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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gwaihir

  1. I'll join the sounding repetitions. This rocks. I've been meaning for a couple days to read it, because you wrote it, and good thing I did! The character's situation is unique, and I think the second to last paragraph is just plain unbeatable.
  2. Making me wear a dress...gee whiz! *laughs* Good stuff Canid! !
  3. These are hilarious!
  4. I reread this looking for criticsms, and the first thing I noticed is that it kind of reminds me of a song by the temptations, but I doubt that's at all related so anyhow. On a whole poem level I slightly miss the connection between fighting and dancing. It makes me think of EQ, , but otherwise... I mean your description of what I interpret as the dance is very much a scene of working together. They're all watching you, not trying to fight you, and then slowly this other metaphor, the metaphor of a pack and a hunt comes in and supercedes it. I'm not really criticizing this whole idea, in fact it's one of my favorite things about the poem, but maybe if you strengthened the connection somehow to explain what about one metaphor reminds you of another?
  5. I like! A mixture between a dance and a hunt. An energetic, lively, almost dangerous dance...wild. A strong awareness of oneself as a hunter, teamwork, awareness of one's fellows, others watching you, see you do your thing as a hunter as well as a dancer. Lovely poem, stay a while! *offers Kendricke some of her popcorn*
  6. My way has been already described by reverie who came to his name in a similar manner, so I'll keep this short, but... In 98, which seems the most popular year to start names, I got a hotmail account, but it had my real name on it, so pretty soon after I got a yahoo account. It had to have an interesting name I decided so I, being it appears pitiably uncreative at the time, looked for a little heard of character in Tolkien whose name I could borrow. At first I tried all the female elves, but they were all taken, and I didn't want to put a number behind it. Finally however I tried approximately ever little known character in Tolkien, (this frustrating matter took more than one of my break periods that I had in school) and every single one of them was taken. I was determined to be one of them now though, I'd spent too much time to start my thinking over, so I just picked the one that I'd most recently tried, Gwaihir, the name of the Lord of the Eagles in Tolkien, and stuck a 1 behind it. The yahoo account has changed, but Gwaihir remained. I have morphed a little though. I joined Archmage that summer as Gwaihir, and eventually came to IRC. Of course my regged name was Gwaihir, but I began to be ashamed that I had not made up my own name, and hadn't even altered the name I'd borrowed, (I get ashamed by odd things : ) so I was quite pleased when I noticed that many people called me Gwai for short. A little bit later I lost my regged name and had to do it again (as a point in fact I finally regged so that I could try to get The Pen's chat room in IRC a Q), I regged it as Gwai, and that's been what I introduce myself as everywhere on the net. I'm Gwaihir to most people here, because that's what most people know me as, and I've gotten over being embarassed by the name....I'm just too used to it, now I just nudge my sister when Gandalf says the name Gwaihir in the extended version of LoTR1 .
  7. Which end gets angry when you pull on it's tail?
  8. *enjoying the fact taht this board permits longer titles than ezboard does*
  9. How beautiful and cheery!
  10. LOL! That's awesome! It had me cracking up. It feels like a Shakespearean parody to me. *goes to go remove Silverblade's weenie*
  11. Gwaihir


    I'm really interested in the rhythm of this poem. I feel like the music is perfect, but a couple of the last lines of stanzas have a slightly off feel. Ignore me, but if you said after the rain instead of after rain I feel liek the rhythm of the poem would be smoother. Regardless I think the meaning is beautiful like the poem.
  12. few people, certainly not I, can make haikus that are correct in style as well as in form...good stuff!
  13. [no, I'm not back till the sixth, and I'm not changing titles till, I get back, because it would drive me crazy to do any of that on this darnded mac] So, will I get a cookie if I've gotten it Then I wouldn't be as hungry smile I'll munch and crunch Happy! !!!!! I admire Wiggly Cabbages! I sit around and Pine for one, in vain. Can I have a Cabage for winning? !
  14. What an awesome song
  15. I always looked at you and saw you strong The most generous guy I’ve ever met. I saw you give the only health you’ll have, Knowledgeably, because you’re kind like that. Whenever I had my stupid troubles, You’d always care; you’d talk and comfort me. I was too immature to look at you, To hear the tone beneath the loving words. Beneath all your giving you hid your pain. Like a fire, you give off brilliant light. I watch as you illuminate the world. Your light’s pleasant and comforting to all, But every flame must burn something, my friend, And now I see that it’s yourself you burn.
  16. awesome poems!
  17. Watch out for the zombie in your room when you're going in there, and Welcome Back
  18. Everyone who didn't post in our yearly Roll-Call thread is awarded a weenie. If you wish to buy it off all you need to do is make a creative post with Weenie in the title. : ) Edited by: gwaihir1 at: 11/18/02 11:51:51 am
  19. My dictionary says docious. Edited by: gwaihir1 at: 11/11/02 12:01:57 pm
  20. What an awesome idea! I love it Canid. I love the poem too, it's so lyrical and pretty. A very nice ending too. I'll have to try doing one too. Slowly and carefully he took a breath, Raising his instrument up to his lips, Grinning, waiting and watching his cue, Seeing two hands come and start to move, Starting to play his part oh so quickly, Hearing the trumpets swell-a bit too loud, Hearing the flutes come in-quite out of tune, Hearing his section play b naturals, But all the same his fingers fly briskly, Feeling almost as if he were alone, As if the orchestra were somewhere else, Hearing the room go dead-orchestra stopped And the clarinetist played his solo. (I used to be a clarinetist, and like the instrument : ) Edited by: gwaihir1 at: 11/10/02 8:44:04 pm
  21. I love it. Edited by: gwaihir1 at: 11/10/02 8:51:56 pm
  22. The sailors fumed and mobbed unsure of what to do, but angry. This was probably Wallace's moment to move, maybe if he had acted immediately he could have rallied his men to run at the single fighter. Myth grimaced. She would have liked to approach the Captain camoflaged into the shadows, just to decrease the odds of an attack at her, but she had no wish to fight all the sailors if anyone noticed. Truth be told very few would notice Myth even without her magic when she didn't want to-It took conscious attention. Some things she was proud of and that was one of them... Silent shoes, a shadow cloak and absolute noiselessness. Myth smiled as she slid up behind Wallace and put the tip of a knife in his throat. "Brazen fools" she said raising her voice "First person who tries to touch the elf, I kill the captain"
  23. Myth pulled her cloak more tightly about her She thought to herself ~Why in the name of ... of anything they're fool enough to believe in aren't these people cold? I have three layers on and this wind is cutting through all of them so that I may as well be wearing much less. Yeah, the island just appeared, but that hasn't stopped this damn wind yet! How can they all just sit and be amazed at it? I better get a bonus because we got all the way to the island.~
  24. Nice to see you back. It's been a long time. Edited by: gwaihir1 at: 11/4/02 4:32:29 pm
  25. Hey watch it there ya old fogies *throws a pillow up into the balcony aimed at Peredhil* I forgot to remove him to the one list when I added him to the other. Thanks
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