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Everything posted by Gyrfalcon
Parmenion- While your poem is correct in its portrayal of the bad points of the Christian faith, it comes off as something of an attack on Christianity as you seem to ignore all the good that Christians have done. Whether it be Mother Teresa or simply the many members of the Christian faith who seek to do something to help the communities they live in, the entire Christian faith is not evil. That is not to say that Christians can do no wrong, simply that they can also do much good, like all of humanity.
I'll accept Jy-er-fal-con as well. I just pronounce my name that way out of personal preference. And no, Alaeha, no thumb-biting from me. *winces* Great, now three women are angry at me... *sighs*
Gyrfalcon No'Dessu jeer-FAL-con NO-des-su Daryl Carnsilion dare-YL CARN-sill-ion
Very nice, Falcon... as Vlad said, I didn't get the song-sense until the "yeah", but then I went back and added mental background music to the singing. As Peredhil said... when can we hear some of your music? =)
Congratulations, Cyril- just remember, you worked hard for that Pass with Distinction... feel proud of yourself.
Happy Birthday- I hope you enjoy it.
Gyrfalcon scooped Rune up as she ran by and held her up. The half-elf looked around and then assumed a stern expression. "You've been a bad little demonling... well, perhaps good by your races's standards, but bad by everyone elses. Don't do that again!" He then grinned "Good joke all the same, Rune." He set Rune down and handed her an AoA-quality chocolate before sending her on her way. Nearby, Salinye raised her eyebrow "Aren't you supposed to scold her a bit harder?" she asked. Gyrfalcon shook his head and grinned a bit wider. "I wouldn't want to change her."
No, you don't need to reapply. You've been reinstated to your previous rank. Welcome back.
Welcome back, Foe/Matteo.
Gyrfalcon stepped forward and shook each promoted member's hand until he reached Yui-chan. To her, he bowed before reaching out to shake her hand. "Welcome to the Elders, Yui-chan, it's good to see you among us." the half-elf said simply, but with a big grin. OOC: Congrats to you all- you earned it.
*laughs* Good song, Finnius. You and your friends sound like a hoot to watch... if I had the connection to stream media, your audience would grow.
Hmm... I'm afraid I don't have an elaborate offering, so I will simply say this: Happy Birthday, Ozymandias.
The Mighty Pen, first writing exchange program
Gyrfalcon replied to Valdar and Astralis's topic in Library
I think I'm willing to give it a try- I'm partially in favor of both the A-B-C format and the dual format, though I think the A-B-C format is best because you have to talk to two people- one as the subject and the other as the writer. -
Greetings to you, Vincent Silver, once more.
Some of these gifts have been given online, but they will be represented here as well: For Minta, I give you a mimir (a floating skull that acts as an encyclopedia.) While I'm sure its original function is not very important to you, it's a floating skull that you can play with in many interesting ways. For Rydia, I give to you a gift wrapped in shiny, shiny wrapping paper. After you manage to break that shiny daze, there is a set of mirrors that you can use to enhance the shiny-factor of your favorite shiny. In addition, there is a pair of miniture spotlights so that it will always glow in a shiny fashion. For Tzimfemme, I give to you another head for your flail, the Lobotomy. While I hope you don't need it, this head is enchanted to stun whoever you strike. Finally, for Rosemary, I give you this mirror. *the mirror stands tall and looks like a standard distorted mirror from one of the houses of mirrors located at carnivals. That is, until Rosemary notices how the pattern shifts and changes constantly, the way it warps an image differing from one second to the next.* I hope you enjoy the gift. Happy Birthday you four!
An odd attempt at Application
Gyrfalcon replied to troubled sleep's topic in Recruitment Applications Archive
You haven't played Planescape: Torment, have you? One of your companions is, indeed, a Celibate Succubus. -
The almighty d10 (ten-sided die) has chosen three numbers for you, Salinye. Those numbers are: 4, 7, 9 Enjoy.
Happy Birthday, oh Jakob-y one!
Good work Jonathan! I'll note that while individually, I liked each stanza, they didn't really flow for me... it seemed more like an assemblage of ideas that can each be developed into a poem. Otherwise, excellent work.
Whoot, great going Finnius! I liked this a lot... and Wyvern being fierce? He really would have to snap to do that. Welcome back, Finnius, as Peredhil said- you surely have not lost your touch.
Gyrfalcon replied to Salinye's topic in Critic's Corner Archive
All I have to say is... Justin, you had to put a lot of time and effort into it, and it shows. Excellent, excellent work. -
Annael stopped several times to receive directions from various mages, first Peredhil who was already bustling energetically, and then Canid, who seemed to be engaged in trying to round up her purple fuzzies from running off and looting some mage’s quarters. It was ten minutes later before Annael realized that her pouch felt lighter, and discovered that the purple fuzzies had helpfully taken some of the weight of it off her belt for her... Grumbling, Annael continued onwards despite her desire to go back and wring their little fuzzy necks. She restrained her desire, however, having been warned that the purple fuzzies were, for all intents and purposes, immortal. That didn’t lessen her irritation, of course. Lost in her thoughts, Annael was reached Gyrfalcon’s door when the sounds within penetrated her consciousness. The song of steel on steel came through the doorway clearly. Narrowing her eyes, Annael opened the door a little and peeked in, trying to see what was happening. She sighed in relief as she saw Gyrfalcon spin across the room, his katana darting out, deftly keeping a steel rod spinning in the air, each contact creating a steely peal, so like that of swords meeting. She silently closed the door, then knocked on it loudly. The clang and clash of steel on steel ended suddenly, and a moment later, Gyrfalcon called out "Who is it?" "It's Annael." the dark angel said softly. There was another long pause, and then Gyrfalcon opened the door with a welcoming smile and a slight bow. "Please, enter." The half-elf said. She bowed her head. "Thank you." she said, stepping through and glanced around, finally finding the metal rod tucked onto a practice rack. Glancing out at the grey pre-dawn light, she frowned. "Isn't it a little early to be practicing swordsmanship?" she asked. Gyrfalcon looked surprised for a moment, then shrugged easily as he held out a chair at a small table for her, then sat down across from her. "Normally, yes, but as I couldn't sleep anyway, I thought to do something productive." Annael regarded him curiously, then decided to risk a blind stab. "Did you have a strange dream? A dream in which you... threatened Salinye?" Gyrfalcon started and his eyes widened slightly. "How'd you...?" he began, then stopped. Annael nodded slowly. "I think I had a similar dream. Did it go something like this..." She laid out her dream in full, even relating the feeling of helplessness she felt when she could not control her own actions, as her body moved to threaten Salinye. Gyrfalcon's face became impassive as she completed her story. Finally, he nodded. "If I didn't know better, I'd say that you had reached into my mind and plucked the dream from my memories. Strange... that we should have the same dream." Annael smiled, and Gyrfalcon noticed her butterflies rising around her in a swirl as she relaxed slightly. "It's good that it wasn't just my dream. But I agree, it's strange that we would have the exact same dream, down to all the details.... too strange." Gyrfalcon stomach rumbled at him, and he smiled in embarrassment. "I think my stomach is saying that it is time for breakfast. Would you like to join me?" Annael hesitated, torn, when Gyrfalcon added offhandedly "After that, we can look up Daryl and see if he had the same dream as well." "All right." the dark angel said with a quiet sigh. OOC Note: All further out of character notes will be in an OOC: Thread I'll be making in the Greenroom, but I just wanted to note that if you want me to represent your character differently Annael, just ask and I'll make the requested changes.
Happy Birthday!
Gyrfalcon tossed on his bed, his covers cast to the floor by his dream-inspired movements. Perhaps, given the violence by which the bed was unmade in his sleep, nightmare would stand closer to the truth. Much closer to the truth. Gyrfalcon was sitting in Annael’s tree once again, the night stars overhead. But something was strange... different. He realized as he tried to turn his head what the difference was. He couldn’t control his own body. Despite his frantic attempts to wrench control of his body back into his possession, nothing happened. “Hello up there, care for a visitor?” a voice called up. Gyrfalcon felt his lips curve in a cruel smile for a brief moment before his voice called out “Salinye, just who we wanted to see.” Through the events that followed, Gyrfalcon remained a helpless, horrified prisoner. As Salinye fell away into darkness, the half-elf bolted upright in his bed with a horrified shout, hand outstretched to catch a wrist too far away... Meanwhile, in his own room, Daryl growled in his sleep, baring his fangs at the unseen force that bound him and forced him to watch as he leapt at his newfound friend, prepared to rend her limb from limb. “Noooo!” Daryl said, coming awake. He shivered and rubbed the sweat from his face as he slowly laid back, ignoring the clammy sheets. “That dream... felt real somehow.” he shook his head and shrugged, determined that any answers would have to be sought in the morning. Despite his attempts to sleep, it was many hours before he at least drifted into a restless slumber. But at least no dreams came to him. He counted himself fortunate when he woke up a few hours later.
Daryl scampered from room to room, always just a few steps ahead of Salinye, despite her better knowledge of her own hostel. Still, Daryl’s lack of experience finally led him into a corridor with no way out. He turned around and started to look sheepish, which was hard for a fox to do, when the door beside him opened. "What’s all this racket?" the old druid said irritably as he twitched his sash tight. He didn’t even notice the quiet ripple of the hem of his robe as Daryl slipped by him and into his room. Turning to confront Salinye, he put his hands on his hips. "Well? I was told that this was a quiet place to relax, but instead there’s all this Gaea-cursed racket! You’d think I was in a city!" Salinye had to spend the next fifteen minutes soothing the druid’s ruffled feathers before he quieted down. By that time, Daryl was long gone out of the decorative window and loping towards home, satisfied that Salinye was safe for the short term. The same could not be said for Daryl. Barely fifteen minutes away from Salinye’s hostel, Daryl heard the baying of a wolf pack and cursed to himself in Fox, Kitsune, Werefox and Wolf. Of all the luck...! Looking around, Daryl could find no place defensible enough to take on an entire pack of wolves, and so he ran on. As he did so, he mentally reached out, and was surprised to find their presences nearby. Pleased, the werefox called on ancient alliances. We come. a voice responded mentally. Daryl reached a clearing a short while later and stopped at the far end, turning to face the path he had traveled. Within a few minutes, the wolves arrived, and Daryl understood why they had chased him. Leading them was a great wolf with glowing red eyes- a worg. Daryl growled deep in his throat at the sight of the foul beast. The worg snarled at the wolves, ordering them to spread out as it stalked forward slowly, thinking the fox had been brought to bay. It was planning now to slowly kill the fox, and savor its dying agonies. A deep-throated growl from the bushes halted the worg. Foxes appeared all around the edges of the clearing, and the wolves seemed amused. Then larger forms appeared, creatures as large as wolves, with bony plates covering their foreheads and shoulders and extending down their spines. Lips pulled back from sharp teeth as the dire foxes snarled at the wolves. Now the wolves turned back to back, realizing that they were clearly outnumbered. This effect was heightened further as Daryl changed to his hybrid form, standing easily. "Fools! Kill them!" the worg snarled, turning its head away from Daryl. A mistake. Daryl charged forward, impossibly quick, claws raking across the worg’s face and neck. The beast tried to back away, but the werefox pressed the attack relentlessly, clawed hands batting the worg’s face impossibly fast. In desperation, the worg leapt for Daryl’s throat. Daryl spun out of the way and landed a roundhouse kick that blasted the worg across the clearing, into a tree. The crack of its neck snapping echoed in the hushed clearing. "Which of you is second?" Daryl said quietly in Wolf. A grizzled male stood out from the pack slightly. "Leave this place, and trouble not the foxes of this forest. You will live- for now." The wolf considered this, then lead the pack away. Daryl turned to face the dire foxes. "Thank you for your aid." he said in Fox. We honor our debts. The grizzled leader of the dire foxes assured Daryl as the gathered foxes dispersed back to their dens and ranges. Daryl bowed formally to the dire foxes as they departed, then reached within himself. Changing back to a fox, he continued on his path back to the Mighty Pen.