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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gyrfalcon

  1. *Gyr chuckles* Ah yes, the common bunny... or in the case of Mr. Bunny, the not-so-common bunny. *smiles*
  2. *Gyrfalcon looks up from where he is huddled in a chair, curses all flus, and goes back to huddling* OOC: I had wanted to do something good, but my imagination just isn't running.
  3. *Gyr applauds* An excellent poem, but you will find that special girl that you'll love... or so I've been informed. *grin*
  4. Yay! I'm glad you finally had time to come look around, Porcelain. =)
  5. (Conversion Confusion, this is actually the second post in this thread) *Gyrfalcon applauds* Interesting haiku, Gwai Please do another! *grin*
  6. Ooo... *pulls out a holy crossbow with holy bolts and tries to peg Satan* Thats for stealing my geld without giving me any units you demonic b******! *chases the arch-demon around with the crossbow* Come back here! I'm not finished with you yet! *Stops and looks at Cheyenne* Um... *hides the crossbow behind his back, with a disarming grin* Heya, Cheyenne! I like your poem!
  7. Oo... I like it, especially the formatting on how its supposed to be read.
  8. Gyrfalcon


    *Gyr smiles* I really, really like that passage, because its so true...
  9. *Gyr applauds* I actually like your rapping, you two. *grin*
  10. Gyr shakes his head slowly "I'm afraid I don't... I've always avoided smoking, which is only smart when you live as long as an Archmage does. We're still mortal, and lung diseases still strike those of us who smoke too long. Healing spells can only do so much before the flesh has twisted enough that healing can do no good." Gyrfalcon sighed almost inaudibly, then looked around, eyes narrowing. Timothy looked at him in rising concern "What is it?" Gyrfalcon turned a full circle "Where did the Dreamer go?" The half-elf and the human searched everywhere, but the Dreamer was not to be found. With a soft sigh, Gyrfalcon shrugged "I guess he got annoyed with us and took off. We might see him somewhere down the road..." With a shake of his head, Gyrfalcon spotted Kaylera "I think we should journey with Kaylera now, without the Dreamer. No offense to you, but Reyn has always surrounded himself with allies, sometimes very powerful ones... and with just the two of us to fight all of them?" Gyrfalcon paused and shook his head "Besides, what is more likely is that Reyn is tracking me, perhaps in hopes of making money off of my location or this quest... if so, we'll see him again, soon."
  11. *Gyrfalcon laughs, especially at Falcon* Both my parents are coffee adicts. I can still get up in the morning without it, though (though I'm realy afraid that I might sleep through 1st Period. *grin*) *applauds* Good poem. =)
  12. *Gyr applauds* Ooo... =)
  13. *Gyr laughs and applauds* Go Tralla!
  14. *applauds* I really, really like this poem... a truely sad ending, though.
  15. (Conversion confusion, this is actually the fourth post in this thread) *applauds* I really like your songs, Falcon... personally, when you have enough to fill a CD, I'll be happy to pay for one. *grin* And I even knew which person you were directing each half to before I got half-through their section. =) Though I do have to admit, Peredhil has a good point- don't burn your bridges before you're absolutely, positively sure you're never travelling back that way again... *applauds again* Clear, powerful, and excellent lyrics.
  16. Ooo.... *applauds* nice poem, Wyvern- it sort of shows how I think a lot of people go through life, waiting for 'the perfect time' to do something, and then realizing finally that they missed their chance.
  17. *Gyr laughs and applaulds* I love it! 'Tis a happy poem, yay! Joy to the world, for they wrote happily and now I'm singing too!
  18. *Gyr applauds* I really like your images...
  19. *Gyr liked the parts he wasn't around for! For that matter, I like the part you wrapped about me. Thanks, Wyvern, I hope your rapping is born out! *grin*
  20. Gyrfalcon winced internally. Oh, damn... I was trying to avoid this question. Softly, he sighed. "Yes, I am. I rule the free state of New Muriska." Gyrfalcon watched Timothy's hands from the corner of his eye. Timothy had a hand on his sword, and Gyrfalcon didn't quite know how Timothy would react to this little revelation. "I am searching for our.... goal..." Gyrfalcon carefully avoided speaking of the pool, not knowing of who was listening "To help my people, it it can be used for that purpose."
  21. Yep, Saint George. *Gyr smiles* Nice poem, an idea is to modify it for a humorous ending... somehow. Like the Knight collecting the 50 gold pieces the dragon owes him from poker night.
  22. *Gyr applauds* I really like this one... What it reminds me of is one of those stories where Armageddon, Ragnorak, whatever you want to call it has come, and everyone fights to the last for their beliefs.
  23. *applauds* I like it. =)
  24. *Gyr applauds* Aww.... makes me want to have a cat again...
  25. *Gyr applauds* I like it a lot! While it doesn't rhyme strictly on the page (up and drop, next and bereft, rather then lest and best, blade and glade) When it is spoken out loud, the words flow smoothly through the poem. I also like the use of repetition within the lines. "each drink each drought each soul drank every drop" just strikes me as particuarly powerful. I also love how each line gives an image... I can see the shattered surface of that fascade, the hollow vessal going through the motions of life... *Gyr applauds again*
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