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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gwaihir

  1. Anyone have less than 90% brain? I want to be the Pennite with the least brain!
  2. I have even less of a brain than Zool! Brain Lateralization Test Results Right Brain |||||||||||| 48% Left Brain |||||||||||| 42%
  3. Happy Birthday!! Thank you for making me smile.
  4. Serious cheers, Katz! Good to see you around, Tyrion.
  5. Gwaihir passing by, recieves a spot of coffee in the eye and is tragically blinded. He dies shortly. Okay, this isn't the tragic death thread, sorry! I'll revise Gwaihir passing by, recieves a spot of coffee in the eye and glares more grumpily at the table than he would ever glare at a person. "This room has gotten too magical, I declare." First it was doors that hate Wyvern and now it's tables that spit coffee into my eye!
  6. As Gwaihir jogs into the Cabaret room his leaf-cloak (gift from Gryphon and Tanuchan) waves behind him in his wake. Anyone he passes can hear the peculiar elf muttering "left foot right foot left foot right foot ... I don't have time to trip." Finally he reaches a large room where perhaps people will hear him saying "Rune! I come for Peredhil to wish you a very happy birthday! And from myself too. In fact, I've brought you vegetable seeds because I figured everyone would want vegetables for their birthday!"
  7. Gwaihir - decided to plant himself with the Wiggly Cabbages and starved to death or Gwaihir - tried to make friends with a new plant who turned out to be carnivorous or Gwaihir - Finally took one too many falls and spent his last years without his memory happpily over watering his garden.
  8. If it helps, Sweet, I'm pretty sure they all bark louder than they bite. I would say "men!" , but Ayshela might notice that she's not a men, so I won't.
  9. Welcome! Here the bananas are always fresh.
  10. squirming howl guinea pig (got one recently, lovely pets) nose flagellate hair woebegone squamous terror enlightenment she amazed shiny dejected foot sole zoom serendipity ululate armpit antsy honk
  11. Sooo, what inspires me? When someone goes out of their way to be kind? When someone trusts me and I didn't think they would? Nature. People: Sometimes beautiful, sometimes horrible beyond belief, but always people.
  12. Well, mine seems to be a bit harder than it is descriptive, so I'll share. I was trying to describe Quincunx.
  13. GeldrinHor, yes. That's about what I was thinking. Here's an attempt. Famous for winding paths this person tends to entrance. HSI (he she it) is rarely un-noticed where hsi goes. Is that becuase HSI is a showboat or perhaps there is another reason, wrapped in HSI's very being. Trustable? Well, would you trust a kender? HSI is one to be careful of; unlikely to straight out move, but you may find yourself surrounded and HSI does have allies as interesting HSI hsi-self.
  14. "Welcome again!" Even the polite GeldrinHor had to fight hard the impulse to step back when accosted by this one. Its features were those of an elf, but no other elf he'd met would so far forget personal hygene as to have a vine growing in their hair. No one of GeldrinHor's acquaintance had ever smelled quite so much of fertilizer, but the smile was friendly and clearly genuine. "It's been a long time. Greetings."
  15. The emotion is clear and truly beautiful.
  16. Delightful reading. We've been having weather that wouldn't impress a Finn at all, but strikes us as incredible (and people from Chicago make a life of boasting about the weather) and you have the aura of such weather down pat..
  17. Challenge here is to describe a Pennite as precisely, descriptively, and as obscurely as possible. Extra points for brilliant descriptions Extra points for doing a description so that the person you're describing can't guess it's them. Extra extra extra points for doing both at the same time! I'll do one in a bit but I have to get back to work for now.
  18. Have you ever taken the phone call you never imagined taking? Ever realized you have a memory that makes your automatically muscles tense if you think of it? But realized you must never forget a detail of it? Gone home with a complete stranger who turned out not to be a stranger? Every forgotten who you are? Every spent a week sleeping on a sofa that's only a love-seat? Ever gone with a good friend to a play but fallen asleep sitting up? Do you still wonder if s/he knew you slept? Every seen someone you thought you'd never see and found you knew them? [edited to change up the order]
  19. Don't put it off--you never know what will happen. If you're hurting talk. Just because you've always been that way doesn't mean it's the way you are/have to be/were meant to be/should be. Take care of your people--they have a way of vanishing.
  20. Gwaihir smiles and very gently carries a pot of earth. Fidelia Flower asked to have one of her seeds brought here. She's too settled to emigrate here herself, but she'd like to send a child.
  21. Very expressive. Am I allowed to add "take care of yourself!"? -Gwai
  22. Very powerful piece, Thinas. It expresses you brilliantly and the relationship too. I've had a relationships and friendships rather like that I think. Take care of yourself and thank you for sharing a truly meaningful piece of artwork. As you probably know, that's not a compliment I give lightly.
  23. but work only gets 2.5 billion hits
  24. Truly worth reading, Aardvark. Nice one!
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