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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gwaihir

  1. Well, it was fun. I'm surprised I lasted as long as I did. I'll try to post something soon to wrap Choseyre up.
  2. Ack, closed the PM right after I clicked send. Want to confirm that you got my vote, Gryphon?
  3. Choseyre shook her head. This was the problem with meetings. Things looked like they might be quite interesting but then some raving demon comes in and messes everything up. She wasn't usually upset by death but this time she let it show that she was shaken. There were just too many deaths around here. What happenned to simple character assassination? She herself was an expert at it and sometimes it was cruel enough but not nearly as horrible as all this! Everyone was leaving the meeting room now and Choseyre tried t o speak up. "People, I thought we were going to discuss who's guilty? I know that Sol and Sebastian just left but they aren't the only people that matter. Someone anyone want to actually talk rather then just wait while we all get killed one by one?" She shrugged and shook her head as Ciroth seemed to get some news and hurried out after the other two. "And I thought we were actually going to get something done today!"
  4. As soon as Patrick walked in the room Gwaihir addressed him, almost growling. "This talking to bacteria thing is almost impossible. And there I thought it would be such a brilliant idea when you suggested it. The problem is they live so fast. It's not that they don't think, it's that by the time I've said "hello" they've composed twenty speeches." "Umm, it was just an idea" Patrick said. Gwaihir went on as if Patrick had not spoken. "I have twenty Wiggly Cabbages and two roses working on the translations for me and we're still not fast enough for these bacteria. Each generation tells the next one to expect a slow message from a human and time I speak to these things, it's a new group!" "Perhaps you should take a break?" "I don't have time for a break", By now Gwaihir was almost squealing. "This so important and I'm getting behind." Patrick took a step back and began to look for a way to leave this conversation. Suddenly Gwaihir took a step backwards from his table and fell backwards onto Patrick. "OOf, are you alright?" Patrick asked, puzzled. He tried to politely push the ungainly elf off of him and wondered what had caused that! "I give up" Gwaihir panted as he finally pulled himself up. The bacteria have refused to communicate any more with humanoids because we are too dull for them. Their congress has ruled to cut off all funds for the project because it says that it is foolish to try to communicate with one's planet. We have been classified as incapable of advanced reasoning of any sort!" This conversation was getting more and more unreal, Patrick thought. "Ummm, I'm sorry." "Oh no, I have learned a lot from this. You deserve credit and in fact I hereby promote you! You are a active member and a deserving person. However, my work on bacteria is simply finished. I'm off to go give Wyvern back his anti-bacteria solution. It's what I've been using to promote their growth. Maybe he wants to sell it now." Patrick blinked as Gwaihir picked up the solution and jogged out...right into the closed door.
  5. Happy Birthday!
  6. techies are incredible people. We appreciate you, Yui!
  7. Choseyre sat down near where Sebastian and Sol were sitting. The dressing of a grumpy Choseyre had been quite an ordeal and at this moment her maid was lying down with a scorching headache. Still, Choseyre kept a glare off her face now that she was here. In fact, and she actually smiled as she glanced towards where Sol and Sebastian were talking. If they seemed to be comfortable with her presence, this might be an interesting conversation to join in. What had happenned to the Minobee twins and where was Johann? She'd been planning to cut him dead but now she was suspecting there was another reason he hadn't come to the theater. This was all getting ludicrously deadly and whoever was involved really really needed to be caught.
  8. Get some sleep, Gryph.
  9. As Gwaihir enters the room, he is carrying six pots of zinnias and one pot of various weeds. It is clear that he did not expect all this but as he walks in he blushes pink, realizing what this is. "Gyrfalcon, I can't belive you organized all this and"... here the strange elf pauses to inspect a lettuce leaf. You even got all of it from willing plants. How amazing you people are! I'm so hard to feed that no one makes me a banquet! And ..... That pheonix is the most beautiful bird I've ever seen! I wonder." Here Gwaihir breaks off his normal speech and begins to dance and wiggle at the magnicifcent bird. The bird sniffs and is not clear whether it does not know Gwaihir's language well and is translating slowly or perhaps it is trying to decide whether the elf is worth answering. Regardless, no one finds out whether Gwaihir can communicate with pheonixes because here Wyvern seizes the pheonix's neck. His howls of pain as he tries to grasp a fiery bird drown out everything else for a few minutes. A bit later, Gwaihir begins babbling again. "Sorry about that but I was trying to communicate with the pheonix in Common Vegetarian. I'm not sure if it knew it or not but they're such smart birds that it would have been worth a try." He glares to the doorway Wyvern passed through in his yowling search for cold water to comfort his arm. "You people are amazing and I'm truly touched that so many people came and spent the time to send me good wishes. I am touched. This is exciting, Sweet may I open my present?" "OOF, hello CheerMynx." The result of the impact was unresistable. CheerMynx was relatively dextrous and after knocking into Gwaihir she only rolled into two baloons but Gwaihir managed to knock into almost everything else. His ability to end up inside a woman's skirt might have been impressive if it had been on purpose. As it was, he missed seeing anything interesting but he did get hit on the head a few times by a mad woman with something like lead in her purse. Still, when Mynx licked him, he had to chuckle. Thanks you guys. This is awesome.
  10. Choseyre groaned and rubbed her eyes and stuck her head out of bed. Nope, not getting up yet. It was far past time to arise but she was in a foul mood. She had been sort of looking forward to a date with Johann and then the damn fool had stood her up. She tried to shrug, and thought 'well good thing I didn't agree to ally with him. I'll have to tell people now what a jerk he was for not showing. Frankly, I didn't want an exclusive alliance with anyone but a date with a handsome guy and maybe a chance to share some juicy gossip? That would have been fun. Bastard.' Her maid servant knocked again. "Ma'am there's some news you might think... "NO, I've already told you no news. I'm sulking! I have been offended! In fact, didn't I tell you not to disturb me unless it was something important!" "Yes, ma'am, but there is something important. You have also recieved a note inviting you and all the other contenders for the regency to come and attend a meeting. The meeting is in a couple hours so if you want me to do your hair ahead of time, I thought I should come and ask you if you were attending." "Ah, well thank you." Despite herself, Choseyre was mollified by the thought of an engagement to entertain her. "Well, of course I don't know if I shall wish to attend. Who else is going?" The maidservant smiled shyly, glad she had done her homework. "The servants quarters suggest that almost everyone will be attending. Certainly most are going." "Good girl! Well, I am bohred. Yes, yes, tell the cook to make me a breakfast salad and then come and dress me please."
  11. Written with Johann/Patrick Durham Choseyre needed some fresh air for her thoughts. After her talk with Sol, she still wasn't sure which way to go. Fighting people was just too bloody and Choseyre preferred safety. She thought of herself as someone who could resolve a quarrel as well as anyone but an outright fight for the throne was no good. If given the choice she'd rather not get the throne than die but how to say so. She couldn't very well fly a flag saying so. Suddenly she heard someone. Choseyre tensed for a fight and peered into the darkness trying to see who was there. As Johann stepped from the shadows he almost bumped into Choseyre. For a moment he stood there, stunned that he hadn't heard her approach. He saw her tense, and expecting the worse, his hand started moving towards his belt. "Nice day we have isn't it?" he said thinking fast. He hoped that if she wanted to attack him something as banal as that would momentarily bring her off balance and give him an advantage. Very visibly Choseyre relaxed. "Oh good, it's you!" She laughed thinking how foolish that might sound. "I really didn't want to see an assassin pop out of the shadows and instead I see someone I respect from court.” “It's been a bit of a messed up day court-wise I'd say but I love the night. Away from all the politicising. So much more peaceful. This is what to live for people, night friendship not all that. Ugh, what do _you_ think of all this?” Johann also released his flexed muscles when he saw Choseyre relax. He was glad that it had not come to blows. He had to remind himself that he most probably had nothing to fear directly from a candidate for the regency. Most of them would probably use assassins, instead of putting themselves directly in the line of danger. "It does seem that assassins are quite frequent these last few days. First the regent, then Cid, and now the General. I fear that a lot of bloodshed shall happen before the great houses find a suitable candidate. Most likely the suitable candidate shall be the only one remaining." Johann knew that even some people of his own house would be glad to use such methods to dispose of rival candidates. He himself preferred careful political manoeuvring over assassination though. "In times like this it is hard to know who is on whose side, if you get my meaning. I mean", he added with a laugh "even the two of us are adversaries in the fight for the regency." Choseyre laughed. "Yeah, I'd love to be regent. But frankly, I'd rather stay alive. As much as I love power, it's not the only thing in life." Besides it's so much fun being number two. If you or one of the other few people I really respect ends up as regent I will happily support you and I'll just expect you to remember it. As number two, I wouldn't have to guard my back nearly so well but I'd be a force to be remembered. I'm just not a hero.” Johann nodded. "Sometimes it is even the number twos who have more influence than the true leaders," he said. "I shall remember in case I do become regent." Johann envisioned the possibility. He had to check himself. A lot of people would need to die in order for him, or anyone else to be regent. Somehow he doubted that political manipulations could resolve the current situation. He wondered about possible alliances, which were forming or already formed between the different factions. Sol and Katelyn were soon to be married, and their houses would probably unite behind a single candidate. Johann wondered about possible alliances his house might make. "What if we were to ally?" he proposed to Choseyre. "United, we might stand more chance of surviving." Choseyre nodded, interested. "What would that entail?" Johann had not really expected Choseyre to be interested, as an alliance was always seen as a greater threat, but now that she did seem interested... Johann pondered what would be needed for the alliance to be effective. "Firstly, I could convince certain members of my house to not consider you as a candidate to be removed from the picture, and I'm sure you could do the same. Secondly we would need to find a way to officialise the alliance. Sol of Sepharis and Katelyn of Minobee chose marriage to cement their alliance. There are other possibilities of course," he hastily added. Choseyre chuckled. "As impressed as I am by your assets…and your house's..." Lightening like a grin flashed across her face. I would have to persuade my house that I had a reason to formalize an alliance with a highly respected but unknown quantity.” Johann thought about the question. He could not help but think what it would be like if to fortify the bond between the two houses by marriage. He knew that most marriages in the great houses were made because of political reasons and not love. He wondered whether he would be given the gift of being able to love the one he married. Or be loved by that person. "You're right that convincing one's own house can at times be difficult. Sometimes I truly find that political manoeuvrings inside a house are more difficult to understand than the ones between the houses. Yet I am sure that House Wererathe would have at least something of interest, which it could offer to your house." "Indeed. No disrespect to your house was intended, you know. After all, if we did not at least somewhat respect each other's houses, we wouldn't bother to have this conversation I expect. And lord knows I am not proposing marriage!" she laughed. "Still, perhaps it might be wise to meet in another location and talk." Choseyre grinned, as she looked up at Johann "It might even be fun." "Indeed," Johann started, "these corridors tend to have too many ears listening in on what is said. What location would you propose as a meeting place?" "Would you like to dine at the theatre with me tomorrow? I have my own box and I hear the new composer is wonderful." Johann nodded. "That would be wonderful." Choseyre smiled. "I will look forward to it. See you then. "
  12. Zany zenlike Zebadiah zombie zealously zings zoological zippy zebra zygotes.
  13. My apologies for the tardiness of my post. At least this is faster than our last contest I guess. These were some awesome haikus and one loved reading them. Liked others I was looking for a tight concept that had a lot of meaning. I liked it when I could really picture the scene and a haiku got bonus points from me if it was relevant but said something about the season that wasn't always said. There were so many good ones and for the record, I have particularly avoided reading the favorites of other judges so if there are similarities or differences they are innate. But enough talk so in no particular order, my favorites I know this one wasn't competing the contest but I think it's worthy of note anyway. It's a wonderful haiku and that last line adds a lot of depth. It really made me think. In what ways besides the physical is a lake a reflection of life? etc. This feels a bit like two images to me (the dog and the wheat field) but both are very nice. Maybe I'm a midwesterner but I could really picture this. I thank you for it. Perhaps it was t he reference to play at the end but this whole haiku felt quite light spirited to me. I think this could be a little more concise but it's well worth the read. I think I love your style of haikus, Tannuchan. I tried to only pick one of yours as favorites since you're a judge but these were both far too good to leave out. The picture of colored leaves swirling in the wind would be beautiful as it is but that last line adds immensely. Probably I prefer this to your other one quoted here because here I understand the comparison more. You seem to be breaking out and not just describing an impressive scene but you're comparing it to life and telling me why I should care. It works; I do! For a runner up I wish to pick a very nice haiku even though the author clearly has the Wrong view of a rainstorm. Oh yes. Oh yes. Oh yes! Perhaps I somewhat object that rain is not nearly as depressing as all that but this is a unified adn very persuasive haiku. It also seems to have a more natural sentence structure than haikus tend to have. And my favorite: Watery thunder is a poetic concept and very different from the image of waves dancing. Yet, both are accurate and often both can be seen at the same time. I'm not sure the second line adds as much as the first and third but this is a very good haiku, in my opinion. This haiku didn't seem completely unified but I think that was right--waves never seem unified either and often the wave is coming in one place and going out in another. All: These were so much fun to read and I am really glad we did this. I didn't expect these to be nearly so wonderful but they're amazing and when put together they're an awesome picture of the seasons and nature.
  14. (written for the day party and though it's a bit too late I dont' want to waste it so I'm posting anyway.) s Sol spoke, Choseyre's blue eyes darted to him with interest. "Do you think people here will behave with honor? This is a" She paused a moment here. "This is an interesting court and sometimes it's hard to know who to depend on for honor or anything else." Smiling, Sol closed his eyes briefly, scratching an itch on his forehead and exposing the snake tattoo in the process. "I trust my faith to illuminate the path of honor, and to expose those who would sin. And I've been known to be an excellent judge of character..." Sol smiled a little more and took a small sip from his drink. Choseyre chuckled. It seems a useful faith and a rare enough one. Perhaps if more followed your path, we'd have a smoother path before us. I think sometimes we forget that this regency must be all about the country. Really, I just want to help this country. There are so many wonderful things to be done! That's why I don't plan to fight and it's why I dislike what happenned to Jerin. I rather suspect you could be a better king than he but I wish this could have all been settled differently. "So true, so true," Sol nodded. "Well, here's to wishing the best for the lands!" He raised his glass, tilting his head towards Choseyre respectfully. Choseyre nodded and raised hers in return. With a peaceful smile she surveyed the room. All was going well. Katelyn saw the break in conversation and graciously filled it by asking how Choseyre's studies had gone. As she heard Katelyn speak, Choseyre's introspective face turned to a lighter smile "Well, I spent most of my time studying the magic of people and yes it does indeed come in quite handy." Choseyre twirled a glass of wine as she paused. It's just that studying in magician dark rooms is quite drab compared to this court as you can imagine." As Katelyn nodded, Choseyre smiled and gave slight shrug. Both women turned and Choseyre moved off towards Samantha. "So, what do you think of all this?"
  15. After the toodoo, Choseyre floated out of the way and it was a little while before she rejoined the group. When she did, there was a smile on her face and she strolled up to Katelyn. "Well, well! That was a more interesting confirmation than I expected. But how are you? How have you been doing. Considering your status and your upcoming alliance, this must strike you as particularly interesting. With a grin, Choseyre paused a moment for an answer before continuing. For myself, I think I would prefer to befriend the throne but I do like a bit of drama, you know! Frankly, it's a shame that I left the country to study for a bit but I didn't expect all this to happen!
  16. I personally tend to prefer capitalized first letters of lines but I admit that it's old fashioned. Really I am not up to deep feed back right now but as someone (else?) who's lost a brother I just want to say that I love this.
  17. Happy birthday rev! You're always an interestign person to talk to. We appreciate you.
  18. Gwaihir jogs in half dressed and out of breath. " Happy birthday! Unfortunately I'm late for everything so I can't stay. Happy Birthday!"
  19. Don't forget to add your four words .
  20. I've decided I'd like to be if a major house so I am editing my post to be of the house Arcline. By the way, if others have not seen this description of the houses then they may find it useful.
  21. Choseyre of House Arcline After an absence of five years, "studying abroad," Choseyre is back. Also, she has spent the last five years training as a mage so she is now much better than she was She is still a bit shy of showing off her skills, but those who see her work tend to be impressed. Physically Choseyre is a woman of medium height with Dark brown hair. She is not beautiful, partially because of a scar on her face (and quite a few on the backs of her hands) that she says she acquired while young and foolish. Still, she manages to look quite interesting and more than one man has wondered if her smile was an invitation or a threat. Choseyre is always found dressed perfectly in the current style and because of her charming ways she is often found to be close friends with parties on both sides of any quarrel. Choseyre refuses to shapeshift, because she says she is too shy. Choseyre's personalilty tends to be something in between mediator and gossip. She is too shy to be the average court gossip but she tends to befriend as many people as she can so she usually knows quite a few stories about everybody.
  22. I'm in! Will edit character somewhat. Will post soon.
  23. Oh that could be fun! I can think of so many Evil phrases . (very cute post by the way, Katz.)
  24. I listened to the politician make his speeches and I really tried to be open minded this time. I tried to not to assume anything but with some people it's so hard not to. This time that son of unmarried parents was explaining why he had voted against a ten million dollar allotment to the hippopotamus rescue fund. In vain his reasonable opponent quoted statistics and noted that at least ten hippos have died in the last year due to sphincter cramps. One poor baby even got buried by lava because it began to have craps as it was running after its mother in an attempt to escape an erupting volcano. What kind of country would refuse to spend ten million to save sweet hippos from sphincter cramps?
  25. As Gwaihir smiled a patch of flowers bloomed "Happy Birthday Wyvern!"
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