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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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  1. Yui Temae Huntress Posts: 156 (1/26/02 12:16:35 pm) Reply Seven -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <ShadowYui> ________________________ <ShadowYui> The seventh time I die will never be. <ShadowYui> I have lived centuries, so my fuzzy memory tells me. Centuries in which I have been a god, and Archmage. A creature of magicks and power and Oneness with the great fabric of existence. <ShadowYui> It's heady stuff, that power. But the responsibility, the pain of failures, the sacrifices needed were all bearable because of the fates' last gift to me and the thorough lesson that they had taught me. They were bearable because this time I had him with me. I knew the soul that was meant to complete mine, finally, and never would I do as I had, as my brother had. I was loved and needed, and I had my soulmate by my side. <ShadowYui> The seventh time that I live is the first time that I realize the full extent of what life can be. I face pain and pleasure, failure and success, grief and joy with the outlook of one who knows the uses of each. I live again my first life, but this time I am complete, for we are together. <ShadowYui> I thank the fates for the lesson they have taught me each morning, when I wake to the joy in those beautiful blue eyes, and each day, when I hear that warm voice speak. He balances my fear with comfort and my pain with happiness, and so shall we use the gift of our lives until the end of time. We are Archmagi, souls made for each other, and so long as either of us exists, both of us shall. My Aegon is my reason to live, the ultimate gift, and there shall never be a day when I forget the six lives it took for me to earn that honor.
  2. Yui Temae Huntress Posts: 155 (1/26/02 12:13:19 pm) Reply Seven -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <ShadowYui> The fourth time I died, I was very sad. <ShadowYui> Very, indeed, for I knew that a new life died with me, so my fuzzy memory tells me. A life he did not yet know about, but a child of greater destiny than either of us. <ShadowYui> Our love was legendary by then, known to be the will of the gods and controlled with great care by the fates. The fickle fates, who still punished me for the waste of my first death. I had never dreamed they could be so cruel, yet I am thankful that they gave me one gift. He did not know about the child, and so he did not grieve all the more for the both of us. <ShadowYui> That fourth time, I knew who killed me, another soul that would be twined into the story, a slave to darkness as much as I was a slave to fate. Her name is not important, but her hate is, for it consumed us both that fourth time. She wanted what was mine, but only succeeded in seeing to it that neither of us had him. <ShadowYui> I had thought her a friend, and so she was the first to know about the new life within me. But trickery is the way of a woman, to make up for the strength that we lack, and so it was with her. I was a fool, but I did not yet know her nature when I accepted her offer of a ride through the forests. I let her at my back, thinking her a friend, and was rewarded with the bite of her blade into it. I learned too late what she was. <ShadowYui> The wound did not kill me immediately, and for that I am grateful. Perhaps the fates had given me some measure of forgiveness already, for to have left her alive would have given her what was mine. She would have had him, I know. She would have found a way. But my blade was sure and true despite the death that stole over me. She died in surprise, her dagger still in my back while mine found her heart. <ShadowYui> I do not know how long I lived. I was so very weak and pained, yet I somehow managed to gain my horse and make for home. Home. Him. <ShadowYui> I was grateful for the love we shared, for it prompted him to ride out to me, as soon as he saw my horse in the distance from the castle walls. I would not have gotten to the keep, my body numb with the ice of bloodlessness and the approach of oblivion. I was so very grateful to feel his arms a last time when he caught me as I fell from my horse. He knew, of course. There was far too much blood, soaking me, my horse, my saddle. He knew, yet he still managed to smile at me and tell me of his love. I tried to wipe the tears from his cheeks, erase the grief from his eyes, but I could do no more than smile weakly and whisper in answer. As death claimed me, I told him again that I loved him and guarded him from the knowledge of the other life lost. He mourned for me, and I for our child as I fell back down into hell for the fourth time. <ShadowYui>________________________________________ <ShadowYui> The fifth time I died, I was very weak. <ShadowYui> Very, indeed, for hours of effort had piled on top of one another, hours of pain and blood and sweat that had taken toll on my weak body. <ShadowYui> They were the hours in which I found the greatest achievement of my lives thus far, yet they destroyed me. <ShadowYui> He was with me all along, of course, his presence giving me the very strength to succeed when I felt only the pain and exhaustion, a sad presence, for I think he knew as I did what awaited me at the end. I think, too, that he thought I would fail and leave him with nothing but pain. Again. You cannot, then, imagine my satisfaction, my joy when I succeeded, when our son was born whole and healthy and well. I cried only when I heard his powerful lungs wailing their welcome into the world. <ShadowYui> Life ebbs slowly, in times like those, yet you can feel it with unerring certainty. 'Tis not like the shock of a sourceless arrow or the pain of a dagger to the back. No, I knew it was coming for hours beforehand, and so I viewed the end of my life with great relish and even greater clarity. I held my child to my breast for the first and last time of my life. I felt the warmth and strength of my soulmate's hand in mine, watched the stormy skies of his eyes as he watched me fade. I smiled often, memorizing everything about the moment, telling my husband and my son both all that needed said. My fifth death was the longest, and I was grateful to the Fates for the gift of time. I closed my eyes to life knowing that I had finally succeeded and knowing that he would be left with something of me to love. <ShadowYui> __________________________________ <ShadowYui> The sixth time I died, I was very strong. <ShadowYui> Very, indeed, for I had the strength of love and family and years of happy memories. I had him by my side, those fathomless eyes free of grief as he smiled at me, his warm, familiar body next to mine. <ShadowYui> We were old, in the way of mortals, feeble and failing and happy beyond belief. Our children had grown and their children had grown. We had known every depth and color of our own love, of our family's love, and of life itself, and we were at our strongest. Neither of us feared death, and we faced it together, as we had faced everything in life. <ShadowYui> As I watched him, I thanked the fates. This life had proven that I was forgiven for the waste of my first death, for I thought there was nothing lacking. We had shared pain, of course, but we had grown stronger and closer because of it. What we had left behind us, our legacy of love and family, would forever mark the world of Terra. Our battle was won, and we had fought it together. Now we had chosen to die together, not wasting away, but simply ending things with the same grace and dignity with which we had always conducted them. <ShadowYui> My sixth death was with my soulmate at my side. I could have wished for nothing more than what I had, yet the fates still had a gift to give me. I shared a cup with my beloved husband one last time and watched his eyes drift shut, the wrinkles of years of smiling and laughing marking the man he was better than any words ever could. My hand was in his when I died. It was empty as I fell back down into hell that last time, but I did not worry, for I knew that he would find me. As always. I thought we would make our own way in the fires of eternity, but the fates were laughing at my attempt to understand them though I never knew it.
  3. Yui Temae Huntress Posts: 154 (1/26/02 12:09:05 pm) Reply Seven -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From #ThePen, January 26th, ~2pm, CST <ShadowYui> An impromptu story. <ShadowYui> Let's call it "Jagged Edges" <ShadowYui> Perhaps it will be worthy of note. Perhaps it will just be ramblings in a sleepy room. <ShadowYui> No matter. <ShadowYui> It will be a story. <ShadowYui> ------------------------- <ShadowYui> The first time I died, I was very old. <ShadowYui> Very, indeed, for I had lived centuries, so my fuzzy memory tells me. Centuries in which I was a god, an Archmage. A creature of magicks and power and Oneness with the great fabric of existance. <ShadowYui> It's heady stuff, that power. Still it did not save me from destiny. <ShadowYui> The first time I died, I was very old. And I chose to die. <ShadowYui> I suppose you'll want to hear the story. <ShadowYui> I wish it were more interesting to tell, but my first death was the quietest. I did as my brother had done. When the time came, when the gods chose to wipe the face of Terra with the fires of Armageddon, such sadness was upon me. Such loneliness. Such weight of failure and fear and grief. I simply chose not to live. As my brother had done before me. I suppose it runs in the family, this cowardly suicide bent. <ShadowYui> As I watched my soul fall into hell, I decided that I would do nothing to raise it, that I prefered the raging inferno to the miseries of life. And so I died. <ShadowYui> And I was glad. <ShadowYui> Free. <ShadowYui> But the gods, it seemed, had no desire to respect my wishes. <ShadowYui> ______________________________ <ShadowYui> The second time I died, I was very young. <ShadowYui> Very, indeed, for I had lived only hours, so my fuzzy memory tells me. Hours in which I struggled, naked and cold and hungry, a newborn babe. A creature of promise and hope. <ShadowYui> The second time I died, I was very young, and the choice to die was made for me. <ShadowYui> I wish it were more interesting to tell, but my second death was the quickest. I was unlucky. Or perhaps the gods had begun the punishment for my choice of my first death. I will never know, really. The gods do not choose to reveal their thoughts to a creature such as I. <ShadowYui> It's strange, the perceptions of a newborn, yet still I think I know what happened. I remember the warmth of the womb giving way to rough fabric beneath my back. The complete darkness turning into something less so, yet still dark. There was the strangest pressure that touched and let go all over my uncovered body in tiny, heartbeat pricks that puzzled me to no end. <ShadowYui> I know, now, that it was most likely rain. I was born in the open on a rainy night. <ShadowYui> I never knew my mother, my newly-created eyes could not see, and I never felt her embrace. She must have died during my birth, the poor soul, there in the cruel elements on the ground. I wonder if she, too, runs through life in a series of circles as I do. <ShadowYui> Hm. Nevermind. Anyway, my second death... <ShadowYui> The rain beat upon my newly-awakened body. The grass pricked my tiny back through the fabric. I cried for help, so hungry and alone and confused and frightened, but no one heard me. There was no one around to hear. <ShadowYui> Hunger consumed me, in the end. And I think, perhaps, a fever chill from the blast of the elements. I cannot be certain. I only know that the hunger grew and grew, and my new, little voice failed me. I lay in exhausted silence, consumed in the sensations of the body as the darkness brightened with sunlight. <ShadowYui> I couldn't see the sun, of course, or the tree under which it seemed myself and my dead mother lay. My eyes were incapable of anything more than shadow-shapes and fleeting motion, but the heat of the sun turned into an inferno that dropped me back into hell. When the newborn me finally died, it was a merciful blessing. <ShadowYui> _________________________________ <ShadowYui> The third time I died, I was very happy. <ShadowYui> Very, indeed, for I had just found love, so my fuzzy memory tells me. A love that was so complete and so sudden that I was overwhelmed by the experience of it, a heartstrong young woman caught completely in destiny's web. A creature of gossimer dreams. <ShadowYui> His name... well, in truth, it does not matter what name he used. His was the soul to match my own, one that would find me in life with the unerring accuracy of a lodestone. I knew it in the moment that we met, as I gazed into eyes the color of a grey-touched summer sky, and I watched the same certainty grow in him. In that moment, I knew what it was to be in love. <ShadowYui> In the next moment, I learned the cruel humor of the fates, for as I drew breath to speak his name, to share with him mine, I felt it. Death had me again. <ShadowYui> As I stiffened, I watched the horror in his eyes. Such an expression is not one that can be forgotten, no matter how many lives you lead. He stared at the pointed barb that peaked out of my flesh with an unbelieving confusion in those eyes I loved already, but he knew as I did. As my strength failed, as I fell, I felt his arms around me for the first and last time. I touched his cheek as he lowered me, fighting off the death that I felt stealing over me for the third time, and smiled. He cried when I told him that I loved him. We were still strangers, really, yet it was true beyond my means to deny. <ShadowYui> The last thing I did in that life was the wipe a tear from his cheek. I wanted to say so much, but my strength had deserted me. I wanted to tell him that I was happy, that this was the most complete of my lives. I can only hope he read it in my eyes as he gazed through his own tears. <ShadowYui> I will never know why I died that third time, but to me, it is not nearly as important as why I lived. For him, of course. And I would find him again. Such is the way of destiny, and so did I believe with all of my being. <ShadowYui> I fell back into hell, but the inferno was nothing to me. For the first time, I had hope.
  4. Rahsash Geldich Initiate Posts: 20 (1/28/02 5:55:27 pm) Reply Re: Feedback -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tilek peered couriously around the Ring, persons from every rank and type milling together for the most part. It was a loud buzz of hubbub, and her stomach shuddered and hid close to her spine. She told it to quit being such a coward, she would be just fine. Following the trail of smoke that wafted through the tents, the clang of metal and smell of buring coal and wood drew her towards her fellows. The tents had been divided up by category, and the smithy tents were close to the forest so wood could be brought in with more ease. The early morning sun hit the flames that already licked at the steam comming of the dewy ground. There was only one tent left, and she set out dutifully towards it, her bare arms getting goosebumps in its shady, cool interior. There was almost no wood left, so she set out her tools in a way that said the tent was occupied, and set off itno the forest. She had no apprentice, did not desire one. She found an ax and set off into the heavy pine, her muscles rippling as she split a few dead saplings into burnable pieces. She found another dead pine, still upright, that she knocked over with a few good blows. It ws a nice way to stretch for the days work. She piled the wood onto the tree and drug the entire thing back to her tent. The sun had scared off the last of the mist, promising a windy and cloud skittering sky, but no rain.
  5. Rahsash Geldich Initiate Posts: 17 (1/21/02 11:07:06 am) Reply Re: Feedback -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She folded her scarred arms across her chest. The knight was handsome, and he was giving her doubous looks. She stared at him in the eyes, shifting. "You wanted something?" The man started, as most females would have been liquid by now. "Yes, I wanted to speak to the armorer." She held out her hands, snatching the helmet before he cought on. "And how did you get this tin can as a helmet int he first place?" She banged it agains the anvil as hard as she could. Just as she had expectd, it split right in two, and she tossed half of it back to the open mouthed knight. "You need a new one, and I can supply." "I need the Armorer." Her eyes grew fiery, their light brown reflecting the flame eerily. "You're looking at her. " The young knight laughed. "Girls aren't armorers." She took the other half of the helmet and hit im on an armored shoulder, causing him to wince. "Knights aren't jousters without armor."
  6. Gyrfalcon25 Bard Posts: 156 (1/4/02 9:38:22 pm) Reply Re: Feedback -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Gyr sticks a head in to whisper a request for a continuation before returning to the audience*
  7. peredhil31 Elder of Lists and Manners Posts: 819 (1/4/02 5:46:46 am) Reply ezSupporter Feedback -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peredhil tiptoes in, so as not to disturb the writer. He is followed by a Giant Guinea Pig dressed in a spiffy black suit. Settling himself, he munches on some popcorn, hoping to read more soon. "I'm liking this so far," He confides quietly to Nuncio, who shrugs and nods back alertly.
  8. Rahsash Geldich Visitor Posts: 3 (1/1/02 5:28:18 pm) Reply Re: The Prince's Armorer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tilek worked in the forge as she had for many days before, and loved doing so. Her father was getting old, and didn't mind that his oldest daughter was in more prospect of taking over the buisness than his son. Her brother was much more interested in the church, and was too high strung to work with the metal. Other relations she had none, as she was adopted into the family as it was. The Smith, his wife, and their son all were fair in every aspect. Light eyes in light faces framed by light hair as they went throught their light and cheery life. As a child, Tilek had felt out of place, her features as dark as theirs were light. Raven black hair and chocolate brown eyes in a catish face. A few light freckles dusted across her nose and cheeks, standing out on her bronzy skin. The light of the fire played across it now, hesitating in the scars on her hands. They had very few scars for a smith, even for one as young as she. The old healing woman, who lived in a cave by the river in the woods, gave her special remedies that worked miracles. Her gaze followed up to the nail she was working on, the process soothing, yet monotinous. It put her in a tracelike state, which she enjoyed and relished. It was here she could see all the wonders of the fires.
  9. Rahsash Geldich Visitor Posts: 2 (1/1/02 4:57:36 pm) Reply The Prince's Armorer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My writing style is unusal to some. I write the major parts of a story, the ones I have worked out, the piece them together. This means my writings will have gaps of lost action or time untill I fill them all in. Occasionally, I will edit out whole sequences or splice two together, so it may not be the same as when you last read it. I thought I would fill everyone in before things became too confusing.
  10. Gyrfalcon25 Bard Posts: 219 (1/30/02 10:47:33 pm) Reply Re: Heh -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for finally ending the tale, Stratus. *grin*
  11. Stratus Viewer (1/30/02 2:20:36 pm) Reply When World Collide: The Finale to the Joat Saga -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What has happened: The first 8 pages A quick recap: Joat long time friend to all is missing. Ever so quickly friends find themselves in hunt for this mage, only to find themselves transported to another land. In this other land they take on a great force of creatures, until they transverse the dark underground network that is populated by the drow. It is after this trek that they realize a grave error; they are no longer in their own dimension. Mages already weakened by the saving of their own Terra (See Gyrfalcon the Mad) must now face off against their fully powered counterparts led by the mysterious Ugartes and Bob. Dismissed as “not a threat” the mages renew their efforts to find their companion. But in the destruction of a pair of the doubles they discover that they can absorb their counterparts and renew themselves and stumble into their counterpart’s plans to take over their own Terra. Their only course of action is to attack, so the mages lay siege to the fortress housing the doubles’ ultimate weapon, a weapon to breach realities. As they make their way to the weapon they are wind up dueling against their enemies and even though weakened they prove victorious only to find the weapon activated and Bob revealing his true nature, that of a Tarrasque. They fail in stopping the machine, or Bob, and the barrier between realities is broken, one going to the Between and another to Terra Prime. The sky was no longer the sky but a doorway home for the mages, the only problem was that was standing between them was Bob. Knight the newly made Seraph and berserker, Tamaranis vampric lord and ally to the creatures of the Between, Gyrfalcon former conqueror of Terra and hated throughout the land, Arawn the Mad King, Xeros once friend of Racouol and man shrouded in mystery, Big Pointy Stick newcomer intent on proving his worth and limits of his power, Racouol friend to Joat and leader of the expedition, Wyvern self-centered greedy dragon spawn, and Murdock long time companion to Racouol and familiar to Knight. Together by chance and faced with extreme situations they have become one, and together they face this new threat. And now the conclusion to the Search for Joat: The whole in the sky grew wider and the Terra that the mages saw through the portal drew ever so closer. “Was this Bob’s plan all along, to gain entrance to Terra Prime?” Racoul shouts over the sounds of battle the words fall on deaf ears. If any had heard, they fail to respond, their attention is on Bob alone. Knight launches another volley of holy bolts, most glances off the large creature’s hide, and those that strike scorch Bob’s skin. Tamaranis still focuses his Danikii magic, the gambit of sacrificing all their powers for a moment of weakness in Bob weighing through his mind. Will stopping Bob for one minute be enough time? he thinks But what will we do then? With expelling so much power to hold him for a moment how will we finish him? He stops his pondering long enough to avoid a stray bolt from Knight. Gyrfalcon rises and brings his restored powers to bear a short chant brings forth a hail of ice strikes Bob, temporary blinding him. Hyde, a shape changer wearing the form of a Tarrasque, uses that time to slash at Bob with his Blood Cursed claws, the wounds from the attack aren’t as affective but the healing process is slow enough to let the others dig at the wound. Xeros attacks Bob’s left arm, jumping and dodging ahead of the swings, and avoiding the tail as it sweeps at him. After his dodge he leaps high and funnels his power into his blade and cleaves the creature’s hand, even as the hand starts to restore itself, a large bolt of pure energy engulfs both stump hand and arm, Bob howl in pain. Xeros lands next to Racouol, hands still posed after the spell casting, they look at one another and grin, “Just like old times.” Xeros says and launches himself anew, the arm has grown back but the monster lost ground. “Push it back.” He mutters to his old friend. Tamaranis lashes out with his shadow letting it move like a snake, it whips around Bob’s neck and snaps his head back holding his about the neck. The other mages take this time to launch attacks, Racouol shot another blast of energy at Bob’s chest, Xeros slashes low at the creature’s legs, Gyrfalcon follows in suit his own blade now covered in blood, Hyde assists Tamaranis by grabbing hold on the flailing arms, taking the scratches in stride. High above Knight allows his wings to fold send himself into a death dive to the ground only to unfolding them at the last minute and sweeping back up inches from the shadow holds the beast, with practiced motion Knight thrusts deep into the beast’s throat, then channels his holy energy hoping to fill the creature and destroy it from within. Given time he might have succeed, the beast’s great muscles tense and takes the force holding to pull him backwards completely, his legs leave the ground as he catapults back Knight’s sword is pulled free by the jolt, Tamaranis and Hyde aren’t so lucky, the great beast has them by surprise Hyde loses his grip, Bob performs his flip and lands with a loud THUD. Tamaranis, nay, everyone now sits in from of the dreaded Tarrasque, it mighty maw opens as it breathes it’s magical breath upon them, they are blinded by the brilliance. The light clears and the mages are still standing, a large barrier radiates in front of them, everyone stops even Bob, to stare, standing there is Ugartes! He grins, and the mages are dumbfounded along with Bob. The creature growls in utter rage “But, why are you…” Racouol stammers, “Helping you?” Ugartes finishes “I brought you here for a reason, to save the world, why not?” “YOU brought us here!? You tried to kill us.” Knight advances with his sword held high, Gyrfalcon holds him back with the help of Xeros “I tried? If I wanted you dead you would be dead, can we talk about this later? The job’s not done yet.” Ugartes grunts and the barrier they saw expands and an all too familiar feeling washes over them, their magic has been cut off! “You traitor!” This time it’s Gyrfalcon’s turn to advance with Xeros in tow, but Knight is the on to hold them. “Look!” They turn as one to watch as Bob stares at them his mouth hangs open, and his breathing labored. “He can’t use his breath” Xeros observed, “Yes,” Knight says “But look at that!” Knight points now to the cut on the creature’s neck that bleeds freely “Okay he’s normal again, but we have no powers!” Ugartes only grins, but this time it’s strained, he’s still concentrating on the antimagic field. “Yeah, but you guys have been doing it longer.” The mages share a look, then as one they charge. Racouol smartly stays behind those more adept in mortal combat now engage the large beast, behind him he hears some sound and spins in place. The area that they stand once was a mighty fortress now its just piles of rubble, in a large field. One large pile of rubble explodes and Racouol sees a familiar face, it’s Wyvern, Murdock supporting two figures between them, Racouol rushes over and helps free them of the rocks. The trio is battered and bloodied, the figures they held was that of Arawn and Amber, in pretty much the same shape. The battle with the weaken Bob, looked easy enough, but he still had size over the mages, but he was more defensive realizing that he would not regrow his appendages, a fact Knight instilled in him by off the tip of his tail. Hyde had kept his large size and tackled Bob to the ground for the mages to better reach, the hacked away as Bob struggled to free itself. “I CAN’T DO THIS FOREVER!!” Ugartes suddenly shouts, temporary breaking everyone’s concentration Bob broke free and took several steps back, it had heard and understood, it only had to survive a bit longer something else was giving so much mirth it started to laugh it pointed up. As they look they gapped in horror, the sky was now filled by Terra Prime, the clouds of the current Terra parted as did the others’ “They planets were about to meet and Bob would be on Prime!” Racouol shouted, then thought Wait! How is he going to be on Terra Prime if they collide? He felt he was on to something, “Push him back.” He muttered to himself remembering, then like a ton of mortar it hit him. “The world’s won’t collide they’ll merge like we did!” No one heard him again; they had advanced on Bob again. Racouol made himself think faster as Murdock, in dragon form, joined in. Push him back were? He saw the strain on Ugartes, through clinched teeth he sputtered “Not back….how...about…off?” “Off this Terra to the other? Why? Either way he’ll wind up here…” Racouol grinned, so that was it? Could the solution be something so simple? It was dark now Terra Prime a few hundred feet of more from contact. “Let it come.” Racouol muttered, and tapped Ugartes on the shoulder, “Get ready to stop.” Bob was avoiding the attacks of the mages now even with the help of Murdock and Knight’s aerial superiority they were literally chasing him. Then the worlds touched, and Racouol screamed, “STOP!” Everything was bright for a few moments and everyone, even Bob, felt as the worlds merged. People, houses, animals, rocks, everything stopped as they were joined by there counterparts, and were changes, some were granted abilities from there alternates, others lost something, never to be the wiser as memories told them they had always been that way. A city in one place and were there wasn’t came into existence, some terrain changed some didn’t. And then it was done. Ugartes collapsed to the ground, and magic flooded back over everyone in the area, including Bob. The beast started to laugh again as it’s cuts healed rapidly and tail grew back. Then the laughing stopped, the beast started to tremble and rise, but from the look on its face it was not it’s own doing. Everyone turned to see Racouol standing with his hands before him a visible aura of energy surrounding him; Bob rose higher. It tried to struggle but he powerful archmage held him firm and his feet left the ground for it to hover several. “GET OFF MY PLANET!” As the words are spoken Bob takes off like a rocket into the sky, he catches ablaze as he exits the gravity of Terra, just as quickly heals, to the dark coldness of space straight into the sun. Everyone is silent as Racouol collapses only to be caught by Ugartes, “Well done, my friends.” Several hours later and many heal spells. “And that’s it” Ugartes finishes. That mages are thankful that Ugartes was indeed working with them rather than against them. “So you Bob had convinced the mages to build such a contraption?” Racouol asked. “No, that Arawn did, Bob merely enlightened them.” Arawn was quiet. Xeros stood, and stretched, it was such a trying day even though they were home they hadn’t bothered to take their party elsewhere. They had sat at the point of great Serenity and demanded questions of Ugartes and now satisfied, they were almost reluctant to go their separate ways. “WAIT!!” Wyvern screamed, “Where is Joat? That’s why we did all of this if you played a part, you surely know what happed right?” Ugartes is silent for a moment “No, I’m sorry that I don’t.” He starts, “I had looked for Joat to begin with, that would he had been slain by Gyrfalcon.” Some cast eyes at Gyrfalcon “ who was possessed at the time.” Ugartes quickly adds. “When I came to this world he was already gone, but I knew those that came looking for him would be the very same that were the blame.” “Did you?” muttered Knight “Yes, you had all been friends even that world, so I thought the same here, and my spies showed as much.” Ugartes rises too and stretches. “Maybe he’s still out there somewhere, but given his power I’m sure he could come back at any time.” The mages faces don’t hold much hope. Was it all for nothing? Ugartes dusts himself and walks away from the campfire “That’s it? You’re leaving?” Racouol ask. Ugartes smiles. “Where are you going to go? What are you going to do?” Ugartes smiles “I don’t really know, I’ll find something.” “You would be a welcome addition to our ranks.” Gyrfalcon says, “Land, gold, your own little kingdom if you so desire.” Ugartes already shakes his head “Nah, I think I deserve a vacation.” He smiles again, “It’s not everyday that you save two worlds.” With that Ugartes walks away. Tamaranis drifts in from the shadows as the rest of the mages sit in silence, some with smiles on their faces other look of determination. “It time to part ways.” Is all he says then returns to the shadows whence he came, he dared not tell them of his alliance with the Between and wishes not to give them time to ask. “Indeed.” Knight spoke, his arm around Amber, “Although I am still concerned for Joat I feel that he would be more than able to free himself from whatever has befell him. My heart is with him, but more matters need tending to.” He stands, “May the blessings of the All Father with you all, and I will not forget any of you.” He opens his wings and a halo of light circles him and Amber joins him, then both disappear. Gyrfalcon stands “I too feel for Joat, but I shall not stop looking for him, even as other hunt for me.” He turns his head only to find that Arawn is gone. “I wish you all well.” With his newly restored power he easily teleports away. Wyvern had already slithered away to the darkness, if the mages would have noticed their purses were a bit lighter. Somewhere far away Big Point Stick smiled. Racouol and Murdock sat by the fire, “Well old friend where to?” Murdock raises his head, in human form, and smiles. “More battles, more quests?” Racouol smiles, “More adventures.” In the distance Ugartes grins, he had been walking a long time the fire a dim light in the distance. He pulls from his pocket a stone figurine, and whispers a word “Bob.” A cloud of smoke engulf the statue and in second Bob, in human form stands before him. The smoke stays as Bob towers over Ugartes, Bob grunts, “I know it’s hot, but everything went according to plan.” Ugartes continue walking, and Bob grunts his arms over his chest, his body still smoking. “It was necessary. The master wanted something from that world here remember, we couldn’t take it apart so we brought it here the hard way.” Bob grunts, and Ugartes sighs, “Well we had to make them think you out of the picture.” Bob growls, “Well, if it makes you feel better I’ll go into the Sun the next time.” Bob smiles, and Ugartes cringes. “Anyway, let’s get going we have much do and so much time.” Bob grunted. The End ------------------ ------------------ The call has been made, stand and be heard. I think sex is better than logic, but I can't prove it.
  12. Gyrfalcon25 Bard Posts: 224 (2/1/02 8:26:52 pm) Reply Re: Write up -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Gyr applauds* I like the setting... though I'd probably have to play an amnesiac to cover up my lack of knowledge of that time period. *grin* Oh, and what about kitsune, Tengu, and all those spirits that were neither good nor evil?
  13. peredhil31 An Ancient Polite Bard Posts: 856 (2/1/02 7:45:23 pm) Reply ezSupporter Write up -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Excellent. Even a surface description shows a wealth of research was done. -P
  14. Wyvern00 Elder of Initiates Posts: 380 (2/1/02 6:23:06 pm) Reply Demon Century Japan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Right... I thought I'd just archive a brief description of my BESM ("Big Eyes Small Mouth", a great RPG for those who don't know it ) campaign. This goes out especially to my potential role players (Peredhil, Excedrin, Ozymandias, and Jechum) and anyone else who plays BESM, but all can feel free to skim over it. It's not very well written, and was just sort of squished together since I wanted to cover a number of points in a very small span of space... Never the less, I hope it gives you some sense of what my campaign is like... ----------------------------------------- The following is a brief overview of my campaign, and covers all the basic and most important points of the setting. For starters, here's an intro I usually like to give: "Ancient Japan. A place where honor is all important, and samurais bear the faces of the swords they carry and the skill they wield them with. Where love and violence have no boundaries, and those who disgrace their name and dignity are forced to live out an eternity of shame. Where silent killers mask their faces with shadows of death, and ruthless assassins stalk underneath the blanket of the night. Welcome to the Demon Century... a place where there is little peace, and nothing is as it seems..." Right... now then, onto the aspects of the campaign: 1) Historical Context: "Demon Century Japan" is set in the Edo period of Japan's ancient history, somewhere around 1590. I've incorporated a number of the traditional ancient Japanese cultural elements of the time period into the campaign in order to give it a more solid historical foundation. 2) Setting: "Demon Century Japan" takes place 10 years after the end of a great 7 year civil war, known infamously as 'The War of Seven Dragons". By the current time period (1590), a great deal of negotiation and reformation has taken place and Japan, collectively known as the Jade Dynasty, has been split into four separate empires: the Jiro empire, the Shion empire, the Kazuro empire, and the Serpent empire. A brief description of each of the empires is listed below: -Jiro Empire: occupies the North Western part of Japan and borders the Serpent Empire to the South and the Shion Empire to the East. The winters of the Jiro Empire are known to be particularly cold and fierce due to it’s far northern position (it’s the Empire farthest to the North). Due to this, there are often great famines in the winter and many starve or are forced to migrate to another Empire. The people of the Jiro Empire are also very well-known for their superb domestication of animals, and have managed to bend animals to their will better then any of the other empires. They use everything from falcons to elephants in their trades. The former leader of the Empire, Emperor Jiro, passed away three years ago from a fatal illness. Now leading the Empire is Prince Jiro who, though only 17 years old, already shows wisdom far beyond his age. -Shion Empire: occupies the North East of Japan, though it’s a bit further South then the Jiro Empire. The Shion Empire borders the Jiro Empire to the north-west, the Serpent Empire to the south-west, and the Kazuro Empire to the South. It is considered the largest and most powerful of the four Empires, and is also known for it’s merciless system of law enforcement and it’s many technological advancements (it is currently the only empire that has a flint-lock musket in development). The Empire is ruled by the absolute monarch Empress Shion, who is very adamant in her decision making and often drives fear into the hearts of the other emperors (who are reluctant to disagree with her due to her power). -Kazuro Empire: occupies the South East of Japan and borders the Shion Empire to the North and the Serpent Empire to the East. The most peaceful and traditional of the four Empires. During the War of Seven Dragons, the cities to the South East took a massive hit... Many central cities were utterly destroyed, and most plans concerning political and technological advancements were lost forever. Never the less, the Kazuro Empire is know as a very culturally rich society, and harbors a number of traditions forgotten by the other Empires after the wars. The leader of the Empire, Emperor Kazuro, is a timid and fragile man. He is also very religious, and often seeks guidance from the head Buddhist priest of the Empire. -Serpent Empire: occupies the South West of Japan, and borders the Jiro Empire to the North and the Kazuro Empire to the East. The Serpent Empire was previously known as the “Oshiru Empire”, until Emperor Oshiru was overthrown and murdered in cold blood. Rather then someone else stepping up and taking the position of the Emperor, however, nobody did. None were brave enough to do so. The ultimate result was that the Serpent Empire was (and still is) left completely ungoverned. There are no rules or laws. Instead, people fight for survival and the strong prevail. For this reason, many of the most hardened ronins (masterless samurai) and cold blooded killers come from this region. The chaos and disorder of the Serpent Empire is so abhorred in other Empires that the mere mentioning of it’s title is highly taboo. In the Shion Empire, you can be immediately arrested for so much as alluding to it. While there may be one or two cities in the Serpent Empire, it is mainly composed of camps of bandits and vagabonds clustered in various areas. 3) Some Key Concepts: -Honor: Plays a crucial role in the campaign. Many would prefer to die rather then abandoning their honor and disgracing their family name. Honor is incorporated into all of the social and individualistic structures of the campaign... everything from the calm of family life to the heat of the battle field. It is so important, in fact, that all true samurais carry a Tanto (a dagger used to commit Seppuko, an honorary act of suicide, in case they disgrace their dignity). That is not to say, however, that some ronin samurai haven’t abandoned the ways of honor... -Ryus (Fighting Schools): Adventurers, whether they be samurai, assassin, or channeler (see later), usually are disciples of a certain ryu, or martial arts school. While there are certain established schools which have a name for themselves in the campaign (Suitsu, Atahashi, Yusuriko, and Eiben to name a few) I let the players themselves make up a school they come from, if any. People often have lots of fun thinking up a fighting style from the school that they represent, and I’d recommend planning one out. Of course, you don’t have to be from a particular ryu. Ronin master their own unique styles... -Zen Buddhism: The common religious beliefs of the time. I won’t go into too much detail on the subject of the religion, but it’s important to point out that one of the ultimate goals of Buddhism was to reach a state of emptiness, known as ‘mu’. Many samurai strive to achieve this state, as it is fabled to be a deadly weapon in combat. When a samurai feels emptiness towards his opponent rather then rage and battle lust, his actions can prove to be highly unpredictable. Very few samurai have achieved this state, and those that have make fearful opponents. 4) The Supernatural While up to this point only normal parts of the ancient society have been discussed, there are certain supernatural elements that are occasionally present as well. They don’t occur often, and a good 50% of my adventures don’t incorporate them at all. Still, it’s important to take note of them: -Spirits and the ‘Oni’: Vengeful spirits of those who have suffered an unjust or disgraceful death roam the spectral plains of the Jade Dynasty, hardened to hatred and loathing of all human kind. Occasionally, a spirit may decide to take over and inhabit a humans body out of spite. This results in corrupt power and total domination of the humans thoughts and actions by the spirit. The power brought to the individual can be any of a number of things... a few examples being immortality, telekinetic powers, a vast increase in strength or intelligence, or even physical changes. The range of possible powers is almost limitless, and for this reason the ‘Oni’ (also known by a range of other titles depending on the region, including ‘The Possessed’, ‘The Fallen’, ‘The Omnipotent’...) are the most feared beings of the Jade Dynasty. You could almost consider them the dragons of Demon Century Japan. Few are brave enough to hunt or face the Oni, and those that do have often spent the majority of their lives training to do so. -Beasties: While Demon Century Japan hosts no mythical beasts or diverse range of races, vengeful spirits can also inhabit things that are not human. For example, a tiger could become possessed by an Oni spirit and metamorphisize into a hideous and unnatural creature of some sort. Another example would be a katana possessed by an Oni spirit, which causes it’s owner to bend to it’s will. Just keep in mind that the Oni can take any shell, not only those of humans. -Channeling: To a very lesser extent, there are people who possess the ability to channel spiritual energy into various spells. The power of channeling is a rare gift, and cannot be taught but is rather genetically inherited at birth. Usually, channelers have little decision in what they do with their lives, since the various Emperors often like to incorporate them in their elite task forces. There are exceptions, of course... (a good example being a channeler conceived off a ‘one night fling’ and thus remaining unknown to the Emperor) While the knowledge of channeling is relatively limited, channelers still make awesome opponents. A single channeler could very well be enough to destroy an entire family of samurai... There are two different kinds of channeling present in Demon Century Japan, although at the present time of 1590 it’s become narrowed down to just one. Before the War of Seven Dragons, there were two types: Astral and Spectral channeling. After the war, however, the four Emperors collectively decided that Spectral channeling was far too powerful to be used, and decided to completely banish it. All documents on Spectral channeling were burned, and all that knew Spectral channeling were murdered in their sleep. In addition, the more powerful spells of Astral channeling were also permanently discarded. Never the less, certain renegade channelers strive to learn more about the lost secrets of their art, and illegally hunt for clues concerning channeling before the war... On a final note, while highly respected by the Emperors and elite samurai, channelers are feared by the common populace. Many consider them no better then the Oni... ---------------------- That's my campaign in a nutshell... I think I covered all the most important points. Anyway, I may want to try it on my potential RPers, just to warn y'all in advance...
  15. Lord Seth Exodus Honored Guest Posts: 15 (2/4/02 1:06:15 pm) Reply Re: Relocation... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah Bhurin, my friend. You take these with such a light heart; I admire that. Fear not, however, I have adopted a new.... um.... shall we say, subject? Yu shall soon see of whom I speak; and for once you may laugh with the rest. My maany thanks to all who have shown appreciation of my work, also. It makes it all worth while to hear but a few words of praise. Yours truly, Seth Exodus Initiate of The Pen
  16. Bhurin Page Posts: 70 (2/3/02 3:23:05 pm) Reply Re: Relocation... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hmm... Both my favorite and most hated work... Bhurin chuckles. You have a steady hand and a sick mind, my friend. Bhurin goes to find his old books on "Maintaining your Self-esteem!" Good stuff
  17. Gyrfalcon25 Bard Posts: 221 (1/31/02 10:30:50 pm) Reply Re: Relocation... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Gyr falls over laughing* I *love* these things! (Gyr can't wait to see what happens to any new hapless targets. *grin*) Oh, and Wyvern- nice sig. =)
  18. Lady Celes Crusader Page Posts: 105 (1/31/02 10:07:53 pm) Reply Re: Relocation... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *lol* Keep them coming
  19. Wyvern00 Elder of Initiates Posts: 377 (1/31/02 5:04:00 pm) Reply Re: Relocation... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wyvern laughs. Excellent cartoons Seth. I'm sincerely hoping that these two cartoons won't be the only one's you'll be posting here... Definite artistic talent combined with humor and wit. Encore!
  20. Lord Seth Exodus Visitor Posts: 10 (1/30/02 6:26:43 pm) Reply Relocation... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I thought this is a little more homey for my work, so I'm posting my second peice here. Anyway, the say a picture is worth a thousand words. A few words of explanation on this, though. The winged one in this is our very own Bhurin; he's such a good sport And the long nosed one is a friend of mine, Tek Chaos; it's some of my older work, so he fits in. Click the link to view. http://crystaltides.homestead.com/files/cartoon_1.jpg Enjoy, Seth Exodus Initiate of The Pen
  21. Lord Seth Exodus Initiate Posts: 18 (2/6/02 3:57:34 pm) Reply Re: Cartoon 3... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Good old days they were, indeed, Bhurin. And of course you remember them fondly. You know you had fun. Considering you had the power to obliterate these from the boards (my drawings that is) you took it all in with good humor." Seth starts to drift in thought. He closes his eyes and remembers, vividly, times of past. -Seth Exodus
  22. Bhurin Page Posts: 69 (2/3/02 3:20:26 pm) Reply Re: Cartoon 3... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOL! Reminds me of the good old days Seth, when you would make fun of my wings and I would threaten you with bodily harm... ... ... Funny expression, "the good old days". What's even funnier is that I remember them fondly... Bhurin goes to take a tylenol and to find a comfy seat to contemplate that one for a while ...
  23. Lord Seth Exodus Honored Guest Posts: 14 (1/31/02 2:45:37 pm) Reply Re: Cartoon 3... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I aime to please my friend. Glad to see you still have your old sig. -Seth Exodus
  24. Justin Silverblade Initiate Posts: 44 (1/31/02 10:29:15 am) Reply Re: Cartoon 3... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now ya KNOW I love that one Seth. =) Justin quickly removes his sig and puts in the former one, for old times sake.
  25. Lord Seth Exodus Honored Guest Posts: 12 (1/30/02 11:07:59 pm) Reply Cartoon 3... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another piece. Enjoy. http://crystaltides.homestead.com/files/cartoon2.jpg Yours truly, Seth Exodus Initiate of The Pen
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