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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gwaihir

  1. The stories tend to be wildly improbable without anything vaguely approaching the amount of evidence required to make the things slightly believable.
  2. Smell of books always makes me pretty happy. Lots of books in our house and libraries are a second home ...
  3. Wow had I forgotten about those. Da-am I didn't knwo this still existed. Ozy, by the way that haiku comment was about living in a man's world and living a fighting, testosterone filled lifestyle Book's still in first draft .
  4. The guild leaders have never been event organizers and should not become them. However, I think Sweet is probably quite right--we should have event organizers!
  5. Sweetcherrie, I hope it was not a mistake to post what I did here. I would not wish to give the impression that people aren't trying. Please try to trust us a bit here. No one is fighting change.
  6. This was originally posted in response to a question from me asking what GLs want concerning t he guilds and what they think we should do. Quoted with permission from Mynx
  7. *Gwaihir jogs in from the Carribean (no, not really)* Hey, sorry to have been gone for a bit--I've been vacating but I'm back and yay! Glad you guys are around.
  8. Rune, you really are totally truely cool. We appreciate you. Gyr, seriously thanks for being a consistently responsible and helpful hand with website management as well as everything else you do. Yays.
  9. Happy Birthday!
  10. Well, correct answers were: 1 Inspector I.M Clueless 2 Savage Dragon 3 Katzaniel 4 Katzaniel 5 Patrick 6 Sweetcherrie This is now closed. Thanks for all who participated.
  11. Yay for being pure evil!
  12. Gyr weren't the only one. As always I am impressed by the quality of your writing, Sal.
  13. Gwaihir raised his hand again, shyly. I don't want to be mean but I think one's allowed to bid for things, so I'm going to bid forty-five.
  14. Gwaihir smiled at Stoomp a bit bashfully. Erm, magical wood really appeals to a guy like me. I mean, would you mind if I outbid you? If you really are upset, I mean, I can take my bid back, but well I'd like to bid twenty for the log.
  15. Wow. Really that epic deserves a simple response. Just a wow. Probably better to explain myself though. This has little grammar type errors etc. but it's an excellent novel. You even pulled off the ending beautifully. I rather expected it to turn out cliched but it didn't. I'll try to post more later. Excellent job, O.
  16. Suddenly Cambio started to shake. Richard looked at the toadstool with mild disturbance. "I wonder what he's going to become now." "I'm not sure but you'd better put him down in case he's heavy." Annael warned. It was just in time too. Cambio, even as a toadstool had felt the change coming. He had tried to restrain it so as not to crush Richard's hand but one could only wait so long. As soon as Cambio's root touched the earth, he almost exploded into a large rhinocerous. His rapidly expanding bulk knocked both Richard and Cambio over. Still the grass was soft and neither were hurt. As they picked t hemselves up, Cambio did a little gallop around them. In this form he was quite fast and it was quite a relief to not be stuck as that bloody toadstool. Once more he cursed this stupid enchantment he was under and scowled grumpily at the world. What else could a rhinocerous be but grumpy after all. With extreme politeness Richard offered Annael a hand and quickly helped her up. For a moment they stood, recovering themselves and then they saw Cambio's broad back, waiting. He sidestepped toward them and the offer was obvious. Perhaps the first people to ride on rhinocerous-back they discovered that it was extremely bumpy but quite efficient. The trees sped by and the two humanoids were jolted up and down as the quadruped jogged morosely.
  17. Sweet yes! You all are too good .
  18. Happy birthday!
  19. Gwaihir jogs up. "You do!" While, I love my cloak of living leaves it was not made to be hardy ... I would like to protect it from the elements. I bid ten geld.
  20. First we found the signs--turds in the rice bag. We moved the rice and it never did eat anything of ours again. Then finally we saw him. Husband saw him first. From his desk he heard the scritch-scratching of him eating. When I came to see, it left like a shot. I couldn't hear the scratching from over at my desk but gradually I learned to avoid the squeaky boards and walk quietly. Finally I saw our mouse! It was grey, tiny, and very cute with a tail trailing behind at least as long as the rest of his body. When we saw him, he was usually coming out from under the refrigerator so we assumed he had a hole under there and hoped he wasn't eating the wiring. One time I saw him eating and (when my sister came to see) dashing under the radiator. Then, less than a minute later we re-enacted the whole performance. Sister still didn't get to see our house-mouse but I was always happy to see its face. In fact, I wondered if we had two Instead of one mouse who was madly circling our house (from fridge to heater to fridge to heater) perhaps we had two who were both under the heater? We looked under the heater and found no mouse but there was a hole. At the time I hoped we didn't have two mice because one is a friend but two is a whole tribe and they were bound to become too many. Now I hope we had two though because of today. I was putting on my shoes to get ready for work. (Ended up going to work in the wrong shoes, too because, I got so distracted.) Out of the corner of my eye I saw a bit of trash under the coffee table and thought "My, that kleenex looks remarkably like a mouse. Still, I was sure it was just a kleenex until I looked again. There, small as ever but splayed out like a small rodent-at-rest I saw our friend. Up close he was grey-brown more than grey but he was definitely our house-mouse. I was glad to see him up close and I stroked him but he was quite obviously dead, too. I called Sister and Husband. Husband smiled and then went back to finish whatever he'd been doing but Sister stopped and looked for a while. She doesn't like death at all (squealed when the guinea pig died and made mom hide him so that she wouldn't have to see it until it was buried, next morning.) So, I expected her to shudder when I patted house-mouse but she didn't. She grabbed a kleenex and patted him through the kleenex. I didn't comment on how un-rewarding that activity must have been but I did say how very soft its fur was. Much softer than our guinea pigs' fur had been. When I turned around to ask Husband about disposal, (not the garbage! We both agreed on that.) she shyly patted house-mouse, without the kleenex. I smiled and we agreed to put him under the shrubbery. I hurriedly put on the wrong shoes (they do match okay) and rushed to work; later than I'd expected, and Husband put house-mouse under the right hand bush, outside. I don't really know how it lived and we wonder how it died but at least it's back in nature now. It can decompose and feed the future, do things that mice are supposed to do after death, as are we all. At least Sister got to see him, just too bad he died first.
  21. Gwaihir blinked and t hought to himself 'Well, usually missing anything is quite easy for me.' For a moment he rememebered when he'd gone to a party and wondered why he was getting so many strange looks until someone kindlly told him that he was missing his pants. Had forgotten to put them on. Gwaihir climbed up a nearby tree-not a hard feat for an elf, even one as clumsy as he. He intended to jump off and then try to miss but as he got about half way up the tree his hand slipped. He lost his balance and....suddenly a thought hit him 'MISS, MISS! he thought fast. How did one miss? Well, if one was going the right way and swerved then one would miss. Gwaihir swerved and it worked. He floated a couple inches above the ground. He grinned mightily, elated. "How the heck did I do that? I missed the ground! This could be incredibly useful! But how can one miss the ground--it's everywhere. I only missed the part of ground I was aiming for. I can't miss the whole earth." *crash* One dazed elf hit the ground. He blinked and then got up. Well, I had it for a while. He climbed a couple feet up his tree again but now he was full of doubt. "There's no way I'll miss. It's impossible. Sure enough, now he always hit the ground *crash* Patient he climbed again *crash* Climb *crash, he almost hit Ayshela as he fell. Ooof, the whole world was spinning and it was quite a while before Gwaihir could get up this time. Maybe flying just wasn't for elves. He sat on the ground, a bit dejected. "I had it too. At least I flew for a bit!
  22. OOh, looks like great fun! B: We should make an appointment. A: Come this way. What time shall we choose? B: Umm? A: Well, what year? B: This current year A: Which week? B: Next. A: Which day? Tomorrow? B: Any day. No, we work. Our company party day happens tomorrow. A: Which office-place? B: Either. A: Well, which person? B: Person? A: Which doctor? B: No ladies! No dead eye doctors either. A: hmm, an appropriate live male...Dr. Kerwell will work. Now, which room? B: No walls displaying world map thingies! A: Can do. B: Does Dr. Kerwell have all body parts? A: What!? B: Doctors without hands are scary! No children either. A: Dr. Kerwell does have children. B: This seems quite an obnoxious problem! Well, we can't see him when we consider this fact. A: Gracious! B: We must see an appropriate doctor about our case! A: Point understood. Patience! A: Sir, it seems, all doctors practicing under our group have children. Are you sure.... B: YES! This company should hire more doctors! A: Sir, we already have an innordinate number! B: Madam, we give up. This seems more difficult than filing government taxes! Goodbye! There, I think I used all the common nouns but no common words. However, they weren't in order, so I haven't beaten the Wyvern-goal. Still, that seems to make thirty geld.
  23. Happy Birthday!
  24. Let's see if I can do a harder one. It is about four inches (10 cm). It makes a pinging noise when you your fingernail clicks against it. It is flat on top but mildly inclined. The top is about an inch wide (2.5 cm). Oddly enough, although the material does seem yielding at all, when you push on the the high point of the incline, it does yield to your pushing and you hear another pinging noise. As your fingers go on exploring, you feel that the inclined thing seems to be attached to another slab of the same material. It is flat and slightly larger than the inclined slab.
  25. And we have a complete set of correct guesses NICE JOB(though let me note these were not her first tries.) And another complete set of correct guesses. So do I hear a third?
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