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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


Polite Ancient Elder
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Everything posted by Peredhil

  1. *dies laughing* PLOP
  2. Peredhil


    Peredhil in haste I volunteer "Should I post" for it. Might make a good lead-off poem? Keep me informed and I'll contribute money as well.
  3. Oooh, I like this. Good stuff. Even if it were inspired by something else - is there truly anything original? - you made it yours and shared it here. thank you!
  4. Peredhil


    I like it! and I have a new TSHIRT!!!
  5. Do more
  6. hehe. I'm shuffling my dance a lot lately.
  7. Oh, nice!
  8. New Year, new life, new job, new wife, New truck, (to me), new house, finally. Old years, old careers, old debts, avoid arrears, Old cars, (now crashed), gypsy life, (couldn't last). When on the edge of the Chasm deep inside I viewed myself and found I couldn't hide All illusions there were swept away If not for my God I'd be gone today. Now dance, now play, new life, new day, Now sing, now shout, new life, workin' out.
  9. I twitched at "really fast", but thought it was my inner grammar nazi thinking it should be "really quickly".
  10. I'm glad you've found us here, at the Pen.
  11. Wow, I like! Great job!
  12. I just plain like it. Heart speaks to heart.
  13. He sits slumped on the stone bench, another weary holiday shopper waiting. Occasionally he uncomfortably shifts the Victoria's Secret and Macy's bags, as if to hide them. Shoppers press and swirl through the halls of the brightly-lit Mall, eddies spinning off into stores, occasional hoots of electronic alarms rising over the sounds of hundreds of people. "It shall be a classic this time," he thinks to himself, "something small and easily cast. Death of a Salesman perhaps." He did this to himself, seeking inspiration in the faces, casting this person or that in a role, seeking the perfect fit. Miller required thirteen for the cast, an auspicious number. The holy number, the last supper. Perhaps in this play, he'd take a part. A mystical part, such as Ben, never directly involved, only seen in Willy's daydreams. Such fantasies passed the time, glazed reality's pressures, released his artist. Yes, that woman over there, with the strong jaw and the almost bruised lines of exhaustion under her brown eyes. A worthy Linda Loman. And those girls over there, too young to be dressed like prostitutes, giving ambigity to their flirty ways as they strutted the hallway, followed by whispering males, acned and aching to leave their group but too afraid to lose the protection of the pack. Miss Forsythe and Letta in the flesh. Ah the flesh, the final tapestry of the artist, the disposal. Watching the crowd, he frowns in concentration and realization, as the play seems to cast itself in his mind. Jumping slightly and fumbling for his cell phone, he pressed buttons and then looked. Sighing, he gathers the bags awkwardly, and entered the flow, moving toward an entrance. To the pulsing beat of the stressed automatic doors, wanting to close and bouncing at their boundaries as countless feet trigger their pressure pads, he passes out of the mall and into the night. ... The terrified faces of the actors flinch as the curtain sweeps to the side. The chains look delicate, ethereal, linking hands and feet. Some, like Biff's, are longer to allow for more energetic gestures, while others are shorter to force constrained movements, suggesting the passion and emotions. Sores and scabs testify to how long they've been worn, and small aged brown discolorations underlay the most recent red marks of electricity used to enhance learning. The cast have their lines and movements perfect, automatic, and are reaching for the depths that part a great performance. "Oh God, please let me have a great performance", whispers 'The Woman'. Nearly inaudible, but the others shoot looks of warning at her, without moving their heads. They all remain frozen in their places, on stage or in the wings, waiting on the Director's orders. If someone fails to deliver, it could mean weeks of waiting and training as the role is cast again. Not slumped, not weary, he strides in with a jaunty air, vibrating energy. Megaphone in hand, wearing leather jodhpurs, he should be ridiculous, but no one laughs. "And.... ACTION!" The play begins, the intensity builds, until even the actors are lost in their roles, become their characters. A flawless performance at last, and even the pains and chains and fear cannot stop the welling pride and exultation they feel. Forced or not, even those who'd never acted before this play know that tonight, magic happened. ... He whistles the score to "The Wizard of Oz" as he strips the flesh from the last bone and pops it into the sausage-maker for the first grinding. The bone flips with a "plonk" into the barrel of vinegar, to soak and soften before its disposal. Occasionally he stops and reveals in his memories of last night's performance. Magnificent! Once again, he is thankful for his superb memory, able to retain all senses, to replay over and over. No need for the silly "trophies" that he has seen lead to the capture of serial killers on television. His trophies are his memories, his directing triumphs. Some have taken as long as two years, but he knows it is his particular genius that makes each one a perfection of the Craft. Why anyone would ever feel the need for physical artifacts was unfathomable to him. It was hard enough to gather everyone, train them, and disband the cast once done without keeping evidence. It will be months before his genius stirs, rides him, forcing him to create again. He can hardly wait.
  14. Peredhil


    It works with Paypal, or if you have a Visa credit card or Visa debit card. Paypal *wants* you to pay through them, but it is optional. I just did my bit of donation without logging into Paypal at all.
  15. When you write, write your vision regardless of the market or who might read it. If you must write for another, write with one person in mind, and to them. If you try to please all, you'll end up sterile and pleasing none. Don't be afraid of conflict in writing. It often drives the story. If you don't allow your own experiences and emotions to color your writing, you're writing to computers and spell-checkers, not other people.
  16. The writing challenge Can you write 50,000 words in 30 days? that is the challenge put forward for the NaNo month of writing. Every November the challenge goes out. It doesn't have to really make sense, it can be as rough a draft or drafts as you'd like. Pennites have done it before. I've tried and failed, but am trying again. Starting November 1st, and ending the 30th, the time is now.
  17. Way cool skin! Excellent! *hugs and plays with the pumpkins*
  18. Your test post worked. The Tester has posted, the Testes have read it.
  19. Friend of mine has been reading and reviewing books for years. Unlike myself (I'm an emotional junkie), he is able to view a book objectively even as he enjoys it. I know whether I agree with a review or not, they are always well-written, articulate, and some are better than the book reviewed. http://www.steelbookshelf.com/ Enjoy
  20. Peredhil

    Contest UPDATE

    In the interest of justice, the link to what the other person wrote shouldn't count for me. I'll stand behind "Living the defeated life" though. It was difficult for me to write! Not Polite...
  21. I and my others are a distant shadow cast by reality. I hope to be able to materialize again fully in some unknown future.
  22. Heh. C.J. is a woman... And a dazzlingly intelligent one too. Prolly part of her issues. Extremely high intelligence isn't a genetic (testicular level thinking) attraction in a woman. It tends to come through in her writings - the problems of intelligence. I recommend reading Cyteen for anyone who's ever been burdened with the label of "genius".
  23. http://www.sfwa.org/2005/01/writerisms-and-other-sins-a-writers-shortcut-to-stronger-writing/ Good advice from a published writer. Cherryh has written the Faded Sun science fiction series, among others.
  24. I have a list of cognitive distortions I review occasionally, because they are just so darned easy for me to slip into. I tend to write from different "points of view", so what you may detect is that this piece was written, not by Peredhil, but by Elladan. It's a self-examination piece, a rebuke to my own lazy thinking, taken through figures of speech to extremes. Amazing catch - most people can't tell which "me" is writing. *hug!*
  25. I'm glad you did write this. It's good.
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