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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


Polite Ancient Elder
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Everything posted by Peredhil

  1. Marvelous reaction piece. Now this is such an expression of the Pen spirit in action. Good job.
  2. well written on first read. I'd like to reserve until I've time to read it aloud - it 'felt' like there were a few rough spots in meter that perhaps punctuation would cure? That could've been me in my haste. *hugs* Good to see you writing again!
  3. Trust is one of the most beautiful gifts you'll ever be given. Enlarge your heart to receive it, handle it carefully, once broken it never mends completely. For this reason alone, those who abuse a child damage the child, them self, and all of us. Children are the future in which we will have to live.
  4. I <3 this thread.
  5. Holy moly, that's well written! I still have chills. welcome back in a big way! (and belated happy birthday. )
  6. Let's see, can't be wind, cause it can't be seen. Spirit, such as God, rules out for the same logic. Clouds? Not invisible. Water vapor though - invisible in form, visible as a collective cloud or fog. Water vapor?
  7. Huh, welcome back Ashton! *hugs* Hope the military service gig is going well. I know we miss you here in the States. The idea of you ghost-writing must be a clown tribute from Wyvern. I *know* you in Real Life and know you stick to the immediate response standard. The arrogant thing is kinda funny to me in its timing - I just saw an early video clip interview of Will Smith from his Fresh Prince days, in which he said much the same thing. He didn't need acting school for confidence - he was a rapper and used to putting up the front, even under attack, no matter how he felt, in front of thousands. Acting was easy after that. Shall we all be Polite Pennites now? The Personae are for threads, not clever innuendo and attacks, methinks. As always, Wyvern (who introduced me to REAL Hip-hop, even before I'd met Ashton), clever writing! Thanks for the news!
  8. Jechum! *flying hug-tackles, passing through the apparition and skittering along the floor*
  9. Finally! I love Almost Dragonic Productions, and am bouncing with anticipation at this latest.
  10. *hugs* Sorry for delayed congratulations, but just back from a Road Trip without internet.
  11. As one Half-Elf to another - big birthday huggles!!!!
  12. Computer Science - fewer term papers. TANNED OR PALE?
  13. *Peredhil paces, wringing his hands* I missed her birthday! Oh Dear. I hope she forgives me. She will, *quoth Elrohir reassuringly* She's possessed of a big heart to her friends, and large claws for her enemies. *He smiled approvingly at the thought* *Elladan just smiled lazily and growled quietly in his throat. He'd already taken care of the present but it amused him that the others cared so much.*
  14. LOL! I love it. Reminds me of what my G'ma said as I grew, and my sister's addition. "Sweat?! Nay child, Horses sweat, men perspire, a lady glows." "G'ma, I'm glowing like a horse then."
  15. *packs a towel for the day, with a wistful smile*
  16. *Peredhil waves to Mrs. Evil and the little Evils, and hugs the Good Doctor* Welcome back!!!!
  17. Ooooh. I wanna buy it just for the title.
  18. (fly-by OOC birthday huggles)
  19. I've been following Mr. McGill for a while. He's impressive. This might make a good thing for our list of links, if members like it. ~Peredhil Peredhil Seal of Approval of the Rhyming Dictionary for any musician, writer or lyricist. 100% FREE! Dictionary is available HERE
  20. Interesting idea for those who would want to do it. The accounts are free there; perhaps we could include it in the List of Links? Personally, I think that a competition format like this is contrary to the spirit of cooperation and support here at the Pen. It's so easy for something like this to become popularity, or drift into supporting "comfort zone" reading and neglecting someone who dares push edges. Also many writers are more sensitive than they might think; it's difficult enough sometimes to write from the heart inside of the head, and then share it. Entering it in a contest that received no votes at all could be more painful than a new writer can conceive. Many writers will read my comments and think, "you've got to be kidding?" or "Sheesh, just toughen up!" But making this a supportive place like life "should" be and isn't is one of the Pen traits which keeps me coming back here to my online family. -Pendantic Peredhil's two-cent speech.
  21. The brae brawny lad with the quite clumsy tred The ever eager smile by the heart is led From Wiggly Cabbages to supporting a King of Kings From Elder actions to Quill Quest confidence To the Assistant Lore Master who's a friend of mine To the wonderful Gwaihir I write this birthday valentine. Happy Birthday Gwai. AP-E Ook Ook!
  22. This is absolutely amazing. It reminds me of some Celtic memory rhymes I studied, or of reading Proverbs, or pretty much any book of wisdom Good format, good choices, nice progressions. You've grown so much since you first came here. I'm so proud of you. *hugs*
  23. Oh SWEETNESS! Congrats to ALL! *hugs all around*
  24. *comes in with a SHINY present for his nephew and bumps ears with him* Happy happy birthday!!! *turns and gives Aardvark a package of explosives* And happy birthday birthday to you too! (belated because of the updates, of course.)
  25. y'all are wonderfully awesome and THANK YOU.
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