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Everything posted by Gwaihir
It kind of does feel like a story. (and a nice one too, though I never know what to say to stories : ) ---------- I want to be page 93 of Pineapples, the Avian Crows-Nyyark
*At the Broken Keg* Everyone is seated at a little annoyingly wobbly table in the corner Myth, seeing that she's expected to start the discussion (she does have the goods after all) opens her mouth, but then stops and pauses. Finally "Ok I really hate addressing people in groups, even small ones, and this corner is making me claustrophobic, but...{pause} Well ... look at these" pulling the artifacts out from where they are secreted "don't try anything, you'd never get out the door" passes the artifacts to the person sitting on her left, Timothy "I don't know {pause} maybe I'm wrong, but I think you all may know what to do with these. I certainly don't. If you all can help, maybe {pause} I really HATE working with others I don't know, having to trust them a bit, particularly when they have different motives than I. But... What do you have? Wanna deal?"
hands Judicator a pineapple Nice to see you around here!
can I join the admiring throng? ---------- I want to be page 93 of Pineapples, the Avian Crows-Nyyark
I think I like this piece better than you do. It's not high reaching, but it's really funny. ---------- I want to be page 93 of Pineapples, the Avian Crows-Nyyark
Then, lady with too many cats you should have more fun (joke) Wyverns aren't actually a race, they're a culling machine Anyone foolish enough to lose goods to a wyvern deserves it. OH, poor human your greed has you caught, For there's nothing divine about a cake, Nothing etherial I'd admire. Sings songs about the past, about heros But for god's sake don't sing about a cake! A short pleasure for tooth and jaw, that's all It's not healthy adn can not please for long How could you run or leap so light of foot, when you were stuffed with sickening sugar? --------- I want to be page 93 of Pineapples, the Avian Crows-Nyyark
(Conversion Confusion, this is actually the second post in this thread) not sure about line 14, but nice poem! *grin* ---------- I want to be page 93 of Pineapples, the Avian Crows-Nyyark
sometimes reading all your beautiful pieces you make me think of abandoning the large prose work, I'm working on so that I can write more poetry. Very nice. ---------- I want to be page 93 of Pineapples, the Avian Crows-Nyyark
I'm tempted to write a haiku mocking humans, but I will resist ---------- I want to be page 93 of Pineapples, the Avian Crows-Nyyark
It's possible I think on a small scale. Take for example this topic, if you all knew that elves were better than humans, this topic would be dead... ---------- I want to be page 93 of Pineapples, the Avian Crows-Nyyark
Bhurin, beware of too much harmony. That way lies sterility, a death that even an elf can know well. ---------- I want to be page 93 of Pineapples, the Avian Crows-Nyyark
Rashash, that's great! really nice the way you play with the symbolism of a dove as always I love your rhythm ---------- I want to be page 93 of Pineapples, the Avian Crows-Nyyark
The demograpics of the pen are extreamly in favor of half-elfs do we humans get minority benifits? no elfs do though Are you Human? no, elven I thought not I'm just denying you benifits I tell you these elves are bringing the quality of the pen down I've never seen an elf write one decent piece of work hey watch it, I've been here longer than some humans in this room! They're threatening to take over or already have I say the supior race should unite and relclaim the pen Lets hear it For humans! (and crows) * Gwaihir looks for obsidmen I don't see any of the superior race =) well, I'm here, but... that doesn't change the lack of supriority and this is from a stumbling clumsy creature ha! At least I can grow up! not all elves are short some can be quite tall sure small or tall, lets see one look, not mention act, their age! Tree Hugging sissys poor humans so worried about being inferior that they have to worry about acting grown up I could so take you crow boy! yeah yeah what of it so watch who you call a sissy! let's see you fight fist to fist without your wimpy elf steel not to say that half my tree friends could take you with their eyes shut why? Ha half your tree's don't have eyes! metaphorical oh wise human (sarcasm) That just shows how you elves think, Why fight honorably when I could win you all can fight hand to hand because you just can't make weapons as we can We fight hand to hand because we can because it would be too easy otherwise because you don't have the brain or hand control to do it otherwise you don't have the brawn to do otherwise you could beat me hand to hand but I cold take you with a bow OR with steel lets see you mine your own metal eh? Well If we rammed heads enough I think I know who would stand do you? I can thats the point you have no grace, adn that's just it you have to use your hands, or mine metal(UGH), because you have no grace Ha you can't understand the grace of humans, thats the problem with you elves cant understand it? for a very good reason it doesn't exist except in your head Oh who knows about what exist and doesn't elves Elves are such dreamers intelligence is useful you know we have humans beat on that count we humans are limited on our time, so we put it to use long years have their use heh you have all the time in the world, and you waste it waste? what will you leave behind? Waste More kids so you breed like rodents and live like them ugh You'll never see us as the dying race rats won't die out either ha you elves can't stomach the real world half if the real world we created the other half is awful You just say that because it doesn't treat you like Gods or because we tired of things that act like orcs You brag about intellegence, but once somthing goes out of your pretty little box, Its awful then we get rid of it Ha I'd rather live gracefully, then work like a dirty dog why are there still orcs? because unlike humans we arent' crass enough to always be fighting for power we're more subtle I'd rather see the work of my own hands, than live like a God surrounded by unrealistic, narrcistic, loser elves you think I don't make things wiht my own hands? * Gwaihir hands Nyyark a bow beat that boy! I made that it would sell for god knows how much Me hand Gwaihir a vegtable We farm but I would never sell the work of my own hands and sell it * Gwaihir eats the vegtable Thats because you make things for decoration, and we make them for use you think my bow is a decoration? * Gwaihir takes it back you are very wrong How often will that be used eh? hmm... where's that crow of yours... It's been used often, I'm not the sissified court elf you seem to think me You think you could kill Crow and get away with it? I don't plan to, it's done nothing wrong to me, (I take care of nature), but who'd stop me? yeah that why you shoot things from far away instead of fighting them like an honorable warrior like a fool you mean Like a fighter you wouldn't understand its a human thing I don't NEED to get close because I can get my point across from father however, I do have a sword I'm not bad with it, though not a master Why not, you have SOOOOO long to learn, maybe If you'd get your high and mighty head out of the clouds, you'd learn a thing or two Boy, I've spent years sufferign out in the grit, what do you know of life? I don't have to waste my time talking to a lowling like you *** Nyyark has quit IRC (Quit (Nyyark storms off)) Fool human! *laughs* ---------- I want to be page 93 of Pineapples, the Avian Crows-Nyyark
WOW, that's strong. I thik I like it better, because I didn't expect the end. Looking back I should have though. NICe (you should never feel you need to apologize for posting many poems for us! ---------- I want to be page 93 of Pineapples, the Avian Crows-Nyyark
*grins* A nice piece, quite a bit of social commentary in there too. ---------- I want to be page 93 of Pineapples, the Avian Crows-Nyyark
an interesting poem, the images are very clear (if rather graphic ---------- I want to be page 93 of Pineapples, the Avian Crows-Nyyark
Hmmm, although I know BPO What's a orange poet bane? Is he, stick, orange? ---------- I want to be page 93 of Pineapples, the Avian Crows-Nyyark
As Zool says, OF course we all got that, what I don't get is when you said it had taken you a week The was yesterdy-sort week. ---------- I want to be page 93 of Pineapples, the Avian Crows-Nyyark
angello angelO Engeila Engelka Engelmai Engelthen looks up, is clearly surpised to see you looking at him OHh! Umm, hello, umm how are you doing? I would love to stay and talk, but unfortunately these mut all be memorized in twenty minutes. looks back down apokteino apoktenO apokteina apoktona.. ---------- I want to be page 93 of Pineapples, the Avian Crows-Nyyark
Since I shirk homework, Here I am writing haikus. I wish they'd grade these ---------- I want to be page 93 of Pineapples, the Avian Crows-Nyyark
(Conversion Confusion, this is actually the first post in this thread) Haikus are, as you probably know, three line poems with five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third. So, everyone come post goofy haikus! Haikus are happy, Even in the rain in Spain, Love them Sam I am! ---------- I want to be page 93 of Pineapples, the Avian Crows-Nyyark
Here's your happy poem peredhil!
Gwaihir replied to Rahsash Geldich's topic in Banquet Room Archives
Bahh happiness who wants it! Well actually when it's such cheerful metred discussion of an event even I can like it, I just won't admit it. Quite nice! ---------- I want to be page 93 of Pineapples, the Avian Crows-Nyyark -
You already know how much I like the poem, but I feel a need to praise your beautiful "inability" to write ---------- I want to be page 93 of Pineapples, the Avian Crows-Nyyark
I particularly like the ending. Tight, compact, and packs a punch. ---------- I want to be page 93 of Pineapples, the Avian Crows-Nyyark
I gave him a sword, because in the Aeneid, Priam, the Trojan king, arms himself, though with a spear, and vainly attacks the guy who kills his son before being killed himself. I'm glad it was funny though . ---------- I want to be page 93 of Pineapples, the Avian Crows-Nyyark