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Blby bounced up and down and did a quick circle of the table. "Isn't this exciting?!" he asked. Completely confused about Chiroq's terror. ... and then somoene poked him! When he turned and saw a wolf, he jumped a foot before he realized there had been a mind greeting. "eep! You poke people in the brains too! I mean 'Hello!' And um, please don't eat me!" Does the other pig know there's a wolf in the room? Blby raised his small voice as loud as it went "Fellow pig, Fellow pig? There's a wolf and a cabbage here, and they both talk by brain-poking. Fellow pig? I smell you you and a faint whiff of tangerines!"
"Oh! My! Umm! You really are a worried cabbage!" Perhaps Chiroq was less than amazed at this announcement, but Blby certainly did not notice. He stared in amazement, nose twitching in a way that sent shivers through Chiroq's leaves. I should ask some of the Pen carnivores what they do about sentient dinners. Blby looked at himself. Or maybe not. Might be a bad topic considering that I'm a bit vulnerable. Blby looked at Chiroq, still a bit shocked that this cabbage had talked into his mind. "Poor vulnerable dinner" he muttered under his breath. "Umm, hello! And no, I have a carrot under the table Really should teach people not to pick a guy up and leave his dinner behind under the table for any passer by to eat. It never talks to me, so I think I'll eat that instead. I don't think Gwaihir would let me in his garden. He's a bit ... protective about his plants as far as I can tell. I have GOT to tell the other guinea pig about THIS!" Blby's nose twitched with excitement and he rushed up to Chiroq and nosed him in a friendly fashion. "EEP!"
Blby sat under the table, eating the carrot he'd grabbed earlier and sniffed. It was a smell he'd never smelled before. Sort of like a cabbage (makes me hungry)... But not. It also smelled a bit like fear. A scared cabbage??! Blby stuck his nose out. Nothing on the ground. Not even feet. I swear I smell something that's afraid though! Could it be on the table? *sigh* This could be interesting. Blby's plump body could be seen to leap grandly .... and futilely into the air. *Bounce, jump, hop!* But no, there is just no what that even a fit guinea pig can jump onto a chair. Huffing and puffing, Blby stopped and thought again. So I can't get onto a chair, what ... WHAT the heck! "Umm, hello, did someone just poke me in the brain?
*Scamper scamper, run in circle* Who would have done this? *Scamper scamper, hop* It just doesn't make any sense. Did he do it? Maybe, but why? Maybe if I keep running, it'll make sense eventually *scamper in circle, scamper in circle* OOC:Jamie/Gryphon
*whisker wiggle* "Hello!" A fellow pig! "We don't. But we really don't have a clue. Humans always do what the crowd does. If the crowd is angry at that boy, either they're right or they're dangerous. I'm far too small to fight angry humans." Then they heard signs of grief and Blby wondered if tragedy had struck again. Sheer panic struck and he fled to the security of a Christmas tree."
Death? eepeep! Not much of a party this. Fine holiday Christmas ... murder! "!EEEPEPEPEPEPEPEeE!" Hide! Table! "Umm, oops, sorry, if that was your foot I crawled on" Fortunately, guinea pigs have never had great eye sight, so Bartleby was not particularly inconvenienced by the dark---if only the humans would stop bumbling everywhere. Seems like a bad time to be a ten year old boy! Poor kids. Some of them are very nice to guinea pigs too and feed us treats. I wonder if this Brian would have. Why on earth do humans do such things to each other? I've never in my life seen a guinea pig kill or a rat or a mouse...or anything I know. Well, cats and owls and things do, but they eat their kills at least *shudder!*. Only humans kill and then walk away. Bloody nasty. Who is it they're all critical of now? Mattie? I'm not presuming he did it, but maybe avoid him just in case! OOC: Voting for Vene/Mattie
"Eeepeepeepeep!" Probably nobody heard it, but that was the shouted opinion of one of Santa's elves when the lights went out. A guineapig wants to hide when trouble comes but in this dark, he didn't even know where the furniture was. "God I hope no one steps on me" was the next thought." Then there were the screams. Blby knew immediately when he heard them that those were heartfelt. Some things you can't mistake and at that Blby stopped thinking sanely and fell to small guineapigish prayers.
Oh my, so many kids! Do they all have to grab me? eepepeeep. That boy almost stepped on me! "Thank you dear. Yes, I'm an elf. I don't know if most of Santa's elves like me, but EEPOW! the hair is definitely real." Where is that Santa, these kids are fun, but they're tooo much. AAh, there he is and ....WHEW! He stinks of nicotine and menthol with something else *whiffwhiff* booze thrown in! UGH. I wish humans had the sort of smell we do. Eh, time to go distact the girl. *nuzzlenuzzle* "Don't cry! I'm small and fuzzy and my Santa hat will tickle you. There! That's better ....
Yes please, I would indeed like to be a guinea pig if possible. It's all I know how to be!
Well, what if I were some sort of elf hired by the store? I'm the right size for one. Maybe I'd look cute in an elf hat.
eeep scurry blush. Should speak, hidehidhide, but should speak. Fight will. Bravebrave "Umm I think I'm still pretty new hear, but thank you!" *scurries Speedily under table*
Fun to read so far! Thank you for sharing! I'll be watching for more!!
Suddenly it hit Blby that someone was dead. Really chirp squeak scurry eep BUMP. And very quickly it was discovered that six foot tall suits do not fit under tables. The clatter of a knocked over table echoed and a six foot tall necromancer jumped at the noise. "Eepeepe! I mean, Sorry for the noise! I'm embarassed!" With that Blby decided to put himself out of public view for a bit. With a shudder he sat down at a table against the wall. At least they can't see me blush under this fur.... Or through the costume. Remember, pig, you're a necromancer. You don't apologize and you probably shouldn't be embarassed. Be bold. ... like that'll ever happen. OOC: Still no vote yet
Blby stumped in. "Sorry I'm late for this disaster! I was in the bathroom and had a spot of trouble getting my costume on." To anyone who knew the small black guineapig in real life, this was not surprising at all. He was six feet tall and wearing a large suit that only his nose and eyes poked out of. He swivelled his eyes and tried to look dangerous, or as he would have put it, carnivorous. Blby put his mouth up to the speaking tube and his voice boomed darkly. "Greetings, all."
Few people really think about what it's like to not be themselves.