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Everything posted by Gyrfalcon
Dang, reverie picked up all the good quotes. *grins* Anyway, I think I'll go with something simple... I hope you have a good birthday, and many more great days to come! Happy Birthday, Cyril!
*cough* Well, I'm lazy, so double-weenies are just your regular weenies. Just give me a prod when you're more active, and you get removed from the Far Wanderer list in the room of lists. Coincidentally, one post takes care of all weenies you might have accumulated.
World of Warcraft and the Mighty Pen
Gyrfalcon replied to Gyrfalcon's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Well, we're on Argent Dawn if you want to start an alt there. There isn't a huge number of Pennites there, so the chances of nailing someone at the same time is pretty low unless you can set up a time with someone. Otherwise, Gyrfalcon is an Artisan leatherworker, so if you need leather armor or armor patches, just ask and I can make sure some are sent to you. Otherwise, I'm playing a low-level mage named Hanzoku at the moment. -
Daryl staggered, landing hard on a table. One moment he’d been riding around on the head of a staggering ogre, holding on for dear life, and the next moment he was standing on top of a drinking bar, one foot in a giant mug of beer, and Gyrfalcon was landing hard beside him. From the crash of metal and tinkle of broken glass, Knight had landed near the wine racks. And right in front of Daryl was a very surprised looking troll. Surprise quickly changed to anger, though. The troll howled in rage from finding a werefox in its beer and backhanded Daryl, sending the werefox and the beer flying deep into the room. Gyrfalcon used the troll’s distraction to turn his bloodied katana on his latest foe, his blade’s keen edge slicing across the troll’s face and then through its throat as it screamed in enraged pain, turning to a gurgle as blood began to fill its throat. Satisfied that the troll was out of the fight, Gyrfalcon hopped down from the bar and immediately took on a pair of trolls, his katana a silver blur as he batted away reaching hands and cut deep wounds into their bodies. Gyrfalcon was managing to keep the fight in his favor, wounding both trolls severely without a scratch, when a large hand slammed into his head, dirty claws cutting across his scalp as he twisted away from the blow. Coming around and shaking his head to clear the stars, he saw a third troll join the other two, glaring through blood-shot eyes, while behind it the feet of the first troll kicked feebly before stopping. “Ooookay, now I’m annoyed.” Gyr said with a snarl, katana hissing through the air as he spun it through a loop on either side of himself, the feel of his blood slowly sliding down his temple increasing his anger. There was a burst of light to the side, and then a blood-curdling roar of pure malice as a demon foot soldier appeared with a little elf boy balanced on its shoulders. Everyone froze... or nearly everyone. Gyrfalcon took the opportunity to press the attack, fighting his newest opponent, darting to the side and cutting its hamstrings apart before giving it a solid kick that dropped it on its back, writhing. As the other two trolls hung back in shock Gyrfalcon drove his sword into the troll’s heart and gave it a twist. Wrenching his sword free, Gyrfalcon growled and leapt over the troll’s twitching body, sword flashing as he attacked the two wounded trolls. From the side, he heard a familiar voice- Tzimfemme’s. “Yo! Gyrfalcon! News!” she shouted, ducking under a troll’s arm and planting her elbow in its stomach, causing the troll to gasp for air. Tzimfemme stepped aside and let Gyrfalcon take her place, his katana carving through the troll’s flesh as she related what she had figured out about the battle. “You know... I’m pretty sure you’re right, Tzim.” Gyrfalcon said, tripping a troll and stabbing it as it fell. “A lot of the trolls I’ve taken down should have stood up by now, and there are more coming through the doors all the time. Thanks for the warning, if I see Sweet or Gryphon, I’ll pass the warning on.” Tzimfemme patted him on the shoulder and then looked further on, seeing Mynx cling to a toppling troll, a sai buried in its neck. “I’ll let her know next.” Tzimfemme said, ducking between two trolls as Gyr started cutting his way deeper into the room, looking for Daryl.
Sometime around September - Roll Call has been a yearly event, so far.
Quietly quarreling quintet quail quack quadruplicate quality quatrains.
Hello, Madoka... thank you for the New Year wishes, and I hope the same to you. Otherwise, how's life been in your corner of the world? *notes the time and runs after Real Life as well, joining the crowd chasing it!*
Wicked walruses wildly wallop wondering wiccans. (Bad walruses! BAD!)
hallucinating high-heeled harridans habitually heckle half-heartedly.
Well, since you're not around too much at the moment Salinye, but hopefully you'll drop by and see this: Happy birthday, and I hope you're enjoying it. *Gyrfalcon leaves the Celowyn Card tucked under Salinye's door, a carefully wrapped present in front of it, the wrapping concealing a pair of ornately embellished spellbooks from a long-dead elven archmage that Salinye would probably enjoy browsing*
zealous zaftig zoological zebras! (Next lucky person gets A again. )
questing quintet quacks quickly.
joyful jumbled jumping jacks!
80% Swooper, 20% Basher. In my case, my first draft is to get all the ideas on paper, get them down and let the creativity flow. If I'm working in sections (IE, long story or post), I'll go back and read over what I wrote before to remind myself of anything new I brought up, and I'll edit as I go along... making things a bit neater, making sure tenses line up, maybe adding a bit of detail if something before or after needs it. Once I'm done with the story or post, then I'll go through and edit the entire thing in one go to try to tighten everything up and make sure that something that happens later in the post doesn't conflict with something I wrote earlier... but I'm always very sure that there's room for improvement... though unlike Zool, after the first or second edit, I'll call it good enough and let it go.
Congratulations to you and Candarius, Signe! That's wonderful!
*cough* Just a little late, Signe... don't worry, you're in good company. *grins* Anyway, any creative piece with a subtitle along the lines of 'buying off the weenie award' makes it go away. *grins*
Wistfully dabbing at a bit of mustard on myself
Gyrfalcon replied to Ozymandias's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Agreed, welcome back, Ozymandias... and good to see you Finnius. Merry Christmas to you both, and a belated happy birthday to you, my blue friend. *grins* -
Note: The following response is going to contain the word ‘hell’ a lot. Given the subject matter, it’s pretty hard to avoid. If this offends you, please stop reading now! Daryl cocked his head and yapped at Gyr, who was critically reading the survey that Vigil had presented. “What’s up, half-elf?” the werefox asked, seeing the ranger shaking with laughter. “Oh, reading this survey... seems that according to the survey, I’d end up in the 6th layer of the Nine Hells in my afterlife... when I get there.” Daryl looked confused and shrugged “Why’d you end up there?” “Well, apparently, anyone who fails to believe in either the afterlife as a whole or this particular God is supposed to be cast into the city of Dis, where all the ‘heretics’ go.” The werefox chuckled to himself. “What’d you think Mielikki have to say about that?” Gyr grinned at his friend “Well, she doesn’t normally talk *directly* to me, but I’d say she’d probably tell me not to worry... at least about the heresy bit.” The werefox grinned and bounced up onto the table, sniffing the survey as its little checkboxes blanked for the next person to take him. “Hm... I guess I’ll see where I’ll end up.” the werefox said, dipping a claw into the inkwell and scratching his answers on the paper. “Oh please... you’re bound for the Abyss rather then the Nine Hells, you little agent of chaos.” Gyr retorted, ruffling Daryl’s ears playfully. Daryl finished the survey and grinned at the results “Whoohoo, I’m going to the Nine Hells in a handbasket!” he says, pointing at his results – the Seventh level, where the violent go. “Any homicidal urges you haven’t told me about?” Gyr said as he lifted Daryl up onto a shoulder. “Well, there was those orcs a week ago...” Daryl said as they wandered away from the survey, Daryl recounting an amusingly painful experience for one of the orcs. Behind them, a little imp seemed to pop out of the air above the quiz and shook its fist angrily as they mocked the idea of being sent to the Nine Hells. “I hates mortals.” it said darkly as it took out an eraser and began to scrub away the marks Daryl had left, pausing to become invisible again as another person turned into the hallway.
Hope you all have a good trip! *Stuck in the States* ~Gyr
Sweetcherrie stared at Wyvern and shook her head, wincing a bit as Troy screeched at the kitten, the kitten hissed and growled at the dog and began tamping down its legs to spring, and the puppy growled and yapped at everything in sight. With all this distraction, it’s no wonder no one noticed two black-tipped russet ears slowly rise above the window sill, followed by a pair of golden eyes, watching the room curiously and widening a bit as they saw the puppy and kitten. Over on her table where Sweetcherrie had been writing, the little golem named Fix carefully organized and arranged her pens, pencils and erasers and otherwise tidied up the desk, carefully stepping around the page Sweetcherrie had been working on. Roughly around this time, Zira sauntered in from a midnight snack and her eyes widened, pupils growing to fill her eyes as she struggled to take in the confusing scene before her. Only a kitten, she gives up and races for her bedding, crawling under the nearest blanket and curling up, thinking to sleep off the whole horrible nightmare and foreswearing midnight tuna runs... at least for a week. Into this confusion, Daryl crept over the edge of the window sill and slipped down inside, turning around and tugging at a rope tied around his tail, stepping on it with his back paw to prevent whatever was at the other end from backsliding as he grabbed a new mouthful of rope and tugged his delivery up and over the windowsill, where it landed with a thump on Daryl’s head, sending him sprawling. “Yerf.... yer yip yip grrrr!” Daryl said in annoyance, most likely shocking anyone who could understand Fox. He shook his head and began pushing the wrapped bundle towards Sweetcherrie, not stopping until the package hit her foot. Sweetcherrie stopped scolding Wyvern to look down, and Daryl looked up at her with a big grin on his face “Yip!” he said, nosing the box against her foot. “A package for me Daryl?” Sweetcherrie said, her anger diffused by Daryl’s friendly tail wagging as she knelt and unwrapped the canvas exterior covering and protecting her gift from damage, taking a moment to untie the bag from Daryl’s tail as well. Inside was a present wrapped in shiny wrapping paper that Sweetcherrie knew her younger alter-ego would probably enjoy. She smiled and ripped off the wrapping paper, leaving it in an untidy pile that the kitten, easily distracted, found and began batting experimentally, while the puppy began snuffling at Daryl curiously. Daryl wagged his tail in a friendly fashion as he watched Sweet open the box inside, revealing a card and beneath it, a small pendant fashioned of silver, forming an intricately carved pen against a piece of parchment, tight but neat words carefully carved into the silver, tiny and hard to read, but clear- *Daryl wags his tail and grins as Sweet looks from the gift to the card, where Gyrfalcon’s simple script flows beneath the traditional ‘Happy Birthday!’ Sweetcherrie can’t help but smile as she sees the writing below the names, no doubt added by a certain sneaky werefox... OOC: Happy Birthday, Sweet! I hope it’s an enjoyable and fun day for you!
*coughs* Well, I congratulated you on IRC, so I forgot to do so here. *grins* Either way, congratulations on a promotion well-deserved, Sweet.
World of Warcraft and the Mighty Pen
Gyrfalcon replied to Gyrfalcon's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Perhaps we are the reason? Or we seek the legendary Mighty Pen of ______ Otherwise, go Rhese/Yui-Chan! -Gyr -
World of Warcraft and the Mighty Pen
Gyrfalcon replied to Gyrfalcon's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Works for me. I'll be creating a new mage character, so once I've done so, I'll post the name here. Otherwise, Gyrfalcon firmly exists there, so if you need any leather goods or item help, send him a mail, I'll try to check in on him regularly. -
World of Warcraft and the Mighty Pen
Gyrfalcon replied to Gyrfalcon's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Well, honestly, I've gotten a bit bored with the level 50-ish stuff. All the quests either are tedious grinds, meant for someone two or three levels higher then I am, or are dungeon crawls that I don't have time to do. I'm fine either way though, since all I need to do is start a new character and have fun running around whacking things at low levels. *grins* So... advantages Argent Dawn: I have a character with the necessary funds to start a guild - we'd just need a few more people to sign the guild charter. Yui-chan has an established character there. Advantages Ice Crown Valdar has a couple characters and the necessary funds to help us start the guild (I presume... could have spent it all on copies of Playelf... ) - we'd just need a few more people to sign the guild charter. Tamaranis has an established character there. -
World of Warcraft and the Mighty Pen
Gyrfalcon replied to Gyrfalcon's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Valdar? Yui-chan? Should probably get a statement of intent from one or both of you. Any other Pennites playing the US servers, or is it just us four? (I know Zadown plays on the European servers... but sadly, I don't think they'd allow him to bounce across to the US ones.)