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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gyrfalcon

  1. Daryl sighed and lay back as the horse charged off into the night, Kasmandre rushing to organize a pursuit of the horse before it got too far away. Their leader slowed to a stop as he regarded Griever, who was resting with his head on his knees, and Daryl, who was sprawled out and looking up at the crescent moon. “Aren’t you two coming?” he asked. Griever looked up, then slowly stood, and Daryl smoothly rolled to his feet. “What is it about us and horses?” he asked Griever as they walked to their own mounts. “If it isn’t my horse freaking out because I just Changed on its back, it’s that... jester’s... horse freaking out because he started gnawing on it.” Griever shrugged. “If the horses are the greatest of our worries.” he said softly as he began to saddle his own, “Then we will have an easy time of it.” The mage turned his attention to saddling his horse, making it clear he wasn’t looking to converse any further. Daryl shook his head and looked over at Katzaniel, who was in his tigertaur form at the moment. “How are you holding up, Katzaniel?” he asked. The tigertaur looked irritable. “Oh, fine... but did this have to come right when I was sleeping?” he replied, and Daryl chuckled. “Of course.” the werefox said, patting his horse’s neck. Surprisingly, the gelding didn’t start to panic for once- maybe he was finally growing used to Daryl’s scent. Shrugging, the werefox hauled himself into the saddle and heeled his horse forward, followed by Katzaniel and Griever. The trio gathered with the rest by Kasmandre. “We’ll search in pairs if we lose the trail- hopefully the horse didn’t go too far. If you don’t find anything, return by the time the moon reaches its zenith.” Kasmandre instructed. Various sounds of agreement came from the group before they paired up and rode towards where the horse disappeared.
  2. Gyrfalcon bowed deeply to Yui-chan. "Yui-chan, you are an excellent artist, and if noone else can see these 'flaws' you see, then they aren't flaws." he said with a large smile. Gyrfalcon bowed again. "Excellent work!"
  3. You know, I don't have anything substantial to add to Justin's eloquance, so I'll just say this: I'm glad our presence is helpful to you, Ken, and I hope that we remain so in the years to come. Gyrfalcon hugs back.
  4. Gyrfalcon applauds as well. "A good poem, Alaeha, and like Blondmoon, I wonder if it's based off of Breath of Fire II."
  5. You still are a young'in, Kender- your kind always are. The half-elf applauds and cheers Distarius! It's a good poem, Distarius, and Kokuryuu's reaction said that it was well received. Gyrfalcon watches the two :wub: and just grins.
  6. *grins* What the kender and the mage said. *Gyrfalcon grins at the fiercely blushing dragon and the grinning mage*
  7. Well, for one I didn't have a lot to say. I think you wrote your story well- I like the description of Pop's Place and of the hummingbirds feeding in the morning and of his gardens. You cut the story off at the right moment, keeping it bittersweet without descending into looking for pity. All in all, a good story.
  8. OOC: Happy Birthday, Wyvern! IC: Gyrfalcon finally reached the head of the line presenting best wishes and gifts to Wyvern and hands the almost-dragon a small piece of paper. On it is simply written He grins at Wyvern's slightly crestfallen expression. "That's still a couple billion geld, my friend. Happy Birthday to you! Geld, debt reduction, Melba on vacation... good day, eh?" the half-elf patted Wyvern on the shoulder and then wandered towards the purple fuzzies. "You fuzzies don't even think about taking the coin, got it?" he said sternly. The fuzzies looked up at him until Canid poked a few with her nose, then sullenly nodded.
  9. Gyrfalcon raced forward to support Robby, wondering what the small unarmed man could do against the armored bulk of a dragon. The half-elf slowed as he saw the dragon’s head snap upward as if a giant had struck the blow, not the small man. What the hell is he? the half-elf asked himself, for he didn’t think that even magical enhancements could help someone deliver that sort of power. The half-elf stopped musing, though, as the dragon turned and batted Robby into the wall with one sweep of her tail. Gyrfalcon jumped the tip of the tail as it passed under him, then ran forward, katana leading. The blue dragon’s scales held against the first blow, then the second and third, though each time the katana scarred the heavy scales, to Belshayou’s consternation. Turning, she tried to swipe the half-elf with her tail as well, but the ranger saw the move coming and managed to jump above the sweep of the tail. He came down with his katana leading, and he penetrated her scales, stabbing deep into her leg. Belshayou roared in pain and craned her neck to bite at the half-elf, planning to rip him into dozens of little pieces, just to begin!
  10. If they told you I'm mad, then they lied. I'm odd, but it isn't compulsive. I'm the triolet, bursting with pride; If they told you I'm mad, then they lied. No, it isn't obsessive. Now hide All the spoons or I might get convulsive. If they told you I'm mad then they lied. I'm odd, but it isn't compulsive. What Poetry Form Are You? Whoot.
  11. *Gyrfalcon laughs and cheeeers!* That was good, Cerulean.
  12. Gyrfalcon watched as Kaleyra gathered up her water skins and marched towards the stream- something was bothering her, and the half-elf suspected that she could not cope with the idea of a source of supreme knowledge... one that killed anyone who used it, making it inaccessible. “"Well, your Highness," he says at last, "It seems you are our resident tactician. What shall we do next?"” Timothy said, tone only slightly sardonic for once. His words reminded Gyrfalcon of his duties- both to his companions, the people of New Muriska, and to anyone else who should be harmed if the wrong people take control of the Pool of Eternal Reflection. Despite what the woman said, there might be some way to use the Pool and survive, and if that happened... the half-elf shook his head and sighed. “I think what we should do is go to the Pool and guard it directly.” Elena started to protest, but Gyrfalcon raised his hand. “Our party slipped into two groups, and there is at least one other group on the island. By coming forth to meet us, the Pool is left defenseless. Any group that operates like we have has the possibility of finding and using the pool while you are away confronting some of them.” Elena subsided, frowning. Gyrfalcon went on. “However, I don’t think we all want to stay here forever, guarding this Pool.” Especially when Forever could be a very, very long time... the half-elf took a deep breath. “After the Pool is secured in the short term... we should destroy it or make it inaccessible.” “What?!” Timothy roared. Gyrfalcon winced and raised his hand, but Timothy continued onward. “Destroy something that can grant the wisdom that can end these senseless conflicts and betrayals?” Gyrfalcon nodded slowly. “Yes. Destroy something that offers the false hope of those resolutions. Timothy, what good is infinite wisdom if it cannot be shared? The purpose of knowledge and wisdom is to share it to those who need it, and to use it for those who can be helped through it... but who can do that if they are dead?” Gyrfalcon shook his head, his last statement echoing in his mind. What use knowledge, if it cannot be shared? What use knowledge, if only learned for selfish reasons? What use?
  13. Greetings, all. First off, congratulations to all of you promoted people! A note: If your title in the sidebar hasn't been changed to reflect your new status, please contact me so that can be set right. Thanks!
  14. Wow... the scary thing is, it makes a lot of sense. I've never considered a lava lamp as an analogy for Archmage, but it really works. Good going, Thinas! Now apply, you crazy dark elf.
  15. Daryl laughed, smiling easily, for it was a question that had been asked of him before. “Actually, I was a thief at the time. I was making my way home from a succesful burglary when this giant... thing... came out of the shadows and slammed me into a wall. I was nearly killed by the werefox before a... woman... named Gloria showed up and managed to find its heart with a silver dagger. She dragged me home, and I survived the night... long enough for lycanthropy to take hold in me. A few nights later, I Changed and escaped.” Daryl explained. Griever raised an eyebrow despite himself, for the story was interesting. “How long ago was this?” Daryl shrugged. “Lets see... something onto three or four years. I haven’t kept the best track of time- life’s usually too interesting to add up time across several worlds.” “Several worlds?” Daryl winced unnoticeably, then shrugged. “I’m not originally from this world. A battle with a mage sent me to another world, one that has two skies... I tried to find my way home from their, but I ended up here instead.” Daryl grinned. “Since I found some friendly, non-judgmental people, I’ve been in no hurry to go home, since the same reception isn’t true there.” He eyed Griever curiously. “How did you become a mage, anyway?”
  16. Daryl ate quietly, sitting back from the fire in the shadows of a large tree. He could tell by his sense of smell that Katzaniel was resting in the tree now. Minutes earlier, she had bolted her meal quickly and changed into a sleek black panther before darting into the underbrush. Whatever mission she had departed on had been completed successfully, or so the werefox would guess. Looking up, Daryl smiled slightly before returning to eating his meal, nearly complete. Finishing the last bite of rabbit (which he had caught.), the currently human member of this strange band looked around at his companions and shook his head. Crazy, sane, furred or not, they were wildly mismatched- it was a surprise they could fight together at all, but the werefox sensed that while they may be able to fight together, it wasn’t as a team. Getting up, still lost in his thoughts, the werefox silently moved to the nearby stream and washed his dishes clean before storing them in his backpack again. As he closed the backpack, he heard the dry crunch of a fallen leaf being stepped on and looked over his shoulder warily. Daryl relaxed when he saw that it was the robed mage- Griever. “Good evening.” Daryl said politely. Griever looked at him silently for a long moment. “Yes.” Daryl sensed that Griever didn’t want to speak, but he was curious enough to press onward. “If I may ask... how did you come by the name ‘Griever’?”
  17. Gyrfalcon woke slowly, groaning softly. Although he felt much better now then he had last night, he still wasn’t particularly happy to be awake just yet. He opened his eyes, and blinked slowly at Kokuryuu’s panther form standing over him, her face hovering near his. “Hello.” the half-elf said calmly. The panther backed up slightly, and he sensed some minor disappointment, probably because he didn’t start, scream, yelp, or otherwise act like a standard person confronted with a panther staring him in his face. Sitting up, Gyrfalcon shook his head slowly before standing and yawning. Stretching, Gyrfalcon felt his spine pop a few times and sighed before shaking his head. Looking around, the half-elf counted his companions. “Where’s Deleo?” he asked Kokuryuu, who shrugged. Looking to Robby, he saw the small man shrug as well. “I hate it when companions just up and disappear.” Gyrfalcon muttered as he wandered down behind a tree to deal with the daily needs of his body. Gyrfalcon was just returning when Deleo winged his way onto the ledge, a few new damaged scales showing along his flanks and neck. “What happened to you?” Gyrfalcon asked, but Deleo shook his head, not wanting to discuss the matter with a non-dragon. Focused on Deleo, no one noticed the blue dragon who silently slipped into the grotto and prepared to ambush the party.
  18. ... Someone have that teacher explain to me how you can *lose* so many points for being descriptive? As for being 'too descriptive'? I think it's great as it is- all the description helps you see the cemetary and those arriving, smell the air, hear the hushed silence as they enter the church... I think your teacher is silly. ;P
  19. Gyrfalcon agrees and applauds! Excellent work, Yui-chan. I'm not sure if this was intended, (perhaps I'm finally reading beneath the surface slightly.) but one line changed the meaning of the poem entirely. "I found a vision clothed in blood," I'm not sure if this was used to rhyme with 'flood' and was meant to mean a body, but the sense I got from the poem was not one of a woman sleeping until a prince arrives, but one who was sent to the final rest. *smiles and applauds* Excellent work, again, and I love your artwork.
  20. Happy Birthday, Rune! Happy Birthday, Dopey! Happy Birthday to you both- I hope you're enjoying it.
  21. Happy (1-minute belated) Birthday, oh Dreamer of Dreams!
  22. Everything is the way it's supposed to be.
  23. I've always liked this one... Dylan Thomas’ “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night. Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way, Do not go gentle into that good night. Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. And you, my father, there on the sad height, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
  24. Happy Birthday, Alaeha.
  25. Gyrfalcon refused to open his eyes. If he didn’t, maybe the pain would go away. He doubted his own logic, but it was worth the attempt. Finally deciding that the pain wasn’t going to go away, the half-elf opened his eyes and groaned, his head splitting. He intellectually knew about the results of overextending one’s magical abilities, but this is the first time in a long, long time he had had to do it, and he had forgotten how much it hurt. Sitting up slowly, Gyrfalcon held his head in his hands until he sensed someone padding nearby. A low rumble greeted him as he looked up at Kokuryuu, who looked back with amber eyes and sniffed at him a few times to make sure he was alright before settling down next to the fire, her current form’s morphic influences directing her towards the comforting warmth. Gyrfalcon chuckled softly to himself, then slowly stood and staggered over to the fire, plopping down next to where Robby was sleeping. “Are you feeling better?” Robby asked softly, causing the half-elf to start. He glanced at Robby and nodded. “Yeah, I’ll be alright with a good night’s sleep.” he said. He made to continue, then paused. “Ah... Robby?” “Yes?” “Isn’t that large stone rather uncomfortable?” Gyrfalcon asked carefully. Robby seemed to consider this. “Yes.” he said before moving over so he wasn’t resting on it. Gyrfalcon just shook his head- he supposed that the day’s events had been exhausting enough for his companion not to notice a small rock... but he didn’t think anyone even half-dead from exhaustion could have rested on that rock without knowing it was there and making an attempt to move. He shook his head again, then clutched it as the world spun a series of short arcs in protest. “Not a good idea...” he murmured to the world in general. The half-elf felt his eyes drag downward, and he curled up in his cloak beside the fire and fell asleep almost immediately, recuperating from his use of magic only hours before.
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