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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by lumpenproletariat

  1. come on falcon, can't you see the lightsaber?
  2. in 11 days, I'm going to be sitting on my ass for 3 solid months well, maybe a bit of work here and there
  3. {hint - its not FFXI } Thats what I'll be playing in 11 days
  4. I'd put mine somewhere in the white house, and sell tapes of Dubyah doing stupid things to the media ;p
  5. Posted on Oct 13 2003, 12:41 AM The due date is in two weeks from today, which is the Wednesday October eighth. I couldn't resist
  6. I'm late? Anyway, Happy Birthday Tralla
  7. He skips over every second block of concrete, he avoids stepping on all the cracks, he touches each telephone pole he passes three times. He passes his own type of judgement on those who walk by him, while in turn ignoring judgement of his own obssessions...
  8. I think Regel hit the nail on the head.
  9. so there I was, trying to find enough brown M&M's to fill a brandy glass, or ozzy wouldn't go on stage that night. *someone* poked their head around the corner and mentioned there was a sweet shop on the edge of town...
  10. lol valdar if you can handle no politeness whatsoever, I recommend http://forums.somethingawful.com Its a $10 joining fee, but the community is huge, like >18000 people. Oh btw, if you are whatsoever likely to get offended, do NOT go to somethingawful. I accept no responsibility edit: not good at the spelling
  11. Excellent Party on Zool! (ps. best movie evaaar)
  12. paka -> pakeha? *THE* new zealand wars occured after the signing of the treaty of Waitangi in 1840. I'll get round ot the actual beginning later, but suffice to say, 90% of the physical conflict between britain as an imperial army and various maori tribes occured between 1846 and 1872.
  13. The New Zealand Wars commenced after the signing of that treaty (Treaty of Waitangi), which is when the Maoris were quite often beating the British. Only when more Imperial Troops were brought in, did the English start to turn the tide.
  14. 18? come and buy me beer! :| happy bday old man :wizzie:
  15. forgot to mention, I'm pretty sure Cook landed around 1756.
  16. about New Zealand history. I figure this is something noone here bar me would know about, and it is a rather interesting subject. As I am supposed to be doing an assignment about it, I will leave a major update for right now, but give a veryveryvery general overview. British explorer captain James Cook "discovered" New Zealand after dutch(?) explorer Abel Tasman found it roughly 100 years before and titled it New Zealand. (Zealand = holland location? will check.) The Ensuing attempted colonisation by the British empire was fraught with losses. the Maori (natives) put up one hell of a fight, inventing stuff like trench warfare, and passive resistance. British eventually win out by sheer numbers, and arguments about land ownership still going back and forth today. Theres its very simply, like I said. Monday I will begin a sort of simple timeline to ease your minds in , in the mean time, be happily expectant ps. and if anyone does know something about NZ history, speak up
  17. Bah, isn't Australia like all sun? I personally wouldn't care either way - would only depend if its a nice beach, if I felt like swimming etc. Got nothing to hide
  18. *enters under a false alias* hmmm
  19. Well done, Tralla. Look forward to more...
  20. #thepen won't be quite the same
  21. lumpen consoles an excommunicated Sleazy... ;P hehe Anyway, congrats all, you deserved it.
  22. yea, I'd have to go with total omnipitency(sp), or magnetos mangetism control, that would be cool
  23. I honestly don't know. im scared of some things, but I wouldn't call that a fear..., being utterly alone, I guess...though I do like solitude, just yea, like its been said, being utterly the last person around, etc.
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