Silver WInd
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Dreams Dreams: a sweet whisper darkness caress melodies from far away Dreams: eyes caught in midnight light waters of Lethe carry away time held in suspense Dreams: souls waking hour voices from beyond speak for a truth we all seek scars smoothed away Dreams: photographs dancing light reflects perfection listen to the sirens song all within our dreams
Thank you very much after reading that, well I must say despite the trouble you put me through for it, it was well worth the effort.
Horizon There lies within something beautiful where sky and water meet in blue shadow cast where hawks soar uncovered solitude still mind and body serenity heaven found upon earth
No No Yes No Yes Have you ever danced in public to a song in your head? Have you ever sung for the world and not care who heard? Have you ever walked on the beach in the moonlight with your soulmate?
Gives Wyvern and irritated glare and grumbles to herself. It figures, it was not bad enough dealing with that grumpy witch, but now this scaely fiend is trying to find a way to weassil out the original agreement. And after all that work too. Not being in the best of moods just at the time, needing very much a hot shower, and a soft bed. Though she has been through too much trouble already to just give up now, giving a long drawn out sigh. "Oh you have no idea. First off all, she has to live in the middle of a bloody lagoon of all things, and you do not even want to know what sort of slimey creepy crawely creatures live there. It was not bad enough trudging through that damp, swampy, old forest, not even to mention the flies. But you know, witches do not very much like tresspassers. So I finally reach her cabin when there is the blasted ehnchantments, oh and by the way did I mention that her famillar is an alligator. So after after nearly becomming I snack I finally get away from thing, it is a good thing those things don't climb you know. So I had to sit up in a tree the whole time. So now, about the pictures, well lets see, what can I say about her. She has hair as black as midnight, that cascades down her body, just past her waist, and her skin, it seems illuminated in the light of the moon. She has rather exotic features of the face, with full lips, and high cheek bones. She is also quite the voluptious one. Her boosom is quite ample, and her hips quite curvacious. As for the pictures, well she is not one very much for wearing dresses." She would come to draw the pictures over to her just for the time, so she could explain the specific poses in each one. Pointing to the first one in the pile. "In this one here she quite enjoying a bit of moonbathing if you will. She is quite unclad, streached out upon her back beneath the light of the moon, basking within its silvery light. Now in this picture she is wearing quite a lovely skirt of purple, and a blouse which long billowing sleaves, which is cut quite low giving a view of the tops of her cleaveage, and tied just beneath her breast, leaving her mid-section exposed. She is seated just upon a rock, with her hands just behind her, and her back arched slightly, as her head it silted up to the sky. And one of her legs is crossed over the other, and you see there is a slit just down the side of the skirt, so you can glimpse some of the bare flesh of her legs beneath. And in this one she is only wearing a pair of black lace painties, and her arms are crossed just acorss her naked breasts, also in this one, she is facing the camera, so this one has a very clear shot of her eyes."
This is done in a style of my own creation. I call it Shadow Stanzas Gray Gray: a shade in between smeared lines smudge of the veil black and white obliterated Gray: storm clouds in the sky rain a touch away dark or light no more Gray: a silent relief or depressing sound makes the world go round Gray: lingers in all things a smile and a frown the understood unknown everything in shades of gray.
Thank you for your comments. And yes you are right Skyline is a type of cinquain. Regaurding Serenity, it is in the style known as Senryu which is a poem that is set up identical to a Haiku, with the difference being that instead of being about nature, a Senryu is about some aspect of Human nature or human emotion. Opps but thanks for brigning it to my attention, I did notice one mistake I made that I will go fix.
This was very intresting and very unique to read, I rather enjoyed the quirkiness of it, and in many ways it reminded me of Syliva Plath
Thank you
Well because they are both short poems, I have decided to just put them together. Skyline Cloudless sapphire sky broken by towered trees crisp quivering emerald green forest. Serenity Serenity is a state of the mind and a condition of soul
Thank you, I acutally quite enjoy her work. Hehe the lack of punctuation was intentinal, though I know its vaule in writing, sometimes with my poetry I think it can get in the way, and like to let things flow free.
Pulse Alone quickens the heartbeat to the song of darkness star-eyes watch mirthless in a twisted smile up crooked arm presented in of fearing follow the shadow light suspended only for a pulse where the moon stands still.
Yes they can be frightening, which is part of why I sometimes find them fun to write about.
Thank you for your lovely comments. A note upon the style, it is called a Shadow Sonnet and was created by a poet frined of mine. I quite enjoy the style.
The Night The Night yawns it stretches out and yet embraces enclosing in while it seems to expand dark tendrils outreaching a somber beauty while awe inspiring where fear and fascination live together lingering drawn in while your heart pulses a beat faster reluctantly you are forced to draw away and see safety while never forgetting the laughing
Stumbles back grumbling about witches enchantments and dusting off unknown subtsances from her clothing. "I am so going to need a shower after this" Gives a heavy sigh and starts to rummage around before at last producing the three carefully preserved photographs just as requested to descretly pass over to him. Glancing around to make sure no unintived unlookers lingered about. "Well it was not easy, but I have them, and I think you will be pleased. They should compliment your collection nicely."
The Doll Listless eyes watch behind the grim grin of porcelain. A single crack framed like a tear where limpid strands begin to shed out. Mouth eaten dresses such tattered cloth once made of fine silken length. Little beads of glass caked in crusted dust a smile painted appears twisted agony. Where there might have been beauty once grown over in cobwebs. A silent plea for a lover once given not cast aside a pain she tries to hide.
Thank you for catching that, I hate it when little things like that escape my notice, I shall go and fix it
Thank you, I really like your interpitation of the poem, and I often enjoy writing poems that others can open realy varrious different things into
The Cursed Queen Tears of poison down her cheeks a slipper of ivy on her feet bound in vines she is held tight while her heart is cased in thorns. Beneath the soul where roots are left to dangle, she withers a curse upon her breast. Dead leaves to make her bed she lays her head within the brambles until the touch of moon caress to call her out from the depths. Blooms in full starlight where darkness conceals a beauty to be lost. So she bleeds to make sacred the ground a stain in red her only marker. By the dawns light she must retreat to sink into her grave again.
Nicely done, I really engoyed this, it had a good pace I thought and I loved the ending
Contemplates over his rather generous offer. As it was most appeasing indeed, and quite hard to pass up, as it seemed he was most eager to have those picitures. She would lick her lips a moment, still a bit hesitent. Brigning one hand up she rubbed her chin thoughtfuly before at last she would come to give a slow nod of her head as she looked back over to him. "Alright, I shall aqure these pics that you so desperately request"
Leans back and considered the offer. Rapping her fingers against the table top. It is tempting. Gives and expection of the Almost Dragonic Products then turnes her gaze back upon Wyvern with scrutiny. "It do be a tempting offer, but I do not know. This sort of thing can be dangerous and all. She is quite the wicked one" Considers for a moment but remains uncertain. Tilts head inqustively to one side, and speaks in a low voice. Eyes shiting to ensure there be no onlookers or eavesdroppers. "Are ye sure ye can handle it?"