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Everything posted by CheerMynx
Dawgrim's jaw worked as he tried to think of an adequate way to finish the sentance, before a loud gasp interrupted the scene. "Oh Dawgrim! Is it true?!" Bounding up to him fresh from cheerleading practice, Triska threw her arms around Dawgrim in a hug, before pulling his head to rest on her chest. Alarm bells rang quietly in Dawgrim's head, but he was distracted by the slightly sweaty fur his face was resting against. "Oh of course it must be true! It's so obvious! I should have seen the signs! You and Blarr spending all that time together, the mud fights, your fashion sense..." Triska shook her head and blinked back Oscar-worthy tears. "And to think how much harder I must have been making your life with all of my...flirting!" Triska hugged Dawgrim even closer to her chest for a moment, before breaking away from Dawgrim to launch herself on a now very confused looking Blarr. Kissing him once on each cheek, Triska held Blarr at arm's length, eyes shining with emotion. "I hope you two will be so happy together!" Blowing a kiss to Dawgrim, Triska looked at the two of them with an expression of barely contained emotion, before she spun away and ran off, already dialling her cheer-mates on her phone...
"Wyvie?" Startled, Wyvern spun around to find CheerMynx standing in the doorway, frowning in confusion at the carnage. The cheerline was hefting a rather large stack of books, folders, and loose note paper in front of her. The pile was so tall that CheerMynx's outfit couldn't be seen, giving the impression that the Almost Intern wasn't actually wearing anything. "Is this, like, a toga party?" CheerMynx's gaze had finally come to rest on Wyvern's attire. "Cos, like, if you'd said something I could have helped with...um...the decorations?" CheerMynx trailed off as she noticed the troglyodytes that were still struggling with the rejected items. "Okay. Like, what's going on here?" Wyvern coughed to clear his throat and tried to draw the cheerline's gaze away from the increasing carnage. "Well...you sssee CheerMynx we decided to...er...tessst some...uh...hey what's with all those books?" The Almost Dragon smiled broadly in a weak attempt to distract CheerMynx from her questioning. "Oh, like, you know how I was at that presentation conference thingy last week for the dolls? Yeah, they totally loved it and they're willing to like produce a totally bigger range of outfits so I've like got to go through all these fashion books and totally start designing more outfits!" The cheerline grinned excitedly. "Well hey! Why don't we get you to the library to ssstart work on that and I can make sssure that everything here's tidied up!" Wyvern leapt forward eagerly at the chance to get CheerMynx out of the room before she saw the true extent of all the damage (and also to see if he could figure out what she was wearing from the side or back). The idea to offer to carry the books himself was only beginning to dawn on Wyvern as the fairy crawled back out from under CheerMynx's bed. Finding the scimitar once again, the fairy grabbed it by the handle and put all its weight into swinging it up. After a brief struggle, the scimitar threw itself into the air, dragging the fairy with it as it crashed into CheerMynx and Wyvern, knocking them both over in a deluge of books and paper.
"Wyvie?" Backing away nervously from the high-elves, Wyvern couldn't have been more relieved for the distraction of his Almost Intern as she turned up on set. Today the cheerline was dressed to the nines in the style that can only really be described as 'high class business woman'. Or perhaps cougar. The cream, silky pants-suit blended perfectly with CheerMynx's fur and clung in all the right places as she moved. Although it was obvious from the low cut that the cheerline wasn't wearing a blouse underneath her blazer, the securely buttoned jacket gave nothing away. Wyvern was too being disappointed by this fact to consider the irony in his own unwillingness to bare himself to the high-elves. "Wyvie, I like totally need to talk to you about- oh! Elvanus you're here already!" "Dar-ling!" Elvanus smiled at CheerMynx and hugged her. "My favourite client! Tell me, how are the prototype dolls coming along?" "Oh they're, like, so awesome Elvy!" CheerMynx enthused excitedly. "In fact I was totally wanting to talk with you about expanding the wardrobe range? I've got a publicity meeting next week and I like thought we should try and come up with some more options. I have some designs here already!" the cheerline offered the clipboard she was holding in her paws for Elvanus to look at." Still being somewhat cornered by Darla and Jim, Wyvern craned his neck to try and see if CheerMynx was using any of his personal favourites from her wardrobe in her designs, although once again to no avail. "These look fabulous, my dear," Elvanus smiled at CheerMynx. "If you'll just let us finish taking your...er...co-worker's measurements I'd be delighted to go over them with you." At the mention of Wyvern, CheerMynx looked up to see him now almost cowering in the corner. "Like, gee, Wyvie? What's the problem?" She tilted her head in confusion. "We're trying to get him out of these clothes for the figure outline, Miss," Jim tried to keep the exasperation out of his voice. "He appears to be a bit...shy." Realisation dawned, and CheerMynx put a paw to her face to cover her giggle. "It's okay, Wyvie," she encouraged. "These guys are like real professional. I didn't have a problem with the measurement session at all!" Still smiling - although not unkindly, the Almost Dragon noticed with relief - CheerMynx continued: "Would it, like, help if I left and gave you all some space?"
The Almost Dragon was disrupted from his scheming by a cackle reminiscent of Mark Hamil's Joker. With an explosion of confetti, CheerMynx burst into the room, clad in a tighter-than-skin-tight jester's costume designed in the guise of Harley Quinn. "April Fools!" the cheerline crowed as she bounded excitedly around the room, letting off miniature fire crackers, party poppers, and exploding bags of glitter, soon filling the room with smoke, crepe paper, strings, and glitter. Coming to a halt in front of Wyvern, CheerMynx grinned with a kind of excited glee that was almost evil. Slung over one shoulder was a gigantic Bag-O-Trix that made Wyvern itch to see what interesting toys were hidden inside. "So! Like, do you want your birthday present (ohmygawdWyvieI'mlikesosorryit'slate) or your...other present first?" Suspicion ignored in favour of receiving any kind of gift from CheerMynx, Wyvern brightened eagerly at the thought. "Er...birthday!" He decided, taking the time CheerMynx spent rummaging in her Bag-O-Trix to try and figure out how she had gotten into such a tight costume...bodypaint maybe? "Here!" The cheerline produced a golden wrapped box with a flourish. Snatching the present from her, Wyvern tore into the glittering paper eagerly. Pulling the present out from the tangle of ribbon and paper, the Almost Dragon blinked for a moment at the figure in his hand. A six-inch CheerMynx 'action figure' grinned back at him. Outfitted in her standard cheering outfit and with a pompom clutched in each paw, the workmanship was somewhat remarkable for what amounted to a doll. "Like, do you like it? I totally thought we could do like a marketing thing with them! I've got some guys working on a doll for you too but it like kept bursting into flames? Anyway, whaddaya think? It's totally fully poseable too!" Missing the expression on Wyvern's face at that last comment, CheerMynx dove back into her Bag-O-Trix once more. "Aaaaaaand here's something else for you!" Before the Almost Dragon could blink, a worringly familiar bundle of fur was shoved into his hands. Looking down at the cerbihuahua he was holding, Wyvern only had a moment of relief that it wasn't Cerby, before the three heads looked up at him and bared their teeth. "I like, totally figured that since you and Cerby get along so well then you'd like totally love one of your own!" Grinning, CheerMynx giggled and swung the Bag-O-Trix back over her shoulder once more. "So! Like, whaddaya think?"
Dawgrim was distracted from his reviewing the script by the sound of giggles. Looking up, he brightened noticeable as the all-feline cheer squad trotted past the "gym" to set up for practice on a nearby field. Amidst the spots, dapples, and plain markings of the other girls, Triska's stripes made her stand out as more than just the head cheerleader. "Well, hi Dawgrim," she purred as she passed him, her short outfit swishing alluringly. Throwing the script away, Dawgrim ran a hand through his wig and attempted his most charming grin as the rest of the team ran past him, some of them pointing and giggling. Reaching their training area, the girls all huddled together for a team discussion, tails twitching tauntingly. Triska glanced over at Dawgrim again, before she grinned to herself and whispered something to her team. They giggled again, before splitting and assuming their positions on the field. Triska took front and centre stage, looking rather pleased with herself as she began to clap the beat with her paws. "Ready, okay!" At Triska's cry, the girls began to dance one of their most popular cheer routines in perfect rhythm and timing with each other. The cheer itself, however seemed to have been modified: "Like, Dawgrim, wow you think you're hot And King of the schoolyard But to win our Queen you need to learn To bring everything you've got! You totally want to date her It's like obvious to us But you really need to up your game If you want to make her purr So come on Dawgrim, don't give up The dance is nearly here Let's see your best to beat the rest And earn our Triska's 'yup'!" They finished their routine, Triska and half of the girls standing posed on the other's paws or shoulders. They stayed there for a moment, balanced perfectly, before they broke formation and, giggling en masse, trotted away out of Dawgrim's sight to practice in earnest.
"Wyvie?" The cheerline's voice carried an air of bewilderment with it this week, as she hesitantly made her way through the mess. "Like, where are you?" Head buried in another stack of papers, Wyvern was only able to grunt distractedly as CheerMynx eventually stumbled across him. "Like, what are you doing, Wyvie?" Pulling his head out from the stack, Wyvern turned to answer CheerMynx (or at least think of a suitable lie), before he noticed her outfit. Dressed in a corporate suit several inches too small in all directions, with her hair up in a bun and glasses perched on her nose, the cheerline looked like the lead in an adult film about librarians. Cerby was mercifully absent from her paws, although faint growls and tearing noises in a corner of the room suggested the cerbihuahua had found a new hobby for now. Noticing his gaped expression, CheerMynx did a twirl. "Like, what do you think? You said to meet you in your office so I thought it was like a clerical theme? Although, like, now..." the cheerline trailed off, looking dubiously at Wyvern's paper attire. Coughing nervously, Wyvern tried to think of an adequate excuse. "I wass...er...looking for sssomething?" "Oh! Like a scavenger hunt?" CheerMynx brightened at the thought. "Like, what're the items?" "Jusst one, actually..." Wyvern coughed. "I'm not sssure if you remember, CheerMynxy but you gave me a voucher a while back that I believe entitled me to a dansssce." CheerMynx frowned and tilted her head. "You mean the one you redeems a few weeks ago?" Wyvern's expression resembled one of someone who'd been slapped in the face with a wet fish. "Wh-what? No I didn't!" "Like, ya huh! I totally did the dance of the seven veils for you, remember?" CheerMynx tossed her head and began to rummage through her purse, eventually succeeding with presenting the piece of paper in question. Scrawled over the voucher in familiar (and very pink) handwriting was the word: Redeemed
"Wyvie?" Distracted, Wyvern and Kikuyu both looked up as CheerMynx entered the room. Taking full advantage of the imp theme, the cheerline was dressed like a classic cartoon imp: Tight, red bodysuit, forked tail, and devil horns. In one paw she clutched Cerby - looking less than pleased with devil horns tied to each head - and in the other she held a short, plastic pitchfork. "Like, I need to ask you about the theme this week! I totally went to wardrobe and they said this was like impish but it's also like kinda devil-like and isn't there some sort of difference? I dunno, like, whaddaya think?" CheerMynx did a twirl to show off her outfit, before she noticed the Almost Dragon in the grips of Kikuyu. "Oh! Like ohmygod I'm so sorry I didn't mean to interrupt!" Frowning slightly as she paused to try and think what exactly it was that she was interrupting, CheerMynx shook her head to clear it and continued. "Um, like, should I go and give you two some....privacy?"
"Wooooo!" CheerMynx burst into the room in a flurry of beads, feathers, and alcohol. "Woooooooo!" Making a beeline for the dancing parade, CheerMynx threw her paws up (spilling most of the drink she was clutching), let out another "Woooo!", and began to dance along. The cheeline was covered in brown and tawny feathers, an effect she appeared to have achieved by simply coating herself in tar and then jumping into a vat at a down factory. The result was rather impressive, if somewhat messy. Splashes of still-wet tar were flung about the room with every energetic momvement on CheerMynx's behalf. A half mask in the form of an owl was sitting crookedly on her face, and a suspicious number of beads hung about her person. Wyvern could only gape at the exuberantly dancing mess that was his Almost Intern before her movements brought her full circle back to him. "Wooooo!" She flung her paws up again, before hugging Wyvern (and getting part of her costume on him). "Happy Gardi Mras! I mean Mradi Gars! I mean..." CheerMynx giggled and readjusted her mask, spilling the last of her drink down her back. "Like ohmygawd Wyvie have you tried the punch?! It's totally AMAZING!" Shoving her drink at Wyvern's face, CheerMynx looked down into the now empty glass and frowned. "Like, gee," she mumbled, swaying slighty. "Where'd it go?"
Choking slightly as he struggled to free his tongue from the eraser, it took Dawgrim a moment to realise that he had earned the attention of not only Triska, but the entire (conscious) class. Even the teacher had stopped his bored script-reading and was looking at Dawgrim with a pained expression that might or might not have been a result of the clothespin. Grinning weakly at his newfound audience, Dawgrim yanked the eraser free with a 'snap!', wincing as he pulled his still tangled tongue back into his mouth. Triska put her paw to her face and giggled, while the teacher returned to his script. "Blah blah blah spices blah blah blah." Stealing another glance at Triska, Dawgrim was pleasantly surprised this time to see her smiling at him. One paw played teasingly with her hair as she winked at him. Dawgrim blinked stupidly for a moment, before he grinned back and sweeped his claws through his hair (nearly removing his wig in the process). Smirking, Triska tossed her hair and leaned back in her chair in a luxurious catlike stretch, making no attempt to hide her teasing. Not to be outdone, Dawgrim pushed back further in his chair until he was balancing only on the rickety seat's back two legs. Moments later, the school bell rang, its sound not dissimilar to a foghorn. Startled, Dawgrim lost his balance and fell backwards with a crash. His desk - which he had grabbed at with his tail in a desperate attempt for balance - crashed on top of him moments later. Groaning as he struggled to untangle himself from the broken furniture, Dawgrim was distracted from his attempts for freedom when he noticed Triska's paws standing a few inches away from his snout. Looking up at (the general area of) Triska's face, Dawgrim attempted another grin as if to say 'I meant to do this.' Purring a soft laugh, Triska tossed her hair once more and sauntered to the door, pausing only to look back over her shoulder. "Gee, Dawgrim, you don't wanna be late for gym class, do ya?" Winking, the most popular girl in school flicked her tail and left the room.
The cheerline's brow creased in concentration as she tried to make out the now slightly smudged scrawl. "It'sss...er...your valentine" Wyvern mumbled, claws twitching involuntarily as he fought the urge to snatch it back off CheerMynx. Before the Almost Dragon could take any decisive action, however, CheerMynx finished reading the poem and looked up at Wyvern. "Aww, Wyvie, did you, like, write this for me?" Blushing furiously, Wyvern nodded. CheerMynx clapped her paws together and giggled sweetly, before she bounced over to Wyvern and kissed the tip of his snout. "It's totally cute, Wyvie. Like, thanks!" Humming to herself, CheerMynx pocketed the poem before she picked up a mop and began to clean.
"Wyvie?" Wyvern brightened at the sound of CheerMynx's voice. Leaping up from his snoozing spot, the Almost Dragon slipped and stumbled, but for once managed to keep his balance as he turned to face the door. CheerMynx stood rather sheepishly in the doorway, her paws holding something behind her back. The cheerline was dressed in a pair of cutoff overalls (at least three sizes too small, of course). Various brightly coloured bandannas were hanging from her pockets, and a sequinned covered one held CheerMynx's hair back from her face. "Um, like, I heard about the mess and I wanted to know if I could help clean up?" CheerMynx bit her lip. "I'm, like, totally sorry about Cerby acting up like that and trashing the place and stuff." She shifted her paws behind her back, causing Wyvern to wonder if the cerbihuahua in question was what she was holding. Fearing that the canine was about to be brought out for an apology 'kiss', Wyvern could only grunt warily as he eyed the cheerline with vague suspision. Mistaking the Almost Dragon's fear for annoyance, CheerMynx coughed nervously. "Um, like, anyway, if you totally don't want me to help clean up I, like, totally understand, but I like finally found your present and wanted to drop it off." Taking her paws from behind her back (Wyvern flinched involuntarily), CheerMynx presented the Almost Dragon with a small, golden, and altogether Oscar-like statue. Printed on the base of the statue was "Best Pen News Presenter."
"One!" Wyvern froze and stared at the door, waiting for it to open. Nothing happened. "Er...One!" At first there was silence. Then a faint commotion could be heard outside. Then the commotion grew louder. In the space of only a few seconds, it sounded like an army was trying to break down Rhapsody's door. Suddenly, the door opened a crack and a somewhat dishevelled CheerMynx slipped inside. Her typical cheerleading outfit had today been redesigned in red and white, with a sequinned, glittery heart over her chest. The purse she was using to carry Cerby in was over-flowing with red envelopes and gifts. Blowing a strand of hair out of her face, CheerMynx giggled and stumbled forward under the weight of her bag. Setting it down on a nearby couch, the bag spilled onto the floor as the cerbihuahua escaped. Shaking confetti out of its fur, the two male heads promptly noticed the doggy treats, racing over to gobble up the food and fight each other (much to the female head's disdain). "Like, ohmygod Wyvie, I'm so sorry I'm late!" CheerMynx giggled again and staggered slightly. The cheerline appeared to be drunk. "But like I was in my room getting ready and then a bunch of my fans totally showed up with presents and chocolates and wine and ~hic~", tittering, CheerMynx stopped and took in the room's decorations. "Like, wow, Wyvie! This place is totally awesome! Did you do all the decorations?" "Uh..." Wyvern tried to think of an answer, but he was too busy glaring jealously at the door, under which a small army of valentines seemed to be being shoved through. What sounded like the cheerline's entire male fanbase could be clearly heard fighting on the other side. The Almost Dragon's brooding was cut short as CheerMynx shoved a half empty box of liquored chocolates in his claws. "Like, try them! They're soooooooooo good!" The cheerline hiccupped again before diving into the pile that had exploded from her bag, muttering to herself. "Now, like, where did I put your present..." Taking advantage of the distracting commotion, a troglyodyte sneaked forward and slipped a card under her bag.
CheerMynx blinked at the disrupting Pennites as they exited past her, frowning slightly in confusion as she ventured further into the room and saw Wyvern's entangled state. Tilting her head, the cheerline took the tootsie pop she'd been sucking out of her mouth. "Wyvie? What happened?" "CheerMynx!" Wyvern looked both mortified and relieved at the cheerline's arrival. "It'sss really not what it looksss like!" "I like thought this week was the innocent week?" CheerMynx's frown deepened as she took in the tangled mess that was Wyvern's state. True to her words, CheerMynx was dressed like the leading gal in a 1950s afterschool special, complete with chaste blouse and skirt, a ribbon holding her hair in a ponytail, and the afforementioned tootsie pop. Her cerbihuahua had a matching bow around each of its necks - blue for the boys and pink for the girl, of course. Wyvern stopped long enough in his struggling to take in this effect. Truth be told, it was a very sincere attempt by the cheerline to fit the genre. And yet it was almost too innocent to be taken seriously. Especially as there was something about the way that she sucked on the tootsie pop... Shaking his head to clear it, Wyvern swallowed the remnants of his pride and whined. "Jusst get me outta here!" Stifling a giggle, CheerMynx flounced over to Wyvern. "Like, sure! Just mind Cerby for me?" Sticking the tootsie pop back in me mouth, the cheerline placed the cerbihuahua right in front of Wyvern and began to work on freeing the Almost Dragon, oblivious to the puppy's growling as she hummed to herself.
The "Meet the Almost Reporter" Conservatory Gala
CheerMynx replied to Wyvern's topic in Conservatory Archives
A small army of Kitten Minions swarmed into the room, taking up residence in various corners or on top of tables or investigating some of the stranger guests. They were followed shortly afterwards by CheerMynx, dressed to the nines in a low-cut, sparkling ballgown that would look more at home on the red carpet. In one paw she clutched a glittering leash, which split into three parts towards the bottom, one for each of the cerbihuahua's diamond studded collars. "Wyvie!" CheerMynx smiled as she glided up to the Almost Dragon. "Like, er, great party!" The expression on her face as she looked at some of the less presentable decorations begged to differ, but Wyvern was too busy drooling at the cheerline's attire by this point to care. "Oh! Like, hi Degorram!" CheerMynx waved to the shapeshifter standing next to Wyvern. "Like, I'm totally sorry I didn't mean to interrupt. I'm just gonna like go and meet some of the guests and stuff, kay? I'll catch you two later!" With another smile and wave, CheerMynx wandered off in search of her adoring public, the cerbihuahua working to gnaw on one of it's leashes as it followed. -
Inside the 'Grls' locker room, Triska tinkered a laugh as she stepped out of the shower, one towel wrapped around her body as she used another to rub dry her black wig. "Congratulations on being head cheerer-er...er Triska!" the troglyodyte in a wig and cheerleader's outfit frowned at his script, the ink beginning to run in the steamy room. "Yer a shoo-in for the Home Hogswill Queen now." "Mmm," Triska smiled in a self-satisfied kind of way as she finished with her hair and began to dry the rest of her fur. "But who to be my King?" "What about that Dawgrim, Trisk?" Another troglyodyte piped up, with even less emotion in his voice than the first one. "I mean he is like so dreamy (tossesbackhair. Oh)" the troglyodyte grabbed his blonde wig and threw it away. "Dawgrim?" Triska purred. "Well sure, you'd think he's the obvious choice. But," Triska winked slyly as she changed into a skirt and top more revealing than the skimpy towel she'd been wearing. "I can't let him know that." The first troglyodyte stared blankly for a moment before the second stomped on his foot. "Ow! I mean, what do you mean Trisk?" "Just because a guy might seem the obvious choice doesn't mean he's always going to win, girls." Triska tossed her hair and laughed. "Besides, how else are you going to find out just how much he's into you?" The troglyodyte 'girlfriends' muttered agreement before dutifully picking up their bookbags and following Triska out of the locker room... ...Just in time for a particularly elaborate and clumsy 'stunt' to bring the three suitors crashing through the sub-budget wall, landing at Triska B'Shell's paws. Raising an eyebrow, Triska placed a paw on her hip and purred. "Hello, boys."
"Wow, I'd like, totally forgotten about this," CheerMynx giggled as she pocketed the voucher. "So, like, cheer or dance?" Wyvern blinked slowly. "Er..." "Ooooh! I know! Dance of the seven veils!" CheerMynx grinned suddenly. "I'm like, totally dressed for it! Here!" Handing her cerbihuahua back over to Wyvern - who had already begun to instinctively cringe around the creature - CheerMynx got a boom box from the sound crew and set it up in a corner, fiddling with the buttons until it began to play a steady, somewhat hypnotising beat. The cheerline's tail twitched in time to the music until the bell chimes matched the rhythm of the song. Turning and grinning at Wyvern, CheerMynx began to dance. With a scarf in each paw that may or may not have come from her outfit, the cheerline danced a slow circle, hips swaying to the beat as the scarves twirled around her. Her movements were liquid in their fluidity, and yet the bells continued to ring clearly in time with the music, the hypnotic rhythm almost seeming to stop or slow time. Wyvern would have been beside himself with joy...if the cerbihuahua hadn't picked this moment to continue it's attack on Almost Dragonic-Kind...
A faint jingling heralded the cheerline's arrival, causing Wyvern to look up eagerly from his "crystal ball". When CheerMynx flounced into the room, it took a few moments for Wyvern to take in the full effect of her outfit. Embracing the gypsy-esque theme of the report, the cheerline was dressed in a gauzy scarf that barely covered the essentials, held in place with another scarf masquerading as a belt. Then there was the bells... Bells hung from the cheerline's ankles, from her tail, from her wrists, from her ears, from her belt, from the beaded purse clutched in her paws - it seemed that she had hung the glittering objects wherever available. Wyvern was so busy gazing at the Almost Intern and trying to see if the scarves were at all see through, that it took him a while to realise that the bag was squirming. "One hundred bells for one hundred episodes!" CheerMynx giggled and twirled melodiously. "Whaddaya think? I couldn't decide whether to get them in white gold or diamond or silver so I like got a selection since we can afford it now, right?" Wyvern's eyes bugged slightly at this news and he opened his mouth to respond, succeeding only in making a strangled "arrrrr..." "Oh! But I like totally wanted to show you what I got with my recreation bonus!" Opening the squirming bag, CheerMynx pulled out a puppy. A three headed puppy. That greatly resembled a chihuahua. Glittering collars sat around each of the three necks - a pink one in the middle with a blue one on each side. The heads appeared to be torn between yapping and fighting with one another, and baring their miniscule (but very sharp) teeth at Wyvern. "Do you like it?" CheerMynx giggled, holding the creature out for Wyvern to see. "It's a cerbihuahua! I still haven't decided what to name each of them but aren't they like, totally adorable?"
A loud crash interrupted the Almost Dragon's brooding with a start, before a small army of Kitten Minions swarmed into the room. The majority of them settled for exploring the feline quarters or settling themselves in comfortable sports, but some chose instead to inspect the cat-attracting suit worn by Wyvern. Forgetting his earlier promise, Wyvern began to flail in an attempt to get the Minions off him, before he was distracted from his struggles by that ever familiar voice. "Wyvie?" the Almost Dragon looked up to see CheerMynx standing with her head tilted in the doorway, dressed in her trademark (and ever skimpy) cheer outfit. "CheerMynx!" Wyvern fought his impulse to tacklehug the cheerline and instead opted for as indifferent a stance as he could manage. "How's the celebrity lifessstyle treating you?" CheerMynx made an angry noise and tossed her hair impatiently. "Like, the shoot was a total bust." "Bussst?" Wyvern blinked, his eyes instinctively lowering their gaze. Perhaps luckily for him, CheerMynx didn't notice, and instead began to pace in frustration "Yeah. It, like, wasn't a film. They were like totally trying to make some, like, low-budget 'nature' doco." "Uhhh...when you sssay low-budget and nature..." Wyvern tried to think of a tactful way to ask about the morality of the film, before he noticed the cheerline's expression and opted instead for silence. "So I've like totally fired my agent and I've kind of like got a new one but obviously I don't know if they're any good yet but I've told them I am like, never doing anything without seeing a script first." The cheerline paused in her rant and smiled endearingly at Wyvern. "Like, except for the Report, of course."
"Hiiiiiiiiii-yah!" Wyvern was briefly aware of a bright pink blur flying at his head before CheerMynx connected, knocking Wyvern down into a tangled heap. When the dust cleared, Wyvern was able to make out CheerMynx's Pink Power Ranger costume (sans mask) for a moment before the cheerline leapt to her paws and began to babble excitedly. "LikohmygodWyvieyouwouldn'tbelieveitI'mtotallygoingtobeinamovieIjustgotacallfrommyagent!" "You...what?" Wyvern blinked dazedly, still trying to process the cheerline's excited babble. "Myagentliketotallycalledandsaidtheseguysaredoingamovieandtheywantmeafterthe ysawmeonDawgrim'sReek!" "M-movie?" Wyvern continued to blink as the wheels slowly turned in his brain, before he suddenly realised what it could mean and jerked upright. "You're leaving the Almossst Report?!" "Like, just for the shoot," CheerMynx pouted slightly that Wyvern's response wasn't as excited for her as she'd hoped. "It's called 'Dungeons and Tigers' and they start shooting this week so I like totally have to start packing and get my fur done and my claws and ohmygod I have to get new outfits and..." CheerMynx continued rambling, half to herself as she made a mental list of all the cheerline necessities, oblivious to the bereft expression on Wyvern's face.
CheerMynx's humming signalled her approach to Wyvern, causing the Almost Dragon to snap to attention as he turned to the door expectantly. A small army of Kitten Minions entered the room ahead of the cheerline, each of them dressed in a matching set of tinsel wings and halo. None of them looked too pleased about this fact, but went about their business with a kind of resigned acceptance. CheerMynx burst into the room with an explosion of glitter. The cheerline was dressed in a larger sized but matching costume to that of the minions - tinsel wings, glittering halo, and the barest suggestion of a white angel's dress. "Like, Merry Christmas! And Noel and Hark the Herald Angels and all that stuff!" Giggling, CheerMynx did a twirl for the camera before she turned her attention to Wyvern. "Like, Wyvie ohmygod can you BELIEVE the fan mail Dawgrim's Reek's been getting?" CheerMynx gushed, producing a stack of fan letters - all with her name addressed on it - that made Wyvern's eyes bulge. "I like just totally knew I had a knack for this acting thing, like, you know?" the cheerline chatted happily as she went over to her bed to put the letters on her bedside table, before she noticed the card tucked under her pillow. "Aww, Wyvie is this like, from you?" CheerMynx picked it up and looked at the picture. "That's like, so cute! Thank you!" Squinting slightly, the cheerline looked closer at the picture. "Are you holding my...?" she trailed off slightly as she tried to make out the detail of the collage, before a loud and sudden commotion outside her room distracted her. "CheerMynx! CheerMynx over here!" "CheerMynx! We loooove you!" "A word for your fans, CheerMynx!" It appeared that a mob of fans, paparazzi and reporters had gathered outside the cheerline's room. Looking excitedly at Wyvern, CheerMynx squealed happily. "Ohmygod I have a following!" throwing her arms around Wyvern and hugging him happily, CheerMynx turned and bounded to the door to meet the public. Halfway there, the cheerline hesitated and turned around. "Like, I totally forgot! Merry Christmas!" CheerMynx produced a bag wrapped in red and green tinsel and handed it to Wyvern, before hugging him again. "Like, thanks for the card! I love it!" Turning back to face the mob, her giggles were heard even as she went out the door. Wyvern eagerly opened his present to find that the bag was filled with Geld. Thinking them to be chocolate as they had been the year before, Wyvern suppressed a sigh and dug one out to eat. Of course, it's very hard to bite into real Geld...
At her cue, CheerMynx triple checked that her wig was on straight and gave herself a final primp before ‘Triska B’Shell’ sashayed up to Dawgrim in the library. Dressed in a skin tight micro mini and a low-cut, gauzy blouse that was so see-through you could make out her stripes under the fabric, the sleek black wig completed an ensemble that made CheerMynx look like she was auditioning for a remake of Cruel Intentions. Or that she was perfectly dressed for the role of the leading lady in a low budget high school soap opera... “Dawrgim,” ‘Triska’ purred as she approached. “Hi.” Wyvern’s eyes rolled into the back of his head and the Almost Dragon collapsed. TAKE TWO “Trisssska,” Wyvern attempted his own purr, raising one arm to lean casually against the bookcase but succeeding only in knocking an entire shelf of books onto the floor. CheerMynx raised a paw to her face and giggled, causing Wyvern’s scales to turn bright red. “Uh-*cough*-sssso...Trisska...the Home Hogswill is coming up,” Wyvern swallowed to try and get the tremor out of his voice. “Oh, yeah...” CheerMynx smiled, playing with a strand of her hair as she moved closer, now barely a foot away. “Are you thinking of going?” “...” *THUD* TAKE FIVE “Well...I wasss only going to bother going if I had the right...motivation,” Wyvern attempted a roguish smile, but the last fall seemed to have impaired some of his motor function. Either that, or the fact that CheerMynx was following the script to the letter and as a result all but pressing against him seemed to have addled the Almost Dragon’s brain. “Like, wow, Dawgrim,” CheerMynx turned her back to Wyvern and leaned against him as she played with her hair so he couldn’t see her mischievous grin. “Are you asking me to Home Hogswill?” Fighting desperately to not faint this time, Wyvern could only manage a strangled “Uh-huh.” CheerMynx giggled again, before tossing her hair and flouncing away from Wyvern. “Well, gee Dawgrim, I’ll, like, have to think about it.” She glanced over her shoulder and winked. “You’re not the only one to ask me out, you know.” CheerMynx purred a laugh before she disappeared out of the library. Wyvern gaped after her, his jaw hanging as his eyes followed the cheerline’s tail, unable to think of anything else but how close he had been... *THUD* TAKE...ohforgetit. CUT!
"WYVIE?!" Wyvern jumped in shock at the sound of CheerMynx's voice. The cheerline's cry was a lot louder and...screechier than Wyvern was used to hearing. The rumpled creature that stomped into the room was also much more frazzled than Wyvern was used to seeing. CheerMynx's outfit looked like it had started as a preppy (if morally questionable) high school skirt and blouse ensemble. The present result, however, was as if she had gone running through the woods and missed her hair and makeup appointments. She also looked to be on the verge of tears. Crumpled in one paw was a few pages of what looked suspiciously like a script. "What's this?" she wavered, holding up the pages. Wyvern coughed, half in confusion and half in a reflexive admission of guilt (even though for once he wasn't sure if he was guilty). "It'sss your ssscript?" he guessed. More tears welled up in the cheerline's eyes. "You mean it's, like, not a joke?" her bottom lip quivered. Wyvern shifted nervously in place, suddenly very aware that he was in dangerous but unknown territory. "Uhhh....yesss?" he hazarded, praying it was the right answer. Apparently, it wasn't. With a loud sob, CheerMynx flung the script at Wyvern's feet and ran out the door, sobbing into her paws. Panicking slightly, Wyvern picked up the script and began scanning it for an explanation. His jaw dropped when he finally found the line: ENTER: CHEERMYNX, acting MORE OF AN IDIOT THAN USUAL "Ooooooh no." Wyvern gulped, before he dropped the script and ran after CheerMynx, making a mental note to fire his scriptwriter.
"Wyvie?" CheerMynx's voice caused Wyvern to yelp and drop the stack of photos he was busy rummaging through. "Like, what's all th-EEK!" The cheerline's yelp was followed by a loud thud. Wyvern turned around to find CheerMynx crumpled in a heap of ruffles and shopping bags amongst the photos that were scattered all over the floor. Photos stuck to her back paws appeared to be the culprits of the accident, although CheerMynx's general clumsiness was also potentially at fault. "CheerMynx!" Wyvern stumbled and slipped on the photos in his attempts to race to help the Almost Intern up, before the sight of her outfit gave him pause. Covering the ruffles was an exceedingly short emerald green dress with red trim that looked to be a stolen elf costume from Santa's workshop. While the Almost Dragon was busy drooling, CheerMynx finally succeeded in getting herself untangled and sat up. "Like, what's with all the photos?" she pouted and rubbed at a bump on her head, before looking at the dazed expression on Wyvern's face. "Oh! Do you like it?" Scrambling slightly for footing amidst the photos, CheerMynx stood up and twirled, nearly falling over again in the process. "I like totally figured that since Christmas is coming up we should like, start adding the decorations and stuff? I totally bought a bunch of decorations and tinsel and holly and mistletoe and ribbons and candy canes and...hey! Are these photos of me?" Bending down, CheerMynx picked up a pawful of photos of her in a bathing suit at the beach. The photos were blurry and badly taken and looked like they were taken from the bushes. Finding his voice finally, Wyvern laughed nervously and snatched them away. "No no no! Uh...thessse were jusst...uh...proof publicity shotsss!" "Publicity?" CheerMynx tilted her head in confusion, before her eyes brightened. "Oooooh! You mean like, modelling stills and interviews?! omg I TOTALLY have some shots I just got them done holdonasec!" Slipping and nearly falling for a third time, CheerMynx began rummaging through the shopping bags. Wyvern gulped and tried to find the words to tell her she was mistaken before the cheerline got her hopes up, but the thought of having some professional modelling photos of CheerMynx was too great an opportunity for any self respecting Almost Dragon to pass up...
"Wyvie?" Wyvern snapped his head away from the camera and in the direction of CheerMynx's voice. The cheerline stood in a tilted state - hips tilted, shoulders tilted, tail tilted, head tilted in confusion. One paw rested lightly on the cheerline's hip and the other carried more shopping bags (a sight that still made Wyvern twitch). A view that made the Almost Dragon twitch in an entirely different manner, though, was the cheerline's outfit. To celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday, CheerMynx was wearing an extremely short dress that vaguely resembled that of a woman pioneer. Or a dress said woman used to wear as a child and had tried on to see if it still fit... "Gaaaaaaar," Wyvern drooled, causing CheerMynx to snort laughter and scrunch her nose cutely. "Oh Wyvie, you're like, so weird," she giggled and flounced into the room, dumping the bags on the couch next to Wyvern. "So, like, what's up with the funding?" the cheerline asked, tail twitching hypnotically as she rummaged through a bag, stopping to look at Wyvern when he didn't respond for a moment. "Gaaaar?" Wyvern tried again, before he shook his head and cleared his throat. "Uuuuh, funding?" "Yeah! I like, just went shopping on High Street and they, like, tore up the News Report credit card!" Wyvern blinked in shock as the news sank in. "T-t-tore it up?" He began to tremble slightly at the thought of just how much CheerMynx had spent to have the card taken off her. "Totally! They said it was like, HUNDREDS of geld over it's limit or something!" CheerMynx shrugged and went back to rummaging through her bags. "It was, like, okay though. I had Mynx's Plat card with me, but you should like really look into that! Anyway, here! I like, brought some stuff for like a Thanksgiving party or whateveryoucallit!" Beaming, CheerMynx turned and presented Wyvern with a humiliating paper turkey hat, a brightly coloured noisemaker, and a plate of food. Wyvern accepted all of this dumbly as the cheerline continued to talk, telling him about her day and complaining idly about a lack of scripts or actual camera time. The Almost Dragon nodded vaguely, pretending to listen as his mind turned over the fact that CheerMynx, by way of Mynx, had a Platinum card...
Growing slightly anxious at the passing time, Wyvern was so happy to see CheerMynx when she swanned into the room that for a moment he didn't notice the bags that she was laden down with. "Ch-CheerMynx!" The Almost Dragon leapt up from his stool and raced to the cheerline in excitement to see her, only to skid to a halt as he remembered the state of his scales. Looking around desperately for some sort of cover, Wyvern grabbed a hot pink tablecloth off one of the manicure tables, scattering nail files and polish everywhere as he hurriedly fashioned the material into a toga. He was so distracted by this task for a moment that he barely noticed when CheerMynx dropped the load of shopping bags and left the room again. By the time the Almost Dragon looked up, CheerMynx had disappeared. She was gone long enough to Wyvern to begin panicking before she returned with another load of bags, humming happily to herself. Wyvern frowned at all the bags in confusion, recognising some of the brands printed on the sides of the bags and knowing the stores for their high price items. "Uh....what'sss this?" he eventually asked, startling the cheerline from her thoughts (however shallow they may have been). "Well, like, I was celebrating of course Wyvie!" Wyvern felt his stomach clench slightly. "Celebrating?" "Yeah! I mean like you said the funding's been a success and then you've totally been going on all week about like beauty salons and stuff so I just like totally assumed..." CheerMynx trailed off as she looked beyond Wyvern - who now stood with his jaw hanging in shock - and took in the state of the room. "Oooooh I totally get it now! The beauty salon was the THEME!" CheerMynx dropped the remaining bags she was holding to giggle and clap her paws excitedly. "Does that mean I can get a paw-dicure?" she raced past Wyvern and began to look around expectantly for someone to come serve her, still oblivious to the fact that Wyven was still frozen on the spot as he took in the sheer number of bags and wondered just what CheerMynx had done to the Almost Report's budget...