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Everything posted by CheerMynx
A quiet rustle behind the couch made Wyvern start nervously and glance in its direction. He thought he saw a flicker of movement, but before the Almost Dragon had time to investigate, his vision was filled with a flash of something black, blue and blonde before the thing hit Wyvern hard in the chest and tackled him to the floor. "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" CheerMynx grinned widely, her sharp teeth filling Wyvern's vision for a long moment before the cheerline bounded off him and posed to show off her outfit. This week, CheerMynx was dressed in a cheerleading outfit that was predominantly black, barring a few strategic blue stripes and a symbol of a panther's head on the front of her crop top. The back of the top read "Carolina Panthers", while Snuffles sat on her shoulder with a matching Panther's medal attached to a collar. "Do you like it?" the cheerline did a twirl for the prone and gaping Wyvern. "It's totally, like, official merch too! Top quality stuff!" Or at the least, top 'quality' price, Wyvern couldn't help but thinking with a wince that was missed by his Intern. Shaking her black and blue pompoms, CheerMynx turned her attention to the camera and beamed. "So, like, Happy birthday Panther!" she giggled and shook her pompoms again. "I'd, like, do a routine for you but it's a little cramped in here so like totally catch me up for a raincheck, kay? It can be like your birthday present," CheerMynx winked at the camera. "And happy birthday to Salinye too! I don't know if you'd like to see my routine, girlfriend, but a free makeover is TOTALLY on offer if you just drop me a line sometime soon, kk?" CheerMynx giggled. "As for the rest of you lot, like, you should totally be getting into that cart...carto...cartogr...Quill thingy! And come on, peoples, who DOESN'T like playing with balls?" the cheerline's laugh completely drowned out the strangled noise that escaped Wyvern's snout. As if completely forgetting her earlier claim of Panther's quarters being cramped, CheerMynx - unable to not show off her prowess for the camera - seemed to decide that that moment would be a perfect time to do a one-pawed cartwheel. The move was perfectly executed...except for the fact that CheerMynx was still wearing her pompoms... As the cheerline's body moved beyond its point of balance or recovery, the pom in her paw slipped out from under her, causing the cheerline to fall with a loud yelp as she landed right on the camera that had been focussing on her. With an expensive crunch, the screen turned first to static, and then faded to black...
Wyvern's wondering was interrupted by a groan from the corner. There was a rustle, followed by a loud crash and a yelp. Sitting up amidst a pile of bottles and confetting, CheerMynx winced at the movement and groaned again. "Snuffles?" She mumbled, getting an annoying mewl in response. Digging through the mess, CheerMynx found the minion and placed him on her shoulder. Snuffled grudginly opened his eyes, only to have CheerMynx wince again at the glare. "I'm totally wasted," the cheerline mumbled to noone in particular, still trying to gather her wits. The normally sleek creature was a mess, her fur and hair ruffled and tangled, her shirt on back to front and inside out, a party hat tied to her tail with a rubberband, etc. Blinking a few times, CheerMynx eventually managed to sync enough with Snuffles to notice Wyvern looking at her with a strange look on his face. "Wyvvy?" CheerMynx asked. "Like, where are we?" "Uh," Wyvern licked his lips and shuffled towards his Intern, brain trying to process the facts. CheerMynx had only been lying about a yard away from where Wyvern had woken up...her clothes were rearranged....was that a pair of fluffy handcuffs attached to one of her arms? Wracking his brain to try and remember what he'd done before he blacked out, the Almost Dragon couldn't help but wonder if any part of his forgotten memory involved CheerMynx. "What...what do you remember, CheerMynxxx?" Wyvern tried to keep his voice neutral, tail twitching slightly. "Well, I was partying out at the beach with these guys from Sandra's school and then someone had like a table of tequila shots and I like totally lost a bet so I got handcuffed to the bar and had to do the shots left-pawed and then Johnny threw up, which was gross, so I threw up, so they took me home but you weren't there so we came looking for you and you were like totally passed out and I was tired so I figured I'd sleep here too...wherever here is...what happened here with you anyway?..." CheerMynx rambled on as she looked around, unaware of the defeated expression on Wyvern's face as his hopes that he had been (at least partly) to blame for the rumpled appearance of his Almost Intern were dashed by her recollection. Wyvern looked around the mess again and tried to collect his thoughts when a squeal from CheerMynx rang loud enough in his ears for his vision to blur. "OMG are we FILMING?!" CheerMynx yelped, realising the extent of her dishevelment and leaping up in a panic. "Nonono turn it off!" the cheeline wailed, rushing towards the camera only to trip on the mess of cables that littered the floor. With a shower of sparks, the camera went black...
CheerMynx's humming could be heard on the other side of the door long before the cheerline herself arrived. When she finally burst through the door, it was obvious that CheerMynx took holiday fashion as seriously as her other duties. Dressed in an exceedingly short red dress trimmed with white fur, with a santa hat and a bow on her tail to complete the ensemble, CheerMynx grinned hugely and waved at the camera. Even Snuffles seemed content to wear a miniature santa's hat, as the minion gnawed happily on a candy cane from his perch on his mistress' shoulder. "Merry Christmas everyone!" CheerMynx bounced. "I hope you're all having like a killer holiday and getting heaps of totally awesome presents!" Distracted by how short the hem of the dress was, Wyvern for a moment completely forgot the mistletoe hanging everywhere, as well as the ability to form a coherent thought. He'd risen when CheerMynx had entered, intending to guide her towards a strategic point as soon as possible, but as his Almost Intern continued, Wyvern could only stand there and gape. "I wanted to buy presents for everyone but I'm like totally skint and I don't know what you all wanted anyway so instead I invite any and everyone to totally drop by and pick up a candy cane!" Winking, CheerMynx held up two huge sacks filled with the brightly coloured candy. "Oh, but I did get something for you, Wyvie," giggling, CheerMynx turned her attention to the Almost Dragon and presented him with a bag filled with large gold coins. Wyvern snapped to attention at the gift, eyes lighting up with greed. "I'm afraid I could only afford the chocolate ones though," CheerMynx admitted. Wyvern drooped at this sentance, but CheerMynx failed to notice his disappointment as she noticed the edge of a present sticking out from under her pillow. Squealing with delight, the cheerline pounced on the package and tore it open, her scream of happiness temporarily short circuiting the sound equipment. "OhmygodthankyouWyvieit'slikesototallyawesome!" CheerMynx gibbered happily. Wrapping her arms around his neck, CheerMynx planted a big kiss on Wyvern's cheek. "Merry Christmas!" Eyes glazing over completely, Wyvern grinned foolishly as he swayed, before he keeled over completely in a dead faint. It was only the fact that he had landed on the camera that the screen was black, instead of an extreme-close-up of an Almost Dragonic Happy Smile
A giggle pulls attention away from Wyvern's distracted form, the camera searching for the source amidst the blinding white. After a few moments of fruitless panning, a flash of orange and black catches the camera, before disappearing again. Another giggle emits from the stark white area, before CheerMynx lowers the pure white umbrella she'd been hiding behind. Sitting on a white table, the cheerline's legs were tucked beneath a short, white baby-doll dress, her 'camouflage' only accentuating the bright orange of her pelt, her white furred front blurring the line of the dress' low cut front. Snuffles could be heard mewling discontent, but was nowhere to be seen - a fact that suggested a recent dye job for the unfortunate minion. In the paw that CheerMynx wasn't using to hold the umbrella was a glass filled with a bright green drink. "Like, hello everyone! I hope all of your holiday plans are totally coming together!" She paused for a moment to pout. "I totally want to go to the IRC party but Mynx, like, won't let me. Says we have 'commitments' or something." CheerMynx rolled her eyes, before giggling and holding up her glass, which on closer inspection appeared to be filled with Midori. "So I'm like TOTALLY getting a headstart on the festivities!" A flutter of something - what one could almost argue as sanity - crossed the cheerline's face for a moment, before she shook it away and smiled brightly. "So! I totally want to extend my best wishes to the recent bunch of birthday Pennites! If any of you get in touch with me before this bottle runs out I'm TOTALLY willing to do shots," CheerMynx giggled again, raising her glass and nearly overbalancing for a moment. Regaining her composure for a moment, the cheerline opened her mouth to start on another tirade of gossip when a white blur on her shoulder that appeared to be Snuffles leaped off, overbalancing CheerMynx and spilling both her glass and the bottle of midori next to her everywhere. Gaping at the lurid green that now coated the cheerline's fur and clothing, CheerMynx let out a loud wail and leaped off of the table, flinging the umbrella into the air as she ran off to whine to Wyvern about her ruined outfit. The umbrella hovered weightlessly in the air for a moment before it fell gracefully to land on the camera, obscuring the lens until once again only white could be seen...
A familiar giggle behind Wyvern caused him to jump in surprise, wedging his horns deeper into the ceiling. The cameras swung around in search of the owner of the voice, centering on CheerMynx's cleavage as she bounded (well, as much as one could with a short ceiling) into view. "Hiiiiiiiiiiii!" the cheerline giggled again. She was dressed today in one of her cheerleading outfits, except this one seemed to have had a couple of inches trimmed off the skirt, the neckline, the midriff, etc., until the outfit looked like it was only held together by two strategic seamlines. It was a wonder of physics that the outfit stayed on, to be quite honest. The outfit also looked as if it had been dipped in pure gold. "What do you all think?" CheerMynx gave a twirl, the skirt flaring up and leaving nothing to the imagination. By this point it was somewhat fortuitous that Wyvern was stuck in the ceiling, if his glazed expression was one to judge. "You are totally looking at the results of my newly instated CheerMynx Almost Intern Fashion Fund. Isn't it totally rockin?" Snuffles sat on her shoulder, a mini gold pompom attached to his tail. He did not seem nearly as excited as his mistress was by the 'results'. "Ch-CheerMynx," Wyvern swallowed. "You uh...kept it to the 4%...right?" The Almost Dragon was having a hard time deciding whether he would care if his Intern had stayed under budget, given her midas touched appearance. "Gawd, Wyvie, like, have a bit of faith," CheerMynx rolled her eyes goodnaturedly, before returning to the camera. "Anyway, I totally hope you guys all like the upgrades that have been going on here lately. Feel free to send me any fan mail or early Christmas presents if you really want." The cheerline giggled and winked. "So, this week I TOTALLY want to encourage you all to join in on some of our activities! The wolf games are totally fun and who like, doesn't like free candy? Unless of course you're Cindy Palmer, who totally got kicked off the squad after she ate our fundraising chocolate. I mean come ON she ate all the potential money and now totally can't even fit into her outfit how blonde can you be?" Prattling on, CheerMynx wasn't even looking as she sat down on the moving conveyer. However once she noticed it was moving, instead of simply standing back up again, the cheerline panicked. "Eeeek! Wyvie!" CheerMynx clutched at Wyvern as she moved by his prone form. The sudden, twisted momentum of her grasp on the Almost Dragon succeeded in freeing his horns from the ceiling...and bringing some of it down with him. There was a chorus of screams, yelps, and crashes, before a stray piece of timber landed on the camera, the screens going black to the sound of an expensive crash.