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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


Polite Ancient Elder
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Everything posted by Peredhil

  1. Yes, she has potential, and talent. She already has flare, but she could be more. Like so many other Artists, she prolly sees only the speck on the ring she envisioned, and ignores the perfection of the rest of the golden band - it's very hard to be tolerant of your own works when you have had a visualization of what they could have been and failed to be. -Peredhil's two cents.
  2. Thank you all! Eyes the Huggle arms and a wide gleam enters his eyes. Everyone flees from the impending Popeye arm huggle. Except Zool of course, who can't flee. Looking frantically around for Grimmael, he starts spinning life-preserving speech... Hey Big P! Uh, no point in breaking the glass for just me! Don't need those arms for me, nope nope nope. Only one FRAGILE painting. Come give me a hug you lug... (Thank you all so very much! Consider yourselves hugs Politely and gently - I'll save the arms for the tough cases.)
  3. Hugs Mynx in a welcome back, and gives Canid a fresh rabbit to reward a wonderful pun.
  4. Popping out after delivering the bags, Peredhil came back in the front door, dressed as Doctor Evil. He was followed by his Giant Guinea Pig Bodyguards, Guido and Nuncio. Nuncio was dressed like the Almighty Thor, complete with winged helmet and short handled hammer. A minor spell enhanced his static electricity and caused minor electrical storms to generate from his fur. Guido was wearing a picture with the face cut out, through which he'd pushed his head, and carried a Rubber Chicken, fortunately of the non-magical variety. Occasionally he exclaimed "Hey youse guys, I've been Framed!!!" At this point, his sons were no where to be found.
  5. "Thank you all", he exclaimed in delighted surprise. Putting on the tent-shirt, he pulled up the bottom, rolled the sides and belted it tightly. It still engulfed his slender form. In fact, he looked like an elegant pear with feet at this point. "Thank you again." Pushing up a sleeve to reveal a hand, he looked at the books happy at seeing old friends. "Perfect for my schedule - like an extended conversation. Oh, I haven't read this or this ... or this! How wonderful - these are some of my favorite authors." Waving a fabricked hug after Wyvern he shouts, Thank you! I'll see you later today at the RenFair!" Hugs everyone. *Z' jumped the US of A time zones because of his overseas advantage - the 2nd IS my birthday. *
  6. The dead hand of the past clasps with mortuis strength But if you lift your eyes from it's deadly grip, You'll see That you have choices you've feared to take. When you've nothing to lose and no reason to live What have you to lose by trying something new? In a year, if you do nothing, you're a year older. But if you break the shackles of fear and risk the unknown. You might be free. The most beautiful roses grow from the rankest fertilizer. *hugs the Tattered rose*
  7. I kinda have to laugh - I *still* to this day hesitate to post because I think that so many here are better writers than I. But I post anyway, because when I'm cut, I bleed words. Post because it's in your heart, and you'll find an audience to listen. Even if they don't comment. Perhaps they don't know what to say? Perhaps it resonates so strongly they are dealing with their own memories as they walk away. Truly some read and can't relate, but others read and for more can hardly wait. Your works though few and far between have been worth waiting for, in my opinion. A computer can work spelling and grammar, but it takes a poet to have the courage to offer up their heart to the world through words. Your writing is never perfect, never sterile, and well worth reading. Peredhil's two cents.
  8. I'll just have to come track you down in Real Life, I guess...
  9. welcome back home. Good portrayal of heartbreak. I think headlight is one word though! Hugs -Peredhil
  10. Marvelous! 'Bout time you found your way here. Hugs a welcome to a new old face. -Peredhil the Polite
  11. Oooh. Welcome back and with a good poem too!
  12. Gratz!!!! Peredhil blinks. You mean, you weren't just pretending to be surprised? The illusions worked on y'all? Drifts over to congratulate the mage responsible.
  13. Reminds me of depressions past and hope found. Nicely done.
  14. Pounce Huggles
  15. (Happy Birthday Racouol. I haven't any clever words for you, just my respect and affection. *hugs* (On an side note, I've noticed that, of the Pen Membership, I find myself chortling and reading excerpts of a Wyvern post aloud to anyone in the vicinity more than any other person here - including me. I am simply amazed at the amount and variety of Wyvern's creativity.))
  16. Sees a bunch of Yes or No answers within himself depending on his mood. Have you ever realized mood changes make you nearly several different people with opposing views on things, and then spent long periods of time to determine what DOESN'T change to decide just what your identity is? Or given up and decided on an identity and lived it until it became true? Or accepted an identity from someone else (like God gives out in Romans) and tried to fit into it? Or a mixture and struggle of "all of the above"?
  17. Write me in, pair me with anyone. If I don't know them, it's a great excuse to get to know them. Peredhil (I'm supportive) the Polite Ancient
  18. sneaks in with the popcorn and shares it out.
  19. Happy Birthdays!
  20. Nicely done...
  21. *nod nod* But post on the Weenie Awards thread anyway! *hugs*
  22. Doesn't ask. Hugs and sends hugs to on to 'Lissa too.
  23. Having not heard all of both sides, I'll reserve comment on the quote. However, good luck, and keep writing. You do have talent. waves
  24. "...our nuts!" But the big oaf has completed what the doorknob impacting our humanoid nut carrier has started. All that remain of our nuts are cracked nuts. The mental anguish of the hamsters crying over their crushed nuts drew the Other Player up to the sweet scent of trauma. The human crawled weakly over the body lying on the lintel, and slid right into Vinnie and Melvin's dream, changing it. Suddenly the three of them were octopi in their undersea garden. The formerly human octopus wore a green visor on his brow, and began simultaneously shuffling and dealing cards with his many suckered tentacles. Vinnie and Melvin, suckered into his game, picked up their pseudopods and drew three. Melvin turned to Vinnie and remarked, "You know, Marilyn Monroe once said, "I don't mind living in a man's world if I can be a woman in it."" Vinnie blew a bubble of ink and replace two of his cards sharply from the deck's bottom as he replied wisely, "They always date Vinnie, but they marry Melvin." The Dealer, seeing what approached, flooded the area with ink and shouted, "
  25. Personally I try not to establish or validate my identity by using other people. So if I could read minds and know for sure, I'd prolly still look at myself pretty much the way I already do. In other words, I've chosen my values, standards, and implimentation, and am "broadcast only" for much of it. Although I think if someone is going to be that way, a base value system like the bible Christianity (which I differ from much of the implementation I see in the world by people (including me all too often (, it's a process to a goal not a goal already accomplished in my life, at least,))) that considers others valuable is a pretty safe center from which to start. Otherwise, I'd be more of a jerk than I am. Good thoughtful question. Pensive Peredhil
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