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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by hig4s

  1. Are you saying you don't think anger should come after thought?
  2. Please not another word Power, the power to be unfortunate Harsh, damned, cruel power Angry, volatile sadness burns Passage of time cools yet remains hot Tense images pound to be released Temper turns, action dies with sorrow Life depressed, fight relinquished Hidden , inward flight of solitude Power given, power taken Guard down, anguish strikes Pain, tears, tired distress Sticks and stones preferred
  3. hig4s


    Actually the head of Porthos from an illustration from The Three Musketeers and d'Artagnan, from Dumas, The Three Musketeers (New York: Appleton, translated by William Robson, 1894), p.79. http://rylibweb.man.ac.uk/data2/spcoll/dmunro/dumas1.jpg
  4. . . . everyone at the bar turns toward the door, raise their glasses, and in unison and yell "Hey Norm!" . . . High G, slaps the button on the black box holding the strange square crystal ball, and it goes dim. As he shoves it back in his bag he mutters, mostly to himself, "Mage or not, I'll buy nothing else from this Sam Sung". With the tip of his hat, a flourish of brightly colored feathers, High G steps aside to allow plenty of room for Xeros to pass, both as a gesture of respect for the grand entrance and to make sure the ostrich feathers on his hat are not singed in any other display of pyrotechnics.
  5. Have you ever had a ketchup bottle explode in your hand? Have you ever gone to a theater hours early just to be alone someplace really quiet? Have you ever seen the stars a thousand miles from the nearest man made light? Have you ever wondered if death is the opposite of life, were we all dead before we were alive? Have you ever looked into someone's eyes and found the part of your soul that was missing?
  6. hig4s


    The redress of lack of congress provides no progress in the access of this information excess. And the likeness of Zool in a dress, dancing I guess, a stammering success in my mind does press, my thoughts a mess. A little less overbearing awareness of this likeness would help my mental fitness. My sanity in distress, perhaps I digress, too much stress hindering my attentiveness. Parson my express egress from this mental illness.
  7. hig4s


    Hmm, not sure I understand that reply,, but http://www.locusmag.com/Conventions.html is the direction I would point someone looking for direction.
  8. Oh thanks,, I pretty much gave up on the rhyme scheme by the fourth stanza because I couldn't say what I was feeling and stick with it, I hadn't realized I had forced it in the third. The infinitive verb didn't help either, I usually try to avoid them. I'll have to think that one over, again thanks.
  9. Anyone here frequent science fiction/fantasy conventions? I plan to attend ConGlomeration www.conglomeration.org in Louisville next month. They are having a writer's workshop with Gefforey Girard. www.geoffreygirard.com
  10. The Whirlwind Gray storm clouds rise To form a thought Heartless greed does aim Cold steel fires a shot But the storm has spread Too late to stop Coins dig furrows in the dirt So for diamonds we do opt Before the wheel we were Born in philosophy and art Before the wheel we are Enduring with passions hot The fabric waves overhead But spirit no longer touches the land The reason it has gone to pot Lies buried in the ground The seeds of the future acquiesce To the reign of black wealth Optimism battles infinities squall Dawn beckons compassion’s health
  11. Interesting post for the middle of summer. Stirs the memories of long winter nights in the North land, from for the lights of any city, brrr. Cold yet beautiful, still but alive, the promise of natures splender just waiting to emerge.. I liked it.
  12. knowledge. it is without boundaries there is always more to know. Books are full of the words of knowledge for everyone to see no one ever greets a lesson. What you know cannot be seen. People are thankful of knowledge that helps them Yet they curse knowledge when it comes too late
  13. Hi-G smiles, "Ah, trodden on by my own honor. Without the preface who would have known. But no tears for burnt roast, I shall return, point of bodkin tipped in the ink of conquest". With a formal bow and a flourish of feathers he waves his hat and turns for the Cabaret room, "G'night my friend".
  14. I'm not sure non-fiction is accepted, but I wrote this as something to be insperational that might be used in the creative writing class my wife teaches. While searching the web to find out who the quote "The Pen is Mightier than the Sword" is attributed to, I ran across this site. So here it is. Future Days and Knights Protecting Writes What is a knight? A knight, like those described in the Arthurian legends or the stories of the Three Musketeers, would be of the highest character. Prescribed to upholding honor, truth, and justice above all. Something we see all to little of in the world of today. Does anyone out there really have the heart of a knight? And can anyone truly have the heart of a knight without the soul of a poet? Can one be truly honorable without the understanding of compassion, empathy, love, sadness, and all the emotions of the human condition? Our knights in blue has been used to describe police officers. And some have said they should be like knights. But does anyone really feel like a knight, a protector of the realm, has entered when an officer comes in to view? Or do you feel as if the thought police from 1984 just walked in? While we shouldn’t have need to feel afraid, the police are not knights. They are the foot soldiers of the legal system and their job is not to be honorable knights, however nice that would be. And some may be, but most are just common men trying to do a job. They should be doing it with regard for the rights of those they apprehend because despite what they may think personally, everyone here is innocent until proven guilty. But of course some are no better then the criminals they chase. So if it is not their job, who’s job is it. Who’s responsibility is it to defend the truth, to be honorable, to stand up against injustice. It is the job of anyone that has the soul of a poet, the heart of a knight, and that understands honor. Anyone that knows the truth is worth speaking and believes in justice. Anyone that knows how much a lie hurts, how much injustice destroys. Anyone that knows how much indifference corrodes humanity. Anyone that feels pain when the world is unfair. And it is their job every minute of every hour of every day. In other words, if you understand what has been said here, it is your job. Must you run off on a crusade to find and destroy all injustice? No. But speaking out against every hurtful word. Saying something about every unfair situation in your little corner of the world is your responsibility. No one expects any one person to change the world, although some have before. Saying it’s not my problem is not acceptable, lack of concern and general indifference has allowed the worlds greatest injustices to be perpetrated. There are more of us than of them. Stand up, be heard, strike a blow for honor. Edward Bulwer-Lytton coined the phrase, “The pen is mightier than the sword”. You are the knights of the future, speak out, write for the right.
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