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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gwaihir

  1. So if I wasn't a terza rima I'd be a sonnet. I'd much rather be a sonnet.
  2. I think I'm joining Lump Pered and Zool.
  3. am reading with great interest
  4. I suspect we can all think of arguments that start lots of fun, but end up being a repitiion of the same old arguments. It happens online and offline. I personally think of the UBBs (a forum you may or not remember), but any discussion can do that. It starts out as a happy discussion for intellectual thought and ends up getting very serious and angry. I think (sure hope ; ) that we're generally a more mature crowd than some of those forums (UBBs : ), but I too would be happier if we didn't get intoregularly debates on real topics.
  5. Would it be too dark if I made an analogy to all of life from this?
  6. You like that word 'masticate' way too much . A very interesting analogy. I think there is one case though where a guild can be different from a bubble. If the guild has no goals to take the top, beat anyone else down or inforce it's rules on the server, but has other less dominating goals then be it up or down that guild will not descend so quickly. Or maybe if the guild has a goal (not just hitting the top) that is so hard that it can never get more than half way there, maybe that would be another way to stay in the middle. But what guild would choose to stay half way up at a place where it has enough heat to hold together if it had the choice? No, the bubbles will keep rising.
  7. indeed it was a cool inspiration . There's always something mysterious about a ghost ship. fun read.
  8. I type so much faster than I can write
  9. *a rather dirty elf comes down the hall. He is wiping his face with his arms, but this only rubs the dirt in.* Kasamandre, you should read my essay in the assembly room. If you knew something about them you wouldn't think they'd hurt. Oh, didn't see you there *extends a muddy hand to Ashton, but goes on not even noticing if it's taken*. Hello, how are you, welcome. Come visit me some time at the Wiggly Cabbage patch! *he grins* *Gwaihir nods and turns to walk into a wall, then rubbing his face where it hit and shaking his head disturbedly he manages to walk down the hall safely* Gwaihir--always trying to improve Human-Cabbage relations
  10. It goes from a first stanza that is almost sensual though about seeds to a metaphor about us. I like it. everything's the size of a grain of sand from someone's point of view.
  11. I always try to feel the plump skin split. But never can, it all happens to quick. I feel the shove through muscle though, after. There’s something sickly sweet about the smell The fear hanging limply, my joy and sweat. Silence, and you can hear their organs squish. I move. No sound. And then I strike. No ugly screams, just the golden silence.
  12. Quin-Now that's a list I'd love to read. Cyril, I've been restraining myself from commenting for a while, because I can't make the criticism you do, but...ce la vie I notice that whenever I read this, I almost make a stanza break between lines four and five. The break between them feels large. I think I like that, and I bet it's intended, but it interests me. Definitely a poem that leaves me asking questions, like why does it leave an itch. Glad I read it.
  13. Suggesting the music of the spheres the glass gives a feeling, suggestion of delicacy of fine-tuned beauty. cool poem!
  14. At times Thorn in Cuckoo's Egg by C. J. Cherryh. Thorn has a lot that I read into Myth, but he isn't just Myth, because he had a childhood so I guess he's a Myth-me. The Jackal in Tale of Two Cities I couldn't tell you how "Success is Counted Sweetest" gets my empathy, but it really does. Maybe it's the whiny part of me that feels like it's not a victor. "Tell All the Truth" appeals to the diplomat in me. In fact, it's my signature on my guildl boards. Awesome Question, really made me think.
  15. I enjoy the way it flows, and the imagery .
  16. Gwaihir thinks that Rune is brilliant and that we should have weekly writing themes
  17. A very happy birthday!
  18. I know I've already told you this is an incredible poem, but it reallly is! Lovely use of metaphor, lovely last line indeed...lovely poem. really good stuff
  19. funny, I always pictured it as two boys. : ) Doom, one of my friends asked me where it came from too. It's not real life. I don't let real life show through, in my poems quite that clearly. Thanks for the kind words though! : )
  20. If Pered's going to pull up those works of mine I'll have to post something not as embarassing I guess (jk) Wings We made those big wide wings, brother So that you’d show us all the world one day. What kind of flowers grew up there, we asked. We all worked hard to make that dream come true. You spread those wings and left us all behind. I ran behind, followed you on the ground. You looked down and smiled kindly on me. I think I saw your lips moving at first, But even then you were too far away. All those pretty sights you probably have. Hope they’re awesome, but I’ll never see.
  21. Some poems come across as real. This one does. It's awesome! Interesting title, because it leaves it unclear who's beign forgiven at first. By the time one is part way through the poem one understands, but I liek that. Mainly though, I think the really incredible thing about this poem is that the speaker's words and emotions are just so right.
  22. Fun, and I like! Nice to read cheerful pieces, adn this one made me smile.
  23. lovely images!
  24. Cyril, you do the most awesome comments, I thank you once again, and I'll see if I can't rewrite this poem, and do them justice
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