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Everything posted by Gyrfalcon
Gyrfalcon nodded. "And what was that mysterious reason?" Salinye took a deep breath, picking her words carefully. "There are actually two reasons. The first is that my mother has offered to reinstate me back into my society. All charges would be dropped; I'd have my royal rights back, my place in society, the entire works." The wizardess paused, hesitating. Gyrfalcon's eyes narrow. "There's always a price attached though, what's this package's price?" he asked bluntly. Salinye smiled. "Always the skeptic." she chided gently. The half-elf raised an eyebrow. "Don't tell me there wasn't a price attached." Salinye laughed softly, but sobered quickly. "There was." she said, looking off into the distance as she tried to word her next sentences, her hands wringing cloth of her dress. Gyrfalcon waited patiently, allowing Salinye the time she needed to sort her thoughts. "Do you remember that I told you I ran away with Dainin, a dark elf?" her voice lost its strength when she spoke his name, and pain filled her eyes. "Yes, I do remember." Gyrfalcon said quietly. "Well... that was unacceptable for the obvious reasons, but there other... reasons." she continued, wringing the material of her dress continually. "As is common in many cultures, I was betrothed from a young age, promised if you will to a man named Garon Attaway." Gyrfalcon nodded. "A common practice among nobility everywhere." his voice threaded with distaste for the practice. "Well yes, so walking out on him was twice as insulting. But I didn't love him, I didn't choose him!" her voice rose, her eyes intense. "Because you ran away from the betrothal at all... and ran away with a drow elf." Gyrfalcon stated. "Yes. You see, the marriage would have done amazing things politically..." "But at the expense of your happiness." "At the time, yes. Love was worth running away for." she said, her voice sad. "So... of course, that is the ultimatum, the price." "Marry him and you're reinstated, don't marry him and you're an exile forever, I take it?" Gyrfalcon said slowly. Salinye nodded slowly. "I believe so." Gyrfalcon looked into her eyes and asked the first question that popped into his head. "How important is regaining your status to you? Is it worth your happiness?" She closed her eyes. "The entire affair is confusing for me, to be honest." Gyrfalcon nodded. "You wish to return to your home, but you don't want to give up your new home, or all the friends you made?" Salinye struggled with her words. "See... I'm not sure how to explain it all to you." she admitted, her face flushing slightly. "It's a hard subject for me." Gyrfalcon smiled warmly and gently squeezed the back of her hand. "That's understandable, Salinye." "Months ago, I probably would have agreed without much hesitation." Salinye said, picking her words. "It's been part of my life-long dream to finish my father's work here. It's a difficult decision to make, and I don't like that I'm being pressed to make it within a time limit." Gyrfalcon smiled. "Ask for more time." "Can I? I wouldn't be so sure." His smile broadened. "Insist." Salinye considered his words. "I'll try. But as I was saying, months ago I would have probably agreed. I have long since given up... certain ideals..." her voice faltered. Gyrfalcon knew something of her past, and squeezed her hand gently. "Like love?" Salinye flushed immediately. "Well... yes..." she said, her face flaming. Gyrfalcon lowered his eyes. "It's a loss to the world if you believe you can't find love, Salinye." Salinye brushed away her misbehaving lock of hair and tried to will the heat in her face to go away. "I... I'm not sure what I believe, I just... I don't want to label anything..." "Without truly knowing what is involved in that label?" Gyrfalcon prompted. "I... just know that at this point in my life, it would be nice to have the time to... explore... the things I wish to explore... and... be able to make an... educated decision." Salinye said, choosing each word carefully. "Yet by being forced into marriage, you won't be allowed that exploration." Gyrfalcon argued. "Yes... exactly." Salinye said. Gyrfalcon pressed on. "Or you could live at the Hostel and have all the time in the world to explore and learn." he said, a faint note of hope touching the edges of his voice. Salinye lowered her voice, her face serious. "Yes, and lose the opportunity to help reverse decades of prejudiced thinking." her voice became passionate. "There are beautiful children here being raised to continue teaching the black and white thinking of many of my people. If I stayed, I know I could help fight that tradition!" "And there is no one you can trust to take up the fight in your stead?" Gyrfalcon asked. "There is, but... being in the political position I would be in through marriage to Lord Attaway... I would have certain sway." "But what cost to yourself?" Gyrfalcon said, pressing a little bit. Salinye look a little frustrated. "Maybe everything or maybe nothing." "But can you afford to risk everything on this?" Salinye studied his face carefully. "But is it everything? There is no way to tell right now. It might be nothing." she said, squeezing his hand gently. The half-elf sighed and smiled lopsidedly. "I've never been fond of fifty fifty gambles, Salinye." "Nor I. I'm not in a fun position. See, I don't know about you, but I embraced love once... and the sting of love lost. It may not be worth having the love in the first place. I haven't quite decided." she said, her pain obvious. Gyrfalcon studied her face intently. "It is, Salinye, though you might not see it as clearly this close to the loss. But it's better to have happiness, however brief, then eternal regret for lost chances." "There can be regrets either way, it's a gamble." Salinye said, standing to pace the gazebo as she speaks. "GyrE... we've grown so close, this is true. But where will it go? It's not even a fair question, how could one know? I know I would like time to find out... but what if I'm not granted that?" she said, looking away, her voice distant as she loses herself in her thoughts, even as she speaks them. "If I deny the marriage to Attaway, I may be giving up a last chance hope for a small band of us that are trying to make a difference. A difference that even you have seen the need for in your life. I would be giving it up for, as you put it, a fifty fifty gamble. Maybe it would be a worthwhile sacrifice, maybe it would be an eternal regret." She paused, and Gyrfalcon continued to watch her. "Maybe I'm broken and can't be fixed... I don't know..." she said, becoming frustrated by her tumbling thoughts. "Gyrfalcon barked a laugh." That's not true, Salinye. Any hurt can be fixed. All it takes is time and care..." "It's true in theory." Salinye said. "And in practice." Gyrfalcon added. "But it's not an instant fix... it takes time. "I used to romanticize the subject too, GyrE." Salinye said, her voice dismissive as she turned to face him. "And you think that is what I am doing?" Gyrfalcon said. "I don't know. I'm mixed up in this area of life. I'm sorry, please don't be offended by me." she said, flushing slightly. Gyrfalcon smiled softly. "Take your time, Salinye. Look at it from all angles - including what you would like. Then make your decision." Salinye sat down and looked into his eyes. "Tell me what decision to make." she said, her voice almost imploring. Gyrfalcon hesitated, then shook his head. "It isn't mine to make, Salinye." he said, looking deep into her eyes. "I... I would like you to return to the Pen with me... and Daryl. But if you truly believe that you can do more good here, and that you can make the sacrifice of not being able to learn and explore what you wish about love..." Salinye's eyes misted slightly as she sits stunned. She cleared her throat. "I... I just need some time." she said, a little unsteadily. Gyrfalcon nodded. "Of course." he said, standing and bringing her hand to his lips, lightly brushing a kiss across the backs of her knuckles. "If you would excuse me, I should go and wash away the road dust." The practical words jar Salinye's thoughts down another path. "I've arranged for you to stay, will you?" she said, her eyes following him as he stands. Gyrfalcon smiled. "Of course." he said, suddenly grinning. "I should go make the fuzz face give back what he's taken so far, though." Salinye smiled. "Yes, but so you should know, I've arranged for you to stay elsewhere. I wanted to make sure you were treated right, and you wouldn't be here." her eyes twinkled slightly. "You'll be staying with my mystery man." Gyrfalcon raised an eyebrow. "Oh? This should be... interesting." he said, his voice cool. Salinye started laughing. "Leave your katana tucked away, GyrE. You and he may butt heats, but you'll learn to adore him as I do. But... Daryl stays with me, yes?" Gyrfalcon showed her that he is empty-handed. "True, inflicting Daryl and a half-elf on him all at once may strain your friendship together. Salinye smiled. "Not possible." she said before summoning a servant to lead the half-elf to where her mystery man was waiting.
Gyrfalcon and Daryl peek down from their perches higher in Annael's Tree. "Welcome back, good friend. I hope your trip through Real Life was not too horrible." the half-elf says quietly, smiling. Daryl just yips happily before dropping down into Annael's lap and curling up.
Gyrfalcon strode through the corridors behind the guard, enjoying the opportunity to stretch his legs out after having spent several long, hard days in the saddle, pushing his and his mount's endurance to the limits to reach Fe'Thwyn as quickly as possible. As they passed down a hallway, a handsome elven man turned the corner, his mouth set in a smug smile. That expression disappeared in an eye blink as he and Gyrfalcon set eyes on each other. The elf's eyes narrowed as he took in the shorter ears of the half-elf, and his face froze in a polite smile. Gyrfalcon took in the too-fine clothes the handsome man wore, the hair just a touch too styled. Dandy. he thought to himself, his eyes narrowing slightly as the man walked towards him. "Greetings." Gyrfalcon said politely, hoping to avoid having to talk to the dandy. "I am Duke Garon Attaway. Who might you be, and may I ask why are you here?" the elf said, his voice polite but edged, a faint emphasis on the word 'Duke', perhaps to drive the fact home with the rustic-looking half-elf. "I am Lord Gyrfalcon No'Dessu, Duke Attaway, and I happen to be meeting a friend." Gyrfalcon said, his voice coolly polite. Attaway stepped closer to accentuate his slight advantage of height. "Ah, well... do enjoy the splendor of the Celestialgrace gardens. They have been cultivated for far longer then you have been alive, and show all the splendor of those years." Gyrfalcon smiled faintly. "That long, eh? I am sure I will indeed enjoy that splendor. Unfortunately, I must meet with my friend, but I am sure we will have a chance to talk later." the half-elf said, his voice slightly amused. Attaway smiled politely, slightly curious as to the source of the half-elf's amusement. However, he had other things to attend to then chat with a half-breed. "I am sure we will." Attaway said, attempting to brush by the half-elf, only to be slightly staggered as his shoulder glanced off Gyrfalcon's. The ranger didn't even twist slightly, but instead nodded to the guard and continued onward. Gyrfalcon stepped through the doorway from the mansion and paused, momentarily stunned by the sheer splendor of the gardens. Despite his dislike for Duke Attaway, he did have to admit the man was right this once, the gardens did show all the splendor of their age. Behind him, the guard cleared his throat. "M'lord? This way." Gyrfalcon glanced back, then nods and steps aside to let the guard take the lead, taking him along a long path of crushed white gravel, the half-elf basking in and enjoying the subtle beauty of the garden. As they reached a long row of rose bushes, Gyrfalcon saw Salinye, and was momentarily taken aback by how different she looked, dressed in a simple but elegant gown, her hair done up in ornate curls, half-pinned up with that one stubborn lock hanging down beside her face. He smiled involuntarily but restrained the urge to call out as they stopped in front of the elven wizardess, who was engrossed in a book of some sort. The guard cleared his throat. "M'lady Salinye? You have a... visitor." Gyrfalcon took that as his cue and smiled slightly as he bowed. "Greetings, M'lady." he said softly. Salinye looked up with a smile spreading across her face. She rose and intercepted him in mid-bow with a hug. "Don't you go bowing to me." she said warmly before looking at the guard. "Thank you, He'll be fine here with me." The guard's eyes flickered between Salinye and Gyrfalcon, and a faint frown marred his face. "My apologies, m'lady, but your mother directed that the half-elf be escorted." Salinye let go of Gyrfalcon and stepped towards the guard, placing a kind hand on his arm. "I know, thank you very much. You can return to your duties." Despite the kindness of her voice, there was also a hint of steel that said that her command would be carried out. The guard heard that steel and nodded reluctantly and bowing before slipping away down the pathway. Gyrfalcon chuckled slightly as Salinye turned back to him, and smiled. "You're looking wonderful, Salinye." Salinye fought back a flush with moderate success and instead smiled. "I'm glad you came." He returned the smile. "The weather was good for a trip." he said, still looking around. Salinye smiled "You'll never see the beauty in my garden after we walk through this one! Would you care to walk with me?" she added belatedly. Gyrfalcon smiled and bowed slightly. "Of course, and this garden is impressive. But your garden is also beautiful, and you have not had nearly the same amount of time to tend it." he said, offering her his arm. The two started down the path, enjoying the garden's beauty. Salinye took his arm laughing "Why so formal, Ranger?" she said, giving his arm a slight squeeze. Gyrfalcon looked wryly amused. "Your attired seems to require it. That, and the guard lurking over there behind the tree." Salinye looked over her shoulder and narrowed her eyes at the guard as he ducked back belatedly. "Yes... well, I'm still me, just a bit more decorated." Gyrfalcon smiled "The decorations only serve to highlight your beauty." he said. Salinye blushed and shook her head shyly. "Don't start with that, I didn't call you here to be flattered, GyrE." Gyrfalcon nodded more soberly. "Though it was not flattery, I will stop. What was it you called me for, Salinye?" Salinye squeezed his arm again, stopping at a small gazebo almost lost within the hedges. Within, chairs were arranged around a small table. "Come, let's sit. I want to share some things for you." Gyrfalcon nodded and pulled out a chair for Salinye to seat herself before sitting himself. Salinye smiled at him softly before the smile faded, her expression becoming serious. "Well, I have learned why my mother had summoned me home." she said quietly.
Heh, it was sort of funny. My store was at the edge of the power outages. Everything down the main street, and all the other computer stores down the side street we're on lost power, but we only got a few flickers. *grins* Luckily, my house barely even got flickers, which was good, though I guess a good chunk of people haven't had power since 4AM, and haven't yet regained power. Now that has to suck.
How on earth did we miss it?
Gyrfalcon replied to Valdar and Astralis's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Heh, Administrators can actually set users post counts, Jechum decided he wanted 10,000, then posted a few times. *grins* -
Gyrfalcon patted his horse's neck comfortingly as the brown gelding whickered and threw his head. "I know, it's starting to get colder at night, isn't it? Don't worry, only a few more weeks and we'll be done patrolling until spring." The gelding whickered again and snorted, plumes of steam rising from his nostrils. "You didn't have to put it like that." the half-elf commented wryly, the gelding snorted again. "Okay, so maybe you did." the half-elf conceded. A flutter of wings distracted him from their conversation. He looked up to see a white dove hoot at him before fluttering down to land on the gelding's neck. It hooted again and extended a leg towards him. Gyrfalcon leaned forward and looked closely, seeing a tiny scroll case attached to the limb. Gently he unstrapped the container and extracted the tiny scroll held within. "Thank you." the ranger said absently, studying the scroll intently, reading the tiny yet precise words within. The note was simple, the letters a little quick. "GyrE, Remember when you said that you'd come if I called? I'm calling. -Salinye" Gyrfalcon rolled the scroll up and looked at the dove, who must be Salinye's Charles. The dove presented his leg again, hooting at the half-elf for a reply. The ranger quickly flipped the note and wrote a short reply, glad that he had long ago taken to carrying an inkpot and quill. "I'll be there as soon as I can." the half-elf wrote, signing his name and carefully rolling the scroll tight before replacing it within Charles' scroll case. The half-elf sealed the case, and Charles hooted before fluttering into the air and winging his way towards the east, and to Fe'Thwyn. Gyrfalcon tucked away the quill and ink, and then looked down at his horse. "Well, it looks like we have some ground to cover. Let's go." The half-elf heeled the horse gently, and they galloped east. Three days later, a dust-covered rider reined in his horse at the main gates of Fe'Thwyn. The guards crossed their pikes, and one scowled as he saw the visitor's pointed ears- pointed, but not elven. "Who are you, and what is your business in Fe'Thwyn?" the soldier demanded, his voice hostile. Gyrfalcon narrowed his eyes, but otherwise failed to react. "I am Gyrfalcon No'Dessu, and my presence was requested." "And who requested your presence?" the other guard demanded. "By Lady Celestialgrace." Gyrfalcon stated flatly. "Hah!" one of them snorted, but protocol demanded he check the list anyway. With a wave of his hand, the list appeared, and he spoke quietly. "Gyrfalcon No'Dessu." the scroll glowed, and unwound until one name blazed blue from the list. "What?" the other said, surprised. "You may pass, half-human." the first said after studying the list for a long moment. "Try not to track in any vermin." Gyrfalcon smiled. "I shouldn't have to worry, you're outside." Before the guards could respond, the half-elf heeled the horse and trotted through the gates. Within the city, the half-elf found a better reception at one of the first inns he checked at, one catering to the wealthy foreign merchants who could purchase entrance. "The Celestialgrace Estate? Don't know why you'd want to go there, but it's easy enough to find, just keep on going down the main boulevard and you'll find it, right at the end." a well-clad wood elf said after a few quick questions. Gyrfalcon smiled and bought the merchant's next round in thanks before departing. Twenty minutes later, the half-elf arrived at the front entrance of the Celestialgrace Estate, only to again be confronted once more by unsmiling guards. "Halt!" the one on the left demanded, and Gyrfalcon reined in his horse and dismounted, holding onto the saddle for a moment before trusting his tired legs to support his weight. "I am Gyrfalcon No'Dessu. I believe Lady Salinye Celestialgrace is expecting my presence." Gyrfalcon announced. The guard scrutinized Gyrfalcon, noting that he did look much like the arrival was supposed to. "I am told that you will possess a certain amulet that Lady Salinye gifted to you." the guard said, his voice neutral, revealing nothing. Gyrfalcon nodded. "Of course." he said, withdrawing the amulet and showing it to the guard. The elf's eyes widened slightly then returned to normal. "You are who M'lady Salinye expected. If you would follow me..." the guard said, turning and walking through the opening gates. Gyrfalcon followed, leading his horse. As they approached the front entrance, Gyrfalcon intercepted a servant and handed the startled man the reins. "Please hand him off to the stable master, if you would. He is to be rubbed down warmly and fed- mostly grass, but some oats would be good for him." Gyrfalcon instructed. "Have the horse rubbed down and fed, yes sir." the startled servant never even bothered to consider where the orders were coming from as he led the horse off. The guard cleared his throat. "If you would come this way." he said, his voice trailing off meaningfully. "Of course." Gyrfalcon said, smiling slightly as he followed. The guard led the half-elf within the house, through large and sunlight corridors, and finally to a doorway where another guard stood. The two confer, then the second guard slips inside. Within moments, he opens the door, and the guard motions Gyrfalcon to enter. The ranger does so, and Salinye turns from the window to face him, smiling. Gyrfalcon begins to speak, but as their eyes lock, he notices more then subtle differences. The woman in front of him, so like the Salinye he knows, is somehow a little harder, her face a little bitter, her smile empty and her eyes very, very cold. Gyrfalcon bows. "M'lady. I do not believe we have had the pleasure." he said, smoothly recovering. The woman inclines her head a bare fraction of an inch. "I do not believe so. You are No'Dessu, I presume?" her voice was perfectly calm, and ice cold, the faintest hint of condescension hanging around it like a foul mist. Gyrfalcon smiles and bows slightly again. "I am Lord Gyrfalcon No'Dessu indeed. Might I inquire your name, madam?" "I am Duchess Silvia Celestialgrace." the woman replied. "Tell me, why should my daughter find your presence so urgent?" Gyrfalcon smiles slightly. "I honestly could not say, though I am sure that she will reveal that reason to me shortly." Her mouth smiled, though her eyes remained as cold as glaciers. "Indeed. I am sure you would like a chance to rest." the half-elf bows slightly again. "Indeed, it would be welcome. However, I should inform M'lady Salinye that I have arrived before I tend to my personal comfort." "Indeed." Lady Sylvia flicked her fingers, and a guard stepped forward. "Please guide... Lord Gyrfalcon ... to my daughter, and remain with them to render whatever aid or directions they may need." The guard bowed, and Gyrfalcon likewise gave a minimal bow. "I thank you for your... courtesy." the half-elf said, turning to leave. "Indeed. I hope you find your return trip pleasant." Lady Silvia said. "I suspect I shall." Gyrfalcon noted, his voice giving nothing away. The two departed, and Lady Silvia watched the door for many long minutes, wondering why exactly her daughter had summoned this... half-breed, and what it meant.
Excellent poem, Ayshela. It really illustrates to me why I don't ever want to get a migraine. About the closest I've ever come to that was a fever headache, which *did* leave me down for the count on my bed until I hit the bathroom to "Make offerings to the porcelain altar" as Ayshela put it.
Here's to an extremely happy Turkey Day!
Gyrfalcon replied to troubled sleep's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving or Thursday, depending in location in world. -
Happy Birthday, Zariah, and may you have many more.
You know, your logic path almost made sense too, if you consider each item individually.
Farewell Annael, but I won't say goodbye because I expect to see you back here soon! Good luck in real life.
Rune, One place you might want to look into is FuitadNET. From what I can see, their hosting seems to be low cost, and high bandwith. I know they host the comic 8-bit Theater and I haven't noticed any downtime from that site, despite a fairly large following. They seem to provide a large array of services, and their TOS policies look fairly easy for the Pen to get along with, though I'm unsure about your other sites.
Technical Support and Network Support, then transfer to a four-year school and get a Bachelors in one of the computer-related fields.
The Mighty Pen Weekly (Tentative title)
Gyrfalcon replied to Zariah's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Hm... unfortuantly, not a lot of time, but I'd suggest using e-mail rather then Word, at least for the first one that you send out to all members. (After that, sending to those who sign up for it may be the better option) The reasons for using e-mail: 1) Smaller file size 2) No attachments (random messages with attachments are treated with extreme suspicion, at least by me.) -
Gyrfalcon slumped back against the tree he had been hiding behind, his thoughts whirling in a confused jumble inside him as the last sparkles of Salinye's magic dissipated. Who was the man she had met with, and why had they greeted each other so familiarly? As far as Gyrfalcon knew, her father was dead, and she had certainly never mentioned any other close relations... The ranger closed his eyes and sighed, turning his thoughts away from Salinye and towards his own swirling emotions. He was surprised, yes, because Salinye hated venturing into the woods alone. But he was also surprised that she had chosen to meet a strange man so secretly, trying to hide his presence and their time together. The thought of the two hugging together tightly, kissing... With a growl, Gyrfalcon hammered his fist against the tree trunk, then paused and stepped back, massaging his hand. He considered his actions, and recognized that he was acting badly. He didn't know all the facts yet, and until he did, he had no right to make any judgments. The half-elf firmly shelved the thoughts and moved onward. But as he did so, he realized that he felt vaguely hurt, though he logically knew that there were a dozen reasons why Salinye might not have told him about her friend. Those reasons ranged anywhere from not thinking it necessary to it not being any of his business and more. Finally, Gyrfalcon sorted through his emotions enough to admit to himself that he felt vaguely jealous. The idea of Salinye running to the other man's arms discomforted the half-elf, for reasons he didn't know. "Wonderful... I wonder if I should talk to Daryl about this." Gyrfalcon considered his words, then laughed and shook his head. The day he came to Daryl for advice was the world would probably go asunder. As it was, the half-elf sighed and shrugged. He looked at the scattered flowers and started towards the area he had been patrolling, intent on finishing his patrol and returning to the Pen. The half-elf hesitated in mid step and glanced back, towards where the Hostel was located. He knew that if he didn't ask Salinye, his questions would gnaw at him. But he also knew it was most likely none of his business and he should leave things well enough alone and let Salinye do as she wished. He hesitated for a long, long moment, then turned towards the Hostel. He knew that the woods were most likely totally clear, and that now was as good a time as any to visit the Hostel. Moving at a ground-eating trot, Gyrfalcon slipped through the woods towards Salinye's Hostel.
The Ceremonial Whipping of the Dead Horse
Gyrfalcon replied to Finnius's topic in Banquet Room Archives
*Gyrfalcon (or Gryfalcon as he was so often called. ) applauds loudly* Keep 'em coming, Finnius, good to see you around again. -
Oh yes, this one really needs to be told.
Jagon snarled at Timothy's crumpled body and wheeled to face Gyrfalcon, raising high Gaspoliner. In the depths of his rage and madness, Jagon did not see that Gaspoliner's light flickered and faded before surging, then faded even further. Deep in the depths of his heart, Jagon knew that his course was wrong, but his pride forced him onward. His plan could still be salvaged, his mind told him. All he had to do was kill these mortals! Gyrfalcon tore his gaze away from Timothy's body and his eyes locked on Jagon's. Gyrfalcon choked his rage down and forced calmness into his voice. "Jagon, you have a choice. Put down your sword and admit to yourself that your path is wrong. Return to Heaven's reaches and seek forgiveness for the deeds you have done, as black as they are-" the half-elf's plea was cut off as Jagon roared, sweeping Gaspoliner in a broad arc. "You dare lecture me, you flawed and failed creation? You lecture one of the hands of God? You shall learn your folly mortal, at the end of Gaspoliner!" Gyrfalcon strode forward, his katana slashing the air before him. "We'll see." the half-elf promised grimly, his katana darting in a feint before cutting a silver arc through the air. Jagon batted the blow aside with his arm, not noticing as the blade sliced a divot off the bracer and bloodied his arm. Grasping Gaspoliner in two hands, the seraphim raised it high once more, and this time there was no one to stop its fall. With a primal scream of rage, Jagon brought Gaspoliner down with all of his vast might behind it. Gyrfalcon raised his katana to block, but Jagon knew that there was no chance the half-elf could stop him! Their blades met, and the perfect chime of metal on metal was changed as metal shattered. The tip of Jagon's sword cut a shallow line across Gyrfalcon's cheek before ricocheting past the half-elf. Jagon stared in horror at the shattered remains of Gaspoliner that he held, and never noticed the half-elf step back, then come forward in a smooth motion. Jagon's armor parted like paper, and Gyrfalcon's steel dove through flesh and bone to pierce the seraphim's heart. Jagon stared at the half-elf in shock. "Not... possible." Jagon whispered. The seraphim jolted forward, driven further onto Gyrfalcon's impaling sword as Myth struck from behind, her dagger cutting deep into the seraphim's back and taking a lung. "Not possible." Jagon repeated, blood dribbling from his mouth. "Gaspoliner... the Sword of Faith..." Gyrfalcon stepped back, and his katana slid free of the seraphim, who crumpled to his knees. "It... is not... possible. To be defeated... by wretched, flawed... mortals..." Jagon whispered, breath coming harder and harder as blood poured down his chest and filled his lungs. "Gaspoliner, Jagon, the Sword of Faith. You abandoned your faith in God's plans when you set out to destroy humanity. You abandoned your faith in your quest when we showed that the higher emotions could and did drive us. And now you've lost everything, Jagon... even redemption." "Father! Please... forgive me!" Jagon whispered, but the blackness of death swirled up around him before any response came, and he began to take the last journey as many flawed mortals did... not knowing what he would see when his eyes opened, Heaven or Hell.
Gyrfalcon blinked a few times as he absorbed words, then he slowly chuckled and shook his head. "You told him that we were... as you put it, 'intimate'?" the half-elf asked. Daryl chuckled in Salinye's arms and yipped something about wishes, but both of them ignored the smug fox, despite more then a few hints of red in their cheeks. Salinye blushed even harder as she looked into Gyr's amused eyes and looked down. "It probably wasn't the best of ideas, but it gained his trust quickly, and that means I'll be able to know what the mercenaries are planning. However, it means we'll have to play the role in public." Salinye admitted, wrapping a deceptively delicate hand around Daryl's muzzle to keep him quiet. He rolled his eyes back to glare at her, but Salinye ignored his look. Gyrfalcon nodded, but it was obvious that his thoughts were elsewhere. He pulled out a chair and sat down, sighing. "You know Salinye... I had thought that this was over with a long, long time ago. It's been years since any bounty hunter has been serious about trying to collect the bounties on my head. But now they come again." He sighed, and Salinye was surprised to see the great weariness bowing her half-elven friend's shoulders. He had always seemed indomitable, acting as if whatever faced him was nothing next to past trials. Now, it seems, one of those past trials has caught up with him. "GyrE..." Salinye said, and he looked up and forced a smile. "Don't mind me, just feeling sorry for myself. I had sort of hoped I could have gotten away from having to look over my shoulder for bounty hunters. At least this time I have a friend spying on the hunters and another to help me with those who can actually find me." Salinye nodded and Daryl sprang out of her arms, pacing around the two of them and sniffing at the floor. Gyrfalcon settled back and tried to remember about those two. a small man and a large brute, ... there was something familiar about the pairing, but with no names to go by, Gyrfalcon could not summon whatever memory niggled at the edges of his mind. He sighed and shrugged. "For some reason, those two organizers sound familiar to me... but I can't seem to place them." Gyrfalcon said, before sighing again. He changed the subject, putting the question firmly out of mind for the moment. "Either way, you said that one of the bounty hunters meant to make a try for me immediately, so I think it's high time I went on another patrol and see how well he can find a moving target. You should head to that meeting and act like a good little money-grubbing mercenary." Gyrfalcon smiled and winked. And Salinye smirked back at him. The elven sorceress pressed a hand over her left eye. There was a subtle blue glow and when it faded away, her tattoo was once more in place. Gyrfalcon stood and replaced his chair, and Salinye did likewise. "Once you're outside the room, you'll be able to teleport to the Hostel. From there, I'm sure you can go wherever you need to before the meeting." Gyrfalcon said quietly. Salinye nodded. "I'll stay at the Hostel for a day or so making sure everything is in order and making plans." she explained. Gyrfalcon nodded and motioned Daryl out ahead of him. "I probably don't need to say this, Salinye, but I will anyway. Be careful. If they discover that you're not a double-agent, they will kill you." His voice softened slightly with worry for her safety. "Pshaw!" Salinye said, flicking a hand dismissively. "Don't underestimate the sorceress, GyrE!" She said with a smile, and he chuckled. "Oh yes, I've learned that lesson." he said.
Happy Birthday, Ken.
I found that it was an interesting story, Kalypso. After reading through it a second time, I found a few things that I consider interesting. 1) The devil plants the seeds of his own destruction by giving Kat's sister the same candy as he does the other children, thereby making her an angel. 2) There are some apocolyptic themes in there, where the believer (Kat) is taken up to heaven before the battle between her sister and the devil. There are also elements of Ragnorak, in that each person seems to be fighting all others. Overall, I liked your descriptions and writing style. The only thing I'd avoid is the use of a large amount of alliteration in one area. candy collectors prowl the block in hordes. Multicolored monsters, ghastly ghosts, diabolical devils, wrathful witches, amorous angels, mutant martians, eccentric elves, courageous commandos, and an array of animals are all mirthfully marching on this moonless Halloween night to meet the bearers of tasty treats. Like most things, it's good in moderation, not so good in excess. Good going, Kalypso, keep writing.
Good luck with the magazine, Yui-chan! May your story sell well!
I dunno, I have this urge to smash Pokemon, but that's just me. Excellent poem otherwise Canid. I would make a few changes, but that's a matter of personal style. I'll temper my behaviour on this night: Only cause them fright. And to everyone's delight the little Pokemons will run. Goodie-goodie Harry Potters doing good - disgusting! All Hallows Eve has come, Little fairies have no place Among the ghouls who would disgrace The name of child, one night a year: Running wild and causing fear. Come thee near my sugared friends; Dance with the webbed figure of the Queen of Hallow-e'en.
Gyrfalcon watched Salinye walk away and hesitated. He knew that he should probably continue to accompany Salinye, but he also knew that she would want some time to work through her embarrassment without him hovering around. Nodding to himself, he decided to bring Salinye something to make her feel better, to make up for the letter incident with Tamaranis. Gyrfalcon slid through the crowd, exchanging smiles and words of greeting with those he knew, and chuckling and shaking his head at Wyvern's latest failed escapade. As Gyrfalcon approached Peredhil, he felt a cold stare boring into him. Turning his head, Gyrfalcon locked eyes with Elladan, who was standing near a wall across the room with a small, bright smile on his face. His eyes were cold and lifeless, though, and Gyrfalcon fought to suppress a shiver and failed. Elladan was one of the few people at the Pen who could truly scare the half-elf, and the only one that scared him all the time. Gyrfalcon could see something in the half-elf's eyes. Elladan did not see the living, he saw only those waiting to die, and he was more then happy to help them reach that state. Gyrfalcon broke eye contact with the cold-blooded son of Peredhil and shivered again before turning and speaking a quick greeting to Peredhil and Regel before allowing the two to continue on their way to talk to Ayshela. Finally reaching the refreshment table, Gyrfalcon eyes Wyvern's cart before blinking as it vanishes, only to reappear in the shadows at the far end of the Ball Room. Gyrfalcon narrowed his eyes to pierce the gloom, then nodded. The figure jumping away from the suddenly appearing cart was none other then Caryon. The half-elf was surprised the artificer would come to a Ball, which was a function solely designed to engage people in human interaction. Then again, it was odd enough that Elladan was here, so why not an artificer intent on remaking the world in machines? Gyrfalcon reached the refreshment table and recovered Salinye's wine glass for her, and loaded a small plate with a variety of delicacies in the hopes that they would help raise her spirits a bit. Looking around to see where Salinye had wandered off to, Gyrfalcon noticed that Jehane and Daryl had flanked him, grinning. Gyrfalcon winced, knowing that their grins meant that they were planning something. "Gyrfalcon, would you care to dance?" Jehane asked, smiling. Gyrfalcon opened his mouth to begin to make his excuses when Daryl cut in. "I saw that Salinye and Tam didn't hit it off very well. Since you were directly there, she might be a little sensitive still. Do you mind if I go and cheer her up a bit?" Gyrfalcon closed his mouth and smirked, then handed Daryl the plate and the glass. "I was going to bring these to her to cheer her up." the half-elf explained, and Daryl grinned. "Bribing her into a good mood, I see." the werefox observed in light-hearted humor, winking. Gyrfalcon chuckled. "Something like that." Daryl nodded. "Well, I'll make sure to ply her with food and drink in addition to my sterling wit and character!" "What character?" Jehane mumbled lightly, and Daryl shot her a mock-wounded glance. "Well, now that Daryl is going in your stead, I guess you're up for a dance, correct?" Jehane asked, eyes Gyrfalcon shrewdly. He chuckled and looked around. "I could go sprain an ankle..." he suggested. "Nope, don't get to do that." Jehane said, firmly shaking her head. "Not even a little bit?" "No." "Darn. Ah well, then let's dance, shall we?" The two started out onto the dance floor, and Daryl wove his way towards Salinye, deftly keeping people from bumping into the loaded tray or the still mostly-filled wine glass. As Daryl approached Salinye, he noticed that she was talking to a man attired in white and gold, and wondered who this new person was.
Heh, it's also on my list of things to get to, but this week is as busy as ever for me, so I haven't really had any time to go lyrics hunting for Gyrfalcon. All the music I think of with him happens to be non-lyrical. Unfortuantly, I'm just trying to keep up with threads I'm already involved in, but hopefully free time will appear soon.