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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gyrfalcon

  1. Gyrfalcon shook his head and glanced at his companions, both of them staring in shock at the sudden end to the battle. “Deleo.” The half-elf shouted, looking around for a patch of greenery in the blasted grotto. He almost despaired of finding any, when a patch of green on the far wall caught his attention. Deleo finally shook himself free of his stupor and looked down at Gyrfalcon. “What?” he asked. Gyrfalcon gestured impatiently. “Grab all of us and fly us over there.” Gyrfalcon said, pointing at the small patch of green in the distance. Deleo eyed him, wondering if the battle had unhinged the half-elf. “What good would that do? More then that, moving Kokuryuu might injure her more-“Deleo tried to explain. The half-elf walked up to him and looked upward. “I’m a ranger, capable of healing spells... but only around nature!” the half-elf gestured at the barren rocks surrounding the small band. “I can’t cast any spells worth the name right here, but I can manage it over there... if you’d stop debating me and get us there!” Gyrfalcon finished in a shout. Deleo shook his head. “Don’t get so worked up.” the metallic dragon grumbled, scooping Gyrfalcon and Robby onto his back and approaching Kokuryuu, carefully collecting her in his clawed forepaws. Flaring his wings, Deleo leapt off the edge, grumbling as he quickly crossed the distance. “Everyone feels like they have to shout at me, even the mortals... It’s annoying is what it is.” The dragon flared his wings and landed next to the small grove, almost gently laying Kokuryuu next to a tree. “Now what?” Robby said, speaking for the first time in a long while. “Now I see if my meager talents can keep her alive.” Gyrfalcon said, kneeling next to Kokuryuu, his hands held out above her still form, breath barely stirring in her lungs. Gyrfalcon began to whisper, the volume slowly growing into a soft melody, reminiscent of the wind through the tree branches. As he chanted, or sang, a green glow surrounded his hands, the green of new growth in the spring. Lowering his hands, Gyrfalcon touched Kokuryuu’s temples, and Robby raised an eyebrow as some of her more grevious wounds rapidly healed, thick scabs forming over them. Again, Gyrfalcon repeated the soft chant and transferred more energy to Kokuryuu, and again. He repeated the process several times, fatigue growing on his face as he gave some of his own energy to the healing process. Finally, he transferred a last faint flicker of health to Kokuryuu, groaned softly, and fell over. Kokuryuu slept now, her breath deeper and more regular. The evidence of the terrible damage she had taken was still evident, but it was obvious that she would pull through- though how long it would take for her to fully heal was open to question.
  2. Gyrfalcon panted for breath as he cleaned his katana before sheathing it, sweat streaming down his face from his exertions in the hot, close air of the jungle around the strange group and the stranger woman. Wiping his face, Gyrfalcon sighed. “I am Gyrfalcon No’Dessu.” he said, moving to tend Timothy, nearly colliding with Kaleyra who had moved to do the same. “Please... let me help him.” Kaleyra said quietly. Gyrfalcon bowed his head slightly and stepped back to let Kaleyra deal with Timothy, knowing that she would want to do something to prove that she was still useful- as if that was ever in any doubt. “The winged woman who helped you is Kaleyra, a scholar from among her people.” Gyrfalcon said, introducing the party having fallen on him. “The man who led the attack is Timothy. He’s a wandering ‘sociologist’, whatever that is. He’s not normally as aggressive as he’s been.” Gyrfalcon said, eyeing Timothy as he hissed in pain, Kaleyra probing to see how many ribs he had broken during the fight. “We also have two companions- Myth and Y’Tren. Myth is an... well, an assassin. Y’Tren is a cleric of some sort, but the two are off exploring the island together.” The woman frowned as the half-elf spoke, her attention partially divided between him and the other two. Despite her words, she was obviously still wary of any intruders on ‘her’ island. “The bloodshed... I recognize those vestments. These poor souls were raised as minions of an evil cleric. She’s allied with an anti-paladin and a golden-tongued man who’s leading them. Despite his words, he’s an even greater monster then his two companions.” “And why do you label him a monster?” Elena asked shrewedly. Gyrfalcon’s eyes narrowed. “Anyone who would burn and slaughter the innocent as they have... who would kill men who truly deserve the title of ‘Saint’... they have just a little trouble fitting under the definition of good.” Gyrfalcon observed dryly before shaking his head and pushing on. “As for what we’re here for... well, like just about everyone who’s ever landed here... we’re here to find the Pool of Eternal Reflection.” The woman sighed. “Fools.”
  3. I agree- this is an awesome CD, and you might consider letting others get a look at the cover art, Wyvern. Just so you all know, Wyvern did an amazing job with the CD- as I told him on IRC, I've seen 'professional' CDs that weren't as well-made. It's a bit dark, but overall very listenable to- and that says a lot, since I'm not a hiphop fan. I'm currently listening to it as I just got it today. (In fact, popping this CD into my CD-ROM was the second thing I did when I got home from work- the first being to eat dinner. There are priorities, and my computer is far away from the dining room. Excellent work from Almost Draconic Studios, and any future CDs should be fought for fiercely.
  4. So far, a good piece of writing. Unlike Zool, I don't mind the characterizations that much, though his advice is good. A bit of suspense at the end, which is a good way to leave it. Now for some random comments: You know, for having his father dying three days ago, Javo doesn't seem very broken up... maybe they weren't all that close, but you'd think he'd be a bit more in shock, or would have to have someone make him snap out of it. You might want to explain why, if Javo suspects that Vishn had something to do with his father's death, why he trusts the man. An excellent start- I look forward to more.
  5. Gyrfalcon wishes the happy new 'couple' luck and gifts to them a penguin for another pet. Quick courtship, though.
  6. *Gyrfalcon applauds Falcon's work!* I'm saving this simply because of how much I like it.
  7. Before Rune could get farther then a hundred feet down the path (and before she could lose interest with her assigned task and wander off to find something fun to do in the forest), she ran into Gyrfalcon, literally. The half-elf’s hand shot out (and down) and he gently helped Rune keep her feet. “Where were you rushing along to, little one?” the half-elf asked, surprised to see Rune outside the Pen- she found enough interesting things to occupy her inside it that she rarely went anywhere outside, except for the courtyards. “Well, first I went and applied at the Recruiter’s Office, like everyone kept saying I should do, but the door locked Wyvern out and started saying some weird things like I should be his bridge or something...” Rune said, managing to stay mostly on topic and mostly coherent about what she experienced, which was a major victory, considering what she’s gone through recently. Gyrfalcon shook his head and grinned at Rune. “I see you mastered one of the first aspects of being a member of the Pen- getting yourself into strange adventures.” Rune beamed at being included as a member of the Pen. Then she frowned and looked up at the clouds that had been forming steadily over Gyrfalcon. “Why are there clouds?” she wondered, for the day had been bright and cloudless. The half-elf looked up and started to say something, then just sighed. “I suggest you move away from me, over by that tree.” he said as he extracted a long piece of metal with a knob on the end from his Bag of Holding. “What’s that?” Rune asked, pointing at the metal and ignoring his suggestion. “A lightning rod.” the half-elf grunted as he jammed it into the ground and stepped away from it slightly. “Now go stand by that tree, this should only take a moment.” Rune looked up at the pitch-black clouds and decided to do as the half-elf said. Before she was more then twenty feet away, she smelled a bitter, acrid odor as light flashed around her, stinging her eyes. Closing them tightly, Rune stumbled on, unprepared for the thunder that crashed and boomed all around her as the cloud opened up over the half-elf. Between lighting strikes, Rune heard Gyrfalcon shout through the ringing in her ears. “Yeah, hello to you too, you hyperactive vegetables!” Rain began to pelt the half-elf, going from a drizzle to a driving, blinding cloudburst. “What, you think that rain is going to dampen my spirits? Fat chance!” The rain changed to hail. “Ow! Hey! Ow! Watch it with those -ow- chunks of ice!” Finally, the cloud subsided and drifted away, almost seeming to sulk. Rune looked up from where she was huddling when a damp hand touched her shoulder. “What was that?” she asked fearfully. The half-elf grinned, despite a large bruise forming along his jaw. “Just a difference of opinion between myself and those dam- er...the Wiggly Cabbages.” He shrugged. “It’s pretty much standard. What about you? Where are you off to?” Rune rubbed her ears, trying to see if she could get the tiny fairies with the bells to come out and go away. “Me? Oh, I’m supposed to go back to the Pen.” Gyrfalcon smiled. “I’ll walk you back, alright?” He said, holding out his hand. Rune extended hers, and he gently enfolded it in his hand. To keep Rune happy, the half-elf wove tales of the various sights they saw along the walk, setting Rune into fits of giggling with some of the stories, and into endless questions with others. Finally, the two reached the front entrance of the Pen and Rune looked around. “Could you tell me more stories later, Mr. Gyrfalcon?” she asked hopefully, “Because I have to go and I should make sure Mr. Wyvern is alright and-“ Gyrfalcon’s soft laughter stopped her. “I’ll be happy to tell you stories later, Rune, and I know you have to go in. I should get back to my work as well- it’s been good meeting you though.” the half-elf said quickly, before Rune’s embarrassed expression could grow. Rune smiled at the half-elf and then raced inside. Skidding through a door, she built up speed in a straight hallway, never looking to see where she was going until...
  8. First- excellent work, Nyyark. It's a good monologue, and I can see someone striding back and forth on a stage declaiming it, gesturing grandly. crowgirl- A note: the word you were looking for is 'segue', which does mean 'To move smoothly and unhesitatingly from one state, condition, situation, or element to another'. The Segway is a motorized scooter for all intents and purposes, though the name is based off of 'segue'.
  9. The half-elven ranger grins "Indeed, Gwaihir, and I can hear the trees occasionally- though they talk much more often to druids then to rangers. We tend to tend the creatures of the forest rather then the trees. However, I was noting that I want to meet this willow specifically.
  10. Slightly belated as well, but this is the first time I've been online today. Happy Birthday, Nightshade! I hope your day went well.
  11. The half-elf applauds- as always, Cerulean's poetry is simple yet powerful.
  12. Gyrfalcon cheers both Peredhil and Cerulean! Excellent work, Peredhil, and a great response, Cerulean.
  13. *Gyrfalcon applauds* Good lyrics- have you worked out the background music though? Otherwise, it should do well, or at least I think so.
  14. Gyrfalcon applauds! I want to meet this willow tree as well.
  15. Alright, quick explanation: the person behind Gwaihir is female. Gwaihir himself is male. Gwaihir from The Lord of the Rings is a male great eagle (I think he was Lord of the Eagles), not an elf, Vlad.
  16. Gyrfalcon cheers for humor he can see!
  17. What can I say beyond 'Wow'? You're an excellent writer, Yui-chan... I always look forward to reading more of your work.
  18. "If I said I was sorry, would you put the axe down?" "I didn't know it was *your* home!" "Hunting season doesn't mean hunting hunters!" "I can take you with one hand tied behind my back!" "pointy-eared freak!" "AAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"
  19. As Impostor said, thank you Wyvern for holding this contest- I enjoyed reading the rest of the submissions to it- congrats to the other winners, and applause for everyone who submitted! The half-elf applauds to suit his words
  20. Heh, I like it, Aardvark- I feel sort of sorry for the fallen angel/creator thingy... it just wants to suck the power, can't people leave it alone to flame as it wants?
  21. *Gyrfalcon applauds* Good work, Nightshade.
  22. Ooo... thanks, Zadown. I sometimes have trouble making up good names for NPCs- this will make it easier. Plus, there is a dedicated NPC maker and a village maker.
  23. Gyrfalcon grimaced as the great green dragon reared over Kokuryuu to bring his fore claws crashing down. Kokuryuu managed to scramble mostly out of the way, though Bixelinthrix managed to give her a few shallow cuts. He snarled and his wings flared, and Gyrfalcon expected what was coming- the dragon was going to use his breath weapon. While Kokuryuu might normally be immune to its effects, Gyrfalcon suspected that her wounds would leave her vulnerable to the green’s deadly breath. Almost mechanically, the half-elf drew his katana. Robby watched in amazement as the half-elf took a deep breath and closed his eyes, then opened them with a growl. “What are you planning to do?” Robby asked. “Watch me.” Gyrfalcon said, sprinting from cover. Focused on the fight that he had been forbidden to take part in, Deleo didn’t see the half-elf until he was several feet away. A last-minute swipe to drag the half-elf back failed, and Deleo could only watch in a sort of fascinated horror as Gyrfalcon leapt onto Bixelinthrix’s back and charged upward, managed to make progress even as the green dragon drew himself upright and sucked in a deep breath, the air in his lungs ready to spew out in a wave of poisonous gas at the vulnerable Kokuryuu. Gyrfalcon reached the center of the dragon’s back and without hesitation, he hacked at the great flight muscles to his side, his finely-edged and magically enhanced katana parting the thin scales along that portion of the dragon’s body, diving deeper through flesh and muscles to grate against bone. Twisting the katana to widen the wound, Gyrfalcon turned and struck at the other muscle. Bixelinthrix’s breath departed not as poisonous gas, but as a scream of outrage and pain. Collapsing to all fours, the dragon bucked, and Gyrfalcon, off-balance from his hasty attempt at a second attack, went flying, his sword nicking through scales but not doing much else. The green dragon lost his head and ignored Kokuryuu for the moment, intent on killing this... pest.... that dared to wound his better! Again, he prepared to breathe deadly poison, when Deleo intervened to fulfill his charge to protect the mortals, his own breath a wave of fire that washed over Bixelinthrix’s side and wings, withering the wounded one and eating voraciously at the green’s scales and flesh. The green dragon roared at the greater pain, and felt a touch of fear as Kokuryuu struggled to her feet, her draconic face showing her pain- but even more so, her anger.
  24. The half-elf applauds his wolf-friend's skill Go Canid, I like.
  25. Pretty good outline, though it's missing a few standard final fantasy elements at the moment- Disk 5 and the 'player' still hasn't had the opportunity to fly the airship? Too few side quests- extremely linear. (There's only been... three, all at once, and no options for more) Where are the mini-games? The casino? the fun things to blow all that money you'll have at the end on? *grins* Otherwise, excellent outline. I want to see it in a game.
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