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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gyrfalcon

  1. Daryl thumped his tail slowly, his initial excitement fast having turned to boredom. Sweet hadn't come back nearly as quickly as he expected, so he resolved to go find her! Wagging his tail once more in excitement, he quickly trotted to the door to her room, jumping up and hooking his paws around the door handle, letting his weight pull it down and using his back paws to push backwards, letting his weight drag the door inward. With a foxy grin he slipped between the door and the frame, turning around and tugging it closed once more. Giving a satisfied nod, he snuffled and sniffed, finding the smell of Sweet, that of a small girl and of some form of candy mixed together, leading off in one direction. Grinning, he followed the smell, trotting rapidly, keeping close to the wall as he followed her scent towards the bridge of the airship. Daryl finds the open door to the cockpit and peered inside carefully, blinking in surprise as he watches the crystalline gargoyle scrabble at the glass of the main viewport and slowly slide out of sight. Creeping close to Sweet, Daryl pressed against her legs, and Sweet bounced forward just a little, looking over her shoulder. A pleased smile grew on her face as she wrapped her arms around Daryl's neck, huggling him happily as he waved his tail in friendly fashion. "Daryl!?!" Richard blinked in surprise at his vulpine stowaway.
  2. Could you define what you mean by 'writing pecking order'? Is it what you prefer to write given the opportunity, or your viewpoint on the relative merit of the various types of writing compared to each other?
  3. Gyrfalcon smiles and steps up to the podium as Mynx wanders away from it and clears his throat. "My contributions to the item auction will be slightly different. I have two things I wish to put up on auction. One will be a signature, based around a travel theme or with travel-themed imagery. As with Sweet, this might take a little while to produce, but it should be of decent quality. The second will be a short story, probably somewhere between two to five pages detailing a short adventure for the person bidding on it." He bows and steps down from the podium, smiling.
  4. Congratulations to you all! *grins as Appy bounces around the newly promoted Pennites*
  5. Greetings! Stepping in for Wyvern, since he's out of his office... and probably being chased by Melba or someone else looking for money he owes them... *coughs* Anyway, we don't prohibit the posting of previously completed work - please archive anything you wish to share in the Library. If it's a piece that you've started but wish to continue and add to, the Assembly Room is the perfect place for stories, while the Banquet Hall is the place for poetry. What we request is one original piece of work to serve as your application piece to join the Pen. It generally does not have to be too long, though we don't have any real minimum and maximum lengths. Also, you can then take the work in the application to one of the other rooms and continue it there. I hope this helps you, Mai Takekaze, and that you enjoy your stay here!
  6. The item in the box is two inches long (5cm), and much of the body seems to feel soft, gently curved under your fingers. It is a flattened oval, and at one end, where the body is soft but unyielding, is a small metal ring. two thirds of the way down, the soft body becomes smooth and cool, and dipping slightly from the soft part of the body. Further, a rectangle protrudes from the smooth portion, about a half-inch (1.5cm) long. When you tap the soft portion, it echos somewhat hollowy, while the rectangle sounds metallic. When you run your finger along the end, there is a small rectangular opening towards the top (or bottom). On the top and bottom of of the rectangle, your fingernail hooks on two small square holes on the top and bottom.
  7. Yay! Sweet - is *your* object a safety pin?
  8. Evangeline - pocket knife?
  9. The Night Elf glared at the blackbird, ears twitching in indignation. "I will not be mocked by an absurd talking blackbird!" he growled, burning eyes narrowing as he aimed a swift backhand at the bird. The blackbird avoided the blow with a quick flutter of wings. Mario, however, was not nearly as adroit. He stumbled back on his massive feet, barely restrained by his grossly stretched shoes. Stumbling against a tree, Mario flopped onto his back, and as he did so, he felt a peculiar tightening sensation through the ringing in his ears. The Night Elf said something in a language Mario did not understand, and then stared at Mario, his glowing eyes wide. The blackbird fluttered and then landed on the tip of the Night Elf's ear, unnoticed, likewise staring at Mario. Mario's voice sounded tiny in his ears "Why is everyone staring at me?" "Er... your head just shrank." the blackbird said, turning his head first one way and then the other. "Hey, pointy ears... give his feet a smack, maybe they'll shrink back to normal." The Night Elf tried to glare at the blackbird, but it's hard to glare at your own ear.
  10. Sweet - a mousetrap?
  11. (That's possible I suppose. )
  12. Big grey pachyderm peering at me mournfully the fridge gives it cramps elephant in fridge no more old pizza for me starting to see things
  13. Happy birthday, Falcon, hope you had a great day.
  14. When was Gryphon promoted to Page?After Receiving a Mysterious Summons When was Ayshela promoted to Quill Bearer?During the July '03 Pen Promotions What does it mean when the dreamer’s eyes turn green?Green - natural, social, neutral Who applied by describing himself as a ‘vampirical monkey with lots of facial hair’?Vlad, with a piece entitled The Past, Present, and Slightly Mangled Zoo Animals Who met doors that were bigger than her on her way to apply for the Pen?Rune encountered difficulties in trying to deliver her Noitacilppa Who spoke about long distance love in his application?Dros in Wired Romance or “Song! lalala!” How did Zool arrive at the Pen?Wrapped in Burlap, on the back of a guy with several names (including Terpsichore). Who currently owns the cloak of dreams?Katzaniel won it in an Auction, I believe. Who is described by the following quote? “A gambler and a rogue, with a mouth that can get him both into and out of trouble.”Mira, in his Brief Description in the Piazza. And this one? “Most of his time is spent collecting, polishing or otherwise playing with shiny objects and toys.” Valdar, of course. Who speaks in her poem about a white, darkness, and twilit world?Appy wrote Perseverance Who bought off his weenie by adding the U’s?Orlan, in his Minta Bedtime Story about Zoumbies... err.. Zombies. Who paid Wyvern under the table for reviewing her story, and later said that it was more like a 5 for 1 deal?That was Yui, for her story He Never Broke a Promise Who used more than 10 languages to get his message across?Wyvern, speaking about ”Love”The other possibility is Gwaihir Who uses ‘The Nighten Princess’ in her custom title?Zepheri Who was taken on a hot date, but had to pay for it?Alaeha bought a date with Elrohir in a Bachelor auction, for which she was assailed with fireballs flung by priests of the Burnt God on her Quest for a Date. Likewise, Salinye paid for a date with Finnius, (Blonde and Blue) in which she was exposed to Heart Ablaze, the ultimate Red Magic of Terra Lost.Wren Windsong was taken on a hot date by Elladan. Who thought she dreamt about naked angels in her bed, and asked if she could keep him? (character name or writer)Mynx’s Kate was talking about The Strangest Thing Who compared love with a toothpick in her poem?Again, Mynx, working with a First Line supplied by Katzaniel Who claimed he was a good kisser, got rubbed by a cat, only to be splashed by pie moments later?Zool, who was the original intended focus of the Kissing/Pie-ing Booth. How many votes are needed before a piece will be added to the list of ‘Pen Recommends’?As found in these two threads, a 2/3 majority is necessary. The former states the need for two thirds, the latter deserves mention as it is the actual “Pen Recommends” thread. There is also a minimum of 10 votes required for a piece to pass the vote. If it has less than 10 votes the piece gets out for 6 months, and will then be put up for vote again. "Unfortunately, if this piece can't get a rock-bottom minimum of nine votes, I'm going to have to declare this poll invalid and reshelve it on the list of successful nominees. It'll get another chance to go to poll, later, but it just can't pass with only eight votes. 10 is the real minimum, and I've let 9 slide a few times, but really... we can do better than 7 measely votes!"
  15. Gyrfalcon and Daryl waited for the crowd around Mynx to subside slowly as people slowly start moving towards the Banquet Hall to hear Cryptomancer's performance, and then Daryl launched himself forward, accelerating into a flying leap as he clings to Mynx, yipping and licking her face. "Happy Birthday, Mynx." Gyrfalcon said, laughing at Daryl's antics as he carefully removes the werefox and sets Daryl on his shoulder, and that's what Daryl was yipping too." "Hm... you've got plenty of guards for your sleep and caretakers for your minions, but we'll join in and contribute another fuzzy blanket or two." Gyrfalcon says, rubbing behind Daryl's ears "Congratulations Mynx, on this birthday and the many to come... and congratulations for finishing your exams, though we're sorry that you had to take them on your birthday."
  16. Congratulations Yui-chan, you've more then earned the title.
  17. Two questions: Are those abilities usable per fight or is it for the entire event? Second... was that the go signal? *laughs*
  18. *chuckles as Patrick struggles to rise from where he has been grappled and cuddled by a number of people and a large pile of kittens... and one werefox.* Happy birthday Patrick, and congratulations with the end of your exams. Remember what I said earlier... just try to wake up in the same country you started in.
  19. A black blur descends unnoticed behind Swift Blade Mckinter, and a light touch places something against the back of his tunic. Disappearing into the shadows once more, the dark figure reemerges at the other end of the room and steps into the middle of the room, seeming to carry a bit of the darkness with him. Bowing slightly to the pirates, and much more deeply to the other ninjas, the figure spoke, the deep pitch of his voice revealing that the figure is a man. "Hanzoku, at your service..." he says, his soft voice carrying only as far as the listener's ears. On the back of Swift Blade, where he placed it, a note in sharp, angular writing states "Arrrr! I am a scurvy dog! Arrrr!" Even Ninjas can have a sense of humor. (OOC: No offense Mynx, I've been on a humor kick all day. Good fighting to you... just not as good as my fighting, I hope. )
  20. Gyrfalcon blinked as the green fields changed, becoming red badlands, open cracks throwing up waves of phantom heat as here and there gouts of golden-red lava that cascaded back down into the vents. The many players uttered a chorus of disappointed groans as their sheep disappeared and looked around dispiritedly when a small hand caught the edge of the vent. Crawling out of the vents, small, red lava newts looked around curiously and then wandered over to the players, poking various people curiously with small, red hands. "Newt?" one of the smaller one says, blinking curiously at people before eeping as a larger newt picks it up and whaps CheerMynx to the feel of a soft feather pillow. "Newwwwwwt!" the little newt cries as it baffs again into CheerMynx. Gyrfalcon shook his head, impressed by the magic illusions and picks up two of the nearest newts, grinning wildly as he charges the unsuspecting Pennites. "Fear the dual-wielded newt pillows!" he cries, going into an offensive flurry.
  21. Daryl stops and stares curiously at the strange assemblage going by - Stoomp sitting on a dirty grey cloud, smoke belching from a tube above him, while holding Mynx with one arm, and Mynx gripping Wyvern by his horns, causing the almost-dragon to flail wildly as he is dragged, his tail lashing back and forth wildly. Daryl's eyes go wide with gleeful mischief as he bounds towards the slowly accelerating cloud and leaps high into the air... landing balanced on Wyvern's tail, digging his claws into Wyvern's scales to hold on. Wyvern's yelp of pain almost drowns out Stoomp's cry of "Puppy!" Daryl just chuckles and balances on his back paws, his fore paws stretches out to either side as much as possible as he rides Wyvern's tail like a surfboard on a wave as the cloud picks up more speed. Meanwhile, Stoomp was in a bind - he has a kitty and teddy, but he wants puppy too! But he'd have to put down kitty to get puppy... he blinks in confusion, wondering how to solve this problem. Wyvern just continues to yelp as he's pulled along by his horns, flailing his tail to try to rid it of the stinging presence, causing Daryl to yip with glee as he clung close to the tail as he rolled upside down, and coming back up as Wyvern's flailing takes him upright once more. "Yiiiiiiiiiiiiip!" he yelps, translating roughly to "Whaaaaaaaaahoooooooooo!"
  22. (Co-Written with Sweetcherrie... she wrote the story, I wrote the rules. ) In a country far, far away there once was a beautiful princess called Peach. This girls was the most beautiful girl any man had ever laid eyes on, and every man who saw her immediately wanted to marry her as well. One day an almost dragon knocked on the gates of the castle, and asked if he could spend the night (free of charge, of course). The people of the castle were very friendly and let him stay for the night, but then the big lizard saw the princess and immediately fell in love with her. The next morning the almost dragon was gone, and poor princess Peach as well. The king was desperate and called upon all knights in the country for aid to get his daughter back, but only one knight responded. Prince Mario was about the bravest of all knights in the kingdom, but a bit silly. He appeared in the court wearing green shorts and a red shirt, on his head was not a helmet but a simple baseball cap with his name on it. The king looked around if there were any other knights, but Mario seemed to be the only one courageous enough to fight the dragon. The king sighed, but there was nothing to do, so he promised Mario that he could marry the princess if he would bring her back. All excited Mario left on his way, knowing that he would have to travel through dangerous and strange countries, have to fight weird and threatening monsters, but he was determined to find the lovely Peach and make her his wife. ----- Mario: He has a red beard, wears green shorts and a red shirt all the time. The baseball cap never leaves his head. His main weapon is a sledgehammer, which he normally just swings around wildly in hopes of hitting something. Mario is brave, but a bit silly at times, and is fairly clumsy and generally inept. Mario's journey will take him through strange and foreign lands, and he is the first main character. Peach and the almost-dragon are NPCs and thus do not count against the main character cap, and should not be played as a main character to the storyline. (There might be an exception to this however...) You may, however, introduce monsters for the intrepid heroes to defeat or run away from, and may write those creature's actions as you wish (bearing in mind Rule #1, about killing off main plotline characters. ) Otherwise, feel free to throw complications in the way of the heroes. A few rules: 1) Please adhere to the plotline - no destroying the world please, or killing off the main plotline characters. 2) We ask that a maximum of five main characters be introduced. Because of this, characters will have to be shared between several people, thus we ask that if you introduce one of the five characters, you post a basic description of how the character looks and some of the character's motivations and abilities. 3) We ask that posts be between 50 and 200 words. Your first post will be worth 10 geld, and any subsequent posts will be worth 5 geld, to a maximum of 40 geld, though we hope you continue playing after reaching that amount!
  23. *a brief blur of black, and then a note is pinned to the wall right by One-eyed Bob* Ninjas!
  24. Frerin sat despondently, his head bowed forward in grief, burdened with sorrow at the loss of Stoomp. Despite the lad's slow thoughts, he had been a cheerful addition to the companions, and he was dwarvern kin as well. His loss to whatever monster had laired in the lake weighed heavily on Frerin... why... why had he been standing in the lake in the first place? He had been bent forward as if looking for something... maybe he had dropped something... His thoughts turned darker. Perhaps one of the companions had suggested there was something to look for... even knew of the monster in the depths. But which of them would wish Stoomp harm? He immediately thought of a red-flushed face, eyes narrowed in anger as she tried to strike Stoomp... the elf, Jagkatha... but hadn't she been near the front of the column? A hand shook his shoulder and he flinched away, hand finding the hilt of his axe. "There's something coming." Magwyn whispered before hurrying to the next person in the line. Frerin's eyes followed her. Jagkatha had been near the front of the line... but had Magwyn been? She was close friends with Jagkatha... close enough to avenge insults with death? As he picked up axe and shield once more, he vowed that he'd keep a close eye on her. (OOC: A vote for Magwyn/Phoenix)
  25. Daryl streaked down the hallway, staying along the right-hand wall on advice of Gyrfalcon, who had gotten tired of nearly being run down by the quick streaking fox. Taking a corner tight against the wall, Daryl saw an empty corridor in front of him and accelerated moving to the center of the floor. He barely avoided running down a strange dwarf who walked out of a side corridor, and skidded wildly to halt his headlong run. Past the dwarf as he spread his arms wide, Daryl saw Ozymandias unsteadily rise to his feet. Ayshela was talking to him as Daryl darted between Stoomp's legs, not hearing the 'Puppy!' behind him as the wind rushed past his ears with his run. He leapt as Ayshela mention "Anyone else hits you?" A dopplared yip of glee was all the warning Ozymandias got as he was driven to the floor again, getting his face licked rapidly by Daryl, the fox's breath smelling oddly of mint. "Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Ozy, Happy birthday to you!" *Daryl grins and starts dancing on Ozymandias' chest, causing muffled groans. "And many more, on Channel 4, And Scooby Doo, on Channel 2 And Frakenstein, on Channel 9..." Daryl's refrain was ended in a startled yelp as Stoomp's hands closed around him and picked him up, cuddling him close to the dwarf's chest. "Puppy." Stoomp said affectionantly, stroking Daryl's head.
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