The penguins, rather oblivious to the clear and present danger, followed the stout cigar smokers' directions. One penguin, by the name of Feathers McGraw, leaned to his closest waddling neighbour and whispered "Hey, I've heard of this OONAZ ka FON thing! - its when.......
lumpen begins whispering close to Gryphon "su nioj, su nioj, su nioj, su nioj, su nioj, su nioj the heralds will take over... before dematerialising into inactivity again
*lumpen holds a quick council meeting and votes Vlad, Tralla and Falcon out of Inactive-r-us*
That'll show you >
(ooc: wish i had the motivation to come too?)
Last 48 hours: ACDC, Slayer, Cannibal Corpse, Joss Stone
Those are the ones that stand out anyway....I have no idea why joss stone was put on..seems a little out of place
I have a friend who was journeying about the phillipines/thailand/cambodia these holidays for us (dec-jan-feb), haven't heard word from him yet, but hoping for the best