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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gyrfalcon

  1. Gyrfalcon applauds Good going, Justin- great work.
  2. A brief vote is held What with the way you're mumbling around your foot, we couldn't quite decide what you asked- why don't you take that foot out of your mouth and ask again?
  3. “I’ve never ridden a dragon, Kokuryuu, so no, I can’t find a better position.” the half-elf snapped in reply, his mood not improving with repeated brushes with a near-certain death. Luckily for the half-elf’s continued health and continued ride, Kokuryuu either didn’t hear him or ignored his words. Grumbling to himself, he dragged himself forward and found a slightly better perch. Kokuryuu slowed, and the half-elf leaned forward and peered around her neck, trying to see what the hold up was. “Get in close, Gyrfalcon.” the dragoness rumbled, and the half-elf clutched the spike he was huddled behind tightly as Kokuryuu canted forward and plummeted. The half-elf couldn’t see much through the ride, so he committed himself to hold on. Against a straight plummet with gravity aiding him in staying on the dragon’s back, it worked well enough. Then Kokuryuu flipped over, and the half-elf’s hands slipped down her smooth spike. The half-elf shouted in surprised horror as he fell away from the dragon and towards the unyielding rock of the earth below him... Kokuryuu half-twisted in mid plummet and lashed out, her hand securely grasping the half-elf as he fell free. Twisting again, she placed the half-elf on her stomach and concentrated on the extremely difficult task of flying upside down, though in this case, she was allowing speed to bleed off and was instead intent on gliding. Intent on flying upside down, Gyrfalcon suspected Kokuryuu never suspected how close she came to breaking a wing on the rocks around the pair, and leaving a half-elf shaped smear in the crater their crash would create. Then they were through the entrance, and Kokuryuu arched her neck to grin at Gyrfalcon. What, did you think I'd drop you?" she said rapidly before laughing shrilly. Gyrfalcon refrained from pointing out that she almost *did*. Suddenly, he was clutched in a hand as Kokuryuu righted herself and replaced the half-elf on her back again, with an order to hold on tighter next time. Gyrfalcon grabbed a pair of spikes in a death grip and silently noted that there was *no* problem. He became aware of Kokuryuu hovering next to the green dragon, Bix-something or the other. As the two dragons talked, Gyrfalcon looked into the green dragon’s eyes and saw in them loathing and hatred for him. But not for him specifically, but for all his kind, weak and puny next to the might of a single dragon, but together enough to force the dragons away from lands that had always been theirs, to stand up and refuse the demands on their so-called superiors. Gyrfalcon looked into eyes filled with a timeless hate for him and the rest of humanity and elven-kind. Kokuryuu dropped back to talk with Deleo and his passenger, and Gyrfalcon relaxed a little as the dragonfear receded. "We are almost there. Any problems?" Kokuryuu asked. “Beyond the fact that your green friend over there looks like he wants to eat me slowly and I’ve nearly fallen off about ten times? Not much.” Gyrfalcon said, but his heart wasn’t in his sarcastic comment.
  4. Gyrfalcon raises an eyebrow and notes that you learn something new every day...
  5. The person above me is an *amazing* graphical artist. (Someone make her post links to her previous signatures, which help compose her current one!)
  6. *Gyrfalcon grins* It is good! And as Archaneus noted, you really should post an application piece, HopperWolf.
  7. Gyrfalcon nodded slowly as he considered the plan. “It’s a good idea, but is there some way we can signal the other group should we run into trouble, or on some random chance, the Pool? After all, I doubt the other group would be all too pleased to miss out on viewing the pool.” Y’Tren nodded and glanced at the still sleeping Timothy- obviously, he’d have to adjust to the decisions made by his less sleepy companions. “I assume that I will go with Myth here. That will leave you, Gyrfalcon, and you Kaleyra, with Timothy. Is that acceptable?” Y’Tren inquired. “It is.” the half-elf replied.
  8. Gyrfalcon laughs and agrees Wyvern's done a lot for the Pen, from one of the largest RPGs we've ever undertaken (which I'm honored to be part of) to his current contest. And despite all the trouble, tests, and other evils of RL that are thrown at him, he's always managed to come up with something funny to greet each new initiate. Oh, and for your information Nyyark, Wyvern is my friend- he just owes me a lot of money. Thanks, Wyv.
  9. Gyrfalcon laughs and applauds Peredhil's skill at writing An excellent play, though that sister is just a little strange. ) Go Peredhil!
  10. Gyrfalcon hung from one of Kokuryuu’s back spikes, trying to stay out of the green’s sight as much as possible. Despite his efforts, the half-elf was easily seen against Kokuryuu’s currently gleaming scales, and the green narrowed his eyes and snorted, tiny fumes of the poisonous gas his kind breathed escaping. Knowing that there could be no way to evade the green dragon’s deadly breath, the half-elf considered letting go and falling into the trees below, though he knew that was likely as quick a death as the green’s breath promised to be. Luckily, neither fate became his own. Kokuryuu and the dragon roared an exchange in Draconic, which despite the half-elf’s ability to understand, he did not. He understood the words well enough, but the import of the conversation escaped him, though he caught that the green dragon was offering some unknown route to their destination that would be quicker then the normal route. Ryuu leveled out into flight, and the half-elf laboriously dragged himself forward once more, this time making sure to hold on tight to the two closest spikes in case she decided to hover once more. “So, any idea of where we’re going?” the half-elf called out to Ryuu.
  11. *Excellent* work, Rune. You have a true gift as a writer.
  12. Gyrfalcon laughs softly. Good one, Aardvark. If this was archmage, ever Nether'd be screaming for Zombi units.
  13. There are children but no parents in the land of the doubles There are gods but no worshipers in the land of the doubles Like Stick, I have *no* idea what this is about.
  14. Gyrfalcon laughs and applauds as the two ladies race by, and innocently 'stumbles' into the path of the Punctuation Police, creating a multiple officer pileup So sorry about that, clumsy me, didn't see anyone coming. Engrossing book, isn't that? Have you read it? What about Robert Jordan's...? The police push past the half-elf, but their quarry is long gone now... OOC: Excellent, I like it!
  15. I'm afraid you need to register your account first, Icarus, before we can assign you the proper rank.
  16. Katzaniel immediately backed out of the first wagon, her ears laid back to protect her hearing from the hair-raising shrieks inside. “Don’t let it kill me, don’t let it kill me!” a man screamed inside, his voice edging up the scale to full-fledged hysteria. “Ah, Katzaniel? Why don’t you let me handle this.” Daryl said, forgetting that he was currently in his hybrid form. “AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!” the man shrieked, and Daryl stumbled out, clutching his ears. “Ow.” he whimpered in pain- the man sure could shout loudly. “Hey, what are you... doing...” A guard shouted, before trailing off weakly as a large cat and a werefox turned to look at him. Daryl decided to improvise and quickly said “We were trying to make sure that everyone’s alright and that no bandits ducked into the wagons while the fight was going on.” Katzaniel looked up at Daryl and blinked. “I thought-“ she began to say. “Be quiet, please.” Daryl said very quietly, then addressed the human again. “Also, if we could speak with the merchant who organized this caravan- or the highest ranked surviving merchant- we’d like to ask him some questions.”
  17. The half-elf laughs! Tell us how it turns out, revery. You may have stumbled on something wonderful- or as you noted, something horrible. Vlad- I think only Canid eats Wiggly Cabbages. They're a bit... difficult... to subdue.
  18. Congratulations, Doomgaze! You've been added to the Members List.
  19. *Gyrfalcon laughs* An excellent song, though personally as a Blue, I loved hallucination- it's nice when sometimes, they just can't find you.
  20. A beautiful poem in English, and I'm sure its the same in Spanish! (Which I can't read, so I'll take Peredhil's word for it. )
  21. Gyrfalcon laughs and applauds An excellent story, Aardvark... though the ending is sending my brain into a loop because there technically is no end, just the story repeating endlessly.
  22. Thanks for dropping by this thread, Kokuryuu. Put it to me being lazy or evil, but I want to force people to check in to get their title. *grins*
  23. Rune... what have you done? The half-elf pulled out his trusty plasmathrower and flared it at encroching cabbages, the ring slowly forming around the half-elf as the evil plants moved in for the kill... Oh, and I don't know if you've noticed this yet, Gwaihir: s have come forth.
  24. *laughs* Good one, Aardvark.
  25. Happy poem... a rarity sometimes. Good work, Zadown, I liked reading it.
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