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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by lumpenproletariat

  1. bah, australian radio indeed http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif Thanks for the write up Wyv (long live New Zealand radio)
  2. Pity Wyv - you were my shout out A BIG thank you to Ayshela for listening *hugs*
  3. was just a temporary thing, its back up now.
  4. bleh, as far as I can see, the streaming has gone down, no idea whats happening.
  5. *pokes people and reminds them to listen in* http://stream.noise.net.nz/kfm-broadband.m3u thats a direct link to the streaming.....starting in 7 hours from now if you know your pen board times =)
  6. Happy bday Canid I'm celebrating my new voting powers next year by voting for the biggest ignoramous, bigot politician we have in NZ. If he gets into power I'll move away =)
  7. Happy Bday Falc mate! 18 eh.....meet me out back later ;) ;P
  8. Me!, muahahahaha. As many of you know, I've been a DJ for about 4 months now, but the station hasn't been streaming online. This week, that has finally changed. The name of my co-DJ and I's show is 'Crossroads'. It's labelled this as the crossroads are a pretty reoccurring theme within the blues, which is sort of the genre we play. Our show time is 11am-1pm GMT sunday (10pm-midnight local time here). I realise this is a bad time for many americans to tune in, but I know we have quite a few europeans who I'll encourage to listen in ;P Because I have a co-DJ (who also happens to be the station owner) I can't really promote The Pen on air as much as Wyvern did, but I will give shout outs. Do note however, that I'm heavily involved in about two other online communities, so I shout out to someone that you don't recognise, don't be shocked ;P. Once again, 11am-1pm GMT. (thats england time) The streaming can be found on the main page at http://www.kfmradio.co.nz -Preemptive cheers for listening in
  9. yea, but menelaus didn't die at all, and he still loved helen, they went off after the movie back to Mycenae. Thats a pretty fundamental plot change, imo.
  10. Snow, I didn't go in there expecting to see a "history documentary". Plus, the plague was a trick by the greeks to fool the Trojans. They didn't have plague. And Paris was portrayed as a good archer, he was hitting the dummy in the exact spot every time, and when he hit Achilles body it was always in the same place, and when he was in the palace at the end defending all his arrows found their mark. And being a skeptic doesn't mean that you disbelief the Iliad. It's not a non-fiction novel d00d.
  11. I could look over the omission of Tom Bombadil, and I also have right New Zealand pride so lotr was great, but imo, the straying from the path in Troy is too blaring for me. (Its late and my typing is turning to custard.) I know many people like this movie...if I ignore my pettyness, yes it is a good movie, but god - I'm a petty man, what can I say.
  12. Well, to set the tone of this post, I did NOT like this movie. Now, if you haven't seen the movie and still have hope for it, or haven't read the book, don't read this, it will contain plot lines etc that will potentially spoil it for you -It's Troy and they focus more on Achilles' romance than Paris' and Helen's. -They didn't waste any time just ramming that whole "YOUR NAME WILL LIVE ON" theme. It's like everyone alive at the time couldn't breathe without wondering if it would make them immortal. -The soundtrack was horrible. -So many useless scenes. At least like 45 mins out of 2:45hrs was devoid of meaning. -Brad Pitt, Peter O' Toole and Orlando Bloom delivered desperately unconvincing performances. No, Paris isn't a good archer, Legolas is though. How funny. -Horrible dialogue. Right when Achilles screams "TAKE IT! IT'S YOURS!" I thought the camera was going to cut back to a bunch of awestruck kids holding their brand new Power Gloves. -The story was devoid of powerful god influence. Now, I don't think the tale can be told without the gods, Helen didn't just up and decide to leave Menelaus, sorry. They tried to hint at godly influences, but it just made the movie annoying. -Ajax and Menelaus' deaths were trivialised. -The war lasts about two weeks in the movie, as opposed to about 10 years. some good things: -Awesome individual battle choreography, especially between Hector & Ajax/Patroclus/Achilles. -The sack of Troy was good, except the events that occur at the end. Overall, 1/5. If you've read Illiad and like Greek Mythology, don't go see this , if you just want two hours entertainment and can view this movie with a pinch of salt or whatever the saying is, by all means, be entertained. (ps. I just disliked this movie so much I had to rant about it somewhere) -lumpen, movie critic extraodinaire.
  13. Until this very moment, I'd never associated "Ozymandias" with "Ozzy Osbourne". Happy Birthday Ozy, may your solo career prosper Drinks on me.
  14. I saw the 5,6,7,8's tonight. Yes, from Kill Bill. They were very cool.
  15. Theres some weird thing called the "McGurk Effect", wherein you can hear a different sound depending on whether you are looking at the source (ie. mouth) or not. Ie. In this example you will probably hear "DA" if you are looking at his mouth. The "D" is a "audio-visual illusion". The sound "BA" is dubbed over, while the acting is mouthing "GA". Play it a few times, looking away and looking at it, its really annoying me to know how pathetic my human body is http://www.media.uio.no/personer/arntm/McGurk_english.html (the website kind of explains it a bit too)
  16. I think this is one of the most important points in the thread....it's one I need to remember too
  17. Few guitaring mistakes in places, and in some sounds like it could be a note or so higher, other than that the guitar was good. Your voice though is really good, I need to be able to have that accent on my singing, as kiwi accent doesn't work for it so well . I'm not a professional singer by any means though, *looks at Tralla for further input*
  18. I love Pizza.
  19. I really like the sound of this idea, and have a few nominations in mind I like that we have a bunch of incredibly original QQ's coming through now, aswell. Excellent idea Alaeha
  20. *drools* he's never come here =(
  21. !!! RJD2 is playing here on april 3 I'm debating taking my camera, whether I do or not it'll still be awesome concert. Will post a review when I'm back
  22. Love is when you are by someone, no matter what. Be it a barfight, an (important to them) argument where you know the person you love is wrong, etc etc. If you're with them through "thich and thin" or however its said. Same definition for comradery(sp?) and true friendship....though both those two are forms of love.
  23. I kinda agree with Tzim, but for different reasons I think. If someones pissed you off, or vice versa, I think its better to talk about what ever is puzzling you, or bottle it up and express it later, revenge is a dish best served cold, after all. (Errrr, ignore the last one)
  24. I went clubbing and had a blast I've had NO stress for 2 months and 1 week now, I feel better than Ive ever felt in my life oh, and did I mention I just got back from clubbing for a while, and I feel great, if sore. ;p
  25. aardvarks thermite is going to kill me Having recently watched the movie "American Beauty", when I hear american dream I think suburbs, white picket fence, bland bland bland
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