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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


Polite Ancient Elder
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Peredhil last won the day on February 14

Peredhil had the most liked content!


About Peredhil

  • Birthday 10/02/1960

Previous Fields

  • Characters
    Primary: Peredhil; Secondary: Guido, Nuncio, Elrohir, Elladan
  • Race/Gender Details
    One of two Half-elves of Middle Earth. Male. Well-dressed with grey eyes and non-pointy ears.
  • Bio
    From a parallel Universe to Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. Born in Gondolin before it was lost, Father left home early, and later reappeared as an unreachable star. Twin brother, the only other half-elf, chose mortality and founded a line of Kings. Lost daughter to a descendant of Elros', and left for the West. Eventually traveled beyond via the Halls of Mandos, accompanied by my twin sons. After several Planes, picked up a couple of Giant Guinea Pig bodyguards. Many Planes later, found the Pen is Mightier than the Sword Keep, always comes back as it now feels like Home.
  • Feedback Level
    Any and all. But the feedback I give is gentle in public and as ruthless as you request in PM, to the best of my ability
  • Geld
  • Pen Job(s)
    Dispenser of advice and wisdom
  • Usual Preferred Feedback (Stories)
    Minor feedback
  • Usual Preferred Feedback (Poems)
    Minor feedback

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
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  • Location
  • Interests
    The hearts and minds of sentients

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  1. Where would I find the Awakening series? - Am excite! -
  2. Greet them politely, and ask again about the use of a phone.
  3. Attack from behind as he leaves.
  4. Too relatable. The days are like ripples in a stream of similarity, and the water isn't clear. But I've found it is worth enduring every day to get to the next. Never know when a change is coming.
  5. Peredhil


    I feel oddly called out.
  6. Peredhil


  7. By redub, do you mean MST3k commentary? Perhaps the use of square brackets and italics would do it? [Brilliant thinking pre-coffee. I wonder what he can think once caffeinated?]
  8. LOL!!!
  9. Peredhil


    Oi, I know this goat.
  10. How could anyone not like you. You are now my favorite uncle too.
  11. Peredhil wanders in to listen. Removing one of the dust covers from a plushy chair, he sits to observe, unaware that his Giant Guinea Pig bodyguards, Guido & Nuncio, have taken up positions in the shadows behind him.
  12. Beautiful descriptions. Captures modern parenting well.
  13. I pray that your problems work out soon. I LIKE your writing.
  14. LOL. The saddest of sad 1%.
  15. Too true, true too.
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