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Everything posted by Gyrfalcon
Daryl trotted down the hallway, a package clutched in his mouth when a shining white blur slammed into him, causing the fox to whirl into the air and fly down the hallway, package leaving his mouth as he yipped in protest. Before he could stagger to his feet, Ayshela had wrapped the white gryphon in her cloak and with Kaitlyn's aid, carrying him away. Daryl shook his head and picked up the package, grumbling around it as he trotted towards Gryphon's room, wondering idly who that pure white gryphon had been. Nosing the door open, he blinked at the kitten minions perched on every available surface... and standing in the middle of the room, Mynx in a cheerleader uniform, a pout on her face. Little warning bells went off in Daryl's brain. He'd heard about Mynx when she's like this... and it wasn't pretty. Mynx starts and stares at the russet fox as he creeps in and places the present on gryphon's bed befoe sauntering for the door. "Hey! Do you want to be a herald?" she asked hopefully, wondering if the feather-dye she had left would work on fur as well. Daryl bolted, skidding through the door and accelerating down the hallway. CheerMynx pouted and sighed. "Like, you could have just said no." she complained. OOC: Happy Birthday, Gryphon! Just so you know, when you get back your present is a set of mythril fighting claws. Always useful to have more weapons as an adventurer, after all.
Happy belated birthday, Tamaranis.
Well, if I'm running the hotdog stand, sure. *grins* Hm... that's a cute dog... hopefully nicer then the dachshunds it originates from.
World of Warcraft and the Mighty Pen
Gyrfalcon replied to Gyrfalcon's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Just as Rune is sure she's safe, she hears a dopplared yip as a fox crashes into her, licking her face and wagging his tail wildly. "Yaaaaaaaay, Rune! Yaaaaaaay!" Daryl yipped enthusiastically. -
Gyrfalcon grins as he pats Wyvern's shoulder, the greedy almost-dragon still staring at the geld in his claws. "Happy Birthday Wyvern... and in celebration, I'm cutting your debt to me in half." Wyvern grinned wider - everything's going his way today! "Of course, that means it's back to what it was at your birthday *last* year." Gyr said with a wink. "But think about how much less you have to pay."
The nun stared at the visitor in front of her in horror, clutching at the neck of her habit, her fingers tangling in the chain that supported a simple crucifix. It wasn’t that the woman in front of her was dressed immodestly, though she was – a short t-shirt with ‘Born to be Bad’ across the front and short shorts. No, what horrified the nun was the bat wings neatly folded behind the woman’s back, the tail that waved and twitched lazily, and the short red horns that poked up through her dark tresses. “Excuse me, where can I find the abbess?” Signe said again, starting to sound slightly annoyed. “D-demon!” the nun cried out before whirling and running. “Demoness thank you very much.” Signe said sharply after her, before a smile brightened her face. The nun obviously wasn’t who she was looking for, but with any luck she’d run for the nearest person of authority. With a cheery smile, she walked after the fleeing nun, tail waving happily as nuns shrank back, mouthing prayers and trembling hands presenting crucifixes. The succubus ignored them all as she walked into the cathedral at the center of the covenant, to see the nun who had first ‘greeted’ her babbling incoherently to an older stern-faced woman. “For the last time, Sister Josephine, there is no such thing as demons, and furthermo-“ the abbess was saying, cutting off as she looked up and saw Signe. The color drained from her face. “Further... more...” the abbess trailed off, at a loss. Signe helpfully flapped her wings and smiled winningly as the nun turned around, squeaked in horror, and fainted. The abbess whirled and picked up a golden cross that stood on the alter, turning back to Signe and presented it before her, saying in her firmest voice “In the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit, I command thee to leave this house of worship!” Signe slowly advanced and bent forward, critically eyeing the cross. “You know that’s only gold leaf, right?” she said as she straightened. “And the whole cross thing, and the demon recoils in horror? That’s just the movies I’m afraid. Generally we tend to laugh.” The abbess stared at Signe, then at the cross. “Um... get thee behind me, demon?” she tried, voice wavering. “Well, if you really want me to.” Signe said, walking behind the abbess, causing the woman to whirl and face Signe. “Well see? Now I have to go behind you again.” Signe said in mock-annoyance, secretly enjoying this a great deal. “Er... keep thee in front of me?” the abbess said. “Now you’re just being inconsistent.” Signe said, pouting and crossing her arms. “What do you want here?” the abbess said in despair. “I want to join your order!” Signe said, finally getting to the point of coming here. “You... what?” “Join your order. Become a nun!” “That’s.... that’s impossible! You’re... er... well... excommunicated by default, I think.” “What?! Why!” Signe demanded, looking outraged. “Er... well... God cast you and your kind out of heaven for rebelling and... er... well... I don’t think you’re allowed to become a nun.” “This is an outrage! This is discrimination!” Signe shouted. “Er... I’m terribly sorry about this, but I will have to ask you to leave.” the abbess said, trying to sound firm. “No! I’m not leaving until you apologize for this outrage!” Signe screamed. The debate went on for nearly thirty minutes before Signe marched out of the covenant, a bundle under one arm and her head held high. As soon as she was out of sight, she started laughing in glee. Not only had the stunned abbess apologized for having to turn her away, she managed to wrangle a nun habit as part of the abbess’ apology. Still laughing, Signe walked back towards the portal to the Pen, having acquired what she wanted... and wondering how much Candarius would like a naughty nun to deal with. ----- Dared by Signe, and passing the dare onto... Yui-chan!
Now for some hopefuly coherent rambling... Katzaniel has a very good point - at least early in an RP, you generally don't know your fellow players or their characters well enough to be able to make a decently informed decision about how their character would react to different situations. There are a few things that can help this, of course. The first is sheer experience. Towards the end of Gaze of Eternity, I had a decent handle on how most of the characters would handle something coming up... but that was experience grown out of a solid year writing together, which is exceptionally long. The other thing that might help is a reaction guide... but it'd be impossible to include every situation that might possibly come up. Probably my worst point when trying to write in other character's reactions is dialogue. I'm trying to get into the character's head and write dialogue the way the creator would, without the benefit of knowing the character's internal motivations. It gets amusing at that point.
*laughs* I've been reading along, and you poor guys have great luck... you've managed to take both your baner and seer out of commission. Well, hopefully you guys will get lucky and get a wolf soon.
That and they liked their PG-13 rating and didn't want to hit R. You see, with only about three scenes involving blood, there is some blood in one of the top-down shots after she kills a ring of soldiers around her, and the whole stigmata/wounds on the hands thing going on. If they go Blade on it, with everyone spurting blood, you hit an 'R' rated movie rather quickly, which all three Blade movies did. But... vampires *are* the cool people. I mean, unless its a horror flick from the human's viewpoint, you always want to make your protagonists people you can admire... even if its just because they're 'cool'. Well, I think their point was that her tears also contained the vampiric vector (hemophage? Whatever...). However, I'm pretty sure that wouldn't work correctly, but... it's a movie.
More Spoilers Below! Ultraviolet Hehe, I just went and saw that with a friend yesterday, and I have to say Yui-chan is spot on... especially on the 'wanting a null-space storage thingy!' But yah, the mood swings from psychopathic killer to emotionally distressed woman are too extreme. She's actually a walking nutcase as far as I can tell. The whole infecting the kid with a tear to bring him back was also really off the wall. I suppose it works... but not really. ;P Finally... so she's an uber vampire, so I can understand her beating up the humans without issues. But when she's facing off against twenty other vampires, she has no problems there, either. Come on! They're supposed to be fast, strong, and skilled as she is, she should have had to make a run for it with the kid with the vampires in hot pursuit. Instead, she kills them all inside thirty seconds.
"Excellent short story, Solivagus, and as a result, your Weenie Award shall be removed." Gyrfalcon said with a bow. The half-elven ranger chanted an arcane spell and pointed at Solivagus, a gentle blue wave of light washing over Solivagus and disappearing behind him, taking with it the Weenie Award, and a slight craving for pork that Solivagus had been feeling. "I look forward to reading more of your work." Gyrfalcon said with a bow.
Eeep! I'm glad you came out of the experience relatively unscathed, and alive and well... and as Sweet said, we want you around for another 2000 posts... at least. Otherwise, good poetry, but I'm happier to see you alive and well!
Ack, I completely forgot that I hadn't responded to this! Happy belated birthdays as well, Zadown!
Yarr... I don't know what I'm doing.
Gyrfalcon replied to Tamaranis's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Hm... I changed a setting for your account. You should be fixed, but let me know if that didn't solve it. -
Well, it's good you look young enough she has to card you! I don't know how she managed to get 18 either, honestly.
*laughs* Very nice... out of curiosity, how does your ID show your age? By 'true' birthdays, and thus a quarter of your actual age, or your correct age?
Xenogenic xylophones x-ray Xuanhua xiphophorus, Xuzhou xyelidae, x-rated xoanon. (xylophones that look like another species x-ray platyfish from the city of Xuanhua in China, Sawflies from the city of Xuzhou in China, and a naughty wooden statue carved in the shape of a god or goddess.) young yachting yakuza yaks yip yahoos, yielding yearlong yearnings. (Young criminal yats on yauchts give catcalls to the local lady yaks before leaving until next summer, leaving behind yearning feelings.) Someone can now continue with A... whee, we're up to 10 now!
Daryl crashed into a table, flipping back up and over it as he continued to tumble, his backpack coming undone and landing nearby as the werefox came to a halt in the middle of what had been a troll’s meal. “Ugh... what wonderful repast.” Daryl said with a grimace as he picked himself out of the mashed... whatever... and lurched to the side as the troll stabbed him with its knife. Daryl looked down, unimpressed as the pinprick healed immediately. “Want to try again?” He said with a cocky grin, ducking as the troll slashed with its knife before bounding forward, burying his claws in the troll’s neck and raking towards himself, leaving the troll spurting blood several feet in either direction. “Have a nice nap.” Daryl said as he bounced away, the troll unsuccessfully trying to stem the loss of blood. Within a few moments, the troll pitched forward, losing consciousness as its brain shut down from the loss of blood. Daryl dropped from the table and bent to retrieve his pack, allowing a troll to miss its swipe with a chair that instead broke apart against the table. The troll howled in frustration, and then howled louder as Daryl straightened and brought his leg up between the trolls. “I bet that hurt, didn’t it.” Daryl said with a grin as he pulled what looked to be the arrow off a game of Twister... if someone set a rather incompetent maker to the task, who’s idea of correcting the idea was to recast the arrow each time, and each larger arrow points off in a new direction, forming a large knobby mace. The troll eeped and eyed Daryl as he hefted the large mace. Daryl grinned as he hurled it across the room, nearly clipping a troll or two as it thudded into the wall next to Anna. “Hey Anna! Wyv said to give that to you!” Daryl called out, ducking as the troll swung at him again. He grinned in satisfaction as Anna grabbed the unintentional mace and smacked the troll she was facing. A roar from behind Daryl brought him around quickly, but not as quick as the troll picked him up in its massive hands and raised him above its head, roaring and shaking the werefox wildly. “I’m no-ot a pi-n-at-a y-ou fr-eak!” Daryl stuttered out, lashing out with one clawed foot as the troll tried to stuff him into its mouth. “Stop that!” he shouted forcefully, hoping that the troll understood. It seemed to, as it stopped trying to eat him, focusing instead beyond him... where Bubble was ripping another troll to pieces and snacking on the choicer bits. The trolls arms went back, and Daryl sighed as he figured out what the troll was going to do. “This is going to hurt.” Daryl said, before screaming as the troll whipped forward, hurling his werefox missile at Bubble’s back. “This is going to hurt!” Daryl yelped as he flew over Gyrfalcon’s head, causing the half-elf to stare up in shock as Daryl headed straight for Valdar, hoping the little planewalker’s wards wouldn’t hurt too much. Daryl forgot that Valdar had worked his wards in such a way that Daryl could always pass through them, the better to let Daryl be hugged. With a crash, Daryl cannonballed into Valdar, wrapping his arms around him to keep the little boy safe as they caromed off Bubble’s back and crashed to the floor, rolling to a stop several feet away. Daryl peeked an eye open and watched in surprise as the trolls wavered and disappeared like mirages. In his arms, Valdar stirred and blinked his eyes open, looking around quizically before noticing something in his line of sight. With a happy shout of “Puppy!” he latched onto Daryl’s bushy tail before frowning and following the trail to Daryl’s back... and then up. “Yay! Giant puppy!” Valdar shouted happily as he threw his arms around Daryl’s head and hugged tightly. Gyrfalcon chuckled as he leaned against a table nearby, whispering a quiet prayer to Mielikki as he cast a healing spell on his nicks and cuts. “I think it’ll take a few minutes to get Valdar off of you, Daryl.” Gyrfalcon said wryly. Daryl nodded breathlessly, barely able to breath at the moment.
Eeep! I rely on the forum to tell me these things... bad Forum! Anyway, Happy Birthday Annael, and I hope you enjoyed the day... though I'm sorry that people forget that your Birthday needs to be celebrated today... or yesterday... depending on preference! *Gyrfalcon's butterfly swirls into esctatic patterns with its brethren as it catches up on events with them* And don't feel bad about telling us these things, Annael... that's how we know to celebrate your birthday!
Badgs badges badges badges badges Oh! It's a Wyvern its a Wyyyyyvern.... Badges Badges Badges... *Ducks as various heavy objects are thrown*
World of Warcraft and the Mighty Pen
Gyrfalcon replied to Gyrfalcon's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Coolness, with any luck our schedules will coincide at one point and I can get you added. *grins* -
Phear the badge-y goodness! *grins* Good work, Katzaniel.
World of Warcraft and the Mighty Pen
Gyrfalcon replied to Gyrfalcon's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Cool, just ask Gyr or Hanzoku if you see me on at the same time... though it is possible that character creation will be disabled off and on, as I've seen Argent Dawn show up on the list for no new accounts. -
Thanks Yui-chan, a World of Two Skies setting would be good, since Daryl's has a bit of his backstory caught up in the World... it just lacks writing. *grins* It was a fun place to write... and I agree with Wyv completely.
Viva la revolution! Very nice, Finnius... I'll be sure to keep an eye out for any teddy bears I see upon that day. *grins* Do you know whereabouts they conceal the camera lens? Otherwise, I don't mind Valentine's Day. In fact, half the time, I don't even know we've hit that day until Valentine's Day. I barely watch TV and the sites I frequent don't go out of their way to announce it... so I suppose I'm lucky that way. And yes, I also hate the comercialization of holidays. Like Mira, Christmas started WAY too early last year... in my case, I think I started seeing comercials and ads two days BEFORE Halloween. *sighs*