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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Gwaihir

  1. Utterly random thoughts about this so far. 1)You should do scenes like the first scene more often. Those are cool. 2)I really like the way you show many different people's perspectives on the seige. 3)Donaxon's calm manner rocks 4)I'm curious about Coania. I hope you plan to tell us more about her. Her meek talent appeals, and I always like to see people forced to give their all, so she strikes me as a challenge almost. Fascinating idea that one can't try one's best so that one can fail. It seems like a plan to fail. 5)You've already sadi that we will get more Gluake sometime, but I'm glad 6) Ciran was far from the first thing Kisean wanted to see when he woke up, though. 7)Are Kisean's bracers going to matter? 8)I wish Vasia luck with her antsy assassins. 9)Are those two who tried to attack the girl going to get tied into story again? 10)Yay for stories that are fun to read
  2. I feel this poem gets stronger as it goes on. I don't know, but the first stanza feels a bit like a complaint to me, but the further on it goes the more I feel a cold reality in the speaker's tone. Excellent ending, and a good poem
  3. The strong rhythm really supports the poem. The last line is absolutely perfect.
  4. a powerful and well written poem. When I found myself thinking about this poem hours after I read it, I decided that I should tell you how much I was affected by it.
  5. "Damn! why did I ever leave my city?" Myth grumbled to herself as her five throwing knives imbedded themselves in the brains of the five nearest zombies. The third one tottered towards her still though there was a knife mostly buried in his brain. Myth yanked the knife out, knocked the zombie over with a kick, then turned and threw the throwing knife into another nearby zombie before carefully killing {if that's a word one can use about a zombie} the one on the ground. On his side Y'Tren's longsword could have been light for the speed with which it was moving. Very soon both comrades were surrounded by a pile of decapacitated zombies. Myth leaned over and pulled one of her knives out of a body. "Man these things stink." There were more zombies around her than Y'Tren, of course, because she had been closer to the bushes they tore out of. The problem is, she was getting tired. They just kept pouring out of the bushes with no break. The attack motions had become automatic--slash with the long dagger until there's a chance to pick up a throwing dagger and repeat. Myth had a headache, but the roilling stench swept on. Worse, she was getting tired. '(Myth's thoughts)When you're surrounded by zombies who want to kill you is just not the best time to get tired. She knew that if this kept up she'd get hurt. Physically tired, mentally she knew she was fine. THAT was it. Myth cast one of her five spells--Camoflauge. This was the perfect place to use it, because zombies are way to dumb to figure out where she was, and they probably have bad sight! Myth felt recharged and full of a new energy. Everywhere zombies who didn't know to defend themselves fell down. The battle seemed clearly almost over.
  6. that's why I'm summoning. I'm hoping they'll bring the rest of the story
  7. I'm casting Summon more gnomish pixies elves, whatever then
  8. I think "get over it" can be a great comment, but it doesn't apply well to you. That is some people have issues that are not only insolvable, but just are not big deals. They should indeed get over it, and sometimes I find that it can help (me) to be told to do so.
  9. A lovely way of collecting random images to make something more out of them.
  10. one of those lovely one paragraph pieces that is so much more than such a short piece should ever be able to be. fun read
  11. happy birthday guys!
  12. Ouch. Family are the people that we (but maybe I really mean I) tend to assume will be okay, and it really hits hard when suddenly they're not.
  13. "They're only human" It really struck me when you said that. Because on one level it is so true. There will always be such horrible situations I think, but on another level the statment fails to satisfy me. This is the internet, so I don't think there's much we can do here. We don't know where they live or what goes on there. Usually though, I think we shoudl do more than act if a situation greatly disturbs us. I don't feel able to accept problems as necessary....even when they are dunno, I don't want this to read as a criticism of anyone, and scarcely a disagreement. more a musing. who knows. I don't.
  14. Neither this forum nor Legion's forum runs on Ezboard. Have you been using this sort of board (dunno the name) for years too?
  15. not quite sure where the long response that I RPd to this about taking care of the orangutan protectively and being shocked pleased and spacey went, but I don't have the patience to rewrite it, so I'll just say thanks
  16. Gwai walks quickly through the writing rooms. He has no time to read them now, he must get to his Wiggly Cabbages. And then he stops in his tracks. Finnius he reads. "The guy who made the really good haikus on the ubb!" Gwai hurries in to say hello.
  17. Good luck, crazy cook ; )
  18. Happy birthday you all! ; ) (good friend of m ine used to have...well I assume stil does have a birthday on the eighth, and she always said that there were tons of people with that particular birthday)
  19. Wow, another striking and really good piece.
  20. mm lovely, wet gooey talents
  21. I'm going to blame having-been-on-vacation, and hope it's a sufficient excuse I hope it was a great birthday Z....E...Justin! (and yes, I really did mentally do that . *bonks her fuzzy head*)
  22. I always like your art, and this is no exception .
  23. Greetings Doctor!! I was wondering if you'd post here after I saw you appear and disappear quickly from IRC.
  24. Happy Birthday!
  25. This isn't written about any love interest....not everything has to be straight from life (almost all my poems arent, in fact), so do me a favour and don't say that it is. In Between Still young enough to hate to see the death Of old ideals and shiny romances But old enough to be obsessed with that, Because her older self knows it happens Still young enough to gaze out the window To stop and look for the rays of sunshine, But old enough to have checked the forecast, And know that it will rain and hail all day. Still young enough to hope for your kind words, To smile lovingly when I see you, But old enough to know t’will never be. Yes, old enough to know you’re gone from me.
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