutters Wyvern in a barely audible whisper. Zool smiles warmly down at him. Unfortunatly, the smile is cut short as an enormous fist grabs Zool and pulls him 10 feet into the air, crushing him. Wyvern see's the enormous cyclopse bouncer, frowns, panics, and franticaly jumps to his feet. Noticing Cheyenne tossing geld at the enormous Grunt in vain, Wyvern shouts: "Come on Cheye! Now's our chance to escape this death trap!" "But he's caught Zool!" cries Cheye "And he appears to be using him as a stress relief squeeze toy..." Zool screams as Grunt clenches his fist around his torso yet again. He squirms and wiggles in an attempt to break free... in the process, Zool's rubber chicken manages to jump out of his pouch. The rubber winged terror does a somersault in the air and lands harmlessly on the ground below. It turns it's head towards the enormous Grunt and let's out a scornfull "cluck!". The chickens eyes flame red with fury and hatred... Wyvern and Cheyenne, who are located inbetween the chicken and the enormous cyclops bouncer, turn to each other and frown.
Cheye69 Page Posts: 30 (9/10/01 3:54:08 pm) Reply Re: The Bar is now OPEN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Uh, Wyv.....Let's get the heck out of here!" Running , a bit faster than her legs could actualy keep up with, Cheyenne turns to look over her shoulder just to see Wyv take a left hook from Mr. Cyclops. Down went to sloshed Dragon with a loud smack on the concrete floor. Turning with a snarl,"Now that will be enough!" Throwing some geld at the offensive brute, Cheye leaned down and tried to bring Wyv to. Smaking his face gently does nothing. Thankfully Zool walked up and threw a glass of ice cold water in Wyv's face. SPLASH! With a gasp the Dragon shakes his huge head. Opening one eye slowly he peers up at Zool....