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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Portrait of Zool

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The Portrait of Zool last won the day on July 28 2023

The Portrait of Zool had the most liked content!

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About The Portrait of Zool

  • Birthday 06/28/1963

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  • Characters
    The Portrait of Zool, Grimmael, Swami Noguru
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    Resident Buffoon

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    Sacramento, California USA

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  1. Wow. A wonderful description, let alone a fine poem.
  2. Ha! Good one!
  3. Ello... ello... ello...
  4. Happy New year!
  5. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dejobaan/elegy-for-a-dead-world-a-game-about-writing-fictio
  6. Boaz sighting!
  7. IMO, we have needed that for EVER!
  8. Stands. and applauds - and let them change that! <
  9. Groups. Good groups. sweet or savory?
  10. Zool listens to Tzimfemme, and smiles. "Free. At last, " the painting thinks wistfully, his face frozen in it's portraitured pose, "She has verbalized the difference between us. That alone makes the pain of our near-meeting worthwhile - to see. Someone. Truly. Free. It's well worth it just to see what that looks like."
  11. Thanks guys. I'd love to RP a reply, but unfortunately my head just isn't in that space right now - yes, partly because of birthday activities, but also a lot has been going on in my life lately that I just have to attend to. *Sigh* Unfortunately, it's the same old story of the Pen summertime blues. ...but thanks again!
  12. Just finished Alastair Reynolds 2000 classic 'Revelation Space'. Great Sci-fi read! Just starting Dan Simmons' 'The Fall of Hyperion', the sequel to 'Hyperion', which I much enjoyed. If the sequel is half as good as the original, it will be very good. [edit] BTW, your review of 'Shifted' was helpful to me Law.
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