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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by CheerMynx

  1. CheerMynx blinked at Wyvern's expression, before she put a paw to her mouth and giggled quietly behind it. The cheerline's eyes flickered slightly, as if she were listening to someone even though Wyvern hadn't said anything further. A playful grin spread across her face. "I'll have to, like, think about it and let you know," CheerMynx giggled. "L-let me know?" Wyvern blinked and tried not to whine. "Uh...when?" "Oh, I'm sure you'll have an answer by, like...the next report?" CheerMynx winked at Wyven and blew him a kiss, before turning and flouncing out of the room, leaving the Almost Dragon once again in stunned silence.
  2. "Wyvie?" The familiar but long-lost sound of CheerMynx's voice caused Wyvern to jerk upright in his seat and bite down on his tongue in shock. "Wyyyyyyvie? Are you here?" CheerMynx bounded into the room, dressed in an orange and black cheerleading outfit that blended almost perfectly with her own stripes, making the cheerline appear almost naked...or like she was wearing the fur of a rival cheerline. At the sight, Wyvern's jaw gaped open, the returning bloodflow causing the Almost Dragon's tongue to burn in pain. "Aaaaaaaaahbah," he whined, still staring at CheerMynx in shock. The cheerline giggled and bounded up to him. "Silly Wyvie," she teased, kissing him on the tip of his snout before she began to poke around the room curiously. "So did you miss me?" Shaking his head to clear the stripy-tailed hearts that were dancing around his head, Wyvern caught the strange look CheerMynx was giving him and changed the shaking to vigerous nodding before he found his voice. "Of c-coursse I missssed you! CheerMynxie I...I thought you'd gone for good!" Wyvern launched himself out of his chair to hug the cheerline, before a thought crossed his mind and he paused. "This...issssn't your resignation, is it?" "What?" CheerMynx giggled and tossed her ponytail. "Oh Wyvern don't be silly! Of course I'm not quitting!" "You were gone so long...I thought maybe a better newssss channel..." Wyvern mumbled, loath to appear to vulnerable. "I was gone a while wasn't I? I'm so totally sorry about that Wyvie! See, first I got called in for this modelling gig on campus and then someone TOTALLY mistook me for the Cincinnatti Bengals mascot so I like ended up travelling with the team and stuff and it was kinda fun but I just like really wanted to get home but I TOTALLY didn't know where I was because honestly maps are like so, SO hard but then I saw a roadsign I recognised so I got off the bus and here I am!" The cheerline did a twirl and smiled brightly at Wyvern. "So, like, is it cool if I come back?"
  3. "Wyvie?" CheerMynx's voice froze Wyvern in his tracks in a combination of joy at seeing the Almost Intern again and panic at not having prepared properly. Before the Almost Dragon could make any more attempts to build a welcome party, the cheerline had rounded the corner, the lightest bag in her paws while a small army of grumbling kitten minions carried what looked like supplies for Africa. Wyvern's jaw gaped slightly as he saw CheerMynx again for the first time in weeks. She was dressed in a bright pink mock up of an air hostess' uniform (a miniature version, shall we say), and had a wide if slightly tired grin on her face. "Ch-CheerMynx!" Wyvern cried out and ran to give her a hug. CheerMynx laughed and hugged Wyvern back, before she started speaking at a mile-a-minute. "It's like so totally great to see you Wyvie and we definitely need to catch up and chat and stuff and I think I have something for you in these bags but I TOTALLY have to go right now I need a shower and to get my claws done and my classes start in like two hours so I'll like talk to you after I'm all unpacked and everything okay?" With that, the cheerline disentangled herself from Wyvern's Almost Dragonic Not Quite Effective Death Grip ™, kissed him on the cheek and flounced off, leaving a dazed and happy Almost Dragon in her wake. OOC: I'm, like, baaaaaaaaack
  4. "Wyyyyyyyvie!" CheerMynx's voice startled the Almost Dragon, causing him to slip and fall from the chest. Landing with a loud crash, Wyvern blinked dazedly at the geld bags and CheerMynx cheerline squad that danced around his head. The dancing figments were soon dissipated as CheerMynx's own paws came to a halt in front of Wyvern's snout. "Like, what're you doing in Mynx's room?" Glancing upwards, the Almost Dragon's eyes crossed at the view of the Almost Intern's legs before drifting up to her outfit: a pair of denim short shorts and a loose off-the-shoulder jumper. Realising he was gaping, Wyvern closed his jaw with a snap before he sat up quickly and brushed himself off. "Err, I was jusssst..." Wyvern looked around the room desperately for inspiration. "Checking for errant pompoms?" "Ohmygawd PLEASE don't tell me I've lost one again!" CheerMynx let out a wail and rushed back to her room, leaving Wyvern to follow in her wake while the camera crew scrambled to catch up. "Uhhh, CheerMynx? How many days are you going for again?" Wyvern asked while he looked at the room full of bags, CheerMynx rushing from one to the other and rummaging through them. The cheeline brushed her hair out of her eyes and looked up in confusion. "Three weeks, why?" "How...much clothing are you planning to take?" "Okay I KNOW it totally looks like more than I'll need but I gotta like take into account the weather and the location and what I'll be doing and I TOTALLY can't be seen in the same outfit twice and..." CheerMynx's eyes went wide. "OhmyGAWD I still have an exam to study for!" Lunging for her study desk, CheerMynx began throwing things wildly as she searched for the notes she needed, gibbering something about western spaghetti and Spaniards. A stray textbook knocked the Gaffer unconscious, and Wyvern barely ducked in time to avoid what looked like a biology textbook. His eye catching the camera, the Almost Dragon coughed and grinned weakly. "Perhapsss we should leave CheerMynx to her own devicess...just until she...err....calms down..." Wyvern would have said more, but at that point he was...introduced to the second edition of the textbook he'd successfully dodged a moment before. *ker-THUD*
  5. “Wyvie!” CheerMynx’s voice trilled from behind the curtain of the dressing room. “Like, you out there?” “Uh, one sec,” Wyvern successfully untangled himself from the shopping bags and leapt to attention as best he could. “What’sss up, CheerMynx?” Something pink went flying over the top of the curtain, landing on the Almost Dragon’s head and getting tangled in his horns. Pulling it free, Wyvern looked at the garment in confusion before he realised it to be a dress. One that looked like it had been made from a small pillowcase, but a dress nonetheless. “Could you, like, find that in a size 0 Wyvie? The 2’s a bit big” “Uhhhh,” Wyvern’s jaw hung slack as his mind tried to picture a smaller version of the scrap of material in his hands. “Yeah, you’re right, I probably totally don’t need it.” With a ‘ssshhhk’, CheerMynx pulled open the curtain and posed. “Like, whaddaya think?” the cheerline was dressed in an almost identical version of the dress Wyvern was still holding, except this one was in two pieces – showing off a vast amount of furred midriff – and trimmed in gold. Wyvern could only croak slightly, his expression similar to one of a person who had been hit in the head with a frying pan. Giggling at his expression, CheerMynx did a twirl in the new outfit. “You totally like it then? Awesome!” Without bothering to change, CheerMynx bounded to the counter and paid for the outfit with an Almost Dragonic Brand Company Credit Card™ that was looking worse for wear after the day’s exploits. The purchase completed, CheerMynx bounded out the door and continued to wander the mall, talking constantly as Wyvern trailed behind her, once more burdened by the shopping bags. “So, like, we need to figure out what you’re gonna do while I’m away on my vacation,” CheerMynx was too busy looking around and enjoying her newfound vision to notice the Almost Dragon droop at the reminder. “So does that mean you wanna get Dego to fill in for me? Although I guess she’s totally kinda busy at the moment...BUNNIES!” CheerMynx came to a halt as her wanderings took her back to the “Adopt a Mythical Pet” shop, her eyes growing large and dewy as she saw the rabbit in the shop window. “It’s just so a-DOR-able!” she squealed, her gleeful cry drawing the storeowner out of the shop. “I’m glad you think so, Miss, perhaps you’d be interested in adopting it?” He glanced at Wyvern, laden down with the bags. “Perhaps we could organise a discount if you were willing to trade in your pet carrier dragon?”
  6. “WYVIEWYVIEWYVIEWYVIEWYVIE!” CheerMynx’s voice increased in volume rapidly as the Almost Intern came racing into the room, bypassing all the critics as she threw herself exuberantly into the Almost Dragon’s arms. “I CAN SEE!” the cheerline’s voice reached ear splitting volumes as she grinned hugely at Wyvern, her eyes returned to the bright silver they had been before the accident. Wyvern gaped at CheerMynx and her exuberant greeting. “Uh, th-that’s fantassstic CheerMynxie! Did Mynx finally figure out a counterssspell?” “No! It was the Other Guy!” CheerMynx giggled. “He dropped by and gave me a kiss and then he disappeared but I CAN SEE!” “Kiss?” Wyvern’s voice was suddenly very small as the cheerline bounded out of his arms and turned her attention to the screen. “Like, what’s this? A movie?”
  7. Wyvern’s sky-gazing was cut short when he heard a deafening squawk, following by the sound of flapping wings. A high pitched squeal followed the noises, growing louder as CheerMynx stumbled into the Tower, causing Wyvern to run out of Patham’s quarters to see what trouble his Almost Intern had gotten into this time. The cheerline was dressed this week in a miniaturised version of a mini dress, cut to look like some sort of copy of a military uniform (in other words, it was camouflage green, had random badges on it and came with a matching hat). But – for once – Wyvern was more distracted at first not by what his Almost Intern was wearing, but what she was holding. Clutched in the cheerline’s paws was a leash. Attached to the leash was a formerly white and currently very angry owl. The bird had been dipped in what looked to be the same scale dye that coated Wyvern, its flapping throwing flecks of the dye everywhere. Letting out another enraged hoot, the owl noticed a window and began to flap harder as it tried to reach the exit. CheerMynx let out a yelp as she was almost pulled off her paws, clutching to the leash desperately. Taking advantage of the situation, Wyvern stumbled forward and grabbed CheerMynx to steady her. “Errr, everything okay there, CheerMynxie?” he asked, suddenly very aware of how close he was to the Almost Intern. “Ohmygawd thank you so much, Wyvie!” CheerMynx enthused. “What...what’re you doing?” “Well, like, since Dego was totally busy this week I thought maybe I should try get another kind of like seeing eye animal but you mentioned the theme was all top secrety and I thought like that an owl would be quieter and totally more discr...discrea....um, harder to notice?” CheerMynx giggled, before she let out another yelp as the owl noticed the trap door and made a dive for it. The sudden change in direction tore the cheerline out of Wyvern’s grasp, forcing her to stumble along in a desperate effort to keep up. She almost had the knack of it, until the cheerline came across the stairs – or rather, the sudden lack of solid ground beneath her paws. CheerMynx screamed and let go of the leash as she struggled vainly for balance, losing the war and tumbling down the stairs with a crash. When the dust had cleared, CheerMynx sat up and shook her head slowly, blind eyes appearing more dazed than normal. From Patham’s quarters, the sounds of an angry owl trashing the room could be heard amidst the outraged ‘hoots’. Wyvern looked from CheerMynx to the room, trying to decide which to attend to first, before the Almost Dragon turned back to the cameras and made a desperate ‘cutting’ motion with his claws. The hoots and crashes lingered even after the cameras clicked to black.
  8. Degorram sat waiting in the dressing room, per the instructions on the note she'd found waiting for her that morning. Biting her lip slightly, she looked warily around the room - decorated in every shade of pink imaginable - and wondered what her first assignment would entail for her. The door opened quietly, startling Degorram from her thoughts as she looked up to see Mynx enter the room. "Ah good, you're here," the feline smiled. "I can get the spell taken care of then leave you in the...er...semi capable paws of my counterpart." "Um, right," Degorram stood up hesitantly. "Do you, um, know what CheerMynx wants me to shift into yet?" Mynx chuckled softly and shook her head. "I stopped wanting to know what went through her head a loooooooooong time ago." Placing a paw gently on Degorram's shoulder, Mynx turned her so her back was to the feline. "Hopefully this will cut down on the confusion if you two are at least facing the same direction," she explained. "Ready?" Taking a breath, Degorram nodded. Feeling like something was tickling the back of her mind, Degorram scrunched up her nose until the feeling faded, only to hear a giggle behind her. "Yay, it like totally worked!" CheerMynx bounced happily. Degorram smiled but didn't move. "Um, CheerMynx? What..." "Okay okay, just turn around slowly and look at me, okay? Then you can see what I'm wearing and I can check everything's in place then we can totally get you into a suitable form!" Turning slowly, Degorram supposed she shouldn't have been surprised to see CheerMynx in an eyebleedingly bright pink cheerleader's outfit which looked like it was sized for a doll. The cheerline grinned hugely, before producing a matching pink (and fluffy) purse, and a pink dog's collar with miniature pompoms sewn on. "So, I was thinking of doing a little Paris Hilton tribute..." CheerMynx giggled. Degorram cringed, but at the same time laughed quietly to herself. You should have known what you were getting into, she told herself, before she murmured her agreement to CheerMynx and began to Shift... ~~~ The goblin had stripped down to his underwear when Wyvern heard a familiar giggle approaching the room. With an exuberant cry, CheerMynx burst into the room, Degorram now a small dog sitting securely in the purse slung on the cheerline's shoulder. "Like, we're back and TOTALLY hot right now!" CheerMynx giggled, before she and Degorram both blinked and stared at where Wyvern sat before an almost naked goblin. "Like....what?" "Ch-CheerMynx! Dego! I...I can explain!" Wyvern stammered, before he stopped and tried to think exactly how he could explain such a situation...
  9. "Wyvie? Like, you he-OW!" CheerMynx's voice rang out through the corridor, causing the Almost Dragon to look up from the floor with an overly hopeful expression. The smile that burst across his face shattered the last remnants of his “cool” as the cheerline turned into her room and bounced off the door. “Gawd, who put that there,” she muttered, rubbing her muzzle before sticking her paws out to fend for obstacles as she made her stumbled way across the room. “Wyvie?” “CheerMynx! Hi!” Wyvern discarded the boombox and chain as he leapt to his feet and rushed to aid the Almost Intern, babbling excitedly. “How are ya doin? It looksss like you’re adapting well to this whole ssssightless thing, I can’t sssee any bandages or casts or anything! Nice cosssstume by the way...” “Costume?” CheerMynx blinked and tilted her head. The cheerline was dressed in a shimmery silver satin tracksuit, the trousers hanging so low off her hips it looked like only her tail was holding them up, while the top looked as if the entire lower half had been torn off, barely covering her chest. With her hair tied up in a messy ponytail, the end result had CheerMynx looking like an escapee from a Will Smith music video. “Oh! Well, like, I actually didn’t get your memo about the theme, I mean I did but I totally couldn’t read it, but Sandy said to wear this and then my top got caught in a door and ripped but she said it was totally cool. I’m glad you like it!” CheerMynx beamed, before she sat down a few inches shy of her bed and slid to the floor. “So! I was like thinking about getting a new minion and I have to say I totally think Dego would be good but we need to like sort out a contract? I mean, will she get another budget to outfit her? Cos I don’t think sharing mine would work. Ooooooor she could just turn into something small but do we agree on something first off or change it every week but we’d still have to like pay her or something right and I just, like, totally don’t know, Wyvie. Do you have any ideas?” “Uh,” Wyvern swallowed as he tried to process the cheerline’s speech, but his brain seemed to have gotten stuck on the idea of losing more money. While the Almost Dragon was still trying to get his head around the ideas that had been rambled to him, an alarm began to ring. Or rather, purr. “Ugh!” CheerMynx fumbled at the pink fluffy critter watch on her wrist and turned it off. “I’m, like, TOTALLY sorry Wyvie but I gotta go and deal with some, like, late applications I got? Anyway, could you like pretty please think about what we’re gonna do for this whole minion thing? Also, I promised you I’d make it up to you about how much of a flake I’ve been lately so here!” CheerMynx took a voucher and held it out in Wyvern’s direction, waiting for him to snatch it up before she began to clamour to her paws and stumble for the door. Wyvern’s jaw dropped at the voucher’s first line, before it closed with a snap at the footnote written underneath in a tidy handwriting that must have belonged to CheerMynx’s more controlled counterpart: “Uuuh, thankssss CheerMynx!” Wyvern looked up as his brain struggled to figure out what “PG-13” would limit, but the loud bangs outside the room indicated Almost Intern had already begun her brail-like progress down the hall.
  10. CheerMynx sat blinking for a few moments in confusion at the encounter. "Like, what?" she mumbled to herself, before the idea of having Degorram in a dog form for a seeing eye minion set the cheerline off into a fit of giggles. "A dog leading a cat," CheerMynx sniggered. "Like, that'd totally be tv show or something." Suddenly, an alarm clock in the corner of the room began to let out a loud "WHOOP"ing noise. Letting out a squeal of dismay, CheerMynx began to blindly run around the room, picking up various textbooks and notes before she made a mad dash for the door. ~THUNK!~ Sitting back up in the mess of newly discarded papers, CheerMynx whined and rubbed her nose, before she grabbed the nearest book, clamored for the door and eventually found her way out. Almost crashing into Wyvern along the way, CheerMynx began to babble even as she continued in her stumbled gait. "LikeWyvieohmygawdI'msosorrybutIforgotIhadthisclassICAN'Tmissorelsethey'llflunkmeI'llmakeituptoyouItotallypromise!" With that, the cheerline crashed through the doors and outside, setting off as fast as she safely could (which wasn't very fast *or* safe, to be honest), leaving Wyvern blinking dumbly in her wake. Glancing down, the Almost Dragon noticed one of the textbooks CheerMynx had dropped. Picking it up for a closer look, Wyvern took one look at the title - Pole Dancing for Beginners - and promptly fainted dead away. If he'd taken a moment, he might have noticed the subtext beneath the book's misleading subtitle: An Introduction to Poland's Culture Through Dance.
  11. CheerMynx was busy smoothing down her fur and fur when she heard the door knock. Twisting in what she thought was the door's direction, the cheerline composed herself and called out "Like, come in!" Nuncio opened the door and blinked as his eyes struggled to take in the room's bright pink decor. It certainly appeared that the cheerline did not consider her lack of vision a reason to not imprint her fashion sense upon her current residence/workplace. Eventually, Nuncio's eyes adjusted enough that he was able to make out CheerMynx sitting behind the pink chrome desk, dressed in a smartly tailored, exceedingly short skirt suit that strongly implied she had obtained some sort of wardrobe assistant this week. The cheerline had put on a bright, friendly, vacant smile...which was currently directed at another wall. Clearing his throat politely, Nuncio moved to the spare chair in front of the desk and sat down. "Hiiiii!" CheerMynx spun to face Nuncio and groped blindly for a pen, eventually snatching what appeared to be a pencil but looked more like a skinned, dyed squirrel. "So! Name?" "Er, Nuncio." CheerMynx attempted to scrawl the name on the piece of paper in front of her, before she paused for a moment in thought. "Hang on, aren't you, like, a giant rat?" "Rodent of Unusual Size," Nuncio corrected in a huff. "So, like, a giant bunny then?" Nuncio sighed quietly under his breath as CheerMynx continued to scrawl blindly across the page. "Okay! So, like, basically what you'd have to do is follow me around and be my eyes like Snuffles used to do, buuuuuuuuut I don't know how Mynx did the spell so I'm totally going to have to get her to set it up, okay?" "Well..." "Great! Wait here!" CheerMynx sat back in her chair and closed her eyes as her counter-personality resumed control. As the blond hair darkened slightly and the eyes retained coherency despite the blindness, Mynx repressed a sigh at her counterpart's outfit and looked up to see who had applied for the role this time. The feline blinked. "Nuncio?" The RoUS tipped his hat in greeting as Mynx burst out laughing. "Oh this will be gooood," she chuckled, rising from the chair and moving around the desk to the door. "I hope Wyvern's filming this!" she spoke louder than necessary, already knowing the Almost Dragon must be on the other side of the door spying on the 'interview process'. "In advance? I'm really sorry," Mynx placed a comforting paw on Nuncio's shoulder, before grinning toothily. "Ready?" "Er...Yes?" Nuncio made a mental note to have a word with his brother, but decided to entertain his curiosity for the now. Mynx smiled, before closing her eyes and setting the cast into motion. Nuncio blinked and sneezed, only to look back and see that CheerMynx had returned. "Woah," the Almost Intern staggered around, trying to get her new bearings. "Like, stand up?" Nuncio obliged, only to find himself catching CheerMynx as she swooned dizzily. "Woah. You're, like, tall. Um, maybe this would work if you carried me?" Before Nuncio had a chance to respond, the door burst open as Wyvern and the camera crew came crashing in. An errant gaffer knocked into CheerMynx, sending her flying over the desk with a yelp as the connection was broken, but for once Wyvern didn't even notice. He was too busy shaking Nuncio's paw and guiding him towards the door. "Thanksss and everything for applying, Nunc', but we've got a lot of other applicants sssso, don't call usss, we'll call you, alright? Thanksssss." Closing the door after Nuncio, Wyvern leaned against it with a sigh. "That was clossse," he muttered to himself, images of the cheerline reclining in the arms of someone that wasn't him disctracting the Almost Dragon from the fact that his Almost Intern was currently lying in an unconscious heap in the corner. It was almost like old times, really.
  12. ...heeeeey!
  13. The desperate plea had barely left the Almost Dragon's lips when there was a loud crash, followed by a clatter and flurry of wings. "Ow!" "Like-" *bang!* "Let-" "C'mon..." "Me-" *CLANG!* "Please?" "GO!" *CRASH!* The door slammed open to reveal CheerMynx's tail as the cheerline backed into the room, dragging a large gilded - and expensive looking - birdcage with her. She succeeded in getting about three feet into the room before she tripped, falling backwards with a loud squeal as her momentum threw the cage into the far corner where it landed with another loud crash. "Like, ow," CheerMynx muttered as she sat up and rubbed her head. The lack of eyesight was beginning to show on the cheerline - her cheerleader skirt and top were not colour coordinated, her ponytail was nowhere near as carelessly perfect, her claws were not painted cleanly... The now dented cage's inhabitant rattled the bars and flapped its wings impatiently. "CheerMynx, let me outta here!" "Aww, come *oof* on Crypty," CheerMynx pleaded as she crawled clumsily over the bed and in the direction of the cage, slipping and falling headfirst off the edge with a yelp and a thud that caused both Wyvern and the Cryptomancer to wince at. "It'll like be just like being a parrot!" the cheerline gave a lopsided smile that showed signs of a pending concussion as she righted herself and began to fumble with the cage. "I am NOT a parrot!" the raven let out a desperate squawk. "Pleeeeeeeeeease, Crypty? Come on! I even spent the fashion fund on this pretty birdcage for you!" Wyvern winced silently at that bit of news, even as the arugment continued. "Besides it's like, only until Snuffles comes back..." CheerMynx continued to ramble as she succeeded in finding the cage door and opening it, reaching in and grabbing the raven bodily. "CheerMynx! I'm not one of your bleeding minions!" The Cryptomancer flapped desperately. "Hasn't Mynx told you anything about how it worked with Snuffles?!" CheerMynx's blind stare grew even more blank at that statement, causing both Wyvern and the raven to groan softly. "I...think Mynx said I just had to use magic but I can't do what she does so I think she set it up for me or got Snuffles to do it but I remember kinda like totally how it started I just need to like push and..." With the grace of a falling brick, CheerMynx tried to force her mind to link with the Cryptomancer's. The resulting backlash separated the two as the raven fluttered frantically towards the ceiling while the cheerline slumped back against the bed, blind eyes crossing as the now-concussed Almost Intern blinked in confusion. "Crazy cat!" the raven yelled as he circled the room once to clear his headache before he shot out the door, flapping for his life. CheerMynx continued to sit on the floor and blink stupidly. "So, like, it didn't work? I kinda see colours...oooh colours..."
  14. "Wyyyyyyyyyyyyyvie!" CheerMynx's voice reached an unnatural pitch as she called out across the greenhouse, causing Wyvern to wince even as he twitched in anticipation (and hope that the cheerline's presence would distract the Wiggly Cabbages from their attack. Her voice alone certainly seemed to help in making them retreat slightly). "Like, where are you?" the Almost Intern's voice indicated she was closer. The minor crash as she stumbled over an errant root confirmed this. "Totally ow," CheerMynx mumbled, before Snuffles turned his head in Wyvern's direction and located the Almost Dragon within the greenery. "Like, THERE you are!" CheerMynx let out a sigh of relief as she traipsed over to the Almost Dragon. "Gawd, I totally thought I'd be in here all day looking for you!" Pausing, the cheerline frowned in confusion at the mess Wyvern had succeeded in getting himself into this time. It appeared that some of the Wiggly Cabbages had succeeded in winding a rope vine around Wyvern, until his feet and legs were completely tangled together. Wyvern had been too busy gawking at CheerMynx's outfit - what appeared to be a re-hash of her previous nature costume but using fresher, greener leaves and the distinct impression that there were less of them this time - to notice the rope, but as if on cue at her puzzled glance, he promptly overbalanced and fell over with a grunt. Tsking and rolling her eyes (purely out of habit), CheerMynx settled Snuffles on the ground by Wyvern's feet for a steady view as she began working to untangle the Almost Dragon. "Gawd Wyvern like, how old are you? I'm like totally hardly gone and you're getting yourself into like the WEIRDEST messes. Honestly you're as bad as this guy Jimmy Dolsen that I used to know? He was a bit of a dweeb but I swear like every single time we went on a field trip he'd always..." CheerMynx continued to ramble as she struggled with the knots, Snuffles staring intently in the right area while Wyvern tried not to stare... In fact, all three of them were so focussed on looking (or not, as it may be) in the right place, that none of them noticed the inquisitive, almost triffid-like vine that snuck up and promptly grabbed Snuffles. As the minion let out a yowel of outrage while CheerMynx squealed and turned to weakly fend off the plant that had kittennapped her eyesight, Wyvern was left to struggle out of the vines on his own. By the time the Almost Dragon had finally succeeded in freeing himself and getting back up, CheerMynx was holding Snuffles and trying to sooth the ruffled minion. Unfortunately, it did not seem that she was doing a good job, as the kitten continued to hiss and yowel unhappily. "Like, whaddayamean you quit?!" CheerMynx yelped, before she was bitten on the paw by her seeing-eye minion. "Ooooow! Snuffles!" But Snuffles had already jumped free of his (apparently former) mistress, and was currently racing out of the greenhouse as fast as he could. "Snuffles! Like, come back!" CheerMynx wailed, moving to give chase, only to trip on one of the discarded vines, landing heavily enough to knock the wind out of the cheerline as her vision made good its escape.
  15. A faint muttering could be heard from inside the room as Wyvern slowly eased the door open. Or tried to, anyway. The Almost Dragon had gotten the door about a foot open when it let out a loud CREAK. "Whathe?" CheerMynx's head appeared from behind a pile of textbooks, confusion written across the cheerline's face before it was replaced with shock. "Like, ohmygawd Wyvie I thought I told you no cameras this week!" CheerMynx whined and ducked back behind her pile of books. "Err, of courssse, CheerMynxie," Wyvern began to stammer an apology as he stepped properly into the room and kicked the door shut on the camera crew. "I jusst wanted to...er...sssee how you're doing?" CheerMynx tapped her pink fluffy pen on her textbook in vague annoyance and brushed a wayward strand of hair out of her face, before picking Snuffles up from his place on her textbook and rearranging him on her shoulder. Wyvern couldn't help but notice with a tinge of disappointment that his Almost Intern was not dressed in anything particularly outrageous, trading style instead this week for comfort. Still, the pleated mini skirt and off-the-shoulder jumper didn't exactly hurt the eyes... "Sssso, uh, how's it all coming?" Wyvern tried to drag his eyes away from the cheerline's clevage. "Like wow you will not BELIEVE the crap I have to do this week!" CheerMynx exploded shrilly, causing Wyvern to blink and step back in surprise at the outburst. "I have, like this really hard marketing test I have to do tomorrow and Mynx is like totally no help because she keeps insisting that whatever the cheer-captain wears is not a valid form of market research, and THEN I like have this assignment due in next week, and then I have to like analyse this movie which totally isn't even in English..." Trying to make sense of the increasingly high pitched rant that was beginning to hurt his ears, Wyvern swallowed and raised an inquiring claw. "I...don't sssuppose that I could help at all?" CheerMynx stopped mid-sentance and turned to stare at the Almost Dragon hopefully. "Like, you mean it?" "Sure!" Wyvern grinned in what he hoped was a charming manner. "The quicker you get this work taken care of, the quicker your adoring fans can have y-" "GREAT! Sit here!" CheerMynx bounded up and shoved Wyvern into a comfortable easychair. Wyvern's grin widened as he relaxed into the seat. Maybe he should have offered to help CheerMynx study soo- THWACK! "OW!" Wyvern let out a yelp and clutched at his head. "What the?!" "I like have this lab report where I have to totally write about the effects of impact to different lobes," CheerMynx mumbled as she made a note of something in a book, before she took another look at the skull map resting on the table and hefted a comicly large hammer. "CheerMynx..." "Like, totally hold still..." THWACK!
  16. The camera crackles and comes to life, focusing on a backdrop that, if properly lit, would reveal the work of a terrible (or perhaps blind) artist. As it was, the backdrop was hidden in shadows, giving the vaguest impression of a castle dungeon. Golden-coated chocolate geld littered the set, glittering in the dim light and adding to the atmosphere of...what one who knew nothing about Almost Dragons would assume an Almost Dragon's home to look like. A strange, high pitched snicker was heard off-screen, causing the camera to swing as it brought its host into focus. The figure stood with oversized foam gloves and slippers designed to look like a dragon's claws over its own paws. A matching spiked tail and grinning dragon's head that showed two pairs of familiar eyes through the mask's jaws completed the ensemble. Well. Except for the spray painted bat wings and leather body suit. The resulting effect was as if Barny the Dinosaur had gone on a diet and joined some kind of strange cult... "Like, greetingsss," the Almost an Almost Dragon giggled. "Welcome to a very special April Fool's News report! I hope all of you guys 'n' gals are totally enjoying the chance to cause all kind of havoc without, like, getting into too much trouble!" The figure turned abruptly to pick up some cue cards off a nearby table, obliviously knocking over a lamp with its oversized tail in the process. Turning back to face the camera, a telltale giggle erupted from the dragon's mouth before the AlmostAlmostDragon composed herself and began to read from the first card. "Firssst up, like, we totally have some birthday wishes for a bunch of really awesome Pennites! Like, Happy Birthday to Gryphon, Mylo and Reverie! And I hear there's a certain wolf with a birthday coming up this week too..." Sadly, the exuberant grin and wink was lost beneath the cheap foam mask. "Um, like, in other news..." As the figure went to reshuffle the cards, the giant foam gloves caused them to go flying everywhere. "Oh ssshoot," bending down, the AlmostAnAlmostDragonIfYou'reReallyMaybeDrunk began to try and pick up the cards from the floor, completely unaware that the foam tail had become stuck in one of the lamps, heating up until it slowly caught fire at the tip. The AlmostAnImposterButNowLookingLikeAPoke'MonDragon paused in their scrambling to sniff suspiciously at the air. "Like, what's that smell?"
  17. Familiar humming caused Wyvern to jerk upright eagerly, knocking the armor over with a loud crash. The humming stopped, replaced by CheerMynx's voice. "Wyvie? Like, you in here?" "Uh, y-yeah CheerMynxx!" Wyvern called out, hurriedly trying to replace the display as he heard the cheerline approach him from behind. "Like, what're you doing?" CheerMynx asked, as Wyvern proceeded to juggle the helmet before dropping it on his foot. Biting back an oath, the Almost Dragon kicked the helmet away and turned to face his Almost Intern, a ready grin already forming on his face as he tried to imagine what she would be wearing today. Happily - for Wyvern - he was not disappointed again. CheerMynx was today dressed in what looked like a costume from an Amazon movie. Or perhaps a replica of Princess Leia's outfit from Return of the Jedi. In fact, a gold bikini covered the description quite nicely. What little material that was attached to the outfit was so colourless and sheer that it could only be considered adornment. Clutched tightly in one paw was a gold spear with matching pompoms on the tip. Snuffles escaped this week with only a golden collar and matching spear clutched in his mouth. Jaw gaping slightly, Wyvern tried to come up with something witty to say, but could only manage a weak “habbada.” “You like it then?” CheerMynx grinned happily. “You said mythical and I was like totally stuck on what myth to use cos I like tried reading this book once about Greek goddesses or something and it was totally boring but then Mynx like suggested I go as an Amazon warrior and I kinda didn’t want to cos like female warriors have the WORST fashion sense but then I like saw this movie called…um? Barbarella or something? And she was like dressed like this and Mynx said it’d be fine although I think she was laughing at me but I think it looks cool and you seem to like it so…um…Wyvie?” CheerMynx snapped her fingers in front of Wyvern’s eyes to get his attention, before she caught glimpse of the piece of paper in the Almost Dragon’s claws out of the corner of Snuffles’ eyes. “Oooh, is that my script?! I thought you like didn’t have one for me this week! Or if you did I totally lost it I’m so sorry Jessica wanted to go to this concert and like no one else would go with her so I totally got dragged along…” Snatching the sheet of paper from Wyvern, CheerMynx tapered off as she skimmed over the image of the Death of Rats. Completely misreading the flyer, the cheerline’s eyes widened. “Ohmygawd, you mean we like have a rat problem here?! EwewewewewewewEW! Where is it?!” Dropping the piece of paper and clutching her spear, CheerMynx began to swing it around wildly, tangling the camera cord in one end with her frantic movements and, with a jerk in the other direction, plunged the Almost News audience once more into darkness…
  18. CheerMynx hummed a song to herself as she moved around the clutter of Wyvern's office, decorating it with an obnoxious number of streamers and balloons. The song *appeared* to be the one sung by the school children in Alfred Hitchcock's 'The Birds', but it was impossible to tell as the only line the cheerline remembered was "hippity hoppity". The rest was mindless humming. Once finished, CheerLine found a bag full of golden wrapped Easter eggs and began strewing them around until the office practically glittered. Purring contentedly at her work, CheerMynx picked up her basket and sign, adjusted her costume, and after ensuring Snuffles was safe, went to wait outside the office. Peredhil was the first hapless candidate to come across Mynx's alternate personality. The Polite Elder actually successfully passed the cheerline and got a few feet before something misfired in his brain and he paused. Blinking, he turned around and hesitantly approached CheerMynx again. "Hiiiii!" she enthused, posing to show off her costume, which was best described in only two words... Playboy Bunny. Even Snuffles had a pair of matching bunny ears. "So, like, you coming in?" CheerMynx giggled, forcing Peredhil to shake himself to clear his thoughts and read the sign the cheerline was holding. Birthday Party for Wyvie inside! Free Easter eggs! As if to prove the validity of the sign, CheerMynx's basket also held dozens of miniature chocolate eggs. "I like, figured the bunny thing totally fit in with the Easter season, y'know?" she grinned. Peredhil considered the time it would take to explain to CheerMynx the difference between Easter, the Easter Bunny, and a Playboy Bunny. He eventually decided it would be safer to simply take an egg and wait inside for the rest of the guests... OOC: Like, Happy Birthday, Wyvern!
  19. Wyvern was so caught up gazing at the beautiful figure relaxing by the lake that he didn't even hear the rustle of leaves or familiar hum approaching him from behind. Coming to a halt a few feet short of the Almost Dragon, CheerMynx frowned when he didn't turn to greet her. "Um, Wyvern?" CheerMynx tilted her head, almost losing Snuffles who was perched on the top of her head. "Like, what're you looking at?" With a startled yelp, Wyvern turned and blinked dumbly at CheerMynx. "Ch-CheerMynx! I was jussst..." Wyvern turned back to the lake, frowning in confusion as he wondered who he'd been gawking at. "Nevermind," Wyvern mumbled, before his brain kicked back into gear and he turned eagerly to see his Almost Intern's outfit. Which seemed to be made entirely of leaves. Not many though, maybe only a half dozen or so made up the bikini top and the matching skirt might have made use of double that number...maybe... But what was most puzzling about the outfit was that the leaves were golden and dying, not green. "Uh, CheerMynx?" Wyvern asked, "Isn't that outfit more ssuited to...err...Autumn?" "But it IS Autumn, silly!" CheerMynx giggled. Wyvern stared at her blankly, causing the cheerline to falter. "Like, isn't it?" "Wrong hemisphere, darling!" Wyvern slapped himself to clear his head. "Uhhh, it might be Autumn where you're from CheerMynx, but over here it's ssSpring!" Wyvern managed to stammer, wondering if CheerMynx would maybe lose a couple of leaves for the season... "Wha?" CheerMynx tore her gaze away from the clouds, only to look down at her outfit. "Oh...well...um...like, I guess I should change...OH! I KNOW!" CheerMynx ducked offscreen for a moment and came back with a can of green spray paint. "I like, got this for St Patrick's day!" the cheerline giggled as she shook the can and removed the lid. "But ohmygawd Wyvie you would like not believe the trouble I had finding it! I mean like, did EVERYONE totally have the same idea as me?" Still chatting, CheerMynx aimed the can at her outfit and began to spray, unaware that she had misjudged the nozzle's aim, which was instead pointed at the camera lense. "And then like everyone was insisting they were a goblin or whatever and someone wanted a...charm bracelet or something? But he was like TOTALLY wasted so Tammy and I..." Slowly, the screen was filled with green paint, until all that was left of the footage was the Almost Intern's voice continuing her ramble, oblivious to Wyvern's weak attempts at alerting the cheerline to yet another piece of equipment she'd successfully destroyed...
  20. "Yoh, hoh, like, haul together," the familiar giggle of CheerMynx's voice approaching the door caused Wyvern to choke slightly on his drink as he fussed around to make sure he was in perfect sight for the Almost Intern's grand entrance. "Totally hoist the colours high!" the cheerline burst through the door in a flurry of white, white, feathers, and steel. There was so much white that the golden orange that was the dominant hue in CheerMynx's pelt was all the more striking. "Hiiiii!" CheerMynx grinned at Wyvern and did a spin before posing. "Like, whaddaya think?" White leather pirate boots ended at the cheerline's knee, showing a large quantity of orange and black striped thigh before a white leather miniskirt that would have made Xena blush covered just enough to defy censorship. Her top had long, billowing white sleeves, although seemed to be missing a large chunk of material from the middle section. The bodice that wrapped tightly around CheerMynx's clevage made it impossible to tell if they were trying to conceal them, or push them together to gain even more attention. A long, silver rapier, white hat with enormous white feather, and white leather eyepatch completed the ensemble. Snuffles had a matching eyepatch over his corresponding eye, and a mini rapier clutched happily between its teeth. "Yaaaar," CheerMynx giggled. Snuffles mimicked the noise as best a kitten with a full mouth could. After gathering his jaw from the floor, his wits about him, and covering the stain his drink had made when he'd dropped the "Grale" on the carpet, Wyvern tried to clear his throat as he continued to gape. "Uh, CheerMynxie, uh," Wyvern coughed and blushed as he found his gaze even more attracted to the Almost Intern's nether regions by the attention demanding colour of her pelt. "Love the outfit," he eventually managed to stammer. "Uh, but would you mind telling me- errr...sssharing with our audience...who you're meant to be?" "Gawd, Wyvern, like, isn't it obvious?" CheerMynx giggled and waved her sword around, oblivious to the simultaneous ducking of Wyvern and half the film crew. "I'm like Faaye Khanthius, that Dreamer character you told me about. Didn't you say she was like a pirate who always wore white or something?" Wyvern blinked in confusion as he tried to figure out how his vague statement about an eyepatch had led to this interpretation. Not that he was complaining... CheerMynx prattled on; "Besides, like, I look TOTALLY hot in white so this was like an awesome costume idea and thanks to your raise in the fashion fund I was like able to afford real leather this time instead of that creepy stuff that Mynx has but then I was like at the mall with Tammy and she said I needed a sword and I mean she was like so totally right but I got so caught up trying to find one that looked good with my outfit that I didn't have time to read the script or anything...sorry?" CheerMynx giggled and fluttered her eye at Wyvern. "I do remember that like someone died or something oh! and happy birthday Zadown and HappyBuddha!" CheerMynx broke off from her speech to Wyvern long enough to beam at the camera before turning back to her clearly well thought out explanation. "But I forgot if there was anything else Wyvie. Sorry? I can make up for it though! I totally learnt this awesome sword trick! Checkitout!" With an exuberant swing, CheerMynx hoisted the rapier in the air, losing her grip on the hilt with a yelp as the momentum carried the blade in a sweeping arc where it hung shining in the air for a long moment, before gravity regained control. With a bright flash of steel and the expensive sound of broken equipment, the rapier pierced the camera lense, a broken and blurry image of the blade lasting only a moment before the camera shorted and cut out.
  21. Wyvern was still trying to regain his balance on the rug when a high pitched, and very familiar voice rang throughout the room. "Wyvie?" CheerMynx called out, her voice causing a flutter in the Almost Dragon's heart. "Ch-CheerMynx?" he called back, struggling harder to escape the confusing depths of the rug as the cheerline entered the room. Wyvern glanced up to smile at her, only to let out a stunned squeak as he saw her attire. CheerMynx was wearing the remains of an expensive, low cut, silver ballgown. It was so torn and damaged that it covered even less than one of CheerMynx's uniforms, the resulting eyefull destroying Wyvern's thought processes long enough for him to lose his battle for balance and land heavily on his snout. "Ohmygawd Wyvern you like, will NOT believe the time I've had!" CheerMynx let out a breathy sigh and collapsed dramatically into one of the armchairs. "So, like, there I am at my press conference and this guy shows up and says he can get me into the Oscars ceremony which is like so totally awesome so I get all dressed up and ready to go," the cheerline gestured at her gown, "and I'm like waiting outside for this guy to pick me up and he totally doesn't show and then like all my fans show up and they all want an autograph or something and they tore my dress and it took me forever to even FIND you and like my fur's ruined and my nails are broken and...and...and..." sniffing loudly, CheerMynx suddenly blinked and forgot about her tirade as she noticed Wyvern hadn't moved from his position on the floor. The Almost Dragon lay with his eyes locked on the cheerline's legs, silently praying she'd uncross them until his attention was distracted by CheerMynx's claws snapping in front of his eyes. "Like, hello? Are you even LISTENING?"
  22. Humming happily to herself, CheerMynx burst through her bedroom door and beamed vacantly at the camera. "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" She giggled, before doing a twirl to show off her outfit. Well...excuse for an outfit. To be honest it wasn't much more than an extremely short, lacy and somewhat seethrough red dress. By "socially acceptable" standards, it wasn't so much a dress as it was a negligee. As if making some sort of acknowledgement to this fact, the cheerline also wore matching red underwear to "cover" herself. The final piece of the outfit was a small, red silk heart attached to CheerMynx's tail by a ribbon. The expression on Snuffle's face suggested the minion considered himself lucky to have only escaped this time with a red ribbon around his neck. "So, like Happy Valentine's everyone! I know you're only meant to like pick one Valentine or whatever but I totally didn't want anyone to miss out so heart shaped candies and chocolates for all!" Giggling, CheerMynx held up a sack full of the afformentioned goodies. "Although I did get a little something for you, Wyvie," smiling, the cheerline dropped the bag of candy to reach between her clevage and pull out a red envelope, which she handed to Wyvern. The Almost Dragon let out a happy whimper at the imagery, cradling the card as if it were an expensive heirloom of some sort. "So!" CheerMynx returned her attention back to the camera and smiled prettily. "Um, like, Happy birthday Kikuyu and Dego and Rhapsody and Geldrinhor! If you guys get in quick you get twice as much candy!" looking thoughtful for a moment, CheerMynx's grin turned particularly vacant for a few seconds before she beamed again. "Unfortunately there hasn't been much goss- err...news in my departments lately, but I'd just like to second Wyvern's earlier statement and TOTALLY encourage everyone to get into, like, the spirit of Valentine's day!" Turning to smile at the still stunned Wyvern, it was at this point that CheerMynx noticed the pile of cards addressed to her. "Oooooooooh!" The cheerline squealed. "For ME?!" Pouncing on the pile, CheerMynx began to rifle through them, selecting one from the pile which - by coincidence - happened to be the one Wyvern had so recently added. "Uhhh, CheerMynxxx," Wyvern hissed, snapping out of his daze when he noticed the card clutched between his Almost Intern's paws. "That one'sss more...err...private?" When CheerMynx made no noise or movement to suggest she'd heard him and began tearing into the letter, Wyvern swallowed and blushed deeply. As the cheerline began to read her valentine, the Almost Dragon sidled over to the power cable, pulling the plug on the camera crew's power. "Sssome thingsss are meant to stay private," he hissed to himself as the screens turned black.
  23. "Wyvern?" CheerMynx's voice echoed through the halls, interrupting the Almost Dragon's desperate scramble for something more covering. Dropping a helmet with a loud clatter, Wyvern froze, his mind going completely blank as the cheerline's soft pawsteps approached the hallway he was in. Just when the steps were about to round the corner, there came an unhappy kittenish yowl that halted CheerMynx's steps. "Snuffles, no!" CheerMynx grunted as if struggling with something. There came another yowl, followed by a hiss, and the thump of paws hitting the floor. "Snuffles!" CheerMynx wailed as her seeing-eye minion scampered away. The minion rounded the corner to reveal a miniature pair of handcuffs hanging from his tail. Skidding on the floor, Snuffles slid into the pile of armor that Wyvern had discarded with a crash. Mewling annoyance, Snuffles flattened his ears and looked up at Wyvern, only to begin laughing. If he weren't hearing it himself, Wyvern would have doubted it were even possible of a kitten, minion or not. Turning an even deeper shade of red, Wyvern coughed and began to mumble an excuse until he was distracted by another kind of feline yowl. With a loud crash, CheerMynx rounded the corner and walked straight into the wall. "Ow," the cheerline whimpered, sitting down heavily and clutching her muzzle. From where she sat, her back was to Wyvern, but what he could see of her outfit made the Almost Dragon want very much to get her to stand up and turn around. "Ch-CheerMynx?" Wyvern asked tentatively. The cheerline stiffened and spun in Wyvern's direction. He let out a strangled choke when he saw the rest of the outfit. A tight and miniscule corset barely covered a handspan's length of her chest. It's duplicate in length and cut was her skirt - duplicate right down to the open back that was only held together with lacing, the cheerline's tail poking through the laces. "Uh," Wyvern coughed, "CheerMynx? What happened?" "Well, I was running late cos like I didn't know what a succubus was so I had to ask Mynx and she TOTALLY started laughing at me but she helped me find the leather although I think it's human so I'm kinda like totally grossed out right now..." CheerMynx paused long enough to take a breath. "THEN I was on my way here when I realised that I hadn't found anything for Snuffles so I got these little handcuffs I got with this like keychain from one of my parties but I think I like pinched the fur or something cos he totally hissed at me and then he like ran away so now I can't see and I ran into this wall and..." the cheerline sniffed, clearly near tears. Wyvern turned his attention to the minion and gave the most menacing look he could come up with. The end result was something that both made Snuffles break into another fit of kittenish giggles, while at the same time feeling enough guilt to return to his Mistress. Letting out a squee as CheerMynx came back into contact with her source of vision, the cheerline picked up Snuffles and cuddled him happily, before she stood up and turned to thank Wyvern properly. "ThankyouthankyouTHANKYOU Wyvern!" CheerMynx bubbled as she tacklehugged the Almost Dragon, before she blinked in surprise and pulled back to look at his attire. "Wyvern? Like, what are you wearing?"
  24. It wasn't long before a familiar voice could be heard humming as the owner approached the kitchen from somewhere out of shot. With the squeaking of hinges, a side door into the kitchen opened, revealing CheerMynx's tail as the cheerline backed into the room, something in her hands. Turning to face the camera, it was revealed that the item was actually a baking tray, covered with brightly iced cookies in various shapes - a kitten, a star, a blob that looked like a pompom, etc. CheerMynx herself was dressed in a stereotypical 50s housewife dress. If 50s housewives were a lot more evocative than history has led us to believe, that is. The short, sky blue petticoated dress was topped off with a matching hair and tail ribbon, and a big bow around Snuffle's neck. Smiling happily at the camera, CheerMynx sketched a curtsey, nearly overbalancing the tray of cookies in the process. "Eep!" she yelped, before recovering both her pose and her smile once more. "Hiiiiii! So, like, Wyvie said we were cooking today but he mentioned something about cabbage which - and no offence Gwai but - as a meal? Ewwww!" CheerMynx scrunched her nose in distaste and flicked her tail, petticoats lifting enough with the movement to make Wyvern choke slightly. "SO, I totally made some cookies instead!" the Almost Intern beamed vacantly. "And they're from my special recipe, so each cookie only has like one quarter of a callory! Er...before I iced them, that was...I don't think I used real butter in the icing recipe..." CheerMynx trailed off for a moment in thought, before she shook her head to clear it and spun to offer the tray of cookies to Wyvern, once again nearly losing the tray's contents in the speed of her movement. "Whoops, sorry Wyvie!" CheerMynx giggled. "I like, totally need to be more careful, don't you think?" The cheerline hadn't even noticed that as she'd spun she'd tangled one of the camera crew's power cables around her hind paw. "Ooooh wine!" CheerMynx enthused, dumping the tray uncerimoniously on the countertop as she reached for the mug that Wyvern had taken a sip from mere moments ago. The Almost Dragon's eyes wided as he saw the cup approach CheerMynx's lips, but his mouth was full with the cookie he'd swiped as soon as the tray had come within reach. "Mmdfhj!" Wyvern tried to mumble around the food in his mouth, but CheerMynx had already swallowed a big gulp. The smile on her face faded, as an aftertaste that was familiar enough to other personages of the feline made itself apparent on her tongue. "Oh. My. Gawd..." CheerMynx began to gasp hysterically. "Ew ew ew ew EWWWWWWWWW!" the cheeline swiped at her tongue with her paws, backpedalling as quickly as she could, tightening the cable that was tangled around her leg until it pulled taut, taking the cheerline, and the power with it. With a loud scream and a crash, the screen went black...
  25. Wyvern was still in the process of trying to untangle himself from the drapes - and only succeeding in making his situation worse - when he heard the loud "BANG" of a door being slammed. "Wyyyyyyyyyyvie!" The pitch of CheerMynx's voice caused the camera mics to squeal even with her in another room. "I know, I know, I'm like totally late but you will not believe the day I had!" CheerMynx's voice slowly got louder as she moved into the room. The cheerline was clothed in what looked like Mary Poppins' dress...if it had been designed for a midgit. And then had a few inches cut off the hem. The result was something corseted, lacey, properly English...and yet somehow barely there at all. Snuffles was this time perched in the bonnet on top of CheerMynx's head, a miniature bonnet on his own head, much to the Minion's apparent dislike. Rearranging the bags she held in her paws, CheerMynx flashed a wide grin at the camera before she located Wyvern's somewhat trapped form by the bed. "Okay, so, like, first I had to go and pick up my outfit from the dressmaker - do you like it? You said today was like an English theme or something, right?" The cheerline paused long enough for Wyvern to draw breath to answer (or perhaps ask for help), but continued before the Almost Dragon could say a word. "THEN I had to go and pick up those extra quills you asked me for which, like, OH. MY. GAWD. Wyvern did you HAVE to have some from EVERY bird Pennite we have here?! You have, like, NO idea how hard it was for me to even get NEAR some of them because all they ever like see is me as a total predator. Hah! As if I'd ruin my manicure! Oh and did you know there's like this funny little orc running around and calling everyone Governor or something? Totally weird. AAAAAAANYWAY....wait...why're you down there?" CheerMynx blinked in unison with Snuffles as she paused long enough to take in her co-worker's trapped state. Wyvern's scales flushed slightly, but once again his attempts to speak were interrupted. "Gawd, do I like TOTALLY have to do everything around here?" CheerMynx heaved a sigh before she stomped over to where Wyvern lay. A funny thing about using a Minion for one's vision...it can at times destroy one's depth perception. Without pausing or slowing, CheerMynx walked straight into the edge of the bed and tripped. With a squeal, the cheerline threw her bags of feathers into the air as she toppled over, landing heavily on Wyvern. The feathers completely blocked the camera's vision for a while, before they settled amidst the chaos, revealing a full screen image of the white petticoats and striped tail of the Almost Intern, now just as tangled in the drapes as her boss...
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